Friday, August 9, 2019

He's got the Whole World in His Hands

You might have sung the words to this song years ago.  According to Wikipedia, it ‘is a traditional American spiritual, first published in 1927.  It became an international pop hit in 1957-58 in a recording by English singer Laurie London, and has been recorded by many other singers and choirs.’

Regardless of whether or not you know the song, it captures a truth we can easily forget.  If God is looking after his world – and looking after me – then why do I worry so much?  If God feeds the birds of the air, won’t he feed me?

Western individualism keeps whispering into our hearts and minds: “It’s all about you.  Take control of your life, get an education, work hard, make something of yourself, and eventually you will have some ‘golden years’ before you shuffle off this mortal coil.”

(Hmmm. Is that the goal of life?  What’s next?)

For most of us, life is not a trouble free ride or an ongoing series of success.  Life in this world beats us up, knocks us down, and leaves us hurting and confused.  We get ambushed by things beyond our control, and we wonder how on earth we will cope.  If it all depends on me, and I’ve got nothing to offer, then anxiety, worry and fear fill my days.

The world is broken – and so are we!  According to Genesis 3, it was not God’s choice, but the result of our choices.  Yet our heavenly Father has not washed his hands of us, or given up on us!  He will bring his restoration plan to completion.  The heart of his plan is Jesus!

In Jesus, we get to know the Creator God up close and personal – and discover that he wants to do us good!  We see him bringing comfort to the hurting and restoring them to wholeness. Jesus shows us that God is not happy with human misery, but is doing something about it - and not just way back then, but here and now through you and me!  Jesus’ ministry is a foretaste of that day when God will make all things new again.

Jesus shows us that God’s love for humanity is so great that he does not watch our suffering from a distance – but gets personally involved in it.  Regardless of what we are enduring, the cross of Christ reminds us that we are never alone in our suffering.  As Corry Ten Boom comments: “No matter how deep our darkness, he is deeper still.”

Jesus’ death and resurrection demonstrates the Father’s love for us - and assures our future.  The world we live in is not perfect, and neither are we.  Yet, because we are in Christ, we trust our Father has got the whole world in his hands – including us.  ‘He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1:6)

This Sunday we’ll explore what is means for us that the whole world is in Father God’s hands.  And yes, we will even sing the song!

Pr Rolly Stahl

Bible Readings:  Psalm 145:8-21, Matthew 6:25-27
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Church Grounds – Tender Loving Care Required
Each Monday 9:30am to 10:30am several members are spending an hour slowly repairing the garden.  If you have an hour once, occasionally, every couple of weeks or every week, your help in this large task would be appreciated.  Tasks include weeding, trimming, removing dead plants and general tidying tasks.  Suppyling own tools would be helpful.  See John Dolling for more details.

Note of Thanks from Family Hub
Thanks to you and the beautiful congregation at Para Vista – please pass on my thanks again.
It was quite overwhelming to be greeted so warmly and to be amongst a group who understand what we are trying so hard to achieve.

As we predicted, the need for food hampers is on the increase this week.  With your support we are able to keep children fed.

Wine for Auction
Please check cellars to discover a bottle of wine that can be donated for the wine auction at the Karaoke Night.  These can be handed in on Sunday or to the church office.

From the Admin Manager

Great News!
Our Mission Vision Support Plan (MVSP) has not been forgotten and updated information has been posted onto notice boards in the hall.  A bar chart is attached to see where your donations are going.  Remember donations need not only be monetary but can be in the form of time as well.  Look for the Mission Vision Support envelopes at the entry doors and consider how you can assist.

Facilities Maintenance
As we near the Spring season there are a number of small jobs that need to be completed, from painting to garden weeding.  Please consider offering time to assist in the following.
Front Foyer painting.  The hard work is done, just apply a second coat.
Garden beds require weeding.  Any time to enjoy God’s garden.
Door stop fixing front foyer to prevent door from puncturing wall (20 minutes)
Door catch refit in library (30 minutes)
Assembly of office desk (30-40 Minutes)
Stair tread repair (40 Minutes)

Please contact Stephen or the front office to discuss your availability.

LLL Interest Rate Change
Our congregation has received an ‘LLL Interest Rate change’ notice advising that effective 1 August 2019, the interest rate on at-call Savings Accounts is 1.75%.  This notice has been placed on the church notice board for your information.


Friends of Lutheran Archives
Lutherans are not alone in remembering the ‘Great War’ of 100 years ago as a time of suspicion and prejudice.  In her talk “German and Irish South Australians in World War One,” historian Dr Stephanie James explores the parallels and differences between the German and Irish communities in SA in their experiences of the War.  Come along to the next Friends of Lutheran Archives, meeting on Monday 19th August, 7.30 pm at Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place in the city.  Supper and gold coin donation.  All welcome.

“Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.”
Jeremiah 17:14