A compelling vision
We believe in a God that created us for Him and for each other. We believe in Jesus who welcomes young and old without exception. We believe in the Holy Spirit who transforms the life of all believers, young and old.
We believe in meeting God most intimately in the lives of those who are different from ourselves. We believe we grow closer to Jesus as his disciples when we:
- worship God in a variety of ways, both familiar and different
- worship in community as well as individually
- worship in a way that encourages everyone to participate
- worship in a way that both enriches and is enriched by our every day lives
- worship God with all that we are
A manifesto for all-age church…Lucy Moore

God has been challenging me to ‘re think’ the way we do church, and in particular the way I build connections and relationships on Sundays. I am excited to see us meeting together as a church to pray and listen to God for ‘what’s next’ in the life of this community. I look forward to hearing more as together we unpack God’s will for this place, but hope you will join me in acknowledging the importance of connecting with each other on a deeper level as we seek to become more Christ like in mission and ministry.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
This week the series PARABLES WITH PUNCH - STORIES THAT STIR continues. How big can a mustard seed appear? You may have all seen the advert on TV from Small things………….
This week’s message title is “From small beginnings”.
This week’s message title is “From small beginnings”.
Bible Reading:Matthew 13:31-35
Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
Last Saturday around sixty people gathered to spend time listening to God and seeking his revelation about where to next as a church. Part of our time together was spent in small groups sharing what we had received from God. These responses were collected, transcribed and are now on display in the hall on the pin up boards. These will remain up for the next two Sundays for everyone to view.
We encourage you to take the time to read them. The comments are a collection of Bible verses, ideas, reflections and prophecies people received in their time with God last Saturday. This Sunday there will be pancakes served in the hall after service as a fundraiser for the Cebu Missionary Foundation, so you can enjoy some good food as you browse the display.
We are sharing this with the whole congregation in the desire that you will get a feel for what God is stirring among us. If you were not able to make it on Saturday but sense that God has given you something you would like included in this display, feel free to email it to Pastor Noel, nkluge@paravista.org.au. We have also put a printed copy of all the comments on our webpage for you to look at under Members/Reports/What’s next Lord?
On Saturday, 10th September, 9am -12pm we will be gathering for the next phase of ‘What’s Next Lord?’ In this session we will be taking all the responses displayed in the hall and discerning the main themes and direction God is giving us from them. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you did not attend the first session. If you would like to attend this session please register to ensure we have sufficient group leaders and materials. You can do this via your welcome card on Sunday, call the office during the week on 8263 5087, or emai churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
Thank you to everyone who invested their time participating in our first ‘What’s Next Lord?’ From the feedback we have received it is evident that people were really blessed by being a part of it. People also felt included in discerning God’s future direction for our church. We continue to be expectant before God as we seek him for direction.
Pastor Noel
Bring a Friend Adventure Day – Run by some of the Ignite Youth Leadership Team
**Last minute reminder**
What: a fun and God centered day of games, activities, craft, music and movement
When: Sunday 28th August at both the 8:45am and 10:30am services
Where: in the OSHC room
Who: everyone is welcome. Kids, bring a friend or two and get ready to have a blast!
We will be preparing for our involvement in the morning Father’s Day services on the 4th September.

Family Newsletters are out!! Check your pigeon hole this Sunday for the latest Kingdom Kids and Family update. We have put one in every pigeon hole as we believe it’s important that everyone in this church hears what’s happening in our Children and Family Ministry. If you would prefer not to receive these updates, please let Laura know.
8:45AM KINGDOM KIDS NEEDS YOUR HELP– we are still praying for a response!
Each Sunday during the school term Kingdom Kids runs for children aged 3-8 during the 8:45am Sunday service. Due to child safe laws we must have 2 adults rostered on each week; a teacher and an assistant. We currently have the parents of regular participants running the program, but are in need of a few more helpers. Please consider coming along to help, even if it is only once or twice a term. Team assistants don’t need to do any preparation but need to have a passion and interest in seeing children nurtured and encouraged in their faith. It doesn’t matter what age you are or whether or not you have children. If interested please email me, call me or make a note on your welcome card. We hope you can join the team. Laura
Parenting room donations: do you have a Christian child’s book that you no longer need? Is it still in good condition? Then we’d love to add it to our collection in the new parenting room. Please place donations in the box located by the Kingdom Kids sign in table. Thank you so much in advance for your generosity.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
For Ignite Youth activities please go to our website www.paravista.org.au
I will be away till the end of September. If you have any questions please contact the office, 82635087.
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader
Women's Fellowship
next meet on Tuesday 6th September in the church hall at 1.00pm.
Pastor Rolly Stahl will lead bible study.
This month’s guest speaker Dot Stagg is from Offender's Aid and Rehabilitation Services (OARS).
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
This month’s guest speaker Dot Stagg is from Offender's Aid and Rehabilitation Services (OARS).
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.

Women @ PV –
The next event is coming up on the 30th September - You are Amazing. Fliers are now available from the church office and foyer. Lock it in ladies and get ready for a truly magical night of musical entertainment and fun. women@paravista.org.au
Mission news
Spring/Summer Plant Stall
In June we held a successful plant stall....thank you to all who donated and bought plants. I had several people ask if we would be holding a Spring/Summer stall, so we thought we would try that this time. It will be held on Sunday 9th October. So if you have plants in your garden that can be potted up or pots that need to be divided, then pot them up now and bring them along in October. Looking forward to your support once again. All proceeds will be going to Cebu Mission Foundation in the Philippines.
Thanks from Joan McCarthy and Overseas Mission Fundraising Team
Sue’s Cards. Sue will be offering her amazing handmade cards on Sunday after both morning services. Looking for that special Father’s Day card? Thinking of an early start to the Christmas mail? See Sue and you will not be disappointed while our missions outreach into Cebu and Cambodia will benefit.
I thank God for this church family. I was overwhelmed by the phone calls, the cards and the visits by so many. And most of all I am so grateful for the prayers for me for the operation and the recovery period.
I was reading Acts and as I did I saw that it was ‘ordinary’ men and women who made such a strong contribution to the formation and development of the church. Being involved in simple and what can be described as mundane acts such as setting up tables on Sunday morning is an act of ministry that blesses so many as they sit and chat and have a brew. With that I am so thankful for those who set up the tables and the percolated coffee for the morning services.
Again, thank youBarry Klaer
Pastoral Care & Fellowship
From the office
Donation much appreciated.
The main urn used for the majority of events in the hall developed a major leak and could no longer be used. Through a generous donation by a member we were able to purchase a new urn and tea/coffee is as usual freely available. We thank this person for their generous donation.
To overcome a dangerous situation the step at the entrance to the outside offices has been replaced.
The Facilities Team
The housekeeping and Insurance audits have been completed. The outcomes were very positive with only a few minor issues identified. This is a vast improvement from the first audits several years ago.
You may have noticed changes to the island area as you enter from Montague Road and the garden area in front of the Parking for the Disabled. This is part of the process of making access to the hall and church safer for the residents of the village, especially those who use walkers or gophers. At present they have to go into the traffic flow areas. More details as plans come to fruition.
Church Notice Board
To prevent unsolicited information on the church notice board please leave all brochures and advertisements at the church office or in the church office pigeon hole. Any items posted without office approval will be removed. All items for the notice board will be displayed for a maximum of four weeks.
Lutheran Community Care
Thank you to the many loyal supporters for your generosity towards LCC Winter Appeal.
Just a reminder to those who have not yet made their donations… We still need your help to keep up the demand for assistance during this very cold winter. Your donation will buy warm clothes, blankets and food for the people sleeping rough or doing it tough.
Stamps for Missions
Thank you to all who keep their used stamps and place them in the Stamps for Mission’s box. Would you believe a total of $10,000 has been raised to support missions Projects for 2011? See the notice board for details of where the funds have been allocated. Keep saving your stamps.
‘The Lutheran’
When making a beautiful picture there’s going
to be some mess
to be some mess
Wellington woos lovers of classics
Wellington woos lovers of classics
Lutherans quick to respond11 issues per year; $39 Australia, $41 New Zealand
On the notice board
Warrambui Retreat and Conference Centre is a Lutheran Campsite in NSW. Each year six 12-month internships are offered to young people, providing an opportunity to serve, grow and be discipled within a Christian community which seeks to serve others and glorify God.
Interns experience many opportunities for personal growth and service to over 8000 guests who stay at Warrambui each year. This often includes cooking, teaching programs to school children, cleaning and performing some general maintenance. Interns are also involved in regular team discipleship times, mentoring sessions, team retreats and NSW Ministry Camps.
Please note that the closing date for applications is the 30th September 2011.
AngliCare: Foster carers are urgently required to provide overnight and emergency, long term, short term and respite care. Information Session Tuesday 13th September, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, at the Mawson Centre, 2-8 Main Street, Mawson Lakes.
Koorong Presents an evening with Philip Yancy Seasons of the Soul. With over fifteen million books sold worldwide, Philip Yancey is one of the most respected inspirational writers of our time. In his fifth trip to Australia Philip will open up his latest bestseller, What Good is God? Information on session times and tickets on the notice board.
Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. ~Cynthia Nelms
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au