“We’d like some more, please.”
The begging crowds pushed the disciples to the precipice of doubt and faith – There are too many people. They’re too hungry. We need to send them home…
At that moment the disciples felt that their ‘service’ was over, but Jesus had other plans; he pushed them beyond doubt to faith in God that he will provide.
Is this how congregations act and react sometimes? People from the community reach their hands upwards and say ‘We’d like some more, please.”
And we look at our time poor selves, our congregational budget, our personal skillset and we find ourselves at the same precipice of faith and fear: They’re hungry and our worship service has ended. We need to move them on… Our budget can’t absorb this many people and their needs… I don’t think that I have the right skills, or the right temperament to deal with this change… Someone else can take care of them.
But Jesus has other plans – a serving community uses the gifts of all, blessed by Jesus himself, to provide the miracle. What does it mean to be a serving community? Is it a community that serves, or a community that is served? Or is it both?
Come hear Pastor Richard Haar’s take, this Sunday, regarding this kind of community.
Pr Reid Matthias
Bible Reading: Matthew 14:13-21
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Ladies Fellowship Meeting
Welcome to our March meeting, 5th March 2019 @ 1pm.
Bring along your olfactory senses (sense of smell) as we have a new challenge for you. Milla and Lorraine have a spice game where we have to name the spices and their usage.
So come along and enjoy the fun!
Mission Vision Support Plan – Opportunities to Invest
Last November the new Mission Visions Support Plan (MVSP) was launched at the AGM. A key aspect of this plan is providing opportunities for congregation members to invest directly into different ministry areas at Good Shepherd. From March, each month there will be a focus on a specific ministry.
During that month, ministry teams will share stories of impact, celebration and dreams with the community. And provide opportunities for congregation members to invest directly into these ministries with gifts of money, resources or time.
March focus: Children, Youth, Young Adults and Family Ministry.
Commencing from 10th March, clearly marked envelopes will be available from the Worship Hosts and the host desks each week for your gift of money or commitment of time or resources.
Alternatively, monetary gifts can be transferred to Good Shepherds account via the details below:
Acct Name: Para Vista Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Operating
BSB: 704 942
Acct No: 129523 (add S1 for internal LLL transfers)
Please ensure the ministry area is included as the reference. Donations without a clear reference will be classed as general income.
Many people are passionate about different areas of ministry. This new initative will provide you with an opportunity to invest directly into the ministry areas you are passionate about, whilst not detracting from your weekly offering.
Please contact Stephen Zanker (Administration Manager) or Garry Schwarz (Treasurer) if you have any questions.
Café Name
It’s hard to believe that the café has been up and running for a year now. It seems like it has been part of who we are for so long that we’ve forgotten what the kitchen/café area used to look like. It has been a true blessing to use the facilities and we thank God for the way we can gather as community.
But I think it’s time, like after the birth of any baby, to find a name.
Beginning in these next weeks, we’ll be gathering ideas for names from both congregation and the school for the café, the education room (library) and the baby room. Feel free to be creative and to think of names that could connect our mission and ministry with the name. In choosing a name, we can then think of new ways to decorate and make the space even more aesthetically pleasing.
Join in the creativity!
There will be a box outside the sanctuary where you can deposit your ideas, or let us know online through this form: https://goo.gl/forms/HrrVXKsQqTfTZfEG2
From the Office
Notice Board
Para Vista Lutheran Cricket Club
40th Anniversary
Reserve is next to Yatala Prison and behind the “Grand North” on Grand Junction Road.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.’’
1 Peter 4:10