Your Deepest Despair
The Bible tells us that the deepest despair of the human heart is caused by being out of fellowship with the living God!
There's no point in pretending that everything's OK when everything clearly isn't OK. If your spiritual life is a vacuum you can't disguise it with a handful of "hallelujahs" and "amens." You can't cover up a crisis with a phony smile. That's denial, and it will get you nowhere. You have to be honest with yourself about where you are. Before you can find fulfillment, you have to admit your emptiness. Jeremiah said...We hoped for peace, but no good has come, for a time of healing, but there has been only terror. (Jeremiah 14:19)
A young boy called Jonathan used to say whenever he got hurt, "Nothing hurts me." One day, as his Dad was working at his desk, he could hear him and his brother were roughhousing in the next room. Jonathan got knocked to the ground, and taunted his brother by saying, "Nothing hurts me." The next sound to be heard was a whack, and Jonathan began wailing. Apparently the older son had helped Jonathan deal with his denial.
The first step to making something right is to admit that something is wrong. It applies to your marriage, your family life, your spiritual life. It applies to this church. It applies to this nation. Ignoring your despair won't make it go away. You must admit your emptiness, turn around. The Bible has a word for this action – REPENT.
The word "repentance" has gotten a bad rap over the years, as if it is a negative thing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Repentance is the most positive thing that could ever happen in your life. When you repent, you go from death to life...from living in darkness to living in light...from spiritual isolation to the joy of being in the presence of God. This is not a negative experience! When God calls you to repent, he doesn't shake an angry fist at you, he opens his loving arms to you.
Jesus died on the cross to bring you back home to God. He invites you to come in to loving relationship with God, day-in, day-out, all day, every day. He's here for you. He's waiting to forgive you. He wants to be in a close relationship with you...which way will you turn?
Dean Eaton
This week. Today is the first Sunday of the Church year, which means it is the first Sunday of Advent. We start a new series: “All I want for Christmas”. This Sunday is focused on Hope. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
Bible Readings: Isaiah 11: 1-10 Matthew 3:1-12
Podcasts available at 2011 Celebration Service – 4th December @ 10:30am
ATTENTION ALL : Kingdom Kids have spent all term preparing for this special event and would love you to join them on the 4th December for a truly special service about the true meaning of Christmas. We will be having a shared lunch after the 10:30am service and hope to see you all there.
Please note there will be no kingdom Kids at the
Kingdom Kids Drama Team – I would like to invite all members of our Christmas Drama Team to come along to rehearsals at the church on Thursday nights between
Play group
Term 4 sessions are well underway and we would love to invite anyone with young children or grandchildren to come along and join in the fun. Play group is a great way to build connections with other families and also provides a safe and fun environment for children to learn and play. Play group also gives us adults the chance to share life with other adults in a non-threatening and inviting way. Play group runs each Wednesday morning from 9:30am -11:30am in the church hall. Finally, I am still looking for 1 or 2 more people to join our team in 2012. If you are interested please contact Laura ASAP on 8263 5087.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team

For an enrolment form and more information please contact Sophie-
More information about Ignite youth can be found at
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader
Women's Fellowship
The end of year Christmas breakup luncheon will be held on Tuesday 6th December 2011 at 12noon in the church hall. For $8.00 donation (or if you are feeling generous $10.00) come and enjoy hot BBQ chicken and salads followed by plum pudding, custard and ice-cream.
Pastor Noel Kluge will give an address/bible study and the Good Shepherd School Choir trained by Therese Abraham will give items. A beautiful doll, donated by Edna McDonald, will be raffled - proceeds to mission projects. Men Welcome. RSVP Venie phone 8262 5285 by 27th November.

Youth leaders: Tennyson Jaensch, Tadro Abbott, Ben McAleer, David Freund, James Dunn, Tony Schlenk, Emma Kluge, Joey Pietsch, Tyler Vaughn, Mel Scholefield and Andrew Scholefield.
Mission news
Christmas cards will be available for purchase in the Hall til mid December. Packs of 10 are available for $3 and packs of 25 available for $6. All proceeds go to Cebu Missionary Foundation in the Philippines.
Chris, a familiar face in the worship bands at Good Shepherd, is proud to announce the birth of his third music CD, Thumbs Up.
His earlier CDs, JAM and Go Go Go, have already proven popular both for sheer enjoyment and as devotional tools for home, church and school. With the release of Thumbs Up Chris has added something new and exciting. Along with some lively new songs for children, Thumbs Up includes some seriously good music for the not so young, with a wide range of themes and musical styles (from rock to acoustic).
Could this be the perfect Christmas gift that you’ve been hunting for?
CDs will be available for sale from the church office (Thumbs Up $20, JAM and Go Go Go $15). Prior to Christmas ten percent of all proceeds will be donated to Maranatha Health.
From the office
Electrical supply to the Organ
It is important that the organ is not switched off. If the power supply is interrupted it causes issues with the setting for the stops. There is a double plug at this supply as well as many other switches in the complex that can be used. Your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciatedHelp at Worship Services over the Christmas Period
With many of our community and other visitors expected to worship at Good Shepherd over the Christmas and New Year period, we need lots of helpers. Would you please consider how you can serve our community at these worship services? (Worship hosts, welcomers, etc. ie all the regular positions at any worship service.) Call the office 8263 5087 or email Lorraine to offer your help. THANKS!
Offering envelopes 2012
The offering envelopes for 2012 are now available. They are on the ledge under the pigeon holes.Half yearly meetings
Reports are on our website under members section or available under the information section at the rear of the church. Please check the email that alerted you to this newsletter for the members log in.Please note office closed for staff meeting
On Thursday 1st December from 9.00 to 10.00am.‘The Lutheran’
Stop, be still ... listen ...Christ, the Saviour, is born
Shepparton young people take God’s love into their community ... and far beyond
Shepparton young people take God’s love into their community ... and far beyond
A feast of connection and creativity! Relive it all in our 8-page liftout
11 issues per year; $39.00
contact the office on 8263 5087 for details.
On the notice board
Job Advertisement
Head of SchoolSchool of Theological Studies, Australian Lutheran College
Australian Lutheran College (ALC) is shaping tomorrow’s pastors, teachers and church workers who will think imaginatively about issues that affect all of life in the church and the world.
Help make Christmas a little brighter
Lutheran community care are asking for your support as their demand for services increases over the Christmas New Year period
In your pigeon hole
Australian Lutheran World Service Christmas Action appeal. Which Christmas gift will you throw away this year? Hopefully not the one hand made in Nepal! Reach out in love and give a gift that will last.
"The road to success is always under construction."
- Lily Tomlin
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: