Shhhh!!! Do you sense God? |

While I was away I went into maybe 20 of these churches. Each took my breath away, because visually they were very impressive. But each left me wondering and hoping for a sense of God. I have no doubts that many people each week meet God in these beautiful, majestic buildings, but not me. For me the building almost serves as a distraction from God. It reminded me of 1 Kings 19: 11-12, where God is talking to Elijah:
‘The Lord said, "Go out. Stand on the mountain in front of me. I am going to pass by." As the Lord approached, a very powerful wind tore the mountains apart. It broke up the rocks. But the Lord wasn't in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake. But the Lord wasn't in the earthquake. After the earthquake a fire came. But the Lord wasn't in the fire. And after the fire there was only a gentle whisper.’
The footnotes in my bible put it like this, ‘Elijah knew that the sound of a gentle whisper was God’s voice. He realised that God doesn’t reveal himself only in powerful, miraculous ways. To look for God only in something big, such as rallies, churches, conferences or highly visible leaders may be to miss Him because He is often found gently whispering in the quietness of a humbled heart’.
Sophie Gerrie
Prayer Requests -For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email with your request

Podcasts available at
Invite your friends and neighbours to join us on Sunday 30th October 2011 in the church hall as we celebrate Reformation Day.

Post 8:45am service morning tea will be served;
and post 10:30am service a community meal.
(Gold coin donation to offset costs would be appreciated)
‘Fruits of the Spirit’ Holiday Activity
Thank you to Tanya Harrison, Sonia Hulme and Rachel Liebelt for the wonderful job they did at our recent ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ Holiday Activity morning. We had close to 70 children and adults come along and had a wonderful morning learning more about the fruits of the spirit. Thank you to everyone who came and for all the time and effort the team put into making it the huge success that it was.
Take Home Bible Activity Kits
Tanya Harrison and her wonderful team have put together several new Take Home Bible Kits for you and your family to enjoy. They are located in the foyer near the parenting room and can be borrowed using your library card at any time. They are great fun and are a great way to explore and discuss faith at home. Why not give them a go!Play group
Term 4 sessions have begun and we would love to invite anyone with young children or grandchildren to come along and join in the fun. Play group is a great way to build connections with other families and also provides a safe and fun environment for children to learn and play. Play group also gives us adults the chance to share life with other adults in a non-threatening and inviting way. Play group runs each Wednesday morning from 9:30am -10:30am in the church hall. Finally, if you are interested in joining the Play Group Team for 2012 we would love to hear from you. For more information speak to Sharyn 8264 7324 or Laura 8263 5087.Coffee and Dessert Night
Bethany and I are looking forward to hosting our final Coffee and Dessert night for 2011 on Tuesday 15th November. These nights are designed to give school and church families the chance to be inspired and to inspire through sharing stories, resources and ideas for sharing faith with our school community. Keep the night free and watch this space for more information.Laura Carson
Children and Family Team
The first youth event for Term 4 is next week! Friday 28th October. It’s going to be great to catch up with everyone, so make sure you get along. 7pm- 9:30pm in the church. Very much looking forward to seeing you all there! For a printed copy of the timetable please see the youth notice board at the back of the church.
More information about Ignite youth can be found at
Also please put the 4th-6th of January 2012 in your diary as Ignite camp!!! More information will be out really soon! Keep posted.
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team LeaderWomen's Fellowship
Tuesday 1st November in the church hall at 1.00pm.
Pastor Rolly will lead bible study.
AGM ready to serve in 2012
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea
AGM ready to serve in 2012
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea
Honey biscuits are required by Sunday 20th November for packaging by Women's Fellowship. They can be left in the church kitchen marked accordingly. The packaged biscuits are delivered to Lutheran Community Care and given to residents in various institutions for Christmas Cheer. Many bags are packed by Lutheran Women throughout SA every year Bags contain 125grams of honey biscuits with a Christmas tract or card from the LLL attached. Can you help? Some biscuits can be decorated but not with nuts or 100s & 1,000s.
LWSA Retreat 2012
When: 20th – 22nd January
Where: Australian Lutheran College, Ward Street, North AdelaideTheme: Renew/Respond/Rejoice
Fees: Full Time $80.00
Part Time Bed $15.00 per night; Breakfast $5.00; Lunch $8.00;
Dinner $12.00; Fruit Breaks $3.00; Supper $3.00;
***plus $5.00 Administration***
Registration: All enrolments full or part time, must be received by 13th January 2012.
See notice board for a copy of the Enrolment Form.
Women @ PV – Ladies, our final event for 2011 will be held on Friday night 18th November and is titled
‘You are Creative’. Come along to the church hall at 7:30pm for a night of Christmas craft, shopping and supper.
Gold coin entry. ALL WELCOME women@paravist
‘You are Creative’. Come along to the church hall at 7:30pm for a night of Christmas craft, shopping and supper.
Gold coin entry. ALL WELCOME women@paravist
Mission news
Special Retiring Offering
On Sunday 30th October, we will be taking up a special retiring offering at the end of all three services. This offering will be split equally between the three overseas projects we are supporting – Maranatha Health, Cebu Missionary Foundation, and the Lutheran Mission in Cambodia. Please prayerfully consider what you can give to support these life changing projects. God has richly blessed us individually and as a congregation. This is an opportunity to share some of this blessing with others. If you are not going to be here on the 30th October you can contribute to this special offering in any of the services before this date by placing your offering in an envelope and marking it “Overseas Retiring Offering”. Alternatively donations can be made by direct transfer to -
PV GSLC Operating Account. BSB 704 942 Ac No 129523 - if transferring from another LLL account +S1
Please write ‘Overseas Mission’ in the reference box.
Move Urban Dance Crew Term 4:
When: starting on Thursday 20th October
Where: GSLC Hall
What: Urban/ Hip hop classes for fun (new songs and moves in term 4)
Who: anyone aged 4+
Class times:
3:45am - 4:30pm: ages 4-6
4:30pm - 5:30pm: ages 7-9
5:30pm - 6:30pm: ages 10+
From the Board
After 11 years of serving our community as an outstandingly efficient and relational Administration Manager, John Dolling has decided the time to resign has arrived. He plans to spend more quality time with his wife Jan and family, and enjoy time exploring what it means to relax! In his role John has always given time to working closely with people and building them up, as well as ensuring the administration, policy and facilities are working effectively for our church community. We thank John abundantly for his time of service. John will be missed as a member of the staff team, but we have no doubt his humour will be shared regardless of position! He and Jan will continue to be actively involved in our church community. John’s finishes up in late March 2012. The Administration Manager position will be advertised later this year
From the office
Positions vacant at Good Shepherd.
Three paid vacancies are available for immediate start
Cleaner 2 hours per week
Caretaker 2 hours per week
Finance Support Officer
A Position Description for the above positions is available on request from church office- or by phoning 8263 5087. You can also view a copy online at : members section positions vacant.
Worship Support Team Leader
An opportunity for someone to join the Pastoral Ministry Team Starting January 2012. A Position Description is available on request from the church office- or by phoning 8263 5087. You can also view a copy online at . Click on members section. Enter user name: and password. Then click on ‘positions vacant’ on the right hand side. Applications in writing, by 7th November 2011, are to be submitted to the:
Senior Pastor
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA 5092
“Time Out – Five Minutes with God” Devotion Book for 2012
Special pre-order purchase price of $22.00. Order by 30th October. Available in December.
2012 Australian Christian Diary
$12.00 each
Please contact the church office 8263 5087 or by 30th October to order. Thanks.
Please note office closed for staff meeting
On Thursday 27th October from 9.00am to 10.00am.
On the notice board
Position Vacant: Project Coordinator, Maranatha Health
We are seeking a passionate, enthusiastic individual with skills and experience in administration and communication to join the Maranatha Health Australia team. This is a part time position based in Adelaide, at two days per week with the potential for increased hours in the future.
For more information about this position, how to apply, and a copy of the Job Description visit the Maranatha Health website
BordererS CD launch
Saturday 19th November at the Norwood Hotel
St Marks Anglican Church invitation to an afternoon of music on Sunday 6th November
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: