Can money buy happiness?
an attempt to be humorous I often remark, ‘They say “Money can’t buy you
happiness,” but I would love the chance to learn that for myself!’ However, it
appears that it is no longer just the old and wise who claim money can’t buy
you happiness but also social scientists.
to writers Ron Kotulak and Jon Van, an international study based on information
gathered in thirty-nine countries and published in the journal Social Indicators Research concluded
that the more money people make, the more they want, so happiness keeps eluding
study said, “Neither increasing income at the individual level nor country level
were accompanied by increases in subjective well-being.” In fact researchers
found that rapid increases in wealth resulted in less, not more, happiness.
lot of people think, “If only I had a million dollars, I’d be happy.” It might
be true for one or two individuals, but for most people on average, it appears
not to be true.
is not found in money. The writer of Proverbs says, ‘Do not wear yourself out to get
rich: do not trust your own cleverness. Cast but a glance at riches, and they
are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an
eagle.’ (Proverbs 23:4, 5) Money is a lousy source of happiness because
it can be here one day and gone the next. That’s why even very rich people
always want a little bit more.
Bible doesn’t talk about happiness. It prefers to use the word ‘joy’. Joy is
much richer than happiness and is not dependent on circumstances but rather on whom
we are and what we have as the people of God. Joy is a gift found in God and
joy enables us to be content with whatever we have. For this reason Paul can
write, ‘I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances. I know
what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I can do all
this through him who gives me strength.’ (Philippians 4:11-13) The
contentment Paul speaks of is only possible through his relationship with
life filled with joy and contentment is not found in having more money, but
rather in Jesus having more of you. The more we surrender our lives to Jesus
and his agenda for our lives, the more we will be able to be content in all
circumstances as we look to Jesus to provide all we need for our lives. Jesus
promised, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things
will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

Prayer Requests Not
included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the
current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this
Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by
prayer please email with your request
This week we continue the series, “What is the Church?” This week’s message is “The church – the
body of Christ. Just as each of us has one body with many
members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we
who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have
different gifts, according to the grace given us. (Romans 12:4-6 NIV)
Bible Readings: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Podcasts available at
Kingdom Kids at the 10:30am service for
ages 0-12.
This Sunday is our last Sunday for term 2. We
will start our 3 week School Holiday Program next week so come along and join
us! At 10:30am services only.
Play Group – Grandparents Day
When: Wednesday 27th June from
9:30am -11:30am
Where: Church Hall
Who: anyone with children or grandchildren 5
years and under
What: Craft, shared morning tea, story &
music time and free play. Please join us
for a fantastic morning of adventure, play, food and fun. Everyone is welcome.
Please bring a plate of morning tea to share.
Contact Beth for more info: 8258 4878
Could God be calling you to Baby Zone?
We are looking for a new Team
Leader to help with the following tasks:
together term rosters, made up of 4 teams that rotate throughout the month
and running team meetings once a term to discuss the program and future
Helps to
unpack and implement the wonderful Gospel Lights program (that includes
everything) ‘Baby Beginnings’.
Please contact Laura if you are
interested in being our new Team Leader
Rise UP Dance Fundraiser for the CMF coming up soon!
Saturday Night 4th August @ 7:30pm
Golden Grove Arts Centre
Incredible night of talent from the best in SA
Tickets are now available from Laura Carson or
the church office for $20. Tickets are numbered and limited so get in quick!
Contact Laura for more info
Laura Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
8263 5087
Kids in the Kitchen
Last Monday evening the “Snack and Chat” Monday soup
night patrons and helpers were blessed to be served and assisted by three year 9
Endeavour College students, Amy AN, Jarrad McCORMAS, Christina SHIAM and her
younger sister, Mawson Lakes primary student Emily SHIAM. Endeavour College
“Christian Living” teacher Tertia Visser had stated that some of her class
would like to be involved in a community event such as helping at the soup
night. She said, “The idea is that the students do something, [make a
difference] outside school and then reflect on their experience”.
The students were on hand to set the tables, assisting in
serving the food at the servery and waiting on tables, clearing and cleaning
the tables as well as doing the dishes.
(Above left)Emily SHIAM serving soup assisted by Monday
night regular helpers, Josie ALLAN and Bruce GARNER (above centre) Amy AN
serving salad, (above right) Christina SHIAM serving hot meat and vegetable
(Above left) Christina serving bread to Alan, Rosemary
and Kathy.(centre) Another regular” kid in the kitchen” Lucy PAECH with fellow
Endeavour student Jarrad McCORMAS cutting up the cake and buns for dessert and
(right) Jarrad involved in the tea towel ministry - it can be a lonely
(Left) At nights
end Christina has time to smell the flowers while (right) Josie and Bruce
enjoy a donut.
I’m sure the experience was as much a
blessing for them as they were to us by being there and cheerfully helping out.
Thank you Mrs Visser for organising your students and thank you Coral SHIAM
(Christina and Emily’s mum) for transporting them.
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care & Fellowship
Pastoral Care chuckle. - Beyond the call…
Caring for each member at Good Shepherd is enriched by your graciousness in
filling out a WELCOME CARD each week. However a member bowled into the church office
last week to apologize to the office staff. Beckoning for forgiveness, she
explained that a few weeks ago her kids filled in the welcome card and included
the dog and cats name – Bernie and Stella! You guessed it! They got a new
worshipper letter! The ‘new members’ have now been removed from our church
Barry Klaer.
Pastoral Care (Integration)
Women's Fellowship
The next meeting of Women's Fellowship will be on Tuesday 3rd July at 1.00pm
at Lutheran Homes (LHI) Hope Valley Community Centre, Trinity
1215 Grand Junction Road, Hope Valley.
There will be a devotion/bible study by Helga Eckermann and afternoon
tea hosted by the Hope Valley ladies. Please bring your baby photo for a 'Guess
Who?' competition.
There will be no trading table but will be an offering
Please note the following change to our breakfast dates. The event
originally planned for 21st July has been changed to 14th
July. The speaker on that occasion will be Brenton Ragless (channel 9
weatherman). Hope to see you there.
Cebu Mission Fundraising Team
The Team wants to say a VERY BIG THANKYOU to all who attended the Borderers Night and made it a huge success! We raised approx. $3600 on the night, so Lucy at Cebu Mission will be very excited and thankful to receive this money for their ongoing work. Also many thanks to all those who helped set up the church with tables and chairs on Sat afternoon and again after the function, vacuumed and returned the church back to its former state, ready for Sunday service!
Also, thank you to all those who bought plants last Sunday....we'll be back again this Sunday! So far we have raised $280! Also many thanks to those who have donated plants to sell, it is very much appreciated. We will also be having a Springtime Plant Stall in October. Further details later.
We are still looking for a couple of new Team members, as we will be losing 1 or 2 members next year. If you would just like to be on a 'Helpers List', please speak to me or one of our Team.
Many blessings for your generosity.
Joan McCarthy
Team Leader
The Team wants to say a VERY BIG THANKYOU to all who attended the Borderers Night and made it a huge success! We raised approx. $3600 on the night, so Lucy at Cebu Mission will be very excited and thankful to receive this money for their ongoing work. Also many thanks to all those who helped set up the church with tables and chairs on Sat afternoon and again after the function, vacuumed and returned the church back to its former state, ready for Sunday service!
Also, thank you to all those who bought plants last Sunday....we'll be back again this Sunday! So far we have raised $280! Also many thanks to those who have donated plants to sell, it is very much appreciated. We will also be having a Springtime Plant Stall in October. Further details later.
We are still looking for a couple of new Team members, as we will be losing 1 or 2 members next year. If you would just like to be on a 'Helpers List', please speak to me or one of our Team.
Many blessings for your generosity.
Joan McCarthy
Team Leader
Upcoming Events
The Band of the South Australia Police
Community Care would like to invite members of your congregation to our Police
Band event, featuring the Band of the South Australia Police plus performances
from young local talent. The event is scheduled for Sunday, 14 October 2.00pm
at the Barossa Arts & Convention Centre in Tanunda.
Tickets are
for Adults: $25, Concession: $20 and Children under 14: FREE
Pre-book your tickets at: The Barossa Arts &
Convention Centre Faith Lutheran School via Tel: 08 8561 4299
Ordination of Women in Conference
St Stephen’s has organised a conference to discuss the Ordination
Women. This is to be held on July 13-14th.
