Happiness is circumstantial. When life is good and things are turning out well, we are happy. When things go ‘pear shaped’ or ‘belly up’, we are “not happy Jan!”
Joy is the fruit of knowing God’s love for us in Jesus. Nothing that you and I experience can change God’s heart towards us, or cancel out his promises to us in Jesus!
That’s why in Philippians Chapter 3, Paul urges: Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith. (Philippians 3:1 NLT)
In the rest of the chapter, Paul warns his friends against a classic “joy buster”, and reminds them how to keep their joy fresh and alive.
Grace is the key to joy. The two words go together and have the same root in Greek (grace = charis; joy = chara). Our joy comes from the fact that God has made us right with himself through the work of Jesus Christ, which is given to us as a free gift (grace).
In this life we can experience hardships and grief, yet still have joy. Following the funerals of both my parents, I felt both sorrow and profound joy: joy in knowing they were at home with Jesus.
Joy in Jesus!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Bible Reading: Philippians 3:1 – 4:1 New Living Translation
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Holy Baptism
This Sunday at the 10.30am service Lucy and Henry, twin children of Alisa and Daniel Bates and Amari Hueppauff, son of Jodi and Nathanael Hueppauff, will be welcomed into God’s family through Holy Baptism.
Half Yearly Meeting
To be held on Sunday 24th November at 12.30pm.
Ladies Fellowship
Just a reminder of our Christmas Luncheon on 3rd December at 12 noon in the church café at Good Shepherd. Dress to impress! Delicious meal and wine. If you are able, please bring a small wrapped Christmas gift. All gifts will be given to Foodbank SA. Please pay Dawn Spencer by 19th November. $25 per head
Honey Biscuits
Honey biscuits to the church kitchen by 24th November please.
Dear Church Family,
Thank you to people who have already agreed to help out with our ‘Experience Christmas’ afternoon. Your participation is invaluable! It is not too late to join us. If you, or someone you know, would like to be part of this opportunity to share God’s love at Christmas with others, please let me know! Talk with me in person, phone me on 08 82647966 or email me on georgie.schuster@paravista.org.au.
Extra Opportunity to Support the Family Hub
The Family Hub plan to bring some joy to those who they assist during the year by holding a Christmas celebration. They have contact with 250 families which includes 400 children. The majority of these are expected to attend the Christmas celebration.
This is an enormous undertaking. We have a chance to support this activity financially. Between the 10:30am service and Half Yearly meeting there will be a BBQ. Proceeds will go to supporting the Family Hub Christmas celebrations - sausages $2, steak sandwich $4 with a maximum of $15 per family. If there is excess money donated it will go towards a gardening programme they want to establish.
If you won't be attending the BBQ or meeting there will be an opportunity to support this project. At both services there will be a display on the left hand side of the platform. Money donations can be left there in the bowl provided.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Money from Karaoke Night
The money raised through the Karaoke Night held earlier in the year has been utilised to :
• develop and support a Parenting Course which aims to develop parents' skills which will help keep families together.
• develop cooking courses to teach children and parents about the value of good nutrition and develop cooking skills utilising simple recipes.
Will your children be looking for something to do in the Summer holidays? Here is an opportunity for you!
SPIN is a summer kids’ camp for young people in Years 4–6 from across South Australia, which ‘turns church upside down’ by showing how the church is relevant and important for the kids of today.
To register go to:
There is a $50 discount code available for campers from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. See Church Office or Georgie for details!
Grow Ministries Faith at Home
More ideas to explore as you nurture your family’s faith at home! This one is entitled ‘Stand Firm’.
Check it out! The Weekly News email has an attachment for you to access and print off for your family.
Christmas ‘Gift of Life’ Cards
This Christmas Maranatha Health is sharing Gifts of Life with our Ugandan community. We invite you to donate and receive Christmas Gift Cards to share with friends and family - and give a Gift of Life that lasts long into the future.
Your gift of a tax deductible donation to Maranatha Health can provide life-saving medical care, increase community understanding to prevent ill-health, and help build a more accessible and just health care system that will bring lasting change to people’s lives.
To give a Gift of Life and order your cards, visit our website at www.maranathahealth.org/christmas. To see samples of our elegantly designed Gift Cards, see Julie Freund after church!
From the Office
Front Office Closure
Due to the front office reception position vacancy the church office will be closed all day Monday and Friday afternoons till further notice. Please email churchenquires@paravista.org.au or leave a message on the answering service and staff will get back to you.
LLL Interest Rate Change
Our congregation has received an ‘LLL Interest Rate change’ notice advising that effective
1 November 2019, the interest rate on at-call Savings Accounts is 1.50%. This notice has been placed on the church notice board for your information.

Attention Senior Members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista
Is life getting a bit harder with age? Why not have a look at the comfortable, friendly, safe living at FLH Good Shepherd Retirement Village? An opportunity for you to join a small community with 5 brand new 2 bedroom units being built. Just phone Shannon on 8372 3495 to find out the next step. No obligation on your part. We want to help you.
$5 from every schnitzel purchased on the night goes to
Family Zone
Where: The Brahma Lodge Hotel
When: 25th November
Time: Book a table between 5.30-8.30pm
Raffles and Lucky Squares sold on the night
Christmas Trees Available
High quality live Christmas trees are available again this year. These are supplied by Holy Cross Lutheran Church Birdwood. All proceeds go towards School Pastoral Care Workers in the Torrens Valley area.
Trees will be delivered on Saturday 14th December to a yet unspecified site in the NE suburbs (last 2 years to Golden Grove Lutheran Church). Orders, with payment, need to be into John Dolling (83675296/jdolling@bigpond.net.au) by Sunday December 1st.
Cost of a tree is $45. You can nominate height of tree required – 5.6 or 7 foot and they will match your request as close as possible.
“The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.”
Psalm 126:3