“What’s Next Lord…for me?”
I was recently reading an article in which the writer stated, “As I travel, I have observed a pattern, a strange historical phenomenon of God "moving" geographically”. He went on to summarise, “My theory is this: God goes where he's wanted”.

As a congregation we spent time praying, seeking God and asking, “What’s next Lord?” I was praying and got the impression that this is a question we ask the Lord not only corporately as a church but also individually. St. Paul in writing to the Corinthians said, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” Consequently as we independently ask, “What’s next Lord?” the Lord told Jeremiah, ‘I know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. You will call to me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart. I will be found by you”. I believe that this is also an encouraging exhortation from our God who is unchanging from eternity to eternity.
Therefore be completely confident in the knowledge that, as the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome , “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God; those who are called according to His purpose” and, “All those led by God’s Spirit are God’s people”. ‘What’s next Lord… for me?’ Ask and patiently anticipate an answer and then be obedient to the response.
I urge each person to take time to read the collation of the information in the church hall, or under the member’s section of our website; and to attend the next gathering of “What’s Next Lord?” on Saturday morning 10th September.
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care & Fellowship Team Leader
Bible Reading: Luke 15:11-24
Family Newsletters are out!! Check your pigeon hole this Sunday for the latest Kingdom Kids and Family update. We have put one in every pigeon hole as we believe it’s important that everyone in this church hears what’s happening in our Children and Family Ministry. If you would prefer not to receive these updates, please let Laura know (I apologise that they were not available last week).
Parenting room donations: do you have a Christian kid’s book that you no longer need? Is it still in good condition? Then we’d love to add it to our collection in the new parenting room. Please place donations in the box located by the Kingdom Kids sign in table. Thank you so much in advance for your generosity.
8:45AM KINGDOM KIDS NEEDS YOUR HELP– have you considered this!
Each Sunday during the school term Kingdom Kids runs for children aged 3-8 during the 8:45am Sunday service. Due to child safe laws we must have 2 adults rostered on each week; a teacher and an assistant. We currently have the parents of regular participants running the program, but are in need of a few more helpers. Please consider coming along to help, even if it is only once or twice a term. Team assistants don’t need to do any preparation but need to have a passion and interest in seeing children nurtured and encouraged in their faith. It doesn’t matter what age you are or whether or not you have children. If interested please email me, call me or make a note on your welcome card. We hope you can join the team.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
For Ignite Youth activities please go to our website www.paravista.org.au
I will be away till the end of September. If you have any questions please contact the office, 8263 5087.
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader
Women's Fellowship
meet on Tuesday 6th September in the church hall at 1.00pm.
Pastor Rolly Stahl will lead bible study.
This month’s guest speaker is Liz O'Keefe from Offender's Aid and Rehabilitation Services (OARS).
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
This month’s guest speaker is Liz O'Keefe from Offender's Aid and Rehabilitation Services (OARS).
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
Women @ PV
The next event is coming up on the 30th September - You are Amazing. Fliers are now available from the church office and foyer. Lock it in ladies and get ready for a truly magical night of musical entertainment and fun. women@paravista.org.au
Lutheran Community Care
Thank you to the many loyal supporters for your generosity towards LCC Winter Appeal.
Just a reminder to those who have not yet made their donations… We still need your help to keep up the demand for assistance during this very cold winter. Your donation will buy warm clothes, blankets and food for the people sleeping rough or doing it tough.
LCA Mission Unit Available for Long Term Rental
The LCA Missions Board have a unit at their Flierl Court, Henley Beach (Adelaide) complex available for immediate long term rental. The unit is one of 5 and is just one street away from the ever popular Henley Beach. Conveniently located close to public transport and shops, it is air-conditioned with 3 bedrooms, lounge-dining room and up to date kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Asking rental is $320 per week. All enquiries to Mrs Mary Roberts, work phone
08 8267 7300 or e-mail: Mary.Roberts@lca.org.au
08 8267 7300 or e-mail: Mary.Roberts@lca.org.au
When making a beautiful picture there’s going
to be some mess
to be some mess
Wellington woos lovers of classics
Wellington woos lovers of classics
Lutherans quick to respond
11 issues per year; $39 Australia, $41 New ZealandYou can SUBSCRIBE ON-LINE www.thelutheran.com.au or contact the office for details
Lutheran Community Care Christmas Hamper
To help families on low income celebrate Christmas, each year Lutheran Community Care give out nearly 1,000 Christmas hampers in the metropolitan and Barossa area. To meet the anticipated demand this year we are asking congregations around South Australia to begin collecting food, books and toys for disadvantaged families. A list of required foods can be found on the notice board. Books may be small colouring-in books, a reading book for older children, or a cloth book for a young child. A book with a Christian theme would be great. We ask that toys be purchased new and could include Lego, balls, musical toys, etc. We prefer them not to be a soft toy. This is a great opportunity for Bible study groups and playgroups to have some fun and make it a group project around the Church. It is time to prepare for Christmas already and again thank you for your generosity and support. Donations can be dropped off at:
309 Prospect Rd
Blair Athol SA 5084
Tel: 08 8269 9300
Our Christmas Hamper distribution dates are 5-6 December. We encourage you to submit your donation well ahead of this time.
Golden Grove Lutheran Church has a ministry called GGAF – Golden Grove Amateur Fishing club
The annual ‘Fishing and Boating swap Meet and Fete’ is on Sunday 25th September from 12noon – 4pm. www.fishingswapmeet.info
Calling all Bikers!
Our next group motorbike ride has been organised for Saturday 17th September. We will be meeting in the church car park at 9.20am for a 9.30am departure. The ride will be up into the Barossa Valley and through some of the farming land around Eudunda and Kapunda to see the Canola in flower. There will be a morning tea break and lunch stop. We expect to get back mid afternoon and you are welcome to head off home any time during the ride if you need to get back earlier. Everyone is welcome and don’t hesitate to invite friends. The ride will be cancelled if raining. For more information, call Noel on 0427 049 296.
On the notice board
AngliCare: Foster carers are urgently required to provide overnight and emergency, long term, short term and respite care. Information Session Tuesday 13th September, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, at the Mawson Centre, 2-8 Main Street, Mawson Lakes.
ILLUMINA is one of Adelaide’s most vibrant women’s choirs, with 40 members who share a love of singing, music and harmony with an interest in performing a wide range of music.
Join ILLUMINA at Brougham Place Uniting Church, Sunday 25th September at 2pm Tickets $15 available at the door or phone Gill on 8368 1639. For further information phone Rosemary on 0419 832 187.
Housekeeping notice
The church kitchen has become a storage place for apparently unwanted “things”. When using the kitchen please replace items where you found them. If you have personal items in the kitchen please remove them as the kitchen will be getting a spring clean during the week beginning 12th September.
Life isn't about how you survived the storm...
it's about how you danced in the rain!
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au