Full details and registration forms are available in the pamphlet
holder between the notice boards in the foyer
On the Notice Board
Free Internet Workshops - 4th & 5th July
4th & 5th July
Julia Farr Association
104 Greenhill Road Unley, SA 5061 |
Introduction to the internet covers topics such as how to connect, navigate and
search for information and is aimed at seniors with no or limited experience of
Places are limited to 30 per
Theme: "Do you have what it
takes?" Based on Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)
Huge week not to be missed! More
information at
Large discounts for first time
campers on July CLW!
Registrations close 18th June. See Sophie Gerrie / Youth Team Leader for a brochure. Further inquiries contact Andrew Traeger on 0409671974 (Metro CLW Director).
Registrations close 18th June. See Sophie Gerrie / Youth Team Leader for a brochure. Further inquiries contact Andrew Traeger on 0409671974 (Metro CLW Director).
Alpha Course at the Para Vista Lutheran Church
Is there
more to life than this?
Introductory Evening: Wednesday 11 July @ 7.30pm.
Come and
find out what’s it all about.
Course commences Wednesday 18 July @ 6.30 pm (including dinner)
And then Wednesday night from 25 July to 12 September @
7.30 pm
Please contact the church office
to enrol
CLEAR CONSCIENCE - courageous living retreat:
Dr Hal Senkbeil, an experienced, faithful
and sensitive United States Lutheran Pastor, lecturer, author and popular
presenter teams with Dr Bev Yahnke, a clinical psychologist, psychology
lecturer, decorated church worker and vibrant presenter to give us insights
from their complementary professions into cutting edge issues that surround us
all in these early years of the twenty first century.
Engaging, easy to understand, informed,
encouraging, spiritual and even life changing are all appropriate ways of
describing the retreat scheduled for St Martins Lutheran Church, Mannum,
South Australia on the weekend of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th
of August, 2012.
Treat yourself to a recharging, uplifting
weekend away by the Murray River and also enjoy the hospitality and celebration
of fellow Lutheran Christians including a celebration banquet. Rediscover the
rich heritage that we have in our faith and how it can and does make a
difference. Costs have been kept to a minimum. For more information and
enrolment forms visit the Mannum parish website at or phone the parish office on (08) 8569 2863
(leave a message with your contact details if unattended).
Warm winter evenings at Australian Lutheran College.
Dean Zweck (the Gospel of Luke), Peter
Lockwood (the OT book of Job), and Dan Sawade and Travis Doecke (exploring the
Creed) will provide the opportunity to stretch your mind and extend your
understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith at this year’s ALC evening
classes, starting Tuesday, 31 July and running for six weeks. Information
brochures and enrolment forms are available in the foyer (the narthex).
Otherwise, download one from the ALC website, send for one at, or phone 8267 7400.
Where will you be this winter?

Lutheran Church of Australia
Dear members of the LCA SA/NT District
I want to thank you on behalf of the
District Church Council for your partnership with your wider church family in
supporting the work we do together as Synod. While we still ended up with a
deficit of $66,000 at the end of 2011, your gifts through offerings were again
up on the previous year and we thank Godfor you generosity in sharing 1.57
million in offerings with your District for the work we do together.
For Rent
3 Bedroom house for rent in the Modbury
Contact David Oldman on 8266 0187 (see notice board for more details)
Please check the church
notice board for details of all job vacancies
Team Leader-
Supported Accommodation
Are you
interested in working in a positive Christian environment to lead a team of
dedicated staff to support adults with a disability to live independent and
fulfilled lives? Lutheran Disability Services is seeking to employ a person who
desires to use their well-developed leadership skills to have an impact within
this quality organization. An attractive remuneration package available (SCDS 4
+ salary packaging)
To receive a
copy of the Position Description, or to make a confidential enquiry, please
phone or email. Applications must
include a copy of your current CV and the details of two Referees.
136a Wright
PH: 8212
Applications must be received by 5pm
on Wednesday 4th July, 2012
Community Care provides community services on behalf of the Lutheran Church in
SA and NT through a range of programs. We are in need of volunteers to help in
our Clothing Shops at Blair Athol and Payneham. We need dedicated people to
serve customers at both locations or help behind the scenes sorting donated
items at Blair Athol.
weekdays and 9.30am-1.00pm Saturdays.
Blair Athol
weekends but looking to open on Saturdays.
For more
information contact:
Bubner, Shops Manager
Tel: 08 8269
Life isn't about how
you survived the storm...
it's about how you
danced in the rain!
Church Web site: