What Are You Worth? |
Recently when watching the excellent movie The Kings Speech I was reminded that just a few years ago (2001) the personal possessions of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were auctioned off to the general public. You may remember that the Duke of Windsor is the royal title for the former King Edward, who abdicated his throne in order to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee.
Among the items to be auctioned was a piece of their wedding cake. The winning bid for this item was placed by Benjamin Vim. He paid $29,900 for the 50 year old piece of cake. It's amazing that a plain piece of cake (it wasn't even chocolate) could be worth so much. However, this is not that unusual. Ordinary things frequently become valuable when they are owned by a celebrity.
In 2000 at the famous American Kennedy family auction many mundane items yielded millions of dollars on the auction block. A small stool that Sotheby's (administrator of the Kennedy auction) estimated to be worth $150 actually sold for $33,500. JFK's golf clubs went for three quarters of a million dollars. His Cigar humidor (worth $800) went for $575,000. A simple tape measure sold for $48,000.
What made these items worth so much? One thing only: they belonged to someone famous. Even the most ordinary possession becomes valuable when it is owned by a celebrity.
You may be ordinary, but you, too, are valuable. Not because of who you are,but because of who you belong to.
In the book of Isaiah, God said...I have summoned you by name. You are mine. (Isaiah 43:1)
Paul also reminds us...You are not your own; you were bought a price. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
And what a price it was. God gave his son in exchange for you. Jesus died so you could live. When you calculate your own worth, remember what you are worth to God.
You are valuable, not because of who you are, but because of whose you are. God sees something in you that you may not always see in yourself. You are worth saving--even though you cost him a great deal. What's more, he considers you worth the price he paid.
Dean Eaton
Prayer Requests - For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
This week. We continue our series PARABLES WITH PUNCH - STORIES THAT STIR. Does your stuff define who you are? Do riches bring the abundant life? This week’s parable is the parable of the Rich Fool.
Bible Reading: Luke 12:13-21
Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
Impact 2012 is the name given to this year’s vision sharing and resourcing time. Impact 2012 is like a “state of the nation” event for our community where we hear good news stories, celebrate, reflect, and look forward to new directions.
The Impact 2012 sessions will be offered during all three services on Sunday 23rd October. For those who can’t make it on this day one session will be offered between services on Sunday 30th October, 9.45 – 10.30 am.
I encourage everyone who calls Good Shepherd their spiritual home to come along to one of the Impact 2012 sessions. I am sure you will be surprised and excited by how much God has been at work in our congregation over the last year.
Pastor Noel

Special Retiring Offering
PV GSLC Operating Account. BSB 704 942 Ac No 129523 - if transferring from another LLL account +S1
Please write ‘Overseas Mission’ in the reference box.
School holidays – please note there will be no Kingdom Kids or Baby Zone on the 16th of October due to the school holidays. Our term 4 program will kick off on the 23rd October. Check out our church website over the next few weeks for our program.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
Had a tough year? Need some time out from the day to day rush? Or just spent from leading a recent CLW?Come along and relax at the FUEL Bonfire & Camping weekend
Just $10 for a Roast Dinner including dessert! Catch up with fellow young adults from around the state.
Saturday 22nd October 2011 Near Eudunda, 130kms North East of Adelaide. Set-up camp from 4pm on Saturday, camp overnight. Roast Dinner at 7pm $10 per person
BYO drinks, plates, cups, breakfast, sleeping gear, tent or swag. RSVP required: Please contact Josh on 0429 183 097 or jschiller@activ8.net.au Directions will be given when your attendance has been confirmed.
Continuing our acknowledgment for the work of many of the teams who contribute to the life and smooth running of our congregation:
We wish to acknowledge Graham Wegener and Jim Molloy of the Shepherding and Care Worship Recovery Team. These men do have the heart of God.
Jesus said, “What do you think? If someone has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders off, doesn’t he leave the ninety nine and go after one? And if he finds it, doesn’t he make far more over it than the 99 who stay put? Your Father in Heaven feels the same way. He doesn’t want to lose even one of these believers.”
Making contact with those who have not attended for a time is not a big-brother exercise; it is an act of loving concern for your physical and emotional as well as spiritual welfare.
We say thank you to and the Lord’s richest blessings to Graham (Wegs) and Jim for their faithful commitment and their concern and love for you in this service to the Lord.
Women's Fellowship
Tuesday 1st November in the church hall at 1.00pm.
Pastor Rolly will lead bible study.
AGM ready to serve in 2012
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
AGM ready to serve in 2012
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
Mission news
The Overseas Mission Fundraising Team will be clearing the remainder of the plants from the Plant Stall in the Hall, this Sunday 16th October after both morning services. All monies raised will be donated to Cebu Missionary Foundation. Thankyou for your ongoing support.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting.
Topic: Reformation Medallions Speaker: Pastor Clem Schmidt. An illustrated talk on how he came to collect this valuable collection of Luther coins and medallions from all over the world.
At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 31 October (Reformation Day) at 7.30 pm.(The AGM will be held beforehand at 7pm.) Supper. Gold coin donation.

the languages of the other two “Peace” words. If you know the other two languages please let me know. I would like to say that there is a prize for identifying the language of the “Peace” words on the flag……but I can’t!
Puzzled Barry Klaer
Invite your friends and neighbours to join us on Sunday 30th October 2011 in the church hall as we celebrate Reformation Day. The Löhe Library have kindly lent a statue of Luther, a Luther Bible and other reformation information of fundamental interest.
To help celebrate……
Post 8:45am service morning tea will be;
Apfel und Aprikose Deutsch Kucken mit streusel
(Apple and apricot German cake with crumble topping)
Mit Kaffee und Tee
And post 10:30am service a community meal;
Hühnerschnitzel und bratwurst Wurst (Chicken schnitzel and bratwurst sausage)
Sauerkraut und Rotkohl (Sauerkraut and red cabbage)
Deutscher Stil-Gurke-Salat (German style cucumber salad)
grüner Salat (Green salad)
Kohlsalat (Coleslaw)
(Gold coin donation to offset costs would be appreciated)
From the office
Positions vacant at Good ShepherdTwo paid vacancies are available for immediate start
Cleaner 2 hours per week
We require a person to clean the toilet area and Parenting room on a weekly basis preferably towards the end of the week. All equipment is provided.
Caretaker 2 hours per week
We require a person to act as caretaker on a weekly basis.
On Friday or Saturday check that foyers are neat and tidy and the bins are emptied. Check chairs in the church are all in place. Set up table and chairs for children’s corner in the hall.
On Sunday evening after the 6pm service or on Monday
Put away tables and chairs in the hall and sweep. Empty bins in the kitchen and foyers. General tidy of church - paper and pencils.
Finance Support Officer
A Position Description is available on request from church office- churchenquiries@paravista.org.au or by phoning 8263 5087. You can also view a copy online at www.paravista.org.au . Click on members section. Enter user name: and password. Then click on ‘positions vacant’ on the right hand side.
has an opportunity for someone to join its Pastoral Ministry Team as
Worship Support Team Leader (Starting January 2012)
This 16 hour per week position (on an initial one year contract) is to lead and develop team leaders of our creative ministry teams (ie: music, vocals, technical support, dramatic arts, visual arts, ushering etc) who support the worship life of Good Shepherd and facilitate life-transforming experiences and spiritual growth in worship. The role also includes preparing a monthly musician’s roster for weekly services. For the suitably gifted applicant this position can be expanded to 20 hours per week to include the planning and implementing of the 6 pm service which caters specifically for Youth and Young adults.
This position requires a leader who is comfortable to lead by empowering and trusting other people and accepting accountability for outcomes. With music ministry being a significant part of this role, musical ability and experience in music teams would be an advantage but not essential. Competent administration skills are also needed to ensure the smooth running of Sunday services. The successful applicant will be supported by the entire staff team, but specifically the Senior Pastor who has accountability for all worship ministries within the congregation.
Remuneration will be according to the Lay Workers Salary Scale Level 2 for accredited Lay Workers or as negotiated in the interview for applicants without accreditation.
A Position Description is available on request from church office- churchenquiries@paravista.org.au or by phoning 8263 5087. You can also view a copy online at www.paravista.org.au . Click on members section. Enter user name: and password. Then click on ‘positions vacant’ on the right hand side.
Applications in writing, by 7th November 2011, are to be submitted to the:
Senior Pastor
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA 5092
Para Vista Lutheran Homes Incorporated Board
Due to some committee members not re-nominating for the committee in 2012, the board is becoming short of members. The board meets every two months and only deals with policy and decision matters due to having an administrator plus two employees who deal with the garden and maintenance. If you are considering serving the church in a capacity that is not time consuming our board would be pleased to welcome you. Please call Kym Sladden (Chair Person) if you wish to nominate or have any questions. Phone 0416 243 671 or 8288 1891.
Time Out – Five Minutes with God” Devotion Book for 2012
Written by Australian writers, there is a Christian devotion for each day of the calendar year
Each meditation is a ‘time-out’ of about 3+ minutes and consists of a Bible reading, some thoughts on that passage, and a short prayer. The devotion-writers’ thoughts are life-related and centred on the message of God’s love for people shown in Jesus Christ.
Take five minutes out – with a Word from God.
Special pre-order purchase price of $22.00
Will be available in December.
2012 Australian Christian Diary
Durable blue vinyl cover
Bible reading suggestions for each day
Three year lectionary Bible readings, and church festivals
Australian holidays and school terms
Week to an opening and 3 year calendar
Compact size for pocket or purse (90mm x 165mm) $12.00 each
To order either of the above
Please contact the church office 8263 5087 or churchenquiries@paravista.org.au by 30th October thanks.FREEZER CLEAN OUT and RE-ORGANISATION
In the following week, the Church freezer is being re-organised and old, out of date foodstuffs will be disposed of. This is to fulfil our legal obligations regarding storage of foodstuffs in freezers.
To assist in the operation, could the teams ‘housing’ frozen items in the freezer please clearly mark them, eg ‘FFF’, Men’s Ministry, Monday Night Soup Kitchen, Overseas Mission Fundraising, and etc.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care and Fellowship
Financial Report
January – September 2011
Income | Expenditure | |
September | September | |
Offerings | $ 41685( budget $40000) | |
Other | $ 1453 | |
Total | $ 43138 | $ 44620 |
January- September | January- September | |
Offerings | $ 374191(budget $330500) | |
Other | $ 37588 | |
Total | $ 411779 | $ 409445 |
On the notice board
Sunday October 30th 2pm at St Peter’s Anglican Church, Augusta Street, Glenelg.
(Torrens Square, west of Brighton Road)
'Preparing for Marriage' Course
Saturday 22 [9am-5pm] and Sunday 23 October 2011 [1pm-5pm]
Venue: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 388 Montague Rd, Para Vista
Cost: $160/couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if neither employed/students. For registrations or more information: Tel: 8331 3111; Email: magill@lccare.org.au
How we can help others get ready for Christmas?
Over the past few weeks people every where have been asking, ‘Christmas already’? Indeed, it is almost Christmas already. And if we are feeling that it has crept up too quickly, think of all the people who do it tough throughout the year and are worrying about how they are going to stretch their budget to celebrate Christmas.
With your help Lutheran Community Care hope to give out over 700 Christmas hampers and assist the 100’s who will access their services in the coming months. Please see the Lutheran Community Care notice on the notice board for how you support this mission and make it possible.
Peas and Carrots Corn Beetroot Fruit 415g 820g
Weetbix/Vitabix small medium Milk 1ltr Biscuits Savoury 200g Biscuits Sweet 200g
Custard 500ml 1ltr Fruit Juice 1ltr Sugar 250gm Lollies 200g
Canned Pudding 350g Tuna 425g 90g Pasta Sauce 500g Fruit Cake
Ham/Turkey 450g 340g Pasta Rice Tea
Toys for children to 12 years old preferably not soft.
Gigantic Garage sale
Lutheran Community care
Saturday 29th October at 309 Prospect Road, Blair Athol
All proceeds go to LCC Emergency Relief Program
Lutheran Community Centre for Learning
Has a list of courses being conducted between now and December
Amandus: Lutheran Disability Services
“To include people with a disability in Christian Community”
Position available
Disability Support Worker (.8FTE)
Tabor Adelaide Open Week 24th - 27th October
Explore your study options for 2012 Information Sessions at Tabor Adelaide
Come along and hear about the study opportunities Tabor Adelaide has to offer, meet the staff and get a feel for the campus. We offer government accredited courses at Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate level.
Proceeds from 2011 will go to St Jakobi Lutheran School with part proceeds donated to Camp Quality.
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au