Friday, September 28, 2018

Be Prepared

I think we consistently underestimate the generosity, or even the trust, of God the Father.  And, if we are honest with ourselves, our sinful nature creates a difficult thought pattern in our lives:

I know that God is all powerful and almighty, and he has given us the earth and all that is in it to glorify his name, but the stuff that I have – I earned it.  I worked hard for it.  It’s mine, and as Tolkein’s Gollum says, “It’s precious to me.”  God didn’t earn it.  God didn’t work hard for it.  I think it’s okay if I give my ten percent of my money, but NO MORE!  This is my life.

Ironically, or maybe humanly, this is the exact thought process of the third servant in Jesus’ parable in the book of Matthew.  His view of the father is skewed and his thought pattern smeared with a sinful understanding that misconstrues God’s generosity as selfishness.  He speaks to the master, “I know that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed.  So, I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground.  See, here is what belongs to you.”

Notice his description: you harvested where you did not sow.  Even though the seed was the master’s, the servant was embittered towards the wealth of the master.

How do we understand the things that God has given to us?  What is God’s design for evangelism?

Read with me the prayer from our traditional liturgy as the gifts of the congregation are brought forward:

We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us – our selves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love.  Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord.

With the perspective of a gracious God who offered even his son for us, we recognise that there is nothing we have that is not from him.  So, we sow the seed, we spend the time, we give of ourselves, we offer our money and our gifts to be used in the kingdom so that God’s name might be glorified and people come to know the generosity of God in Jesus Christ.

Come this week to hear the amazing message of a God who gives beyond all measure and rewards with some of the greatest words in the gospel.

Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master’s happiness!

Pr Reid Matthias

Bible Reading:  1 Peter 3:15-18, Matt 25:14-30
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Praise Point
This Sunday Jasper, son of Andrea and Tom Bowden will be welcomed into God’s family through holy baptism.

Ladies Fellowship Meeting
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 @ 1pm
Come hear Belay Zelleke, from Ethiopia, tell us about himself and his studies at Tabor College.
There will be a trading table this day

From the Office

Food collection for Family Hub
Thank you for your very generous support of the food collection for the Family Hub at Ingle Farm. We had planned to have a collection on the last Sunday of each month. In consultation with Kathlene Wilson, Manager of the Family Hub it has been decided that as they are in the process of doing a stock take of their food stocks that it would be advisable not to have a collection in September. The stock take will ensure that when our collections recommence in October they will be able to inform us what food is required to help support families as Christmas approaches.

Improvement in Water Quality
It has been mentioned that the taste of the hot water in the self service area in the hall is not pleasant. In the redevelopment there was meant to be a filter attached to the hot water. This was not included in the original build but has since been installed. This will improve the quality of the water and therefore the taste of drinks served from this area.
Filtered water is now available through the following taps in our facility. 
Hall tea & coffee point through both cold and the zip boil unit
Café sink cold water tap
Water will still be available from the water dispenser in the café.

Security of church – Urgent!
Urgent request for all members on leaving the building to ensure the security of our facility.   All group leaders are to exit via the office entry and notify a staff member they are the last to leave.   If you see something that does not look right please do not ignore it but bring it to staff attention or do something about it.  If you have opened the building or any part of it, then it is your responsibility to ensure the security of the complex before you leave.

Check list for the use of areas 
A check list of tasks on completion of use of all facility areas has been placed into the areas for reference.  If you use one of the areas please check the area has been left appropriately.  Remember you may be the next user of the facility.

Air conditioners
The evaporative coolers in the church have been opened for the summer months.  Overview instructions for use are situated on the wall next to the controllers. The units have been pre-set for the most economical use and effectiveness and adjusting the settings may render the unit ineffective.   If you experience any problem using the units please inform the Administration Manager during office hours or leave a note in the communications book in the café.

Updating the Manse
Over the month of October the Manse will undergo a significant upgrade to the kitchen, dining and living area.  The Lino floor to the passage and kitchen/living area will be replaced, and the cabinetry in the kitchen will also be replaced. A new oven and range will be installed with an upgrade to the lighting.  If you have any time spare from the 15th to 26th October please let Stephen or the office know of your availability and the skill you may have to assist in keeping costs to a minimum.

Have you lost?
A number of platters and serving items have been left in the complex after the last few functions.  Please check, and take your items home with you, as surplus items will be removed from the area after 4 weeks and placed in the community care bin.  A lost property box is also located in the ushers cupboard at the rear of the auditorium.

Regular Electronic Giving (REG)

REG is a way for our members to regularly support the work of our church.  Details of transactions are kept totally confidential.  None of your personal details are given to the congregation or treasurer.  The treasurer is only advised of the total amount credited to the account for the month.  For those who are altering their giving through REG or wish to start giving via REG the appropriate forms are available from the table at the rear of the auditorium or via this link  use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942

Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details
If transferring from an LLL account, use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942.
If transferring from another banking institution, use account number 100354939, BSB 704942

Need your interest?
LLL account holders can provide additional support to a particular project or department of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) by nominating their account to be non interest-bearing. As a result, the LLL is able to provide an additional benefit to LCA projects based on 5% of total non interest-bearing deposits held for each project.

An LLL non interest-bearing account has the other usual features and access of an LLL Account.
Your non interest-bearing instructions can be changed at any time in writing to the LLL.  Please include your account details and your signature in writing, and then post the instructions to our office in North Adelaide.

If you have an existing LLL Account and wish to provide this support to a particular project, fill in a new LLL Account Application form and complete the ‘non interest-bearing’ instructions.  Then transfer the desired amount of money from your existing LLL Account into the new non interest-bearing account.

It is possible for an LLL non interest-bearing account to also be a Matching Deposit.
LLL non interest-bearing accounts are a great way to support the ministry and mission of the LCA.

Notice Board

Friends of Lutheran Archives (FoLA)
The final meeting for 2018 will be held on Monday 15th October at Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, City.  Rev. Ravinder Salooja, Director of Leipzig Mission, will tell the story of the founding in 1836 of the Dresden/Leipzig Mission as a confessional Lutheran mission society with close links to Lutherans in Prussia, and outline its role in forming the Lutheran World Convention, the forerunner of the LWF.

Please note: the AGM for FoLA will be at 6.45 pm, with the main meeting to start at 7.30 pm.  All welcome, supper & gold coin donation.  Note the earlier date & starting time.

Valley View Op Shop
Cnr Paul’s Drive and Vale Ave
Open Mon - Fri. 9:30am – 1pm
First Saturday of every month

Professional Standards Training
The following link will take you to the updated Professional Standards training schedule as well as the updated Professional Standards Webinar training schedule.

Preparing for Marriage Seminar 2018
Saturday 27th October 9am – 5pm and continuing on Sunday 28th October 1.30pm to 5.30pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 388 Montague Road, Para Vista.  An enjoyable, interactive, non-threatening way to share time with your partner and other couples, bringing benefits that can last a lifetime.

Topics include: resolving conflict, realistic expectations, communication, and the meaning of marriage.  Presented in a relaxed adult educational style (it is not counselling).  For couples planning to marry and for those recently married.

Cost $100 couple
For more information or to book, please contact Merv and Ros Thiele 0429009847 or email

Get the latest news from LCA
Subscribe to the LCA Notice Board
To receive Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) Notice Board in your inbox on Wednesday every week, sign up to LCA Notice Board eNews.  It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.  Please visit for more details.

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Matthew 25:23

Friday, September 21, 2018

Sowing the Seeds

There are times when Jesus’ words frustrate me, and this is a good thing, because if you are anything like me, I can be lulled into thinking that I already know what the Bible says and simply assume that I’m all good and just go about my merry way.

Then, Jesus refuses to pull a punch and I’m floored.

Listen to this in the book of Matthew (13:15)

For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears and they have closed their eyes.  Otherwise they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts

And turn, and I would l heal them.

Jesus is quoting from the book of Isaiah and its fulfilment in his times that a whole group of people have become so self-righteous and full of themselves that they cannot understand God’s word which is being planted in their hearts. 

In other words, the soil has to be prepared.

This is evangelism, in its most basic sense.  Evangelism is not making sure people get converted by your testimony or baptising with a firehose and moving on; Evangelism is so much like the parable of the sower which Jesus speaks about in Matthew 13.  The seeds are sown by the sower.  In this parable, there seems to be an inexhaustible amount of seed and it falls where it may.  The sower, God, shares the word and it takes root so that it might bear fruit.  The seed, faith in Christ, often falls on deaf ears and blind eyes and calloused hearts, but our task, like the sower’s is to sow the seed and let the Holy Spirit do his work to bring people.

