Chose You!

(Ephesians 1:3-4 NIV)
While some parents talk about their children as "accidents",
no one is an accident in God's plan. On
the contrary, you were on God's heart and mind even before you were a twinkle
in your parent's eye. God saw you, and
loved you, and chose you - even before he started making the world. You were included in his saving plan even
before he kicked any of the wheels into motion! Reflect on that for a moment.
In some romantic movies, you hear the line: "I have loved you all my
life!" How long has God known you and
loved you? In the light of Christ, we
have to say: "From eternity... and into eternity." God's choice was due to his own decision and
love. It had nothing to do with our
circumstances or personal achievements.
Rather, it’s being brought into what Jesus has done. Paul uses the term: in Christ.
What does it mean to be in Christ?
We are baptised into the death and resurrection of Jesus – and so we are
given a share in his victory and destiny.
In the fellowship of His Church, we keep trusting in Jesus’ forgiveness
and following Him as LORD over our
lives. Thus, we remain in Christ.
And what has God chosen us to be in Christ? Holy and blameless in his sight.
you are in Christ, God no
longer sees our past mistakes, our present weaknesses, or our future
foibles. Instead he puts on his
"Jesus glasses". So when God
looks at you, he sees the goodness and rightness of his Son.
In Christ, God has adopted you into his family (cf Jn 1:12-13,
Rom 8:14-17). So now you have the
privilege of doing life in relationship with God, and the inheritance of
eternal life.
you glad that God chose you?!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Prayer Requests Not
included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the
current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this
Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by
prayer please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request
This week we continue the series, “What is the Church?” This week’s message is “The church – God’s chosen people” ‘In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.’ (Ephesians 1:5)
Bible Readings: 1 Peter 2:4-12 and Ephesians 1: 1-14
Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
Kingdom Kids at the 10:30am
service for ages 0-12. Come join us!
Deep in the word…
It has been inspiring and encouraging to see
so many kids bringing their bibles to church each week. Reading the bible
together is such a great way to learn from Gods word and each other, so keep it
up guys. Parents, thank you for the role you have played in helping your kids
to remember each week.
Cheap and delicious pureed food for
We STILL have loads and loads of pureed food
to sell with all profits going towards new resources for Playgroup and Baby
Zone. The food is located in the church hall and can be purchased at $5 a box
or $20 for 5 boxes. Please feel free to take as much as you want (money can be
given to Laura Carson, Debbie Wesselingh or the church office). This SA made
product contains 100% natural ingredients and will only be available for one
more week.
Play Group
When: Wednesdays from 9:30am -11:30am
Where: Church Hall
Who: anyone with children or grandchildren 5
years and under
What: Craft, shared morning tea, story and
music time and free play. Everyone is welcome
Contact Beth for more info: 8258 4878
Grandparent’s Day is coming up on Wednesday 27th June. Please
join us for a fantastic morning of adventure, play, food and fun. Everyone is
welcome. Please bring a plate of morning tea to share.
Could God be calling you to Baby Zone?
We are looking for a new Team
Leader to help with the following tasks:
- Putting together term rosters, made up of 4 teams that rotate throughout the month
- Organizing and running team meetings once a term to discuss the program and future needs/directions
- Helps to unpack and implement the wonderful Gospel Lights program (that includes everything) ‘Baby Beginnings’.
Interested in Baptism?
Our next ‘Having Your Child
Baptised’ course starts next week.
Wednesdays 13th, 20th
and 27th June
Where: Church
Education Centre
Who: anyone
interested in having their child baptised
Please contact the church office
on 8263 5087 to register
Rise UP Dance Fundraiser for the
CMF coming up soon!
Saturday Night 4th August
Golden Grove Arts Centre
Incredible night of talent from the best in SA
Tickets will be on sale soon DON’T MISS OUT!
Contact Laura for more info
Laura Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
8263 5087
the Board
Good Shepherd Foundation was formed in an
effort to provide an additional, alternative means for members of our church
community to support the funding of our mission, through donations which
attract interest. The Board are seeking creative people to form
a small, short term team to develop a marketing and awareness raising
strategy for the Good Shepherd Foundation. If you have skills
and interest in marketing and would like to find out how you can serve in this
area please contact John Dolling 0409 819 864, 83675296 or jdolling@bigpond.net.au
Maranatha Health has published
their April-June newsletter. This has been put onto our web site under members section. You can read about their
exciting action packed last 3 months in Kamwenge with MH celebrating the birth
of their first baby at the clinic. You can also enjoy reading of the
celebrations as well as the challenges of life in Kamwenge.
you can be through Lutheran Community Care…
• nappies
• blankets
• baby clothes
• mittens and beanies
Baby Bundle: $70 |
• blankets
• sheets
• winter jackets
• thick socks
Winter Warmer: $110 |
• school shoes
• winter uniform
• winter jackets
• thick socks
Kid’s Care Kit: $130 |
These examples show the kind
of care you can give this winter
through Lutheran Community
Care. Your help will be
directed where it is needed
most urgently, and will also
provide the care and support
people need when struggling
through winter.
Upcoming Events
Men @ Para
Vista invites fellow Men to a screening of Courageous with dinner here at the
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Wednesday 27th June.
Meal @ 6.30
Movie @
7.30 pm
Jim 0438 899 629 or email men@paravista.org,au
(BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP) is an interdenominational women’s bible study happening weekly at Good
Each Tuesday
morning from 9:30-11:30 between 50-60 women of all ages are meeting
to study God’s word. Babies and children up to school age are
wonderfully cared for and taught in their own age-specific classes.
This year the focus is
on the book of Acts. Would you like to join us? Turn up on any Tuesday
morning to join an introductory class, or contact Sonia Hulme on 7122 2903 for
more information.
On the Notice Board
Theme: "Do you have what it
takes?" Based on Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)
Huge week not to be missed! More
information at www.blueprintministries.org.au/metroclw
Large discounts for first time
campers on July CLW!
Registrations close 18th June. See Sophie Gerrie / Youth Team Leader for a brochure.
Registrations close 18th June. See Sophie Gerrie / Youth Team Leader for a brochure.
Further inquires contact
Andrew Traeger on 0409671974 (Metro CLW Director).
Coming Up:
June 24 is the Special Sunday for
Child, Youth and Family Ministry in the LCA SA/NT District
Keep an eye out for a display stand highlighting the work of Blueprint
Ministries in this District and remember us in your prayers.
Notice to LLL Depositors
We advise that the interest rate on savings accounts will be 4.25%
per annum from 1 June 2012. This interest rate applies to all LLL interest
bearing savings accounts regardless of the balance.
Alpha Course at the Para Vista
Lutheran Church
Is there more to life than this?
Introductory Evening: Wednesday 11 July @ 7.30pm.
Come and find out what’s it all
Course commences Wednesday 18 July @ 6.30 pm (including dinner)
And then Wednesday night from 25 July to 12 September @
7.30 pm
Please contact the church office to enrol
CLEAR CONSCIENCE - courageous living retreat:
Dr Hal Senkbeil, an experienced, faithful
and sensitive United States Lutheran Pastor, lecturer, author and popular
presenter teams with Dr Bev Yahnke, a clinical psychologist, psychology
lecturer, decorated church worker and vibrant presenter to give us insights
from their complementary professions into cutting edge issues that surround us
all in these early years of the twenty first century.
Engaging, easy to understand, informed,
encouraging, spiritual and even life changing are all appropriate ways of
describing the retreat scheduled for St Martins Lutheran Church, Mannum,
South Australia on the weekend of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th
of August, 2012.
Treat your self to a recharging, uplifting
weekend away by the Murray River and also enjoy the hospitality and celebration
of fellow Lutheran Christians including a celebration banquet. Rediscover the
rich heritage that we have in our faith and how it can and does make a
difference. Costs have been kept to a minimum. For more information and
enrolment forms visit the Mannum parish website at http://www.mannumlp.org.au/ or phone the parish office on (08) 8569 2863
(leave a message with your contact details if unattended).
Senior Christian ladies and grandmas needed to help
with reading
Cooper is a Christian Pastoral Support Worker at East Para Primary School (12
Caroona Ave, Para Hills). She was asked
by one of the teachers whether some senior Christian ladies of this area could
listen to junior primary school children read for half an hour on various
weekday mornings. If that is something
you’d be interested in, please contact Tracey.
Ph: 8264 3944 or Email:
(see notice board for more details)
Please check the church
notice board for details of all job vacancies
Position vacant at
Good Shepherd.
The following position is available at
Good Shepherd:
Office Relief Staff Person (Casual)
To relieve the positions of ‘Office
Administrator’ and ‘Office Support Staff’ when the current incumbents take
scheduled leave
Maintain procedures complying to the
Reception duties and associated
administration tasks
Preparing and publishing the Weekly
News for distribution in written form and via the internet
Preparing multi media material for
Preparing written material for
Preparing other publications as
details are available on our web site under members
Volunteers Needed
We are in need of volunteers to assist
in a Computer Skills Group and a Scrapbooking Group at our Blair Athol office.
Class curriculum is prepared by LCC
staff. Volunteers receive ongoing support and reimbursement of all
out-of-pocket expenses.
Spiritual Life Coordinator
The St Michael’s Lutheran Church, Hahndorf it seeking a ‘Spiritual Life
The Spiritual Life Coordinator position will offer the following:
Salary & Conditions:
Hours of work: 0.3 (FTE)
Term of Appointment: 12months
The Spiritual Life Coordinator will be
employed under the Lutheran Church of Australia Lay Worker Salary and
Conditions guidelines
Interested members should contact Ian Scott, Business Manager, p: 8388
1225 or e: ian.scott@stmichaels.com.au to receive a Position Description for the role.
Closing date 18th June 2012
Option for positions in Metro Adelaide or a
Regional Centre i.e. Mt Gambier or Port Lincoln
(see notice board for more details)
sometimes, since they don't all have wings, we call them FRIENDS
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au