Friday, March 2, 2018

Crucial Times

It’s been a few years since I’ve been to an amusement park.

I think the last one I went to was Movieworld on the Gold Coast.  Every time we’d arrived there, it seemed like half the population of Brisbane had the same idea as we did, and we’d always end up parking a kilometre away.  As we walked toward the entrance gazing upwards at the sky-scraping rides, the screams of delirious people ringing out over the carpark, we were enthralled by the thought of riding one ride in particular.


As you enter the car, the attendants pull down the bar over you tightening it (almost overtightening) and then, as the music screams in the background, the ride starts moving – stopping – screams – and then a blast off up and out of the building faster than a speeding bullet… You know what I mean.

The Superman ride was the whole reason I would go to Movieworld.  So, as we saw the great crowds piling into the line, I knew that it would be a long wait.  It was almost ninety minutes, but just as we were approaching the loading area, I heard a sound to the side.  It was a group of young people who had purchased a special pass which allowed them to budge in front of everyone  who was already waiting in line, and as the attendant pushed us backwards so that these ‘first class’ riders could get in front of us, I naturally felt one thing:


The unfairness of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks.  How could they do this to us?  We’d put in our time, our money, and here were these egotists wanting to get in front of us.

So it is in our scripture lesson this week:  Jesus is explaining the terror of the ride that’s going to happen.  As they trudge up the road from Judea across the Jordan and up the hill that will be the place of Jesus’ death, the disciples have heard it all before and they are astonished that Jesus wants to lock himself into it.

But James and John have an interesting take.  They are not interested in hearing about Jesus’ death and resurrection, only getting to the front of the line to have the glory for themselves.

These questions remain:
1. How does our addiction to be ‘first’ hold others back?
2. When Jesus asks the questions, ‘Can you drink the cup I drink?’ – the cup of
crucifixion – what does this really mean for 21st century disciples?
3. What does it mean to serve from the front of the line?

Come and hear Jesus amazing and terrifying call to all disciples across all time and what it means for us today.

Pr Reid Matthias

Bible Reading:  Mark 10:32-45
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Transform Confirmation
We had an excellent beginning for Transform last week.  With parents in tow, twenty-three young people attended the beginning of the course in experiencing the Bible.

If you, or someone you know, wants to be part of Transform, who is turning 11 this year or older, come along and experience the faith transformation process.

This week we’ll be looking at the history of the Bible, from the Indiana Jones-like archaeology of the book to unearth a deeper understanding of why we hold this book so dear to us.
Bring your lunch and a Bible for the day.  We meet from 12 noon -2pm Sundays after worship.

30 Days of Prayer
Is underway… and is being held at church 7.30-8.30pm every day except Sundays during March.  Everyone is encouraged to come along to at least one night to pray as a community.

Ladies Fellowship
Meeting on Tuesday 6th March @ 1pm.  Bible study: Vicar Mat

From the Office

Notice of Special Congregational Meeting 11th March 2018
A special general meeting will be held directly after the 8.45am church service on Sunday 11th March 2018.  The purpose of the meeting is to elect a congregational member to represent Good Shepherd at the 2018 General Synod.  Robyn Oatey has been nominated as our representative and has accepted the nomination.  This is the only agenda item.  Apologies will be accepted by the church office by phone, email or in person.  An attendance sheet will be available on the day to sign.

After a lengthy and tedious time of trying to solve issues with our church smart phone app, it has been decided not to renew the subscription of this service.  Information on the application was only being doubled from the information on our website.  Members will be still able to access all information from our website as the site is mobile device friendly.  Current activities and programs will be advertised on the front screen.  If members are having difficulty accessing information from the website or notice incorrect information please notify the front office via

Ignite the Future Building Notice
The builder is currently going through all the defects and rectifying.  One of the areas that require work is the kitchen washroom.  From the 6th to 9th March the washroom will be inaccessible as the floor needs to be taken up to rectify drainage issues.  Parts of the vinyl flooring in the café and foyer area will also be replaced.  Please respect work signage while this is being completed.
Please contact the admin manager or the front office if issues arise.

Redevelopment news
Last week the Redevelopment Team met with the owner of the Mossop company. In a very amicable meeting an agreement was reached that we would not claim compensation for the over run on our project in return for all the identified defects being actioned quickly.  A manager was appointed to coordinate all the work and the majority of the tasks have now been completed in a short space of time.  This weekend the courtyard may not be available as an entrance as there are repairs to the paving such as replacing the damaged pavers and improving the flow of water into the sump in the middle of the courtyard.  It is hoped all defects will be completed in the next fortnight.

Children's Play area
There have been concerns raised about the equipment (or lack of it) in the play area. This is a work in progress.
We put into this area equipment we already had.  The reasons being:
until the project is completed we are unsure of the amount that will be available to purchase equipment
the Team was unsure of what to purchase. If you have ideas of great equipment or places we can inspect suitable sites please contact John Dolling. We need your ideas.
One thing to keep in mind is a playground cannot be all things to all people.

Urgent Vacancies!
Vacancies are open to learn how to make the brewed coffee.  Please mark your connect card or contact the church office to assist in this small but very important part of service.  A team of volunteers will make a huge impact on our Sunday social activity after services.

Help Wanted
For the next few months, an elderly lady living at Gilles Plains would like transport to the 8:45am service and then home again.  Ideally it would be good if we could have offers of help to do this on a roster system, unless there is an individual who wishes to volunteer weekly.  Contact Lyn Hancock on 0403 375 474 or the church office for more information.

Notice Board

Imagine being jailed for no reason! 
At the Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting on Monday 19th March, Lyall Kupke will tell us about four leading citizens (H Paech, E Heppner, E Wenke, J Wenke) of the predominantly Lutheran town of Walla Walla NSW who were arrested without charge and interned in March 1918.  Although one was later released, the other three remained at Holdsworthy camp until the end of the war. Repeated efforts were made to seek justice for them. Upon their eventual release they faced problems in resuming their lives.
Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place in the city, 7.30pm. Supper & gold coin donation.

Nominations for LCA Standing Committees open
The LCA's Standing Committee on Nominations is inviting all eligible congregational members to consider serving on an LCA board, council, commission or committee in the next synodical term. Please refer to the LCA nominations web-site:  for information and to access the nominations form. Please note: Nominations must be submitted to the LCA Standing Committee on Nominations by 15 May 2018.

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“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” 
1 John 5:14