God became one of us
At the heart of the Christmas message are these words from John in the Bible, ‘So the Word became human and made his home among us.’ (John 1:14) The eternal God took on flesh. The untouchable could now be touched there in the baby Jesus.
When you stop and think about that it is too much to get your mind around. Here in the baby Jesus is God with flesh on. Colossians 1:19 says “For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ.” This is God coming to us. Every other religion seeks to help humans get to God but at the heart of the Christian message is God reaching down to us in the person of Jesus. So why was it so important that God become one of us? What is at stake here? At stake here is the eternal salvation of humanity. Humanity had an eternal death sentence because of its sin and rejection of God. Only God could fix the problem but he couldn’t do it as God, he had to do it as a human. So God confined himself to a human body to save us.
Hebrews 2 says, ‘Because God’s children are human beings- made of flesh and blood- the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death.’ (Hebrews 2:14) Jesus had to come as a human being to free us human beings from the grip of sin. The only way Jesus could be a perfect sacrifice for our sins that we commit as humans, was to live a perfect life as a human being. Jesus could only pass the test we failed as humans being by sitting the test for us as a human being.
As you look at the nativity scene this Christmas and cast your gaze on the manger, stop and contemplate what God went through to reach us with his love. Jesus went from everything to nothing. ‘Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor.’ (2 Corinthians 8:9) You can’t get any poorer than being born in a stable and laid in a manger for a crib. Yet God did this so he could reach us with his love, forgive us with his grace and fill us with his life giving Spirit.
I know it is hard to get our heads around that God and human can exist in the person of Jesus. Yet I urge you to contemplate that for a while this Christmas and as you do, may the gift of Jesus take on new significance and meaning for you.
Pastor Noel
Prayer Requests
For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
This week. We continue the theme, “All I want for Christmas”. Our focus for this week is on Joy. With just one week to go, let me ask you a question: Would you prefer happiness or a joy for Christmas?
What's the difference?
What's the difference?
Bible Readings: Isaiah 35:1-10, Matthew 11:2-6
Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
Kingdom Kids
It is the last week for 2011 this Sunday 18th December. Come along for a cooking experience you won't forget. (no Kingdom Kids on the 25th December or for the first week in Jan 2012)
- Kingdom Kids 4 week holiday program to start early January. More information coming out soon
- All children and family programs are now on holidays. Please contact Laura at lcarson@paravista.org.au for information on programs for 2012
The 5pm and 6:30pm Christmas Eve services are always well attended, in fact, and I thank God that we burst at the seams not only inside the church building but in the car parks. I see folk park way down Montague Road and in the side streets – yet we have parking space on the school oval and in Mattiskes car park!!
Please, as a Good Shepherd family member, park in Mattiskes Car Park and on the school oval. You will be a blessing leaving parking spaces for visitors. And using these facilities can mean that the visitors do not have long walks from the surrounding side roads and possibly decide not to attend because of what they perceive as “no room in the Inn !”
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care (Hospitality)
Yolande Elliott does a great job looking after our library – cataloguing new material and processing returns.
To make Yolande’s job much easier when using the library can you please:
If you do not have a card please write library card on your welcome card and the office staff will ensure you receive a card.
To ensure you always have your card available when required a suggestion is to leave it in your pigeon hole.
If you do not have a card or have forgotten it please complete the borrowing form provided. THE BARCODE NUMBER REQUESTED IS THE ONE ON THE BAR CODE STICKER WITH THE CHURCH’S NAME.
Please do not take books/material from the library without following the borrowing procedures, as this makes it impossible to keep track of the materials.
Mission news
Overseas Mission Fundraising Report
On behalf of the Fundraising Team, I would like to thank each and every one of you for all the support throughout the year, by buying Sausages, Steak sandwiches, Pancakes, Scones, also Plants, Christmas cards and Jewellery. We look forward to doing it all again next year!
We thank the Lord that we were able to send to Cebu Missionary Foundation, the wonderful amount of $5200. Of that amount $1853 came from the Children's Ministry's Offerings, Women @ PV and a retiring offering held after service in Oct. The Cambodia Mission and Maranatha Health also received the same amounts. Thank you for your generosity. Lucy in Cebu asked me to pass on thanks, thanks, thanks from her....she thinks Good Shepherd is 'awesome'!
Lucy and her Team thoroughly enjoyed their time here in Australia, they loved telling their stories, dancing, playing and singing for everyone. They hope to be back again next year.
In 2012, the Overseas Mission fundraising team will be split into three teams. Each team, The Cebu Mission Fundraising Team, The Cambodia Mission and Maranatha Health will conduct their own fund raising events to fund for their needs.
I would like to thank my team (Cebu Missionary Fundraising team) for all their wonderful help throughout the year - Mel Rogers, Penny Werner, Karen Devonshire/Gill, Linda Dulay, Alex Bogdanowicz, Aston Schenscher and Dean Eaton. Thank you to Dean for 12 months on the team and we wish him well in his new job. Also thankyou to Penny for 2 years serving on the team and we wish her well and many blessings as she prepares to go on a trip to Mongolia and help out in the missions.
We would like to ask you to prayerfully consider being a fundraising team member in 2012. We need 1 or 2 more people. We are considering selling chocolates again next year. To do this we need 3 or 4 regular sellers that can take a box to work. Please talk to me at church or ring me for more details.
We extend to all a very Happy and Blessed Christmas season, remembering that 'Jesus is the Reason for the Season' and God's Blessings for 2012.Joan McCarthy
Team Leader (Ph 8262 7429)
Chris has released Thumbs Up a new and exciting CD with some lively new songs for children, Thumbs Up includes some seriously good music for the not so young.
CDs will be available for sale from the church office (Thumbs Up $20, JAM and Go Go Go $15). Prior to Christmas ten percent of all proceeds will be donated to Maranatha Health.
From the office
Help at Worship Services over the Christmas Period
Thankyou to all those people who have offered help at our Christmas and New Year Services. We still have room for more helpers! Please refer to the whiteboard in the hall and put your name down to serve in one of the vacancies. This will be very much appreciated. For more information, please call the office 8263 5087. THANKS!
Weekly news and Blog
The weekly news and blog will not be published over the Christmas period. Last production for 2011 will be on Friday 23rd December. Articles for this publication will need to be into the office by COB 21st December 2011. The first publication for 2012 will be on Friday 13th January 2012. Email articles to churchenquires@paravista.org.au
Office Closed over Christmas
The church office will be closed from 2pm on Friday 23rd December 2011 and until 9am on Tuesday 3rd January 2012. For urgent enquires please call 8263 5087.
Staff on Leave
Noel: 29th December 2011 – 12th January 2012
Rolly: 17th January – 30th January 2012
John: 3rd January- 5th January and 17th January – 19th January 2012
Laura: 26th December 2011 – 23rd January 2012

· Save the Children at Ceduna recognised with state award
· A plea for a better Pitjantjatjara bible translation: Luke 7 as a case study
· Malcolm Willcocks commissioned for Word and Sacrament Ministry at Ceduna and Koonibba.
In your pigeon hole
Together Magazine News from the Lutheran Church of Australia SA/NT District.
"Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind; Teach us to be patient and always to be kind."
Helen Steiner Rice
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au