We are currently in a sermon
series, ‘What is the church?’ The simple answer is that we, as Christians, are
the church. Called by Jesus to be His witnesses, His voice, His hands and His
feet; we are one body in unity with Christ Jesus, but different with many
parts, however one with the same Spirit of God active in the variety of gifts
given to us for the common good of building His church.
In prayer, Jesus prayed, “May
they all be one as You, Father, are in Me and I am in you. May they also be one
in Us, so the world may believe You sent me….I made your name known to them and
will make it known, so the love You have loved me with may be in them and I may
be in them[1]
God loves you so much; scripture is full of
illustrations of God’s willingness, His enthusiasm to involve Himself in our
day-to-day activities, relationships and concerns – every aspect of our life.
I heard this story a long time
ago. It helped me grasp and understand
God’s love for me.
“After church one Sunday a young
man was helping his pastor clean the communion cups and vessels. When the
pastor walked into the church kitchen he saw the young man apparently reading a
plaque which was above the kitchen sink. The inscription on the plaque read,
“Thou O Lord see all things”. When the young man saw the pastor come in, he
again busied himself washing the cups.
Then he stopped and looked at the plaque again, this time reading it aloud,
“Thou O Lord see all things” He paused in a meditative uneasiness and turning
to the pastor asked, “Pastor, does that mean that God sees everything?” The pastor
understood what the young man was asking and in wisdom and understanding of God
said, “Son, what that means is that God loves you so much that He cannot
keep His eyes off of you!”
Psalm 139 is a chapter in
scripture that rejoices in the fact that God knows everything about the
Psalmist [and us] and that God’s thoughts are always toward him [and us]. “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
When I awake, I am still with you” Psalm 139:17-18 (in part)
Selwyn Hughes[2]
related a story said that he was having a lengthy conversation with a young
woman. Every now and then during the conversation she would look at her wrist
watch. Selwyn asked if anything was wrong. She replied, “Oh no! My boyfriend
and I have a pact that on the hour and half hour we would stop what we are
doing and think about each other”. Initially thinking this was odd he changed
his thoughts thinking that it was indeed quite romantic. Utmost to us, is the
knowledge that the Lord does not fleetingly or infrequently think about us – His
thoughts are constantly toward us! Isn’t that great news? Amen!
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care & Fellowship
Prayer Requests Not
included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the
current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this
Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by
prayer please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request
This week we continue the series, “What is the Church?” This week’s message is “The church - God’s
growing family. How great is the
love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1
Bible Readings: John 1:10-14; Romans 8:14-17 and Ephesians 4:11-16
Kingdom Kids at the 10:30am
service for ages 0-12. Come join us!
Play Group
When: Wednesdays from 9:30am -11:30am
Where: Church Hall
Who: anyone with children or grandchildren 5
years and under
What: Craft, shared morning tea, story and
music time and free play. Everyone is welcome
Contact Beth for more info: 8258 4878
Grandparent’s Day is coming up on Wednesday 27th June. Please
join us for a fantastic morning of adventure, play, food and fun. Everyone is
welcome. Please bring a plate of morning tea to share.
Could God be calling you to Baby Zone?
We are looking for a new Team
Leader to help with the following tasks:
together term rosters, made up of 4 teams that rotate throughout the month
and running team meetings once a term to discuss the program and future
Helps to
unpack and implement the wonderful Gospel Lights program (that includes
everything) ‘Baby Beginnings’.
Please contact Laura if you are
interested in being our new Team Leader
Rise UP Dance Fundraiser for the CMF
Saturday Night 4th August at 7.30pm
Golden Grove Arts Centre
Incredible night of talent from the best in SA
Tickets are now on sale at the church office or
directly through Laura Carson @ $20 each.
Contact Laura for more info.
Laura Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
8263 5087
From the Pastoral Paddock
Continuing our acknowledgment for the work of many
of the teams who contribute to the life and smooth running of our congregation:
Late last
month Graham and Sue Renfrey retired from the position of Food For Families
coordinators, a position both faithfully and cheerily served for about 4 years
with the Shepherding and Care team. We
thank them for their steadfast dedication to this integral ministry. While Sue
coordinated and ensured meals went to those requiring them, Graham ensured the
Freezer was kept tidy, organised and well stocked. He was up to date and
meticulous regarding quality control and the F.F.F. register.
We are so grateful
for their contribution and involvement in this ministry and sincerely thank
them for their faithfulness and servant hearts.
(left) Graham
& Sue slicing Sue’s customary and most delicious Lent ‘Fish’ cake to share.
(The good news is that Graham and Sue
will remain on the Sunday Hospitality Team and Sue with the quilting group)
This has now
left a POSITION VACANT for a person or persons who would like
to serve in this rewarding ministry as Food For Families coordinators. For
further information please contact me.
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care &
Fellowship (Shepherding & Care)
attending the 10:30am service and particularly those operating on Lutheran time
- running a little late - will probably have noticed that getting a car park is
a hassle.
Can I respectfully ask you as members to use
Mattiskes car park to free up car parking for visitors and new attendees. Your
action of grace will be a gift of self-sacrificing, gallant and one of
unselfish service and a blessing to visitors and new attendees.
Thank you all in anticipation,
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care & Fellowship
With the number of new
attendees now coming to our church, it would be gracious, courteous and
respectful to them [and each other] for everyone to wear name badges.
I’m over 60 so it would
help me as well!
Haven’t got a name
badge? Or the other is lost?
You can order or
re-order your name badge by writing ‘name badge’
on your welcome card.
(Don’t forget to indicate if you want a pin, clip or
magnet backing and your preferred first name – for example James likes to be
known as Jim or Mary likes to be known as Molly)
Cost is $9:50 payable at
front office
Care & Fellowship (Integration)
Women's Fellowship
The next meeting of Women's Fellowship will be on Tuesday 3rd July at
at Lutheran Homes (LHI) Hope Valley Community Centre, Trinity
1215 Grand Junction Road, Hope Valley.
There will be a devotion/bible study by Helga Eckermann and afternoon
tea hosted by the Hope Valley ladies. Please bring your baby photo for a 'Guess
Who?' competition.
There will be no trading table but will be an offering
Please note the following change to our breakfast dates. The event
originally planned for 21st July has been changed to 14th
July. The speaker on that occasion will be Brenton Ragless
(channel 9
weatherman). Hope to see you there.
From the Board
Good Shepherd Foundation was formed in an effort to provide an additional, alternative means for
members of our church community to support the funding of our mission, through
donations which attract interest. The Board are seeking creative people
to form a small, short term team to develop a marketing and awareness
raising strategy for the Good Shepherd Foundation. If
you have skills and interest in marketing and would like to find out how you
can serve in this area please contact John Dolling
0409 819 864, 83675296 or jdolling@bigpond.net.au
At this
week’s Board meeting some of the issues discussed were:
Updating the Board Strategic Plan.
The plan states that the purpose of the Board is to
empower, resource and actively support the Pastoral Ministry Team to lead us in
our mission to reach into the community with the Gospel so all may know Jesus
and worship Him.
The 7 areas covered in the plan are Pastoral Care of the staff team, Communications,
Facilities and equipment, Policies and procedures, Finances, Professional
Standard and Organisational structuring.
Social Media
The Board
discussed role Social Media (Facebook and twitter etc.) could play in the
ministry at Para Vista.
The Board will develop guidelines for the use of social
Upcoming Events
Ordination of Women in
St Stephen’s
has organised a conference to discuss the Ordination Women. This is to be held
on July 13-14th.
Full details
and registration forms are available in the pamphlet holder between the notice
boards in the foyer
Meal and Movie Night
Men @ Para
Vista invites fellow Men to a screening of Courageous with dinner here at the
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Wednesday 27th June.
Meal @ 6.30
Movie @
7.30 pm
Jim 0438 899 629 or email men@paravista.org,au
On the Notice Board
Theme: "Do you have what it
takes?" Based on Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)
Huge week not to be missed! More
information at www.blueprintministries.org.au/metroclw
Large discounts for first time
campers on July CLW!
Registrations close 18th June. See Sophie Gerrie / Youth Team Leader for a brochure. Further inquiries contact Andrew Traeger on 0409671974 (Metro CLW Director).
Registrations close 18th June. See Sophie Gerrie / Youth Team Leader for a brochure. Further inquiries contact Andrew Traeger on 0409671974 (Metro CLW Director).
Alpha Course at the Para Vista Lutheran Church
Is there
more to life than this?
Introductory Evening: Wednesday 11 July @ 7.30pm.
Come and
find out what’s it all about.
Course commences Wednesday 18 July @ 6.30 pm (including dinner)
And then Wednesday night from 25 July to 12 September @
7.30 pm
Please contact the church office
to enrol
CLEAR CONSCIENCE - courageous living retreat:
Dr Hal Senkbeil, an experienced, faithful
and sensitive United States Lutheran Pastor, lecturer, author and popular
presenter teams with Dr Bev Yahnke, a clinical psychologist, psychology
lecturer, decorated church worker and vibrant presenter to give us insights
from their complementary professions into cutting edge issues that surround us
all in these early years of the twenty first century.
Engaging, easy to understand, informed,
encouraging, spiritual and even life changing are all appropriate ways of
describing the retreat scheduled for St Martins Lutheran Church, Mannum,
South Australia on the weekend of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th
of August, 2012.
Treat your self to a recharging, uplifting
weekend away by the Murray River and also enjoy the hospitality and celebration
of fellow Lutheran Christians including a celebration banquet. Rediscover the
rich heritage that we have in our faith and how it can and does make a
difference. Costs have been kept to a minimum. For more information and
enrolment forms visit the Mannum parish website at http://www.mannumlp.org.au/ or phone the parish office on (08) 8569 2863
(leave a message with your contact details if unattended).
Keep an eye out for a display stand
highlighting the work of Blueprint Ministries in this District and remember us
in your
June 24 is the Special Sunday for
Child, Youth and Family Ministry in the LCA SA/NT District
Warm winter evenings at Australian Lutheran College.
Dean Zweck (the Gospel of Luke), Peter
Lockwood (the OT book of Job), and Dan Sawade and Travis Doecke (exploring the
Creed) will provide the opportunity to stretch your mind and extend your understanding
of the Bible and the Christian faith at this year’s ALC evening classes,
starting Tuesday, 31 July and running for six weeks. Information brochures and
enrolment forms are available in the foyer (the narthex). Otherwise, download
one from the ALC website www.alc.edu.au, send for one at deansoffice@alc.edu.au, or phone 8267 7400.
Where will you be this

(see notice board for more details)
Please check the church
notice board for details of all job vacancies
Position vacant at
Good Shepherd.
The following position is available at
Good Shepherd:
Office Relief Staff Person (Casual)
To relieve the positions of ‘Office
Administrator’ and ‘Office Support Staff’ when the current incumbents take
scheduled leave
Maintain procedures complying to the
Reception duties and associated
administration tasks
Preparing and publishing the Weekly
News for distribution in written form and via the internet
Preparing multi media material for
Preparing written material for
Preparing other publications as
details are available on our web site under members
Happiness is to love
and be loved
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au