I’ve just spent the best part of my leave at Taplan, a little farming community east of Loxton near the Victorian border. About 12 adults live in this town. It’s a place where the nearest shops, school, pub, any facilities are over 30 kilometres away. That’s a 60 kilometre round trip if you forget to buy the milk! You might ask then, “Could anything good could come out of Taplan?” Well, I do say with hesitancy, yes.....a few Hampels and Gil Fielke!

“When peace like a river attends my way,
When sorrows like sea clouds roll,
whatever my lot, you have taught me to say,
It is well; it is well with my soul”.
The equation: Inner peace = listening ear = hearing from God = obedience = peace of mind!
Lamentations 3:22-27 says, “Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end, they are new every morning: great is Your faithfulness! I say: The Lord is my portion therefore I will put my hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait on Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good to wait quietly for the deliverance from the Lord. It is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is still young.”
Taplan! It’s a great place for me to retreat, the silence is a symphony and the peacefulness is refreshing for my mind, heart and spirit, and most importantly a place to withdraw and to listen to God. Where’s your Taplan? You will need it over the next month!
Barry Klaer

This week. Today at the 10.30am service Kingdom Kids present a celebration service, with the theme “Gifts inside the gift!” The kingdom Kids will be displaying their talents based on the series theme “All I want for Christmas”. The 8.45am and 6.00pm services will be focused on Peace. Is Peace just a Pipedream? The dream of every person is to live in peace and safety.
Bible Readings: Isaiah 1:1-9, 2:1-5
Podcasts available at
Kingdom Kids Celebration Service
Come along this Sunday for our 2011 Celebration Service at the 10:30am service; a celebration of the Christmas message through drama, dance, music and visuals (guest performance by the school choir). Join us after the service for a BBQ lunch in the hall (please bring a salad to share). ALL WELCOME.
Kingdom Kids Parents/Carers:
Please refer to the letter given out last Sunday for information about costumes and arrival times.
If you didn’t receive a letter, please contact Laura ASAP, 8263 5087
We will have lessons on the 11th and 18th December and have exciting and fun Christmas activities planned.
Watch this space!
8:45am Kingdom Kids
Please note there will be no kingdom Kids at the 8:45am service on the 4th December. Instead we encourage all 8:45am families to come along and be a part of our celebration service. There will be normal classes on the 11th and 18th December.
Baby Zone
Baby zone has finished for the year but we would like to invite all baby zone families to our 2011 Celebration Service and look forward to starting up again in January 2012. We are in the process of finalizing the team for next year and currently need 6 new volunteers. Please consider joining the team and helping out in baby zone once or twice a term. We need you!!
Play group
Term 4 sessions are almost over so why not come along and help us celebrate a great year at our 2011 end of year break up party (to be held at Bubbles Café). Please contact Sharyn Ortega on 8264 4123 for more information. Finally, I am still looking for 1 or 2 more people to join our team in 2012. If you are interested please contact Laura ASAP.
We will be having a clean out of all our toys and equipment on Monday 5th December at 9:30am in the Church Hall. If you are able to spare an hour or two to help the team tackle this HUGE job, we would be very grateful. No need to register, just come along. Thanks
Move Urban Dance Concert and Party
Thursday 8th December 2011
4-5pm All dancers in the Church for final rehearsals
5-5:30pm Casual performance for family and friends
5:30pm-6pm Christmas end of year party for everyone (please bring a plate of food to share for a light tea)
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader

Ignite Youth camp is happening from the 4th- 6th of January. This year’s theme is ‘Indescribable’. We will be exploring how our indescribably huge God has created the universe; and how intricately and uniquely He has made each of us.
Ignite camp is a few days to have fun, develop friendships, grow closer to God and discover His awesomeness. There will be worship, small group time, the same incredible leaders from youth, lots of games, good food, new friends, a chance to get to know old friends better, and heaps of fun!
For an enrolment form and more information please contact Sophie-
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader
Women's Fellowship
The end of year Christmas breakup luncheon will be held on Tuesday 6th December 2011 at 12noon in the church hall. For $8.00 donation (or if you are feeling generous $10.00) come and enjoy hot BBQ chicken and salads followed by plum pudding, custard and ice-cream.
Continuing our acknowledgment for the work of many of the teams who contribute to the life and smooth running of our congregation:

We would like to acknowledge the hard work of our Kingdom Kids and Play Group Team Leaders and their teams. Every week these men and women join together to plan and run incredible programs for the children and families in our community. Hours and hours of work are put into writing, planning and preparing for sessions and without these incredibly gifted and passionate people, these ministries would cease to run. We are truly blessed to have these Godly people and I personally am blessed (as many of you also are) to have these guys as friends. Please continue to encourage and support these leaders in the fantastic work they do. Leaders: Bec Heynen, Rachel Liebelt, Tanya Harrison, Gillian Sharp, Diane Roling, Sonia Colalancia, Sharyn Ortega, Susie Corbett and Rebecca (and their wonderful teams).
From the Board
New Staff Person for Worship Support and Young Adult Team Leader
It is a pleasure to announce the appointment of a new Worship Support and Young Adult Team Leader. Emma Kluge will take up this position to join the Ministry Team at 16 hours a week in mid-December. This is an adapted role to reflect the changing ministry needs of our community.
Emma was the successful applicant in response to a national advertisement of this position. The interview panel of Keren Sutton, John Dolling and Dean Eaton were impressed by Emma's passion for Jesus and serving Him in ministry, her desire to learn and grow and her relational approach.
We celebrate with Emma and know that you will welcome, support and pray for her as she takes up this role.
On behalf of the Board and Ministry Teams
Keren Sutton
Mission news
Christmas cards will be available for purchase in the Hall til mid December. Packs of 10 are available for $3 and packs of 25 available for $6. All proceeds go to Cebu Missionary Foundation in the Philippines.
Chris has released Thumbs Up a new and exciting with some lively new songs for children, Thumbs Up includes some seriously good music for the not so young.
CDs will be available for sale from the church office (Thumbs Up $20, JAM and Go Go Go $15). Prior to Christmas ten percent of all proceeds will be donated to Maranatha Health.
From the office
With many of our community and other visitors expected to worship at Good Shepherd over the Christmas and New Year period, we need lots of helpers. Would you please consider how you can serve our community at these worship services? (Worship hosts, welcomers, etc. ie all the regular positions at any worship service.) Please return your forms by Sunday. If you don’t have a form or have misplaced yours, you can respond via the welcome card.
Offering envelopes 2012
The offering envelopes for 2012 are now available. They are on the ledge under the pigeon holes.LLL Annual Report booklets
Booklets for 2010/2011 are available in the information section.
Weekly news and Blog
The weekly news and blog will not be published over the Christmas period. Last production for 2011 will be on Friday 23rd December. Articles for this publication will need to be into the office by COB 21st December 2011. The first publication for 2012 will be on Friday 13th January 2012. Email articles to
Office Closed over Christmas
The church office will be closed from 2pm on Friday 23rd December 2011 and will reopen at 9am on Tuesday 3rd January 2012. For urgent enquires please call 8263 5087.
Staff on Leave
Noel: 29th December2011 – 12th January 2012
Rolly: 17th January – 30th January 2012
John: 3rd January- 5th January 17th January – 19th January 2012
Laura: 26th December 2011 – 23rd January 2012
On the notice board
Job Advertisement
Head of School
School of Theological Studies, Australian Lutheran College
Australian Lutheran College (ALC) is shaping tomorrow’s pastors, teachers and church workers who will think imaginatively about issues that affect all of life in the church and the world.
Help make Christmas a little brighter
Lutheran Community Care are asking for your support as their demand for services increases over the Christmas New Year period.
Give a last minute gift this Christmas that will make a real difference...
Lutheran Community CARE KITS - a special last minute gift to your loved one. To receive your Christmas card by Christmas you will need to ensure they receive your Care Kit selection by Friday 16 December at 2.00pm.
To place your order, visit the website, to select your gift or telephone 08 8269 9333.
Saturday 18th February at Unity College, Murray Bridge
‘Ideas to Go’ with keynote speaker, workshops, crèche, expo and more!
This year we welcome parents to join child and family volunteers and workersFor more info or 8267 5211
In your pigeon hole
Australian Lutheran World Service Christmas Action appeal. Which Christmas gift will you throw away this year? Hopefully not the one hand made in Nepal! Reach out in love and give a gift that will last.
Lutheran Community Care Loaves and Fishes for December.
Lutheran Media Ministry. Connecting people to Christ through media. Lutherans across Australia thank and praise God that Lutheran Media Ministry is celebrating 65 years of broadcasting the Gospel through Radio, Television and the Internet.
"It's not the hours you put in your work that counts, it's the work you put in the hours.”
- Sam Ewing.
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: