Advent – a season to take our attention off ourselves…
Funny, I have no trouble focussing on what I want, want, want. Culture keeps urging me that since “the most important person in the world is me”, then everyone else must come further down my list of priorities. My fallen selfish nature is easily convinced.
But how does that work out? If my self-centredness seeks to control and manipulate others for my gain, then healthy relationships are impossible. I will end up isolated and alone. Who wants that? We were never created to be “gods” of our own making! Thank God for seasons like Advent when we prepare afresh for Jesus coming.
See Jesus did not regard equality with God as something to selfishly gloat in. But willingly gave up the perks of glory that go with deity to become one of us. And even in visiting those he created, he came in a way that didn’t frighten the living daylights out of us. He came as a baby.
Think about that for a moment. Out of all the ways God could have come into this world, he chooses something pretty ordinary.
God’s visiting us in person is surely proof of his friendship – and how much we matter to Him. Luther comments: “It must be a serious situation and God must love humans very deeply, when God lets us experience such a work, when God not only loves me but comes so close to me that he becomes a person with me.”
The love of God is always directed outwards … to others… to help them in their point of need.
Advent calls me to remember this love of God… and to allow this love of God to indwell me and change me.Advent urges me to receive this love daily. To live in my baptism by drowning my self-absorbed narcissism, and putting on Christ to serve others.
Advent reminds me to be ready when the One - once wrapped in strips of cloth and lying humbly in a manger - will return in glory as Judge of the living and the dead.
May this Advent season help us to focus on what we really need, need, need: Jesus! And to share His love, light, and life with others who need him too!
Pr Rolly
Prayer Requests : For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email with your request.
Christmas Eve. We complete the theme, “All I want for Christmas”. Our focus for Christmas Eve is What God wants for Christmas. Join us at 5.00pm, 6.30pm, 8.30pm or 11.00pm for a celebration to herald in the birth of our Saviour. .
Bible Readings: Luke 2:1-8, Matthew 2:1-12Christmas Day we will be “Receiving the perfect Gift”. It can be fun opening presents. Especially when you get something you really need at the time… then you know you are noticed, appreciated, loved.
Remember only one service at 9.30am
Bible Readings: Isaiah 9:6-7, Jeremiah 31:16-17
New year’s Eve at 7.30pm Dean will help you discover “Your Life’s Greatest Purpose”
Bible Readings: Isaiah 65:17-25, Luke 2:1-14New Year’s Day at 9.30am only. What thoughts, images or feelings stir within you when you come across the word: Eternity?
Bible Readings: Ecclesiastes 3:1-14, John 3:14-17, 5:24
Podcasts available at
Kingdom Kids Celebration Service
Thank you to everyone who helped to make our 2011 Celebration Service the celebration and success that it was. We are so proud of all the kids for the wonderful way they re-told the Christmas story and hope that each of you were touched and encouraged. We really appreciate the feedback and support we have been given and also want to thank everyone who brought a salad for our shared lunch. The kids are already talking about what they want to do next year!!
Kingdom Kids Parents/Carers
If you were not at church last Sunday and missed out on getting our end of term letter, please contact Laura via phone or email and she will send one out ASAP. Alternately, you can access copies at our Kingdom Kids sign in table. There will be no Kingdom Kids on the 25th December 2011 or the 1st of January 2012.
Kingdom Kids School Holiday Program
Our 2012 Christmas Holiday Program will be starting on Sunday 8th January 2012 and will run for 4 weeks. Watch this space for more information. Our Term 1 Kingdom Kids program will start on Sunday 12th February.
2012 Back to School Service
Save the date: Sunday 5th February 2012 @ 10:30am followed by a shared lunch
Please note there will be no Kingdom Kids at either morning services on this day.
Baby Zone
Baby zone has finished for the year. We are in the process of finalizing the team for next year and currently need 6 new volunteers. Please consider joining the team and helping out in baby zone once or twice a term. We need you!!
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader 8263 5087
The 5pm and 6:30pm Christmas Eve services are always well attended, in fact, and I thank God that we burst at the seams not only inside the church building but in the car parks. I see folk park way down Montague Road and in the side streets – yet we have parking space on the school oval and in Mattiske’s car park!!
Please, as a Good Shepherd family member, park in Mattiske’s Car Park and on the school oval. You will be a blessing leaving parking spaces for visitors. And using these facilities can mean that the visitors do not have long walks from the surrounding side roads and possibly decide not to attend because of what they perceive as “no room in the Inn!”
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care (Hospitality)
Thank you
Kym and I want to thank everyone for their heartfelt prayers and constant support over the past 2 months. We are humbled to be part of such a spirit-filled community and truly believe that it was prayer that carried us through the darkest moments. That fact that Kym is still with us in mind and body is a testament to the power of prayer and God's incredible love. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
Love to all in Jesus namePrue Liebig
From the office
Thank you to everyone who offered their gift of serving the people of our community at the Christmas and New Year Services. Your heart for service is very much appreciated. You may never know the true meaning of this gift but its impact on others may be felt for a lifetime. THANKS!
The church office will be closed between Christmas and New Year, and re-open at 9am on Tuesday 3rd January 2012. For urgent enquires please call 8263 5087, where you will be directed to an emergency contact person, via the answering machine.
Staff on Leave
Noel: 29th December 2011- -12th January 2012
Rolly: 17th January - 30th January 2012
John: 3rd January - 5th January and 17th January - 19th January 2012
Laura: 26th December 2011 - 23rd January 2012
Mission news
Maranatha Health update:…
The December issue of Maranatha Health update is available from the information section and features:
· Clinic opening celebrations
· About development: the presumption
· From the Australian Board
· Coordinator appointed
· Gala Dinner—details

The evening will feature an update on MH, one year on in Kamwenge, along with unique entertainment and silent and live auctions.
Wednesday 25 January 2012 at the John DiFede Reception Centre, 10 Freebairn Street, Windsor Gardens.
Arrival at 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start
Dress—Formal: Reservations can be made for tables of 10 at $110.00 per guest or tables of 12 at $100.00 per guest.
In your pigeon hole
Lutheran Community Care Loaves and Fishes for January.
On the notice board
Paul Coleman Trio in Adelaide on 13th January 2012 at the CloverCrest Baptist Church
See the notice board for flyers. Further information can be found at
Tabor Adelaide has only recently gained government accreditation to offer Music as a major or minor study within its Bachelor of Arts. Applications now open.
Grassroots Training, Australian Lutheran College
Australian Lutheran College is seeking a Coordinator for Grassroots Training. Launched in 2010, GRT is a fresh and innovative expression of Australian Lutheran College (ALC) as it trains ‘everyday people for everyday ministry’. For further information, including the Position Description, Selection Criteria and Information for Applicants, please contact the Dean’s Office on (08) 8267 7400 or email
Applications close on: 20/01/2012
There is still time to make Christmas a little brighter...
Lutheran Community Care still requires help to assist the 100's who will access their services in the coming months.
If you have not already done so, could you help by making a donation to support the increase in demand for their services at Christmas and in the New Year?
They also have Care Kits available if you're still looking for that special gift for someone on your Christmas list. You will be sent a beautiful Christmas card for your loved one with information about the Care Kit gift chosen for them... while your actual gift provides care and support to a South Aussie in need. There are 17 Care Kits to fit every budget, whether you can afford $10 or even $250 we guarantee you'll find something. Some examples include a $65 Kids Care Kit to help parents on low incomes buy toys for Christmas or a $100 New Settlers Care Kit to help refugees from war-torn countries settle in Australia with language and driving lessons. For a catalogue of gifts or to donate or purchase a Care Kit and help make Christmas a little brighter for someone this year, you can visit the website or call staff on 08 8269 9333. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible.
"May the Joy, Peace Hope and Love of this Christmas spill into your New Year"
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site:
Para Vista SA 5093 Fax: 8395 2680 Modbury North SA 5092