Friday, August 26, 2016

Life Together in God's Word

This Sunday—Special Guest Dr. Patrick Keifert
This week we have a special guest preacher, Dr Patrick Keifert, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Dr Keifert serves as a Professor in Systematic Theology at Luther Seminary St Paul, Minnesota, USA. He is also President and Director of Research of Church Innovations Institute, a church-related not-for-profit group, seeking to "innovate your church's capacities to be missional."

Dr Keifert co-authored ‘Dwelling in the Word’ which is pocket handbook to help groups and teams ground what they do word of God. I was given a copy of this booklet late last year and after reading it introduced the ‘Dwelling in the word’ process to our Board and the Pastoral Ministry Team. Each time we have used the process God clearly speaks to the team through our time in the word. 

The booklet recommends Luke 10:1-12 as the Bible verse to use with the process. Dr Keifert and his associates at Church Innovations have been using this same text every time they meet for several years and God never fails to speak to them through it. It comes as no surprise that Dr. Keifert will be preaching on Luke 10 this Sunday at Good Shepherd.

The message Dr Keifert’s gave last Sunday at Rochedale Lutheran Church in Brisbane was well received and I encourage you not to miss him at Good Shepherd this Sunday.

Bible Readings: Luke 10:1-12
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Kingdom Kids
Kool Zone (Year 2-4) will be operating this Sunday at our 10.30am service. 
Our Kingdom Youth Year 5-7s will be staying in worship with their families.
Kids Zone will not be operating due to a lack of volunteers.

Toddler Zone
Toddler Zone for our 10 month – 3 year olds will be available this week. 
This term we will be operating every other week.

Activity folders will be available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during this service.

Faith at Home
At the Kingdom Kids sign in desk and in the Parenting Room you will find a Taking Faith Home resource for the month of September that contains a month’s worth of daily bible readings.

Little Lambs Playgroup
Come and join us for Playgroup on Wednesday mornings at 9.15am in the church hall.  Come on over straight after dropping off the kids at school.  Join other Mums and Dads and Grandies for a coffee and chat with activities for the little ones.

Kathy Liebig
Children and Family Support Worker

Youth Ministry
This Friday is youth event night.  Due to many things being on in the local community involving our youth we have decided to postpone the big “Girl/Guy” night to avoid disappointment for a lot of youth.  Therefore we will be running an informal event instead.  Will be lots of fun and a great time of fellowship, and relationship building with each other and our good, good Father.  Of course we will still provide food!!!
Further details regarding youth contact Margot Mertin 0401 850814 or

Combined North Eastern Lutheran Youth
Our next event is scheduled for this Saturday 27th August.  Planning is madly underway and a fun afternoon/evening is definitely on the cards.  We have 47 racers registered so it is going to be a great day.  Watch this space for details on how the event went!!

Margot Mertin
Ministry Team Leader

Para Vista Women's Fellowship
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 6th
WHEN:  !pm
WHERE: Good Shepherd Hall
WHO:  June Barring
TOPIC: Breast Cancer
All are very welcome to attend.

Maranatha Health

You are invited to celebrate our blessings with Maranatha Health
Saturday 17 September, 10am-12pm
Philps Reserve, Glynburn Rd, Leabrook

We want to say a big 'thank you' to Maranatha Health supporters, welcome new supporters, and tell you all the latest stories and developments of our projects in Uganda – with special guests, the Findlays.

Bring along a chair or picnic rug and join us for a family friendly morning of live music and morning refreshments (brunch), with traditional Ethiopian coffee and espresso coffee for sale. Browse at the market stalls of homemade, African and other goods, with all proceeds to support the work of Maranatha Health.

Please be part of the celebration and invite your family and friends!
RSVP for catering purposes to

Maranatha Health Spring Stall - After services Sunday 11th September
Spring is just around the corner! You are invited to celebrate the blessings of spring by sharing your blessings with others. Join us after services in the hall and or courtyard (depending on weather) for a Spring Goods and Gifts Stall, with all proceeds to support the work of Maranatha Health. We'd love you to gather some goodies from your garden, kitchen, craft corner or shed to make the stall a diverse delight for all (please include an ingredients list if you provide baked goods). Tax deductible donations are always welcome too.

Maranatha Health exists to bless others and bring life - be a part of the blessing this spring!
For more information contact Keren

From the office

Weekly Monday Night Prayer Meetings
Following our 30 days of prayer, there will be an ongoing prayer meeting held at the church every Monday evening 7:30-8:30pm. Everyone is welcome and there will be at least one member of the prayer team on hand to lead. Please come along to uphold our church and ministry in prayer. We look forward to seeing you there.


Professional Standards Workshop

Venue Salisbury Luth. Church 10 Waterloo Corner Road
Date 15th October 2016 Time 9am-4pm (sign-in from 8:45am) Cost: $35 per person
REGISTRATIONS ARE ESSENTIAL! Please register online at

A new workshop providing a coordinated & comprehensive approach to:
•    Health & Safety for congregations
•    Prevention of harassment, bullying & abuse
•    Complaints handling
•    ChildSafe Team Member
This is more than a replacement for Safe Place and ChildSafe training

Lutheran Media
You are invited to the Lutheran Media 70th Anniversary High Tea to celebrate 70 years of communicating Christ.  Come along and hear Jayne Lochert, radio host of Coffee O’Clock on Life FM share her insights and listen to talented Lutheran musicians.

Join us for an afternoon of fun food and friendship as we hear how media may be used to reach out to people in the future.  The event is on the 18th September from 2pm to 5pm at the Pavilion on the Park, South Terrace, Adelaide. Tickets are $49 per person Phone 1800 353 350 or go to  to order online

LCA Vacancies

Family Ministry Worker
Faith Lutheran Church Warradale, SA - 16 hours per week
For more information contact Pastor Tim Klein 0427 821 853 or church office on 8377 1731.
Applications close 31 August 2016

Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You believe in God; believe also in me.
John 14:1

Friday, August 19, 2016

Getting past your past

1. Breaking the labels that bind us

“The baggage from our past can paralyse us, imprison us, and poison our lives.”

Is your future caged up in your past? Instead of being dragged down and immobilized by the weight of guilt, pain, or a lingering sense of failure, what freedom could we find in laying those burdens down? Join us as we launch our new worship series: Getting Past Your Past.

This Sunday we’re going to consider those damaging labels from the past.  Others may have put those labels on us - to put us down.  We may have put labels on ourselves - based on past habits or failures.  Some of those labels may be lies of the evil one that we’ve believed about ourselves

Such labels can bind us to the past and lead us to define ourselves through them.
Like an evil curse, those labels can stick to us - keeping us in a prison of despair.  We tend to live out what we believe about ourselves.  

Yet those labels do not define who you are – or who God made you to be! 
God's truth about who you are in Christ is greater than any destructive label put on you by others, yourself, or the evil one.

This Sunday come and see how Jesus can break the labels that bind us. “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36 NIV)

Bible Reading: Joshua 2:1-12
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Kingdom Kids
This Sunday we will be having our Kingdom Youth session for our Year 5-7s.  Lunch will be provided for these children after their session at 12 and we aim to finish up around 12.30pm.  Parents and carers are welcome to stay for a cuppa in the hall during this time.

Toddler Zone
Toddler Zone for our 10 month – 3 year olds will not be available this week.  This term we will be operating every other week. Activity folders will be available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during this service.

Faith at Home
At the Kingdom Kids sign in desk and in the Parenting Room you will find a Taking Faith Home resource for the month of August that contains a month’s worth of daily bible readings.

Little Lambs Playgroup
Come and join us for Playgroup on Wednesday mornings at 9.15am in the church hall.  Come on over straight after dropping off the kids at school.  Join other Mums and Dads and Grandies for a coffee and chat with activities for the little ones.

