Christ King of kings, Lord of lords.
often are we challenged by others, or even thought it ourselves, “If Jesus is
King of Kings and Lord of Lords and then why do we see so many things happening
in this world that are contrary to His will; wars, famine, poverty?”. As the
church, we Christians need to fully grasp that Jesus really reigns in the midst of this world wide confusion, and that
the entire world is subject to God’s all-encompassing plan. This part of His
purpose is being carried out by His redeemed people – the church, that’s you
and me! Everything that happens, God can
use. Jesus is working with us to restore the territory lost by Adam.
did it God’s way
was offered a crown on two occasions while on earth. On the first occasion
Satan took Jesus to a high place and offered him all the kingdoms of the earth.
(See Luke 4:5 -7) All legal rights to the kingdoms of the world had been
forfeited by Adam when he sinned. Therefore control over the earth had, to a great
extent, passed into the devil’s hands. Here Jesus could obtain the kingdoms
without effort or delay, no cross, no agony, no pain, no shame. How easy! But Jesus did not attempt to achieve divine
end by any means other than the divine method. It had to be completed without
violating the universal principals of justice on which the universe had been
founded. In rejecting Satan’s offer, Christ demonstrated His willingness to
follow God’s plan to the letter – even though it meant the pain and shame of the
second time He was offered a crown was when the Jews tried to give it to Him
when He was extremely popular. (See John 6:15)
He rejected their plan. The kingdom God (through Christ) intended to
establish was not to be an earthly kingdom restricted by boundaries and people
of the Jewish race; it was to be a worldwide kingdom encompassing the whole
human race. A kingdom founded by the use
of physical force was unacceptable to Jesus. He had come not simply to show
God’s invincible power but God’s almighty love.
is at this present moment using world conditions as an “on the job training”
for His church. God is continuing in His
world according to a divine time table while He prepares you and me, His
redeemed people, to rule with Him in His coming kingdom. In that, God is committed on showing us
something of the tremendous power and authority we have in prayer which
according to Paul is mighty to the pulling down of the strongholds of Satan. As
we persevere in the work of Christ we too will be given a crown; a crown of
righteousness (2Tim 4:8), a crown of life (James 1:12) and a crown of glory (1
Peter 5:4)

reigns! He is King of kings and Lord of lords! Do I hear an Amen!!
since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and
so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming
fire’. (Hebrews
Prayer Requests Not
included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the
current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this
Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by
prayer please email with your request
This week we continue the series, “What is the Church?” This week’s message is “The church is the
bride of Christ. “My Father’s house
has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going
there to prepare a place for you? And if I go to prepare a place for you, I
will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”
(John 14:2, 3)
Bible Readings: Ephesians 5:25-32 and Revelation 19:6-9
Kingdom Kids at the 10:30am service for
ages 0-12.
Kingdom Kids is now officially on Holidays.
Our 3 week School Holiday Program starts this Sunday so come along and join us!
At 10:30am services only.
Play Group
Thanks you to everyone who came to our
Grandparents Day last Wednesday. We had a fantastic time celebrating the gift
of family. Play group is now on holiday for several weeks and will kick off
again on the 18th July. We
look forward to seeing you then
Rise UP Dance Fundraiser for the
CMF coming up soon!
Saturday Night 4th August @ 7:30pm
Golden Grove Arts Centre
Incredible night of talent from the best in SA
Tickets are now available from Laura Carson or
the church office for $20. Tickets are numbered and limited so get in quick!
Contact Laura for more info
Laura Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
8263 5087
Holiday time: I will be on Holidays
from the 29th June to the 14th July and am looking
forward to some time away with my family. I am very grateful to the ladies who
will be running our Sunday Holiday Program over the next few weeks and look
forward to more adventures in Children and Family Ministry next term. Laura
Book Recommendation by Pr Rolly
Recently I have been enjoying
Timothy Keller, Reason for God: Belief in
an Age of Scepticism. He critiques
distorted versions of Christianity as well as atheism. Any small groups who
like to explore issues of faith and unbelief could get through this book by
reading a chapter or two - and then discussing each time they get together.
From the Koorong web-site:
At a time when scientists and critics such as Richard Dawkins and
Christopher Hitchens are questioning the validity of religion, this book uses
literature, philosophy and reason to explain how faith in a Christian God is a
soundly rational belief. Timothy Keller,
pastor of an inner-city New York church, looks at some of the most widespread
accusations levelled at Christianity, including:
Christianity's claim of exclusivity;
how a good God could allow suffering;
why the Church is responsible for injustice;
if science has disproved religious belief.
This book has been written for believers and non-believers, sceptics and
churchgoers, and charts a brilliantly considered and impassioned path to
Christianity - a Mere Christianity for the twenty-first century. -Publisher.
future of the 6pm service
After much prayer and consideration it
has been decided to discontinue the 6pm from mid-August. The final 6 pm service
will be on Sunday 12th August. It has become increasingly harder to
find the people resources to put this service on. We have struggled to find
people to welcome at the door, to set up and clean up Holy Communion and from
August onwards we would only be able to provide music twice a month and this
would only be possible if staff played.
It is also apparent that the
difference in style between the 10.30 am service and the 6 pm service is not
huge and many young adults are happy to worship at the 10.30 am service.
Drawing all ages together in one service provides better opportunities for
intergenerational connections and mentoring relationships.
While a number of regular 6 pm
attenders are happy to worship at the 10.30 am service we appreciate that this
is not the case for all. While we understand the difficulty discontinuing the 6
pm service may cause people who cannot attend a morning service, we simply
don’t have the resources to provide an evening service at this stage. We are
open to considering an evening service in the future should the vision and
resources arise.
If you have any concerns or comments
you are welcome to talk to Pastor Noel or Pastor Rolly.
Upcoming Events
Please note the following change to our breakfast dates. The event
originally planned for 21st July has been changed to 14th July. The speaker on
that occasion will be Brenton Ragless (channel 9 weatherman). Hope to see you
Women's Fellowship
The next meeting of Women's Fellowship will be on Tuesday 3rd July at
at Lutheran Homes (LHI) Hope Valley Community Centre, Trinity
1215 Grand Junction Road, Hope Valley.
There will be a devotion/bible study by Helga Eckermann and afternoon
tea hosted by the Hope Valley ladies. Please bring your baby photo for a 'Guess
Who?' competition.
There will be no trading table but will be an offering
The Band of the South Australia Police
Community Care would like to invite members of your congregation to our Police
Band event, featuring the Band of the South Australia Police plus performances
from young local talent. The event is scheduled for Sunday, 14 October 2.00pm
at the Barossa Arts & Convention Centre in Tanunda.
Tickets are
for Adults: $25, Concession: $20 and Children under 14: FREE
Pre-book your tickets at: The Barossa Arts &
Convention Centre Faith Lutheran School via Tel: 08 8561 4299
Ordination of Women in Conference
St Stephen’s has organised a conference to discuss the Ordination
Women. This is to be held on July 13-14th.
Full details and registration forms are available in the pamphlet
holder between the notice boards in the foyer
Notice Board
Free Internet Workshops - 4th & 5th July
4th & 5th July
Julia Farr Association
104 Greenhill Road Unley, SA 5061 |
Introduction to the internet covers topics such as how to connect, navigate and
search for information and is aimed at seniors with no or limited experience of
Places are limited to 30 per
Alpha Course at the Para Vista Lutheran Church
Is there
more to life than this?
Introductory Evening: Wednesday 11 July @ 7.30pm.
Come and
find out what’s it all about.
Course commences Wednesday 18 July @ 6.30 pm (including dinner)
And then Wednesday night from 25 July to 12 September @
7.30 pm
Please contact the church office
to enroll
CLEAR CONSCIENCE - courageous living retreat:
Dr Hal Senkbeil, an experienced, faithful
and sensitive United States Lutheran Pastor, lecturer, author and popular
presenter teams with Dr Bev Yahnke, a clinical psychologist, psychology
lecturer, decorated church worker and vibrant presenter to give us insights
from their complementary professions into cutting edge issues that surround us
all in these early years of the twenty first century.
Engaging, easy to understand, informed,
encouraging, spiritual and even life changing are all appropriate ways of
describing the retreat scheduled for St Martins Lutheran Church, Mannum,
South Australia on the weekend of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th
of August, 2012.
Treat yourself to a recharging, uplifting
weekend away by the Murray River and also enjoy the hospitality and celebration
of fellow Lutheran Christians including a celebration banquet. Rediscover the
rich heritage that we have in our faith and how it can and does make a
difference. Costs have been kept to a minimum. For more information and
enrolment forms visit the Mannum parish website at or phone the parish office on (08) 8569 2863
(leave a message with your contact details if unattended).
Warm winter evenings at Australian Lutheran College.
Dean Zweck (the Gospel of Luke), Peter
Lockwood (the OT book of Job), and Dan Sawade and Travis Doecke (exploring the
Creed) will provide the opportunity to stretch your mind and extend your
understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith at this year’s ALC evening
classes, starting Tuesday, 31 July and running for six weeks. Information
brochures and enrolment forms are available in the foyer (the narthex).
Otherwise, download one from the ALC website, send for one at, or phone 8267 7400.
Where will you be this winter?
