Growth or Grumble? |
Every now and then all of us stop and ask ourselves, “What on earth am I here for? What purpose did God put me on this earth for?” One of the purposes God has put us here for, is to become more like his Son Jesus. As his children God wants us to be like his Son. He wants us to think like Jesus, feel like Jesus and act like Jesus. From the Bible we see that Jesus was loving, caring, patient, forgiving and considerate of others. I’m sure most of us recognise that we still have some growing to do in each of these character qualities.

If God wants to grow patience in you, he will allow you to go through times where you have to wait. We do not learn patience when we are given everything instantly. We learn it as we wait. God will teach you how to be considerate of others by placing you in a situation where you need to think about the needs and feelings of others. Families provide great training grounds for this one. Working with others on a team is another opportunity.
When God places before us a situation that may teach us to love, or to be patient, or considerate, we have a choice as to how we can respond. We can grumble and complain about it and fail to learn anything from it. Or we can see it as an opportunity to grow and develop. Often we fail to learn valuable character lessons from the challenges in life because we see the bad things that happen to us more as a curse than a course on how to become more like Jesus.
The next time life takes a turn for the worse, instead of grumbling and complaining, why not ask God to show you what he wants to teach you in this situation? It also helps to ask God to give you his Spirit so that you can learn the lesson well. You’ll be surprised at the difference this can make to your attitude and the way you respond. Grumble or grow, the choice is yours.
Pastor Noel Kluge
Prayer Requests -
For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email with your request.
This week. We continue our series PARABLES WITH PUNCH - STORIES THAT STIR. This Sunday Pastor Greg Fowler, the Pastor at Endeavour College will be bringing us the message. This week’s parable is the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
Bible Reading: Luke 18:9-14
Podcasts available at
School holidays – please note there will be no Kingdom Kids or Baby Zone on the 9th or 16th of October due to the school holidays. Our term 4 program will kick off on the 23rd October. Check out our church website over the next few weeks for our program.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
Had a tough year? Need some time out from the day to day rush? Or just spent from leading a recent CLW?
Come along and relax at the FUEL Bonfire & Camping weekend
Just $10 for a Roast Dinner including dessert! Catch up with fellow young adults from around the state.
Saturday 22nd October 2011 Near Eudunda, 130kms North East of Adelaide. Set-up camp from 4pm on Saturday, camp overnight. Roast Dinner at 7pm $10 per person
BYO drinks, plates, cups, breakfast, sleeping gear, tent or swag. RSVP required: Please contact Josh on 0429 183 097 or Directions will be given when your attendance has been confirmed.
Plant Stall
The Overseas Mission Fundraising Team will be holding a Plant Stall in the Hall, this Sunday 9th October after both morning services. All monies raised will be donated to Cebu Missionary Foundation. Thankyou for your ongoing support
Continuing our acknowledgment for the work of many of the teams that contribute to the life and smooth running of our congregation:
We wish to acknowledge all those involved with managing the finances of our congregation.
The Finance team who prepare the congregational budget and monitor it throughout the year. They are also responsible for the Asset Replacement Account ensuring the money is utilised in the most beneficial way.
The faithful team of tellers who ensure the offerings are counted and recorded each week.
Peter Kraft (over 20 years’ service) and Ray Courtney who co-ordinate all offerings from Sunday as well as the money received in the office during the week, prepare it for banking and arrange the banking.
We thank all these people who all contribute to ensure our finances are effectively managed each week.
From the office
Pastor Noel will be on leave from 12th -16th October.
We thank the generosity of those who call Good Shepherd their church home whether they give through REG or via Sunday offerings. In September giving was $1685 above budget.
Positions vacant at Good Shepherd.
Two paid vacancies are available for immediate start
Cleaner 2 hours per week
We require a person to clean the toilet area and Parenting room on a weekly basis preferably towards the end of the week. All equipment is provided.
Caretaker 2 hours per week
We require a person to act as caretaker on a weekly basis.
On Friday or Saturday check that foyers are neat and tidy and the bins are emptied. Check chairs in the church are all in place. Set up table and chairs for children’s corner in the hall.
On Sunday evening after the 6pm service or on Monday
Put away tables and chairs in the hall and sweep. Empty bins in the kitchen and foyers. General tidy of church - paper and pencils.
Para Vista Lutheran Homes Incorporated Board
Due to some committee members not re-nominating for the committee in 2012, the board is becoming short of members. The board meets every two months and only deals with policy and decision matters due to having an administrator plus two employees who deal with the garden and maintenance. If you are considering serving the church in a capacity that is not time consuming our board would be pleased to welcome you. Please call Kym Sladden (Chair Person) if you wish to nominate or have any questions. Phone 0416 243 671 or 8288 1891.
From the Board
The Board achieves this through ensuring policies and practices are in place and through the various teams who have responsibilities in these areas. At each Board meeting there is an OHS agenda item where issues about safety are discussed and reported on.
To support the Board in ensuring that Good Shepherd is a safe place for all we have made the following appointments.
Health and Safety Officer who will always be the Team Leader of the Facilities Management Team. The HSO is to ensure that policies and procedures are implemented and adhered to.
On the notice board
Saturday 15th October 2011 at St John’s Lutheran Church Tree Gully.
Contact Sharon Minge 0413 809 926 or 8396 4466Saturday 22 [9am-5pm] and Sunday 23 October 2011 [1pm-5pm]
Venue: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 388 Montague Rd, Para Vista
Cost: $160/couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if neither employed/students. For registrations or more information: Tel: 8331 3111; Email:
Lutheran Community Care needs YOU to be a foster carer. If you are interested in making a difference to a child or a young person’s life you are invited.
Wednesday 23rd November 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
How we can help others get ready for Christmas?
Over the past few weeks people every where have been asking, ‘Christmas already’? Indeed, it is almost Christmas already. And if we are feeling that it has crept up too quickly, think of all the people who do it tough throughout the year and are worrying about how they are going to stretch their budget to celebrate Christmas.
With your help Lutheran Community Care hope to give out over 700 Christmas hampers and assist the 100’s who will access their services in the coming months. Please see the Lutheran Community Care notice on the notice board for how you support this mission and make it possible.
Weetbix/Vitabix small medium Milk 1ltr Biscuits Savoury 200g Biscuits Sweet 200g
Custard 500ml 1ltr Fruit Juice 1ltr Sugar 250gm Lollies 200g
Canned Pudding 350g Tuna 425g 90g Pasta Sauce 500g Fruit Cake
Ham/Turkey 450g 340g Pasta Rice Tea
Toys for children to 12 years old preferably not soft.
Mango Fundraiser
Members with children at Good Shepherd Primary will already be aware of this year’s annual Mango Fundraiser. The fundraiser benefits the Ferryden Park Aboriginal Fellowship which has been run over the last few years. As always, half of your mango money supports other mission needs in Australia and overseas.
To order, I can electronically forward an order form to you. This has bank transfer information; or
Place your money in a sealed envelope with your name and number of boxes required on the front marked ‘attention Barry’. Leave this at the front office no later than 9th October.
The cost is $30.00 per 10kg box - share 1/2 box with a friend if you can’t cope with that quantity!
Pick up/delivery will be from the school in early November - date to be confirmed.
Barry Klaer
Hosted by Mrs. Miriam Smith, Mayor of Tea Tree Gully, you are invited to hear guest speaker Tony Gattari CEO of Achievers Group Pty Ltd and ex GM of Harvey Norman Computer & Communications Division.
Born in Sydney ’s outer western suburbs Tony graduated from university with a business degree. Beginning his own business venture he overcame technology stock crashes, collapsed business partnerships and nervous investors. Surviving a “perfect storm” he emerged as CEO of a profitable business.
While being a very busy in his business, Tony dedicates time to spend encouraging youth at Teen Challenge.
Friday 21st October 2011 6:45am for 7.00am start till 8.45am at Sfera’s on the Park,
191 Reservoir Road Modbury. Bookings are essential. $30 each or table of 10 for $280. RSVP by Friday 14th OctoberAny further enquires contact me. I am attending and looking to get a table together.
Barry Klaer Pastoral Care
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