Kathy Liebig
Children and Family Support Worker

Youth Ministry
Last Friday night the youth were “serving” the Watoto Choir and guests.  It was awesome to see so many young people walking around serving the supper, ice-creams and then cleaning up and doing dishes.  What a wonderful opportunity to give back to the church community and realise that life isn’t always about “me”.  I believe the Watoto Choir and their stories also really touched many of these young people too and made them realise just how lucky they are.

Our next event is on Friday 26th August and is our much awaited Girl/Guy night.  This is where we split into our gender groups and spend the entire evening doing “girlie” or “blokey” stuff, with a biblical base.  These have been well enjoyed in the past and I anticipate this one to be the same.  Cost is still $2 to help cover costs of food. Further details regarding youth contact Margot Mertin 0401 850814 or

Combined North Eastern Lutheran Youth
Our next event is scheduled for Saturday 27th August.  This event is open for young people in school years 5-12. We are excited to bring you “N.E.L.Y. Amazing Race”.  Tickets are $15-00 and must be purchased online prior to the event.  Included in the price will be worship, dinner, Amazing Race, snacks and a whole lot of fun.  Feel free to invite friends along too.

Margot Mertin
Ministry Team Leader

From the office

Budget 2016
January – July 2016
Total Offerings – Budget $296,950        Actual $286,874     UNDER $10,076

Budget Summary
January – June 2016
Total Income – Budget $272,446            Actual $267,847    UNDER $4,599
Total Expenses – Budget $250,472        Actual $241,894    UNDER $8,578
•    REG was $1,700 over budget with plate $2,200 under budget. Total for June was $500 under budget. This is encouraging given Offerings have been below budget by more than $1,000 in each recent month.
•    All expense was in line with budget for June.
•    Expenses are maintaining a trend of remaining below budget.
•    Most budget lines are projecting close to budget for the full year. 
•    Projected surplus provides some comfort even though Offerings have not been hitting monthly budget.

Call meeting
The meeting to call our new Lead Pastor will be held on Sunday August 28th at 12:15.
Important information regarding the meeting has been emailed to members and is available in hard copy in the Member’s Information area in the foyer

Thank you
Thank you to the 12 women and men who attended the working Bee last Saturday. The garden area has been cleared ready for upgrading. A great job. One task that needs to be completed is brick paving the 2 new small pathways through the garden. If you have a spare hour to assist with this small project please contact John Dolling 836785296.

Board chair 2017
We are still seeking a person to be Chair of the Board in 2017. Below are listed the tasks of the Chair: From our By Laws - The Chairperson shall
a)    be elected annually by the Congregation and shall preside at meetings of the Board and the Congregation;
b)    encourage and cooperate with all office bearers;
c)    ensure that an agenda is prepared for the meetings of the Board and the Congregation.
d)    submit a report to the Annual General Meeting of the Congregation.
The chair may become involved in other activities if he/she chooses to

Report on August Board meeting
•    The Board decided to proceed with the upgrade of the furniture in the church. This will be funded from the Asset Replacement Fund and so will not affect this year’s budget.
•    We received a letter from the LCA expressing concern about a possible deficit for 2017. The Board decided to monitor the situation before deciding if we would give extra support. Individual members may wish to make a contribution to the LCA to assist with this possible deficit
•    Issues with LED road sign discussed
•    Model constitution distributed by LCA discussed. It was decided to stay with our constitution but address some gender issues

50th Anniversary wine orders
A reminder that you can place orders for the 50th Anniversary wine  any time using the wine order form which has been emailed or is available in the Members’ Information area in the foyer. Wine will be available before the 50th Anniversary celebration on Saturday/Sunday November 5th/6th

Weekly Monday Night Prayer Meetings
Following our 30 days of prayer, there will be an ongoing prayer meeting held at the church every Monday evening 7:30-8:30pm. Everyone is welcome and there will be at least one member of the prayer team on hand to lead. Please come along to uphold our church and ministry in prayer. We look forward to seeing you there.


Lutheran Media

You are invited to the Lutheran Media 70th Anniversary High Tea to celebrate 70 years of communicating Christ.  Come along and hear Jayne Lochert, radio host of Coffee O’Clock on Life FM share her insights and listen to talented Lutheran musicians.

Join us for an afternoon of fun food and friendship as we hear how media may be used to reach out to people in the future.  The event is on the 18th September from 2pm to 5pm at the Pavilion on the Park, South Terrace, Adelaide. Tickets are $49 per person Phone 1800 353 350 or go to  to order online

LCA Vacancies

Resourcing and Support Coordinator
SA-NT District Office, North Adelaide, SA Blueprint Ministries - 2 days per week
Department of Children & Families, Youth & Young Adult Ministry (CFYaYAM)
Applications close 22 August 2016

Family Ministry Worker
Faith Lutheran Church Warradale, SA - 16 hours per week
For more information contact Pastor Tim Klein 0427 821 853 or church office on 8377 1731.
Applications close 31 August 2016

Look to the LORD and his strength;
seek his face always
1 Chronicles 16:11

Friday, August 12, 2016

When God seems unfair #3 – Living by faith, not by sight

This week we finish off our series ‘When God seems unfair’ based on a book in the Bible called Habakkuk. The question we have been looking at is—”How do you respond to God when he seems to be unfair? “

Habakkuk struggled with this same question and he didn’t hold back on challenging God with it. At the same time Habakkuk didn’t give up on God. He hung onto God in faith.  The name Habakkuk means to ‘embrace’ or ‘wrestle’ and Habakkuk did both of these in his relationship with God.

As we read through Habakkuk we see a progression in his response to God. In chapter 1, Habakkuk is wondering about God. ‘How long, O Lord, must I cry for help? But you do not listen!’ (Habakkuk 1:2)

In chapter 2, Habakkuk is waiting for God. “I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint.” (Habakkuk 2:1)

In chapter 3 we find Habakkuk worshipping God. ‘This prayer was sung by the prophet Habakkuk.’ (Habakkuk 3:1)

Habakkuk’s relationship with God progresses from wondering, to waiting to worshipping.  What happened to Habakkuk to move his response to God from wondering to waiting to worshipping? Did God answer his cries for help as he waited and therefore Habakkuk’s worship is a response to God’s help? Did Habakkuk worship God because his circumstances had improved? The answer is “No!” Habakkuk’s circumstances actually got worse.

Habakkuk was able to worship God because he lived by faith, not by sight. God speaks of this in 2:4 where is says ‘but the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God.’ (Habakkuk 2:4 NLT) Habakkuk’s worship is driven by his faith in God and not by the things he sees going on around him. How was Habakkuk able to live by faith and not by sight?

As we look at chapter three we see Habakkuk did three things that helped him live by faith, not by sight. Habakkuk remembered, accepted and trusted. This Sunday we will look at what it means to remember, accept and trust so that we too can live by faith and not by sight.

Bible Readings: Habakkuk 3:1-19
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids will be available this Sunday at our 10.30am service.  Our Kingdom Youth Year 5-7s will be staying in worship this week with their families.

Toddler Zone
Toddler Zone for our 10 month – 3 year olds will not be available this week.  This term we will be operating every other week.

Activity folders will be available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during this service.

Faith at Home
At the Kingdom Kids sign in desk and in the Parenting Room you will find a Taking Faith Home resource for the month of August that contains a month’s worth of daily bible readings.

Little Lambs Playgroup
Come and join us for Playgroup on Wednesday mornings at 9.15am in the church hall.  Come on over straight after dropping off the kids at school.  Join other Mums and Dads and Grandies for a coffee and chat with activities for the little ones.

Step Up
Our Step Up to Communion program will be commencing on Sunday 14th August with a shared lunch and four Friday evening sessions thereafter. Letters have been sent to children in Year 5. Please contact the church office if you and your child would like to participate.

Children and Family Ministry Team
Kathy Liebig

Youth Ministry
What a fantastic start to youth this term with our Ignite Olympics. We started with a time of worship then launched into our event with the ignition of the Olympic flame followed by seven “sports” events.  Our sports events concluded with our medal presentation for our bronze, silver and gold medallists.  The night concluded with knowing it was still Victory for all through our saviour Jesus Christ, and we sang and danced enthusiastically to the song of the same name.  A great night had by all.
Our next event is this Friday 12th August where we will be “serving” as the Watoto Choir and guests will be here.  The youth will be able to enjoy the performance and then the youth will be helping with set-up, serving and cleaning up for supper. 
A wonderful opportunity to give back to the church community.  Performance starts at 7pm and then pick up for youth will still be normal time of 9.30pm.

Further details regarding youth contact Margot Mertin 0401 850814 or

Combined North Eastern Lutheran Youth
Our next event is scheduled for Saturday 27th August.  This event is open for young people in school years 5-12. We are excited to bring you “N.E.L.Y. Amazing Race”.  Tickets are $15-00 and must be purchased online prior to the event.  Included in the price will be worship, dinner, Amazing Race, snacks and a whole lot of fun.  Feel free to invite friends along too.

Margot Mertin
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader

From the office

Do you play an instrument or can you sing? We would love to hear from you!
The Worship Team at Good Shepherd is looking for people of all ages and all instruments!
Email Rochelle or call the office on 8263 5087

Weekly Monday Night Prayer Meetings
Following our 30 days of prayer, there will be an ongoing prayer meeting held at the church every Monday evening 7:30-8:30pm. Everyone is welcome and there will be at least one member of the prayer team on hand to lead. Please come along to uphold our church and ministry in prayer. We look forward to seeing you there.


LCA Vacancies

LCA Local Mission Administration Assistant 0.6 FTE
LCA National Office, North Adelaide, SA
For more information, and to send applications: LCA Business Manager Debbie Venz; 08 8267 7300
Applications close 17 August 2016

Resourcing and Support Coordinator
SA-NT District Office, North Adelaide, SA Blueprint Ministries - 2 days per week
Department of Children & Families, Youth & Young Adult Ministry (CFYaYAM)
Applications close 22 August 2016

Family Ministry Worker
Faith Lutheran Church Warradale, SA - 16 hours per week
For more information contact Pastor Tim Klein 0427 821 853 or church office on 8377 1731.
Applications close 31 August 2016

International Position Full-time Five-year contract
Study Secretary for Lutheran Theology and Practice
The Lutheran World Federation, Geneva, Switzerland
Applications close 16 September 2016

Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8

Friday, August 5, 2016

When God seems unfair #2 – When God doesn’t make sense

“What screws us up the most in life is the picture in our head of what it's supposed to be.”  (Socrates) 

Most of us have hopes, dreams, and expectations of how life will work out for us.  Sometimes we might expect God to meet those expectations - and make all our dreams come true.  As if God is accountable to us!  As if trusting and following Jesus means that all our problems are over!

Have you ever been hit like a freight-train with something you didn’t see coming?  What do you do when God does NOT come through for you in the way you were expecting?  

We wonder: “Why on earth is this happening to me?” “God, how come you allowed this to happen?” “God, why aren’t you fixing all the injustice and suffering in this world?”

Questioning God’s fairness is nothing new. We find it throughout the Bible, particularly in the books of Job and Jeremiah, as well as in the Psalms. 

We also find it a prophet in the Old Testament named Habakkuk. When he looked at all the wickedness around him, it broke his heart. 

He questions God.  And God answers.  Several times.  And by the time we get to the end of Habakkuk, we find him at a different place with God. 

The same thing can happen with us!  We can wrestle with God over our questions, and at the same time trust God to work out the answers – which may have a different timetable than we expected.  This Sunday’s theme: When God doesn’t make sense.  

We will do better when the picture in our head is informed by the vision of what God promises at the conclusion of his unfolding story!

Bible Reading: Habakkuk 1:12-2:4
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids resumes this Sunday at our 10.30am service.

Kingdom Youth
This Sunday we will be having our second Kingdom Youth session for our Year 5-7s.  Lunch will be provided for these children after their session at 12 and we aim to finish up around 12.30pm. Parents and carers are welcome to stay for a cuppa in the hall during this time.

Toddler Zone
Toddler Zone for our 10 month – 3 year olds will be available this week.  This term we will be operating every other week. Activity folders will be available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during this service.

Faith at Home
At the Kingdom Kids sign in desk and in the Parenting Room you will find a Taking Faith Home resource for the month of August that contains a month’s worth of daily bible readings.

Little Lambs Playgroup
Come and join us for Playgroup on Wednesday mornings at 9.15am in the church hall.  Come on over straight after dropping off the kids at school.  Join other Mums and Dads and Grandies for a coffee and chat with activities for the little ones.

Step Up
Our Step Up to Communion program will be commencing on Sunday 14th August with a shared lunch and four Friday evening sessions thereafter.  Letters have been sent to children in Year 5. Please contact the church office if you and your child would like to participate.

Children and Family Ministry Team
Kathy Liebig

Youth Ministry
Combined North Eastern Lutheran Youth
Our next event is scheduled for Saturday 27th August.  This event is open for young people in school years 5-12. We are excited to bring you “N.E.L.Y. Amazing Race”.  Tickets are $15-00 and must be purchased prior to the event.

Margot Mertin
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader

Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

From the office

Weekly Monday Night Prayer Meetings
Following our 30 days of prayer, there will be an ongoing prayer meeting held at the church every Monday evening 7:30-8:30pm. Everyone is welcome and there will be at least one member of the prayer team on hand to lead. Please come along to uphold our church and ministry in prayer. We look forward to seeing you there.

The Call Team has met and discussed all the names submitted by congregational members. We have developed a short list of pastors who are considered suited to be Lead Pastor at Good Shepherd.

Next week we will contact these pastors and have a discussion with them. From there we will make a decision on who will be recommended to the congregation. A call meeting is planned for Sunday August 28th at 12:15. You will receive notification of recommended pastors the week prior to the meeting.

Garden clean up ready for 50th Anniversary
Can you spare 1 hour to assist?
Our 50th Anniversary will be celebrated on Saturday Nov 5th and Sunday Nov 6th.
Part of the planning is to re-establish the garden along Montague Road. This area needs to be reinvigorated to improve the entrance to our complex. To achieve this there will be 2 working bees to remove many of the existing plants. These will be on:
•    Saturday August 13th from 9-12
•    Saturday August 20th from 9-12.
If you can spare an hour we would be grateful for your help.
If these times do not suit but you wish to help contact John Dolling (83675296) to make alternate arrangements


You can still support families this winter
This winter we are asking you to help us build a brighter future for thousands. Through your gift together we can build an Australia where new arrivals are welcomed, the homeless are supported, and children are cared for. Donations $2 and over are tax deductible.
Visit the LCC website at or contact LCC at 08 8269 9333 to help someone going without this winter.

LCA Vacancies

LCA Local Mission Administration Assistant 0.6 FTE
LCA National Office, North Adelaide, SA
For more information, and to send applications: LCA Business Manager Debbie Venz; 08 8267 7300
Applications close 17 August 2016

Resourcing and Support Coordinator
SA-NT District Office, North Adelaide, SA Blueprint Ministries - 2 days per week
Department of Children & Families, Youth & Young Adult Ministry (CFYaYAM)
Applications close 22 August 2016

Family Ministry Worker
Faith Lutheran Church Warradale, SA - 16 hours per week
For more information contact Pastor Tim Klein 0427 821 853 or church office on 8377 1731.
Applications close 31 August 2016

International Position Full-time Five-year contract
Study Secretary for Lutheran Theology and Practice
The Lutheran World Federation, Geneva, Switzerland
Applications close 16 September 2016

Owe no one anything, except to love each other,
for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
Romans 13:8