This winter we are asking you to again help
us to help others keep warm. Your support is urgently needed to help us give
out much needed warm clothes, blankets and food for the many people sleeping
rough or doing it tough this winter. Your gift of $70 will provide a warm Baby
Bundle to a struggling mother; your gift of $110 will help a homeless person
receive Winter Warmers or your gift of $130 will supply a Kid’s Care Kit. See
the insert in the June/July edition of Together, visit the LCC website at or contact LCC at 08 8269 9333 to make a donation today. All
donations $2 and over are tax deductible.
Being adopted into a family—forever, no strings attached—is a rare and
precious gift. And for some people it even happens twice.
Does the teaching of nature inherently conflict with the teaching of
Scripture? Or have we needlessly set God’s two books against each other?
Farms are places of patient nurturing, of dealing
with the unexpected, and of watching things grow. What better environment for
young adults to get back on track?
Latrobe Valley Lutherans are teaching new arrivals how to drive … and a
community how to care.
To subscribe, visit
Subscriptions – 11 issues per year; $40
Australia, $42 New Zealand
Parent education seminar
Paul Dillon
is a leading Australian expert in drug and alcohol education who is engaged by
Lutheran secondary Colleges around Australia to speak to students. For the last
couple of years he has spoken to our senior students about alcohol and drug
education. Students appreciate the way he tells the facts straight, dispelling
myths and creating simple and positive strategies of knowing what to do of how
to keep themselves and their friends safe.
For the first time,
he is holding a work shop for parents and care givers for our school families.
We would also like to open this opportunity to any parents and caregivers. He
will be speaking, amongst other topics about when is the right time to start
talking to children about drugs and how to go about it. It will provide useful
strategies that are respectful and reasonable which leaves the door open for
future discussions. It is on Monday 23 July, 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the Endeavour
Family matters seminar registrations due
Registrations for
the Family
matters … seminar at St Paul Lutheran church, Blair Athol/Enfield on 28
July are due by 9 July. Presenters
include Dr David and Mrs Roslyn Phillips, Dr Margaret Hunt, Ms Lyn Benger, Mrs
Julie Hahn, Pastor Peter Bean, and Mrs Angela Uhrhane. The program
includes: Biblical ‘snapshots’ of
family; Different ‘shapes’ of family; Threats to family life today; Ministering
to blended families; Role reversal as
parents age; Supporting families with special needs.
brochures are available from your pastor or church office, or from Lynette
Wiebusch, LCA Parish Nursing Coordinator: (08)8336.3936;
'Preparing for Marriage' Courses
Friday 6 [From 7.30pm] and
Saturday 7 July 2012 [9am-5pm]
Venue: Lutheran Community Care, 309 Prospect Rd, Blair Athol
or Saturday 1 [9am-5pm] and Sunday 2 September 2012 [1pm-5pm]
Venue: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 388 Montague Rd, Para Vista
Cost: $160/couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if
neither employed/students.
For registrations or more information: Tel:
8331 3111; Email:
For Rent
3 Bedroom house for rent in the Modbury
Contact David Oldman on 8266 0187
(see notice board for more details)
From the Office
Hall Floor
On Tuesday 3rd July the hall floor will
be getting resealed. The hall will out
of bounds from 9.00am Tuesday till 4.00pm Wednesday 4 July.
Remember when shifting items in the hall please
lift rather than drag and our floor will always remain in good condition.
Staff on leave or away
Noel away
assisting CLW 2-6 July
Rolly will
be on leave 29 June - 12 July.
pastoral care while ministers are away please contact the church office on 8263
Please check the church
notice board for details of all job vacancies
Team Leader-
Supported Accommodation
Are you
interested in working in a positive Christian environment to lead a team of
dedicated staff to support adults with a disability to live independent and
fulfilled lives? Lutheran Disability Services is seeking to employ a person who
desires to use their well-developed leadership skills to have an impact within
this quality organization. An attractive remuneration package available (SCDS 4
+ salary packaging)
To receive a
copy of the Position Description, or to make a confidential enquiry, please
phone or email. Applications must
include a copy of your current CV and the details of two Referees.
136a Wright
PH: 8212
Applications must be received by 5pm
on Wednesday 4th July, 2012
Secretary – Casual Position
are sought for the casual position of Church Secretary 20 hours a week.
Applicants will need to meet the following criteria:
A knowledge of and commitment to the Mission of the
Lutheran Church- Ability to work at a high standard of competency and proficiency in a team situation
- Ability to multi-task and be responsive to the changing needs in the Church environment
- Ability to maintain confidentiality in dealing with sensitive information
- Demonstrated ability to be self-motivated
- Proficient with Microsoft suite of products
- Present as a welcoming person
Applications close: 16 July, 2012
commences: to be negotiated
CV and application
letter to be directed to Mr. Peter Oster
St Paul
Lutheran Church
PO Box 346,
Prospect South Australia 5082
0419036447, Fax: 08 83425080 or email
You'll accomplish far
more by focusing on your abilities instead of your limitations.
Church Web site: