For a moment, close your eyes and think of the people in your life that bring you the most joy. What memories first come to mind? How long ago did these things occur? What is important about remembering them?
According to The Brain Connection:
Fundamentally, memory represents a change in who we are… Memory represents a change in who we are because it is predictive of who we will become.
At the most basic level, remembering experiences with others represents who we were and the way that other people changed us. In the spiritual sense, remembering reminds us that ultimately, we are not alone.
When Paul wrote the book of Philippians, he was imprisoned. As we ponder what that might have looked and felt like, perhaps in the darkened space, Paul might have felt frightened and alone. Oddly, though, his thoughts in Philippians are some of the most joyful of any writings in the scriptures. Even in his alone-ness, Paul seems not to be lonely. In fact, as he remembers the people who shaped him along the way, he feels their presence in the midst of his tribulation.
Indeed it is right for me to think this way about all of you, because I have you in my heart, and you are all partners with me in grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel.
Questions of the week: How do we find joy while experiencing loneliness? How do we connect with people when we are not near them? How does God call us to retain our spiritual partnerships in increasingly busy lives?
Pr Reid Matthias
Bible Reading: Philippians 1:1-11
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Half Yearly Meeting
To be held on Sunday 24th November at 12.30pm.
Ladies Fellowship
Just a reminder of our Christmas Luncheon on 3rd December at Good Shepherd. Please pay Dawn Spencer by 19th November. $25 per head
Christmas is Coming
After last year’s successful ‘Experience Christmas’ afternoon, we would love to offer this opportunity again. Immerse yourselves in the wonder and excitement of the gift of Jesus coming to us through activities and stories that describe this awesome event. Save the date: Sunday December 1!
We are looking for people to be involved to help make this happen. If this is something that interests you, please let me know. Talk with me in person, phone me on 08 82647966 or email me on
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Good Shepherd Remembrance Service 2019
We’re having another Remembrance Service on Saturday November 9th at 1:30pm. It’s a time and place to remember loved ones who have died, to share our grief with one another, and to seek God’s comfort in Jesus. It’s open to all who would like to come. As part of the service, family members and friends will have an opportunity to light a candle.
We also would like to read out a list of names of those being remembered. If you would like a loved one’s name to be read out, you can make this known as you arrive on the day. If you wish you can also include the date of their death.
Following the service, there will be an afternoon cuppa in the hall.
Pr Rolly Stahl
Will your children be looking for something to do in the Summer holidays? Here is an opportunity for you!
SPIN is a summer kids’ camp for young people in Years 4–6 from across South Australia, which ‘turns church upside down’ by showing how the church is relevant and important for the kids of today.
To register go to:
There is a $50 discount code available for campers from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. See Church Office or Georgie for details!

Faith at Home
Are you looking for some ideas to nurture your family’s faith at home? Grow Ministries might have some suggestions to try out. While Good Shepherd Lutheran Church doesn’t always follow the same bible reading pattern, this resource provides some ideas for you to consider.
Check it out! The Weekly News email has an attachment for you to access and print off for your family.
From the Office
Front Office Closure
Due to the front office reception position vacancy the church office will be closed all day Monday and Friday afternoons till further notice. Please email or leave a message on the answering service and staff will get back to you.
LLL Interest Rate Change
Our congregation has received an ‘LLL Interest Rate change’ notice advising that effective
1 November 2019, the interest rate on at-call Savings Accounts is 1.50%. This notice has been placed on the church notice board for your information.

Attention Senior Members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista
Is life getting a bit harder with age? Why not have a look at the comfortable, friendly, safe living at FLH Good Shepherd Retirement Village? An opportunity for you to join a small community with 5 brand new 2 bedroom units being built. Just phone Shannon on 8372 3495 to find out the next step. No obligation on your part. We want to help you.
Christmas Trees Available
High quality live Christmas trees are available again this year. These are supplied by Holy Cross Lutheran Church Birdwood. All proceeds go towards School Pastoral Care Workers in the Torrens Valley area.
Trees will be delivered on Saturday 14th December to a yet unspecified site in the NE suburbs (last 2 years to Golden Grove Lutheran Church). Orders, with payment, need to be into John Dolling (83675296/ by Sunday December 1st.
Cost of a tree is $45. You can nominate height of tree required – 5.6 or 7 foot and they will match your request as close as possible.
$5 from every schnitzel purchased on the night goes to
Family Zone
Where: The Brahma Lodge Hotel
When: 25th November
Time: Book a table between 5.30-8.30pm
Raffles and Lucky Squares sold on the night
“When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty.”
Jeremiah 15:16