Furthermore, listen to some of Paul’s own words:
- Five different times the Jewish leaders gave me thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked . Once I spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea.
- I have travelled on many long journeys. I have faced danger from rivers and from robbers. I have faced danger from my own people, the Jews, as well as from the Gentiles. I have faced danger in the cities, in the deserts, and on the seas. And I have faced danger from men who claim to be believers but are not.
- I have worked hard and long, enduring many sleepless nights. I have been hungry and thirsty and have often gone without food. I have shivered in the cold, without enough clothing to keep me warm. (2 Corinthians 11:24-27 NLT)
Compare this to what he writes to the believers under the pump in Thessalonica: ‘Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV)
What?! How on earth is it possible to have joy when life can be so brutal? Is Paul delusional… or in some form of denial?
Note that Paul does not say, ‘Rejoice in your problems always.’ That would be crazy. Rather: ‘Always be full of joy in the Lord!’
Even in the midst of heartbreak, suffering, and grief, believers find joy in the Lord Jesus. How on earth is this possible? Because through Jesus we have come into God’s story of restoration and hope for his world – including us!
Come along this Sunday as we unpack this some more and conclude our current series: Joy in Tough Times.
Joy in Jesus!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Bible Readings: Luke 12:22-26 NLT, Philippians 4:4-9 NLT
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Half Yearly Meeting
To be held on Sunday 24th November at 12.30pm.
Ladies Fellowship
Just a reminder of our Christmas Luncheon on 3rd December at 12 noon in the church café at Good Shepherd. Dress to impress! Delicious meal and wine. If you are able, please bring a small wrapped Christmas gift. All gifts will be given to Foodbank SA.
Honey Biscuits
Honey biscuits to the church kitchen by 24th November please.
Family Hub
There has been amazing support for the Family Hub in 2019. This has been through our monthly food collections and also through financial help. Thank you for this support as it has enabled The Hub to continue to support needy families in the district.
We have one more opportunity to support their work during 2019. This year The Hub had contact with 250 families and over 400 children. They plan to bring joy to these families by holding a Christmas celebration and part of this is giving each child a small gift. This is a big and costly undertaking and we would like to support this financially.
This Sunday there are opportunities to contribute:
• there will be a BBQ between the 10:30 service and Half Yearly meeting- sausages $2, steak sandwich $4. Maximum per family $15.
• there will be a plant stall after both services. This will be a one Sunday only sale.
• if you won't be around for the BBQ or are not into plants you can give a donation. This can be placed in the bowl in the display on the left hand side of the platform at both services.
After services on Sunday several people asked if they could donate presents rather than give financially. For uniformity of gifts The Hub has requested that we do not provide presents.
The Family Hub Support Team
Christmas Trees
All orders for Christmas trees must be in to John Dolling (0409819864/83675296) by Sunday December 1st. Trees available are 5, 6 or 7 foot. Cost $45 with all money raised going to support chaplains in schools.

SPIN is a summer kids’ camp for young people in Years 4–6 from across South Australia, which ‘turns church upside down’ by showing how the church is relevant and important for the kids of today.
To register go to:
There is a $50 discount code available for campers from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. See Church Office or Georgie for details!
Grow Ministries Faith at Home
This particular resource is dated November 24th - 24th Sunday after Pentecost. This is the ‘last Sunday’ in the church year. Next week we begin the new church year starting with the season of Advent. This resource offers some ideas for you to consider. Check it out!
Christmas ‘Gift of Life’ Cards
This Christmas Maranatha Health is sharing Gifts of Life with our Ugandan community. We invite you to donate and receive Christmas Gift Cards to share with friends and family - and give a Gift of Life that lasts long into the future.
Your gift of a tax deductible donation to Maranatha Health can provide life-saving medical care, increase community understanding to prevent ill-health, and help build a more accessible and just health care system that will bring lasting change to people’s lives.
To give a Gift of Life and order your cards, visit our website at www.maranathahealth.org/christmas. To see samples of our elegantly designed Gift Cards, see Julie Freund after church!
From the Office
Front Office Closure
Due to the front office reception position vacancy the church office will be closed all day Monday and Friday afternoons till further notice. Please email churchenquires@paravista.org.au or leave a message on the answering service and staff will get back to you.
Facilities Upgrades
A dedicated team of enthusiastic builders spent the last three Saturdays replacing the old wooden pergola at the manse. After years of weather the existing wooden structure finally succumbed to the elements and before embarking on some leave, Pastor Rolly assisted by removing the rotting timber leaving a clean slate for the volunteer team, led by Mat Eckermann, to erect a new steel structure. Thanks to the:
• volunteers who did the hard work of digging holes, mixing concrete and standing at awkward angles to support framework and clambered around on the structure to put it all together.
• wives who encouraged and allowed their skilled husbands to volunteer, and
• to the children who gave their dads the time to spend engaging with others.
The manse now has an inviting outdoor entertaining and social area that provides shelter from the weather.
A replacement rain water tank was also recently installed at the manse to replace the old one which had rusted out. Thanks also to the team of volunteers who helped with this project.

Luthern Nurses’ Association of Australia
All healthcare workers, members and visitors are invited to attend our meeting on Monday 25th November with Helene Schulz presenting about 'Lutheran Community Care', 7.30pm at 137 Archer Street, North Adelaide, at LCA/SA District Office. Entry through rear door with 2 hour CDP evidence provided. Contact: Rose Howard - Secretary LNAA Mobile; 0410 463 649
$5 from every schnitzel purchased on the night goes to
Family Zone
Where: The Brahma Lodge Hotel
When: 25th November
Time: Book a table between 5.30-8.30pm
Raffles and Lucky Squares sold on the night
“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Colossians 1:27