That’s what we confess in our catechism:

I believe in the Holy Spirit…

I believe that by my own understanding or strength I cannot believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to him, but instead the Holy Spirit has called me through the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, made me holy and kept me in the true faith, just as he calls, gathers, enlightens and makes holy the whole Christian Church on earth and keeps it with Jesus…

Evangelism is God’s work, and as we will explore in the next weeks it is God’s gift and opportunity for us to share the faith of Christ to a world which needs him.

Come on. Let’s see what God does when seeds are planted!

Pr Reid Matthias

Bible Reading:  1 Peter 3:15,16 & Matthew 13:1-23
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Ladies Fellowship Meeting
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 @ 1pm
Come hear Belay Zelleke, from Ethiopia, tell us about himself and his studies at Tabor College.
There will be a trading table this day

Combined with Golden Grove Youth, join us for a weekend to relax, connect & worship.

For youth in year 7-12.
Cost $50
Register online by 1st October

Grow Ministries LCA Child Youth and Family Ministry
2019 Grow Leadership Program
Are you aged between 18-25 years and interested in developing your leadership skills and have a heart for ministry?  Please contact Chelsea if this is something you would like to explore.  Applications close Sunday 30th September, 2018.

Little Lambs are collecting, are you able to help?
We’re looking for:
Cardboard tubes from cling wrap/alfoil
Plastic Nutella jars (empty, clean & dry)
Band aids
PVC piping
Dot markers (ones used in bingo)
Large plastic buttons
Golf tees
Dried natural items like seed pods, gum nuts etc

Feel free to drop them into the Church Office or leave them in the donation bin outside the Parents Room at church.

From the Office
Finance Report 
January – August 2018
Total Offerings – Budget $338,500 Actual $320,152 UNDER $18,348

Budget Summary
January – July 2018
Total Income – Budget $338,380 Actual $345,837 OVER $7,457
Total Expenses – Budget $333,176 Actual $305,947 UNDER $27,229

Notes since last published report:
Offerings in August were around $4,500 below budget. 
Offerings through REG were $1,200 under budget with plate again well under, but similar to recent months.
Expenses nearly $5k under budget in July, again mainly due to staff expenses.

Food collection for Family Hub
Thank you for your very generous support of the food collection for the Family Hub at Ingle Farm. We had planned to have a collection on the last Sunday of each month. In consultation with Kathlene Wilson, Manager of the Family Hub it has been decided that as they are in the process of doing a stock take of their food stocks that it would be advisable not to have a collection in September. The stock take will ensure that when our collections recommence in October they will be able to inform us what food is required to help support families as Christmas approaches.

Improvement in water quality
It has been mentioned that the taste of the hot water in the self service area in the hall is not pleasant. In the redevelopment there was meant to be a filter attached to the hot water. This was not included in the original build but has since been installed. This will improve the quality of the water and therefore the taste of drinks served from this area.
Filtered water is now available through the following taps in our facility. 
Hall tea & coffee point through both cold and the zip boil unit
Café sink cold water tap
Water will still be available from the water dispenser in the café.

Upgrade of play area
Chelsea has undertaken much research into upgrading the play area outside the cafe. The Redevelopment Team has endorsed her plan. The plan is to develop it into an attractive challenging area for 1-5 year olds. We look forward with excitement to watching this area being upgraded.

Security of church – Urgent!
Urgent request for all members on leaving the building to ensure the security of our facility.   All group leaders are to exit via the office entry and notify a staff member they are the last to leave.   If you see something that does not look right please do not ignore it but bring it to staff attention or do something about it.  If you have opened the building or any part of it, then it is your responsibility to ensure the security of the complex before you leave.

Check list for the use of areas 
A check list of tasks on completion of use of all facility areas has been placed into the areas for reference.  If you use one of the areas please check the area has been left appropriately.  Remember you may be the next user of the facility.

Air conditioners
The evaporative coolers in the church have been opened for the summer months.  Overview instructions for use are situated on the wall next to the controllers. The units have been pre-set for the most economical use and effectiveness and adjusting the settings may render the unit ineffective.   If you experience any problem using the units please inform the Administration Manager during office hours or leave a note in the communications book in the café.

Updating the Manse
Over the month of October the Manse will undergo a significant upgrade to the kitchen, dining and living area.  The Lino floor to the passage and kitchen/living area will be replaced, and the cabinetry in the kitchen will also be replaced. A new oven and range will be installed with an upgrade to the lighting.  If you have any time spare from the 15th to 26th October please let Stephen or the office know of your availability and the skill you may have to assist in keeping costs to a minimum.

Ignite project update
The new oven has finally been installed and commissioned in the main kitchen.  As soon as I have had a chance to familiarise myself with the working of the unit I will endeavour to run some training sessions.  Please feel free to ask for assistance if you need to use the equipment at any stage.  Stephen (Admin Manager)

Have you lost?
A number of platters and serving items have been left in the complex after the last few functions.  Please check, and take your items home with you, as surplus items will be removed from the area after 4 weeks and placed in the community care bin.  A lost property box is also located in the ushers cupboard at the rear of the auditorium.

Regular Electronic Giving (REG)

REG is a way for our members to regularly support the work of our church.  Details of transactions are kept totally confidential. None of your personal details are given to the congregation or treasurer. The treasurer is only advised of the total amount credited to the account for the month. For those who are altering their giving through REG or wish to start giving via REG the appropriate forms are available from the table at the rear of the auditorium or via this link  use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942

Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details
If transferring from an LLL account, use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942.
If transferring from another banking institution, use account number 100354939, BSB 704942

Need your interest?
LLL account holders can provide additional support to a particular project or department of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) by nominating their account to be non interest-bearing. As a result, the LLL is able to provide an additional benefit to LCA projects based on 5% of total non interest-bearing deposits held for each project.
An LLL non interest-bearing account has the other usual features and access of an LLL Account.
Your non interest-bearing instructions can be changed at any time in writing to the LLL.  Please include your account details and your signature in writing, and then post the instructions to our office in North Adelaide.
If you have an existing LLL Account and wish to provide this support to a particular project, fill in a new LLL Account Application form and complete the ‘non interest-bearing’ instructions.  Then transfer the desired amount of money from your existing LLL Account into the new non interest-bearing account.
It is possible for an LLL non interest-bearing account to also be a Matching Deposit.
LLL non interest-bearing accounts are a great way to support the ministry and mission of the LCA.
Why the LLL?

Notice Board
LNAA (Lutheran Nurses Association of Australia)
All healthcare workers, members and visitors are invited to attend our meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 24th September, with Forum: "A Good Life to the End" at 137 Archer Street, North Adelaide LCA/SA District Office.  Entry through rear door and 2 hour CDP evidence provided.

Valley View Op Shop
Cnr Paul’s Drive and Vale Ave
Open Mon - Fri. 9am - 4pm
Super Saturday Sale 1st of every month

Professional Standards Training
The following link will take you to the updated Professional Standards training schedule as well as the updated Professional Standards Webinar training schedule.

Preparing for Marriage Seminar 2018
Saturday 27th October 9am – 5pm and continuing on Sunday 28th October 1.30pm to 5.30pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 388 Montague Road, Para Vista.  An enjoyable, interactive, non-threatening way to share time with your partner and other couples, bringing benefits that can last a lifetime.

Topics include: resolving conflict, realistic expectations, communication, and the meaning of marriage.  Presented in a relaxed adult educational style (it is not counselling).  For couples planning to marry and for those recently married.

Cost $100 couple
For more information or to book, please contact Merv and Ros Thiele 0429009847 or email:

Get the latest news from LCA
Subscribe to the LCA Notice Board
To receive Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) Notice Board in your inbox on Wednesday every week, sign up to LCA Notice Board eNews.  It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.  Please visit for more details.

Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. 
Practice hospitality
Romans 12:13

Friday, September 14, 2018

Living Stones

If I were to say to you, ‘build a church,’ think for a moment what that means and what materials you might begin to arrange.  For many of us the ‘church’ is the building in which we gather to worship, or the structure that could be considered the core of our Christian relationships.  And if that were so, bricks and mortar, beams and ballast, roof and flooring would need to be gathered and put into their proper places.  Aesthetically, the architect would draw attention to lighting and darkness and the corners of the building would be sharp and pleasing to the eye.

In the book of 2 Samuel, David tells God that he wants to build Him a house – a temple – where sacrifices can be made and a place for God to live.  But God cannot be kept captive in a building.  In fact, the entire universe cannot contain the living God.  So, God gives the okay for the bricks and mortar, beams and ballast, roof and flooring, but it will be a temple for his Name.

God has a completely different idea for His house.  It will not be made out of bricks and mortar.

As you come to him, the living Stone – rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

This weekend we celebrate the completion of the physical building which we call Good Shepherd and the finishing of the café, but we recognise that this building has a purpose and mission as a place where people worship, fellowship, pray and serve, but the Church is actually the people who come.  They are living Stones, mobile and powerful, strengthened by the One Living Stone, Jesus Christ, who is the cornerstone of this Church which keeps it all together.

Come this weekend to celebrate God’s active vision for the perpetual process of building the Church in the 21st Century.

Pr Reid Matthias

Bible Reading:  1 Peter 2:4-10
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Small Groups Dinner

For anyone currently in a small group and anyone interested in more effective small group ministries at Good Shepherd.  Please inform your group, save the date, and come along!  Bring a sweet or savoury to share.  BYO Drinks and glasses.

RSVP by phoning the church on 08 8263 5087 or email


Combined with Golden Grove Youth, join us for a weekend to relax, connect & worship.

For youth in year 7-12.
Cost $50
Register online by 1 October

Grow Ministries LCA Child Youth and Family Ministry
2019 Grow Leadership Program
Are you aged between 18-25 years and interested in developing your leadership skills and have a heart for ministry?  Please contact Chelsea if this is something you would like to explore.  Applications close Sunday 30th September, 2018.

Little Lambs are collecting, are you able to help?
We’re looking for:
Cardboard tubes from cling wrap/alfoil
Plastic Nutella jars (empty, clean & dry)
Band aids
PVC piping
Dot markers (ones used in bingo)
Large plastic buttons
Golf tees
Dried natural items like seed pods, gum nuts etc

Feel free to drop them into the Church Office or leave them in the donation bin outside the Parents Room at church.

From the Office

Painting Corridor
The corridor leading to the toilets and parenting room has been transformed by a hard working group.  Thank you to the team of Ian Pfeiffer, Peter Kraft, Wayne Maloney and John Dolling for a great job.

General Convention of Synod 2018
The Office has a book of reports for the General Convention of Synod 2018.  If you are interested in having a read please contact the office on 8263 5087.

We also ask that you continue to uphold our leaders and delegates, staff and volunteers in your prayers.

Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
REG is a way for our members to regularly support the work of our church.  Details of transactions are kept totally confidential. None of your personal details are given to the congregation or treasurer. The treasurer is only advised of the total amount credited to the account for the month. For those who are altering their giving through REG, or wish to start giving via REG, the appropriate forms are available from the table at the rear of the auditorium or via this link  use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942

Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details:
If transferring from an LLL account, use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942.
If transferring from another banking institution, use account number 100354939, BSB 704942

Notice Board

Friends of Lutheran Archives
Next meeting will be on Monday 17th September at Bethlehem House in the city.  The guest speaker, Dr Clara Stockigt, has researched Lutheran missionaries’ descriptions of Aboriginal languages across SA missions from the coast to the Centre.  How did they tackle the challenge of recording unwritten languages with unfamiliar structures?  What knowledge did they bring with them, and how successful were their efforts?  7.30 pm, supper & gold coin donation.  All welcome.

LNAA (Lutheran Nurses Association of Australia)
All healthcare workers, members and visitors are invited to attend our meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 24th September, with Forum: "A Good Life to the End" at 137 Archer Street, North Adelaide LCA/SA District Office.  Entry through rear door and 2 hour CDP evidence provided.

Staff Update at Good Shepherd Lutheran School
Keep up to date with staff changes at the following link

Valley View Op Shop
Cnr Paul’s Drive and Vale Ave
Open Mon - Fri. 9am - 4pm
Super Saturday Sale 1st of every month

Trinity Place Care Services Coordinator
Trinity Place is a part of the Aged Care Ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church at Pasadena.

Trinity Place provides Serviced Apartment accommodation as a part of its Retirement Village, and is seeking a Care Services Coordinator who is responsible for day-to-day Apartment operations.

A house is provided to be on-call overnight for up to five nights per week (neg).

We are also seeking a casual cook to prepare lunchtime meals.

To discuss these opportunities further, please contact Matt Johns on 8277 2446 or

Professional Standards Training
The following link will take you to the updated Professional Standards training schedule as well as the updated Professional Standards Webinar training schedule.

Preparing for Marriage Seminar 2018
Saturday 27th October 9am – 5pm and continuing on Sunday 28th October 1.30pm to 5.30pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 388 Montague Road, Para Vista.  An enjoyable, interactive, non-threatening way to share time with your partner and other couples, bringing benefits that can last a lifetime.

Topics include: resolving conflict, realistic expectations, communication, and the meaning of marriage.  Presented in a relaxed adult educational style (it is not counselling).  For couples planning to marry and for those recently married.

Cost $100 couple
For more information or to book, please contact Merv and Ros Thiele 0429009847 or email:

Get the latest news from LCA
Subscribe to the LCA Notice Board
To receive Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) Notice Board in your inbox on Wednesday every week, sign up to LCA Notice Board eNews.  It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.  Please visit for more details.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9

Friday, September 7, 2018

The Game Plan

His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.   Ephesians 3:10,11

It’s an amazing thing that God uses beautifully fallible people to make up the Church, which is Christ’s body here on earth.  In his deepest wisdom, God does not disregard his children, but bestows on them gifts of grace, peace and mercy in the midst of turbulent times so that they might live full lives of joy as His Kingdom is revealed to the ‘rulers and authorities’ in the heavenly realms.  In other words – ‘’This is how it’s going to be!  These are my people whom I love, on whom I have poured my Holy Spirit.  Listen to them as they speak the words of my one and only Son!”

Do you recognise those words?

Paul recognises in the midst of our scripture for this week (Ephesians 3:1-13) that he might have been the ‘least of all the Lord’s people’ (vs. 8) and yet he has been given the task of bringing grace, peace, mercy and unity to Jews and Gentiles alike.  This grace is no longer a mystery (vs. 4,9) but a revealed truth ‘in God’s eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.’  (vs. 11)

It is finished!

We no longer must do anything – no amount of striving, or spiritualising or reasoning anything - only a faith given as gift by God through the Holy Spirit in Jesus.

This was God’s game plan from the beginning of time.

Enter the world of Paul as he encourages the people of Ephesus and transposes a world of works righteousness, to a cosmos of peace in Christ Jesus.

Pr Reid Matthias

Bible Reading:  Ephesians 3:1-13
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Mission Being Met
Good Shepherd recently hosted a funeral service and light luncheon for a member of the community not associated with the church.  It was a real joy for me to walk into the facility and the new hall and be met with the cheerful noise and banter associated with people enjoying what they were doing and serving with no return means for themselves.

I heard a comment from an attendee at the funeral along the following lines “that for a group of persons to volunteer and give in such a cheerful manner for someone they didn’t even know and to serve from the heart was a joy to experience that will have a lasting impact”.

This for me was a real confirmation that all the teams involved were certainly living out the Good Shepherd mission statement of “Reaching into the community with the Gospel that all may know Jesus and worship him” and in doing so the teams and visitors experienced the love of Jesus himself.

To all those involved well done and thanks.
Stephen Zanker Administration Manager

Small Groups Dinner

For anyone currently in a small group and anyone interested in more effective small group ministries at Good Shepherd.  Please inform your group, save the date, and come along!  Bring a sweet or savoury to share.  BYO Drinks and glasses.

RSVP by phoning the church on 08 8263 5087 or email


Friday Night Youth
Date: Friday 7th September
Time: 7:15 – 9:30pm
Location:  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Cost:  $4/youth with supper supplied (cans of soft drink available for $1)
Activities:  Group Games

Please note:  any youth who haven’t attended a Youth night this year (with us or GGLY) will be required to complete a ChildSafe form at the beginning of the night.  This can be completed by a parent or caregiver when signing in the youth.

Contact:  All questions can be directed to Chelsea Schiller – 0447 225 517 or

Youth Retreat – SAVE THE DATE
Combined with Golden Grove Youth, join us for a weekend to relax, connect & worship. For youth in year 7-12.
Date:  Friday 5th – Sunday 7th October
Location:  Camp Kedron, Barmera
There will be a bus - details to be confirmed soon.
Cost: $50 per person
Register online at:
Contact: Chelsea Schiller – 0447 225 517 or

Grow Ministries LCA Child Youth and Family Ministry
2019 Grow Leadership Program
Are you aged between 18-25 years and interested in developing your leadership skills and have a heart for ministry?  Please contact Chelsea if this is something you would like to explore.  Applications close Sunday 30th September, 2018.

Little Lambs are collecting, are you able to help?
We’re looking for:
Cardboard tubes from cling wrap/alfoil
Plastic Nutella jars (empty, clean & dry)
Band aids
PVC piping
Dot markers (ones used in bingo)
Large plastic buttons
Golf tees
Dried natural items like seed pods, gum nuts etc

Feel free to drop them into the Church Office or leave them in the donation bin outside the Parents Room at church.

From the Office

General Convention of Synod 2018
The Office has a book of reports for the General Convention of Synod 2018.  If you are interested in having a read please contact the office on 8263 5087.

We also ask that you continue to uphold our leaders and delegates, staff and volunteers in your prayers.

Rostered on for Morning Tea?
Have you been rostered on for morning tea in the new area and are not quite sure what to do?  A set of procedures has been written and left in the Café area for your use.  These are not an exhaustive set and can be changed or you may do things slightly different. They are a set of guidelines to assist and make the task smooth for you.  Please notify the office at with any discrepancies that you notice or contact the office during work hours.  Thank you to those who do serve in this area.

Family Hub Ingle Farm
Thanks for your generosity.  Once again you have been very generous in donating items to support the work of the Family Hub at Ingle Farm.  They were very grateful for all items donated.  They will be put to great use supporting families in need.  It was again a great team effort - items donated, Transform group sorting them, help with transport and storing away in their new store area arranged by members from Good Shepherd.

Help with Homework Club
Several members from Para Vista are involved in a Homework Club at the LCC Family Hub at Ingle Farm.  This has become so successful that extra help is needed on Tuesdays 3-4:30pm to hear students read and assist with their homework.  Helping out weekly would be ideal but occasional help would also be appreciated.  More information contact Helen Hearne
0413 088 502 or 8263 7434.

Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
REG is a way for our members to regularly support the work of our church.  Details of transactions are kept totally confidential. None of your personal details are given to the congregation or treasurer. The treasurer is only advised of the total amount credited to the account for the month. For those who are altering their giving through REG, or wish to start giving via REG, the appropriate forms are available from the table at the rear of the auditorium or via this link  use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942

Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details:
If transferring from an LLL account, use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942.
If transferring from another banking institution, use account number 100354939, BSB 704942

Notice Board

Friends of Lutheran Archives
Next meeting will be on Monday 17th September at Bethlehem House in the city.  The guest speaker, Dr Clara Stockigt, has researched Lutheran missionaries’ descriptions of Aboriginal languages across SA missions from the coast to the Centre.  How did they tackle the challenge of recording unwritten languages with unfamiliar structures?  What knowledge did they bring with them, and how successful were their efforts?  7.30 pm, supper & gold coin donation.  All welcome.

LNAA (Lutheran Nurses Association of Australia)
All healthcare workers, members and visitors are invited to attend our meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 24th September, with Forum: "A Good Life to the End" at 137 Archer Street, North Adelaide LCA/SA District Office.  Entry through rear door and 2 hour CDP evidence provided.

Staff Update at Good Shepherd Lutheran School
Keep up to date with staff changes at the following link

Valley View Op Shop
Cnr Paul’s Drive and Vale Ave
Open Mon - Fri. 9am - 4pm
Super Saturday Sale 1st of every month

Trinity Place Care Services Coordinator
Trinity Place is a part of the Aged Care Ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church at Pasadena.

Trinity Place provides Serviced Apartment accommodation as a part of its Retirement Village, and is seeking a Care Services Coordinator who is responsible for day-to-day Apartment operations.

A house is provided to be on-call overnight for up to five nights per week (neg).

We are also seeking a casual cook to prepare lunchtime meals.

To discuss these opportunities further, please contact Matt Johns on 8277 2446 or

Preparing for Marriage Seminar 2018
Saturday 27th October 9am – 5pm and continuing on Sunday 28th October 1.30pm to 5.30pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 388 Montague Road, Para Vista.  An enjoyable, interactive, non-threatening way to share time with your partner and other couples, bringing benefits that can last a lifetime.

Topics include: resolving conflict, realistic expectations, communication, and the meaning of marriage.  Presented in a relaxed adult educational style (it is not counselling).  For couples planning to marry and for those recently married.

Cost $100 couple
For more information or to book, please contact Merv and Ros Thiele 0429009847 or email:

Professional Standards Training
The following link will take you to the updated Professional Standards training schedule as well as the updated Professional Standards Webinar training schedule.

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“But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.”
Titus 3:4-5a