In the book of Matthew, the author begins the gospel by giving a genealogy of Jesus, fourteen generations at a time. Often, we fast forward directly to the end of chapter one when the good stuff happens. But in doing so, we miss out on what Matthew, who is writing the Jews to let them know that after the exile, and the return to Jerusalem, the King of heaven has come.
Skipping over the genealogy and right into the Christmas story robs us of a chance to remember what it’s like to wait in (im)patient anticipation. When you are told that a gift is coming and that it will change every part of your life, the anticipation is immense and painful and wonderful all at the same time.
Imagine the struggle and impatience of the Israelites in exile hundreds of years before the birth of the king. Imagine being told that your salvation is coming, but then having to wait fourteen generations for it to occur. Could you remain faithful? As you wait in exile, away from your home, and your comfort and the peace that comes with God being with us, does faith come easy?
This week as we delve into both Matthew and the book of Isaiah, walk with me through the comfort that comes knowing that God always keeps his promises. Even if it takes a very long time.
Read Isaiah 40 especially verses 8-11 this week and experience with new eyes the songs that we sing as we wait for the advent of our Lord Jesus.
Pr Reid Matthias
Bible Readings: Isaiah 40:1-10
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Support for the Family Hub
In November we were supporting the Family Hub financially to assist with funding their Christmas celebrations for over 250 families and 400+ children. Again our congregation was very generous in their support. We raised $1755 to assist the Hub in their ministry to needy families in the district.
Money raised:
BBQ $433.50
Plant Stall $411.50
Donations $110.00
Sub Total $955.00
The Women's Fellowship gave a very generous donation of $500. Pat Varney raised $300 from the sale of cards. Both these amounts were donated to the Family Hub. We thank them for their very generous donations. Total donations =$955.00 + $800 = $1755.00
Ladies Fellowship
Just a reminder of our Christmas Luncheon on 3rd December at 12 noon in the church café at Good Shepherd. Dress to impress! Delicious meal and wine. If you are able, please bring a small wrapped Christmas gift. All gifts will be given to Foodbank SA.
Christmas Trees
All orders for Christmas trees must be in to John Dolling (0409819864/83675296) by Sunday December 1st. Trees available are 5, 6 or 7 foot. Cost $45 with all money raised going to support chaplains in schools.
Will your children be looking for something to do in the Summer holidays? Here is an opportunity for you!
SPIN is a summer kids’ camp for young people in Years 4–6 from across South Australia, which ‘turns church upside down’ by showing how the church is relevant and important for the kids of today.
To register go to:
There is a $50 discount code available for campers from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. See Church Office or Georgie for details!

Grow Ministries Faith at Home

Check it out!
Christmas ‘Gift of Life’ Cards
This Christmas Maranatha Health is sharing Gifts of Life with our Ugandan community. We invite you to donate and receive Christmas Gift Cards to share with friends and family - and give a Gift of Life that lasts long into the future.
Your gift of a tax deductible donation to Maranatha Health can provide life-saving medical care, increase community understanding to prevent ill-health, and help build a more accessible and just health care system that will bring lasting change to people’s lives.
To give a Gift of Life and order your cards, visit our website at To see samples of our elegantly designed Gift Cards, see Julie Freund after church!
From the Office
Christmas Whirlwind Competition
The competition is open again this year on Tuesday 24th December at 8.30am to find the best dust blowing machine on the block. The competition heats up this year to see if the electric machines can outdo the petrol ones and will greatly assist in giving the church grounds a bit of a dust off and the facility a bit of a spruce up.
For free entry, please bring along your best blow vac machine with safety equip and join the group to create an inviting appearance to our church facility for Christmas. If you don’t have a blow vac but have the time, still come along as I have a few spare. BEWARE last year an electric blower nearly took the prize until the big GSPV machine was brought out of hiding. Cobwebbing will also be completed so if you don’t have a competitive machine maybe you can compete for the longest broom handle.
A Parking Blessing for Christmas
Please note this year is going to be different to previous years as the school oval will not be available. Parking for members will be in the new Good Shepherd early learning centre car park (old Alliance church) and can be accessed via Hillary Cres without having to enter the church grounds. Please consider leaving the parks close to the entrance of the church as a blessing for our visitors. These arrangements will be in place for all Christmas services. Parking signs will be in place and your assistance in following directions of the car parking attendants is appreciated.
Car parking attendants are required to assist with traffic and parking on Christmas Eve from:
• 4.30pm till 6.30pm
• 8.30pm till 9.15pm
Please, contact Stephen on 0403 180 814 or to assist.
Office Closure over Christmas
The office will be closed for an extended period to allow staff to exhaust leave. Times will be:-
24 December 2019 9.00am to 2.00pm OPEN
25 December 2019 to 7th January 2020 CLOSED
Every Monday in January 2020 CLOSED
Tuesday to Friday January 2020 OPEN 9.00am to 3.00pm
For urgent contact during this time please call 8263 5087 and leave a message. Messages will be retrieved on working days over this time.
Weekly News
The last weekly news for 2019 will be published on Friday 20 December and the first edition for 2020 will be published on 10 January.
Facilities Upgrades
A dedicated team of enthusiastic builders spent the last three Saturdays replacing the old wooden pergola at the manse. After years of weather the existing wooden structure finally succumbed to the elements and before embarking on some leave, Pastor Rolly assisted by removing the rotting timber leaving a clean slate for the volunteer team, led by Mat Eckermann, to erect a new steel structure. Thanks to the:
• volunteers who did the hard work of digging holes, mixing concrete and standing at awkward angles to support framework and clambered around on the structure to put it all together.
• wives who encouraged and allowed their skilled husbands to volunteer, and
• to the children who gave their dads the time to spend engaging with others.
The manse now has an inviting outdoor entertaining and social area that provides shelter from the weather.
A replacement rain water tank was also recently installed at the manse to replace the old one which had rusted out. Thanks also to the team of volunteers who helped with this project.

Hossein has asked for prayer into the brutal totalitarian regime in Iran, where protesters have been killed, Christians in jail are tortured, civil rights abuses are common, and the internet has been shut down.
You can find more details via internet searches:
“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.”
2 Corinthians 1:20