The (good news)-
story behind the story
The story -
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"In times of trouble look up to the Lord!" |
In an article on page 19 of the Sunday Mail on 18th September there was a significant story, ‘Brave Melissa’s giant strides’. (see photo) On the 30th June this year Melissa, a former Endeavour College student and a young woman full of life, suffered a life threatening stroke because of a brain tumour. Complications caused the delay of the operation to remove the tumour until the 11th August. Melissa was only given a 5% chance to live!
Amazingly on Sunday 18th September Melissa participated in the City-Bay ‘Fun’ Run. She finished the 12 kilometres with limited use of the wheelchair. She actually walked the last two kilometres and actually ran for a short time. Heather Kennett, health reporter at the Sunday Mail wrote [in part], “Melissa’s surgeon said that she and other medical staff were amazed by Melissa and her family’s courage and positive attitude”
- Behind the story:
“In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise Your name forever.” Psalm 44:8
Melissa’s mum, Sandy was a regular attendee at Good Shepherd for a few months nearly five years ago. Due to ill health and personal issues Sandy was unable to continue to physically attend so she was ministered to through the Shepherding and Care Team and “Food For Families”. In August 2008 Kaye Pfeiffer joined the Shepherding and Care Team and began regularly visiting and ministering to Sandy . At Christmas 2009 a small group blessed her ‘out of her socks’ with a Christmas hamper. When that small group divided to rebirth another group and grow, Kaye continued visiting Sandy and the now two small groups kept her in their prayers. In early 2010 Sandy joined the small group becoming an active member. When she could, she came with members of the small group to help with church cleaning.
On the evening of 30th June at9:00pm Kaye Pfeiffer took a frantic call from Sandy telling of Melissa’s dilemma and advising that the doctors did not believe that Mel would survive the night. Scans showed a large tumour on her brain. Kaye & husband Ian went in to be with Sandy in ICU, praying with her. All of the group were notified and a prayer chain began. A long and uncertain journey had begun. Melissa’s name was added to our prayer list and the home group continued to support Sandy with meals and transport and being with her physically and in prayer. Sitting with Melissa in hospital, besides praying, Sandy knitted and did counted cross stitch taught to her by the women of the group (Yvonne Rosemary Janice Helen Kaye). The simple undertaking in teaching this to Sandy was expressively therapeutic to her at that time!
On the evening of 30th June at
I believe that the Lord has certainly answered Sandy and the group’s prayers. This is a good news story of a small group in a loving relationship, who through dedication, commitment were able to show spiritual support and material comfort.
It is a good news…no a great news story. We praise God as this reinforces that God is alive and active among His people and through His people; and builds up our faith and trust in Him. We give God the glory! Our purpose on earth is to do just that…give God the glory through ALL we say and are and do, as we become His hands and feet.
And how has Sandy come out of this trauma and distress? …. That’s another good news story!
Keep Melissa in your prayers as she is having MRI scans on October 7th.
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care & Fellowship Team Leader

This week. We continue in our series PARABLES WITH PUNCH - STORIES THAT STIR. This week’s message is “The parable of the persistent widow”. " Do you have someone that just wears you down, hounding you until you break?
“I don’t fear God or care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!” (Luke 18:4b-5)
Bible Reading: Luke 18:1-8
Podcasts available at
School holidays – please note there will be no kingdom kids on the 2nd, 9th or 16th of October due to the school holidays. Our term 4 program will kick off on the 23rd October. Check out our church website over the next few weeks for our program.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
Women's Fellowship
Tuesday 4th October in the church hall at 1.00pm.
Pastor Noel Kluge will lead bible study.
Bring your bibles or use the ones provided for a bible quiz lead by Venie
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
Bring your bibles or use the ones provided for a bible quiz lead by Venie
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
And on a quiet Sunday….!
We praise God for a full day of celebrations last Sunday 25th September.
After welcoming two ladies into membership at the 8:45am service, a further fifteen people were welcomed into our church family at the 10:30am service. And we further praise God for husband and wife, Sooty and Alice Lor as they were also baptised into the community of all believers.
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At the |
As well as coming into membership, Alice and Sooty Lor became members of the wider Christian community by both being baptised
…and Alice’s husband Sooty. Sooty born in Thailand
And after the morning services….
I want to thank everyone who were able to join in and share the as we celebrated our cultural diversity as one under our Lord Christ Jesus.
Many nations, all one under on banner Christ Jesus!
The national dress from Africa, Australia, India, Germany, Scotland (David was so pleased to still squeeze into the kilt!), Malaysia, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka and other counties were represented and certainly added to the colour and spectacle of the day. Many of the Kingdom Kids also came dressed in costumes and helped with providing food.
Belay Zelleke born Ethiopia with wife Sue in national dress.
Thank you for the delicious food from good old English bangers and mash, American mini hot-dogs and mustard, Aussie pie-floaters to the more exotic Asian and continental dishes. Every meal looked and was so scrumptious.
Thank you, not only to the Hospitality Team, but also those who pitched in to help clean and tidy afterwards.
Barry Klaer & Hospitality Team.
Barry Klaer & Hospitality Team.
From the office
Staff on Leave: Pastor Rolly from 1st – 10th October.
Pastor Noel will be attending Christian Life Week from 3rd to 11th October then on leave from 12th -16th October.

If the skills of the Team and time allow, Team members complete the jobs required. If not they employ tradespeople. Major jobs completed this year include the Family Room, replacing the air con in the church, increasing water supply to the church, replacing step to the temporary offices, completing the hall upgrade, new storage in kitchen and putting a sliding door on Technical storeroom.
We thank the Team for their dedication and the wonderful job they do keeping our facilities safe and in good condition.

Born in Sydney ’s outer western suburbs Tony graduated from university with a business degree. Beginning his own business venture he overcame technology stock crashes, collapsed business partnerships and nervous investors. Surviving a “perfect storm” he emerged as CEO of a profitable business.
While being a very busy in his business, Tony dedicates time to spend encouraging youth at Teen Challenge.
Friday 21st October 2011 6:45am for 7.00am start till 8.45am at Sfera’s on the Park
191 Reservoir Road Modbury Bookings are essential. $30 each or table of 10 for $280 RSVP by Friday 14th October
Any further enquires contact me. I am attending and looking to get a table together.
Barry Klaer Pastoral Care
From the Board
One of the major responsibilities of the Board is to ensure that Good Shepherd is a safe place for all – staff, volunteers, those who call Good Shepherd their church home and visitors. This covers a wide spectrum of providing a safe physical environment and the protection and care of the individual.The Board achieves this through ensuring policies and practices are in place and through the various teams who have responsibilities in these areas. At each Board meeting there is an OHS agenda item where issues about safety are discussed and reported on.
To support the Board in ensuring the Good Shepherd is a safe place for all we have made the following appointments.
OHS Co-ordinator who will always be the Administration Manager. The co-ordinator is to ensure all policies, procedures and practises are in place.
Health and Safety Officer who will always be the Team Leader of the Facilities Management Team. The HSO is to ensure that policies and procedures are implemented and adhered to.
Staffing change in 2012
It is with much sadness I announce that Dean Eaton will not be continuing on as part of our staff team in 2012. While Dean has been employed full time, our regular budget has only ever had provision for a half-time position. The other half of Dean’s salary has been made possible due to some very generous one off donations and a budget surplus in 2010. This will not be the case in 2012 and we have had to make the hard decision of cutting back Dean’s role to around half time in 2012.
Dean requires a full time role and security of tenure. Efforts up to this point have not found another complementary half-time role somewhere else. It will be much easier for Dean to find a full time position in pastoral ministry than a half time role that will enable him to stay at Good Shepherd. On this basis Dean has indicated that he will finish up at the end of the year. Dean is committed to finishing well his time with us. Please keep Dean in your prayers asking God to provide him with a new role that will fully utilise his experience and gifting for the kingdom.
Pastor Noel Kluge
Financial Report
January –August 2011
Income | Expenditure | |
August | August | |
Offerings | $ 38586( budget $40000) | |
Other | $ 1699 | |
Total | $ 40285 | $ 53287 |
January- August | January- August | |
Offerings | $ 332506(budget $330500) | |
Other | $ 36135 | |
Total | $ 368641 | $ 364825 |
The reason for the large deficit for August was that this was 1 of 2 months in 2011 when there are 3 pay periods in a month. This was factored into the budget for 2011.
On the notice board
Saturday 22 [9am-5pm] and Sunday 23 October 2011 [1pm-5pm]
Venue: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 388 Montague Rd, Para Vista
Cost: $160/couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if neither employed/students.
For registrations or more information: Tel: 8331 3111; Email:
Mango Fundraiser
Members with children at Good Shepherd Primary will already be aware of this year’s annual Mango Fundraiser. The fundraiser benefits the Ferryden Park Aboriginal Fellowship which has been run over the last few years. As always, half of your mango money supports other mission needs in Australia and overseas.
To order, I can electronically forward an order form to you. This has bank transfer information; or
Place your money in a sealed envelope with your name and number of boxes required on the front marked ‘attention Barry’. Leave this at the front office no later than 9th October.
The cost is $30.00 per 10kg box - share 1/2 box with a friend if you can’t cope with that quantity!
Pick up/delivery will be from the school in early November - date to be confirmed.
Barry Klaer
William Countryman
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: