Friday, November 17, 2017

Not a Marathon but a Relay

For those who are older, have you ever started a sentence with the words, “Back when I was a kid, we…”

They are reminiscing words.  In saying them, we remember a different time and, often, compare and contrast with the present age.  Usually the past has become more golden, and the present more tarnished, and yet if we look with unclouded eyes, will see that nothing ever really changes other than hairstyles and clothing.

The Psalmist who writes the 71st, is reflecting back on a life lived in the glorious shadow of God’s power and strength.  Everything that has happened, and everything spoken and acted, has been a response to how God has willingly moved in the Psalmist’s life.  And as he nears the end, as he reflects back, he pauses to rejoice that he has been given the task and duty to declare the magnificence of God to the next generation.

In essence, his duty has been to pass the baton of religious faith to the next generation.

Even when I am old and grey, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generations, your mighty acts to all who are to come.  (Psalm 71:18)

Have you reflected lately on the power and majesty of God in your own life?  How have you passed on this religious faith to others?  Can you put your finger on a moment, or moments, when there could have been no other power on earth that could have conquered other than that of Jesus Christ in all of his glory?

This week, we’ll be exploring the traditional understanding of life as a marathon race, run in competition with others, and a better understanding of life as a relay race where the baton of religious faith is passed on from generation to generation by the retelling of the stories of God in and amongst everyday life. 

We’ll look at Jesus own relay race in which he ran with the baton of faith and passed it on to the disciples without them really even knowing it at the time.  It was subtle.  It was quick.  And it was dangerous.

Pastor Reid

Bible Readings:     Psalms 71:5-18   
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Prayer Requests: 
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Half Yearly AGM
The Half Yearly meetings for the congregation and school will be held on Sunday 26th November 26th at 12:30pm.  Hard copies of the meeting information are in the Church Foyer.  Copies will also be emailed out early next week.

Thank you
A big thank you to all for your support of our recent plant stall which raised $275 for the work of Lutheran Community Care and the Family Zone Hub. Your support is invaluable.  Also, a massive thank you to Eric Hoffmanis who spent many hours installing desperately needed shelving for storage of toys and equipment at The Hub.

 Kingdom Kids
This Sunday Kingdom Kids will be available at the 10.30am service for 10 month – Year 7 aged children.  Activity folders are available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during the services.  Please help yourself to them in the narthex.

Growing Faith at Home
Now available on our church Face Book page!  To encourage families to keep growing in their faith at home each week.

Little Lambs Playgroup
Little Lambs Playgroup meets in the church hall at 9.30am on Wednesday mornings during the school term.  Please bring pre-cut fruit to share.  Join other Mums and Dads and Grandies for a coffee and chat with activities for the little ones.  We look forward to seeing you there!

From the Office

Office Hours Reminder
Reminder that the church office now closes at 3pm each day

Finance Report 
January – October 2017
Total Offerings – Budget $420,500 Actual $421,002 OVER $502

Budget Summary
January – September 2017
Total Income – Budget $415,085 Actual $414,702 UNDER $383
Total Expenses – Budget $412,882 Actual $394,167 UNDER $18,715

Notes since last Board meeting:
Offerings in October were $1,500 under budget due to REG being well under budget and plate above budget continuing this year’s trend
Plate Offerings for the first 8 months were averaging around $4,000 per Sunday, since then we have been averaging $3,750 per Sunday
Expenses were under budget in August & September mainly in administration and ministries

Ignite Budget Update
Ignite donations expectedly were the lowest since campaign started as we have now received $4k above that pledged
A $3,990 oven has been purchased for building project which has been funded from the Asset Replacement Account
Donations for the Ignite project are still appreciated as there are fittings and furnishings still required to make the new area hospitable

Donations to the Ignite building project can be made via:
The collection plate in an envelope marked Ignite Project, or
Direct debit BSB: 704 942 Account: 154796 Account Name: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Media Shout Familiarisation
A free Media Shout Familirasition will be held at the church on Tuesday 21st November starting at 6pm.  Learn how to program our Sunday Display screens.  No prior knowledge is required.

Time Out/Devotion Books
If anyone would like to order a 2018 Time Out Devotion book please let the office know via email or phone 8263 5087

Yearbook 2018
If anyone would like to order a 2018 Year Book please let the office know via email or phone 8263 5087

Notice Board

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Dried apricots 
For sale in the church office at $12 per 500gm pack which will help support ministries in Cambodia and Tonga.

ALC Graduation
All are invited to celebrate the academic achievements of graduates of Australian Lutheran College at the University of Divinity’s upcoming Adelaide Graduation Ceremony.
The Graduation will be held at Immanuel College, Novar Gardens on Thursday, 30 November at 7.30pm.

“Have I not commanded you?  
Be strong and courageous.  
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the LORD your God will be with you 
wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9