Many people believe that God's attitude toward us is one of stern disapproval. They believe that he views us with forced tolerance. Christmas tells us the exact opposite.
Have you ever had a job where your boss didn't like you? He couldn't fire you, so he was stuck with you, but beyond that he could just barely put up with you? Or, have you ever had an employee that you felt that way about...or a co-worker that everyone felt that way about? Or even a relative? You know how it is: you're stuck with them, but that doesn't mean that you have to like them.Many people think that is God's attitude toward us: he's stuck with us, but he doesn't necessarily like us. Zephaniah 3:14-20 tells us differently. Listen to his words...
(v. 17) The Lord your God is with you...
There's the idea of God's presence again...
(v. 17) He will take great delight in you...he will rejoice over you with singing.
Can you imagine that? God delights in you. He rejoices over you. Zephaniah goes so far as to say that he breaks into song. "...with singing."
Think of the person whose company you enjoy the most—the person you would most like to spend the day with. That is a fraction of how much God enjoys your company. He wants to be with you. He delights in you. Why? This is the crucial truth about Christianity. God not only loves you, he likes you.
How do you picture God? With his arms folded, and a frown on his face? Or do you see him welcoming you with his arms open wide, receiving you with a smile? This is the Biblical image of God. He delights in you. He rejoices over you. He not only loves you, he likes you. Could something so wonderful be true? Yes; this is why the gospel is called "good news." Zephaniah teaches us that God delights in us; he likes us, he has a special place in His heart for you. That’s why he came to this world at Christmas time. Will there be room in your heart for Him?
Dean Eaton
This week. We continue the theme, “All I want for Christmas”. Our focus for this week is on Love. Noel will help to unpack four incredible things about God’s love. The desire for love is the deepest of all our desires.
Bible Readings: Isaiah 7:10-16, Matthew 1:18-25
Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
Kingdom Kids
There will be Kingdom Kids this Sunday as normal.
Baby Zone has now finished for the year. It will be starting up again late January 2012.
Mission news
Chris has released Thumbs Up a new and exciting CD with some lively new songs for children, Thumbs Up includes some seriously good music for the not so young.
CDs will be available for sale from the church office (Thumbs Up $20, JAM and Go Go Go $15). Prior to Christmas ten percent of all proceeds will be donated to Maranatha Health.
From the office
Help at Worship Services over the Christmas Period
Thankyou to all those people who have offered help at our Christmas and New Year Services. We still have room for more helpers! Please refer to the whiteboard in the hall and put your name down to serve in one of the vacancies. This will be very much appreciated. For more information, please call the office 8263 5087. THANKS!
Offering envelopes 2012
The offering envelopes for 2012 are now available. They are on the ledge under the pigeon holes.
LLL Annual Report booklets
Booklets for 2010/2011 are available in the information section.
Weekly news and Blog
The weekly news and blog will not be published over the Christmas period. Last production for 2011 will be on Friday 23rd December. Articles for this publication will need to be into the office by COB 21st December 2011. The first publication for 2012 will be on Friday 13th January 2012. Email articles to churchenquires@paravista.org.au
Office Closed over Christmas
The church office will be closed from 2pm on Friday 23rd December 2011 and until 9am on Tuesday 3rd January 2012. For urgent enquires please call 8263 5087.
Staff on Leave
Noel: 29th December 2011 – 12th January 2012
Rolly: 17th January – 30th January 2012
John: 3rd January- 5th January and 17th January – 19th January 2012
Laura: 26th December 2011 – 23rd January 2012
Financial Report
January – October 2011
Income | Expenditure | |
October | September | |
Offerings | $ 43192( budget $44000) | |
Other | $ 3406 | |
Total | $ 46598 | $ 38624 |
January- October | January- September | |
Offerings | $ 417320(budget $416000) | |
Other | $ 41057 | |
Total | $ 458377 | $ 448069 |
Comments: $1500 of the additional income was a grant from the Commonwealth Government to help meet the cost of the fees incurred by Sophie for her studies. When she has completed her course we receive an additional $3500
A floor level bumper rail has been installed in the hall. This is to prevent the table trolley from hitting and damaging the wall. Please be cautious when moving furniture to protect the walls of the facility.
The Facilities Management Team is in the process of finalising quotes to have 120 square meters of the car park asphalt replaced. Crack sealing will also be done. Parts of the car park have deteriorated badly and some trenching has sunk.. To extend the life of the car park, this work will be completed in January
Many of the outstanding jobs in the manse have been completed.
The hall floor will be polished on Tuesday 10th January. There will be no access to the hall on this day.
The church carpet will be cleaned Wednesday 11th January. There will be no access to the church on this day.
The FMT has been asked to investigate covering a portion of the courtyard so it can utilised more for socialising.
On the notice board
Help make Christmas a little brighter
Lutheran Community Care are asking for your support as their demand for services increases over the Christmas New Year period.
Help make Christmas a little brighter...
With your help this year Lutheran Community Care will give out over 1,000 Christmas hampers. They still need help to assist the 100's who will access their services in the coming months.
The demand on services continues to increase. Services such as general counselling, emergency relief, financial counselling, family support and education, foster care, housing and family shelter and the new neighbour's services are always full of activity or heavily booked.
If you have not already done so, could you help by making a donation to support the increase in demand for these services at Christmas and in the New Year?
If you can't think of anything special as a last minute gift this Christmas, you can also purchase one of LCC many Care Kits. You will be sent a beautiful Christmas card for your loved one with information about the Care Kit gift chosen for them... while your actual gift provides care and support to a South Aussie in need.
To donate or purchase a Care Kit and help make Christmas a little brighter for someone this year, please visit the website www.lccare.org.au or call the staff on 08 8269 9333. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible.
Give a last minute gift this Christmas that will make a real difference...
Lutheran Community CARE KITS - a special last minute gift to your loved one. To receive your Christmas card by Christmas you will need to ensure they receive your Care Kit selection by Friday 16 December at 2.00pm.
To place your order, visit the website, www.lccare.org.au to select your gift or telephone 08 8269 9333.
Thank God you’re Here
See the poster for Our Saviour Lutheran Church Aberfoyle Park, 2011 Christmas Production.

Invigorate Child and Family Ministry Conference
Saturday 18th February at Unity College, Murray Bridge
‘Ideas to Go’ with keynote speaker, workshops, crèche, expo and more!
This year we welcome parents to join child and family volunteers and workers
For more info invigor8@blueprintministries.org.au or 8267 5211
In your pigeon hole
Lutheran Community Care Loaves and Fishes for December.
Lutheran Media Ministry. Connecting people to Christ through media. Lutherans across Australia thank and praise God that Lutheran Media Ministry is celebrating 65 years of broadcasting the Gospel through Radio, Television and the Internet.
Saints Alive News from Australian Lutheran College
"An honest answer is the sign of true friendship."
- Proverbs 24:26.
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au