Friday, February 9, 2018

Life in Jesus - Together!

Perhaps the most popular religion of Western culture is individualism: “It’s all about me! I determine my own values, my own truth, my own ethics, and my story of self-fulfilment.” 

If “it’s all about me”, then what sort of person will I become?   How does that work out relationally?  What happens when my pursuit of self-fulfilment impacts others?  What happens to the “WE” when I am obsessed with “ME”?

If life is about getting my own way ALL the time, then how does that mesh in with Jesus, and what it means to be part of his Church? 

Jesus once said that a house divided against itself cannot stand – it crumbles.  We see it in marriages and families, in sporting teams and community groups, in political parties and governments.  And sometimes we see it in local churches! 

In the Church, we’re part of something much greater than self – we are participants in God’s unfolding story for his world.  This Sunday, I will be preaching on the body of Christ, and what it means to do life in Jesus – together! 

At both services we will be launching our small groups’ ministry for 2018. 

Shalom!  Pr Rolly Stahl

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Transform ministry is about to begin!  Transform (a confirmation program) is designed for people of all ages.  Here are the dates you need to know as of right now:

February 11:  Planning and organisation time for our youth programs, 12 noon – 2pm Good Shepherd education room

February 18:  Parents information time.  We’ll distribute the brochures, the calendar for the year, the parental forms, and a brief vision for what we’re trying to accomplish.  12 noon – 1pm GS sanctuary

February 25: First Transform session.  Because we’ll be starting at 12 noon, it will be great to have a lunch packed for your 11-13 year olds.  We will have lunch together, then an hour and 45 minutes of teaching, learning and practicing the faith.  We will start in the hall, and move to different areas of the campus.

Keep your ears and eyes open for updates.

Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Don’t forget the Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School Aloha!  Come one and all to enjoy fellowship and community.

Involvement with Lutheran Community Care
At the Half Yearly meeting the Congregation adopted LCC at Ingle Farm as one of the outreach organizations it will support in 2018.

Congregational members are already working at the centre helping with BBQs, Homework Club, Conversational English for new arrivals, and some renovations.  Over the next few weeks there will be more information about how members can get involved with helping LCC cater for the many and diverse needs in this local community.

If you are interested in finding out more or would like to work on a Task Force, to coordinate our involvement with LCC, contact John Dolling on 8367 5296 or

From the Office
Can you assist with helping to improve our facilities?

Our new foyer and cafe look very clean and modern. This is offset by the tired appearance of the woodwork and walls in the toilet corridor which is visible from the new area. We are looking for volunteers to help freshen up this area.

Help is needed to:
sand the woodwork ready for painting ( 1 door would be a great help)
paint the wood work
gyprock the walls
paint the walls
If you can assist in any aspect of this project please contact John Dolling or Stephen Zanker.

Cafe Use!
The cafe came alive on Tuesday 6th February with the ‘return to school’ chapel, and again Thursday morning with the parents of first-time school students able to enjoy both fresh coffee and great conversation.  Approximately 70 parents made use of the area after both events; socializing and making new friends.  If you are passing by between 9am to 10am on Friday 9th or 23rd February, feel free to drop in and enjoy a free freshly brewed coffee and conversation with the school community.

Our Barista will be retiring at the end of February and a vacancy is open, for both services, to make the brewed coffee.  Please mark your connect card or contact the church office if you are able to assist in this small but very important part of service.

Do you claim to be a BBQ king?
BBQ cooks required to assist the school community on the 24th February from 3pm to 6pm.  Please mark BBQ on your connect card, or email the office with your availability.

Ignite the Future building update
This week the plumber finally finished plumbing in the last sink and gas to the main range. 
The range will need to be commissioned before it can be used, so please check with the Admin Manager before attempting to use this piece of equipment.  Please remember training should be completed before using any of the equipment in the area. 
Research on a coffee machine for the café area is in progress.  If you have any contacts or information on a machine you wish to share, please contact the Admin Manager.

Facilities Development
The FDT and architect Craig Vale are meeting next week with the builders to discuss the outstanding defects in our redevelopment.   Hopefully we will be able to come to some resolutions, and this will enable us the sign off on the project.

Parking lot safety – One Way Traffic
Remember traffic flow is one way entering from Montague road and exiting through the rear gate AT ALL TIMES.  Please do not ‘sneak out’ onto Montague road after hours. 
As this is a shared area speed is restricted to 10KPH.

Notice Board

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Faith Gym
You are invited to consider joining one of the short courses that will be offered at Faith Gym here at Good Shepherd, facilitated by appropriate lay people or pastors. We’ll be starting Wed February 21st 2018, 7:30pm. Contact the office for more information.

Craft Group
We are a group of ladies who meet together most weeks to craft and also support, encourage, affirm and celebrate one another. We each bring our own craft to do: knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, quilting/applique, just to name a few of the crafts that we do regularly.  Sometimes, not much craft gets done; we just sit and talk for 2 hours!

When: Thursday evenings @ the GSPV Lutheran Church
Time: 7.30 – 9.30pm

Invitation to attend events at Australian Lutheran College (ALC)
ALC invites you to attend the following events being held on Monday, 26 February 2018, which mark the beginning of a new academic year for the College. The day will begin with worship in the College Chapel at 9am followed by the Opening Lecture at 9.30am in the Refectory. This year’s lecture will be presented by Rev James Winderlich (ALC Principal) and is entitled,

‘The shape of things to come for a church who learns: ALC’s renewing purpose to serve as an enquirer centred, transformational learning community.’
If attending either the service or the lecture, please park off campus and enter via the entrance at 200 Ward Street, North Adelaide. For all enquiries or to notify of your attendance, please contact ALC reception on (08) 7120 8200 or email: For those unable to physically attend proceedings, the lecture will be live-streamed via the ALC website –

“Cast your cares on the LORD 
and he will sustain you: he will never let the righteous be shaken”
Psalm 55:22 NIV