John Burke is the writer of an insightful and challenging book called: No Perfect People Allowed – Creating a Come as You are Culture in the Church. He tells one story about sharing his faith with Chris - who seemed to understand what he was saying, and agreeing with the logic of the gospel message. But Chris didn’t want to believe it for himself: “I can see why it’s true for you, but it’s not true for me.” When pushed for clarity as to why, the response: “You know, I guess I just don’t want to be like you.” Ouch! (p.29-30)
A week ago, I was talking with a chap who thought that most Christians were judgmental, arrogant, and indifferent to the struggles of others. It blew him away when I told him: “I don’t think I’m any better than you. I struggle just as much as anyone, but I know God helps me.”
In our culture, you can’t separate the message from the messenger. “The messenger is the message. How we are perceived is every bit as important as the truths we espouse.” (p.40) As Burke comments:
Generally, emerging generations do not ask, “What is true?” They are primarily asking, “Do I want to be like you?” In other words, they see truth as relational. “If I want to be like you, then I want to consider what you believe. If I don’t see anything real or attractive in you or your friends as Christ-followers, I don’t care how ‘true’ you think it is, I’m not interested.” (p.42, emphasis mine)
What distinguishes Christianity from other religions is that God didn’t just send a message – but became the message. In Jesus, truth is personal. In Jesus, truth is relational. In Jesus, truth is lived out in compassion and service to others. In Jesus, people experienced grace and truth.
Just as a jet needs both wings to fly, to be effective in reaching our community with the gospel we need to share both the love of Jesus and the good news of Jesus. Both are essential! Yet we will never get an open hearing to the good news until we love, serve and listen to people. We will never encounter openness to the Good News if by our example we are perceived as “bad news”.
You are the presence of Jesus in this world. You are the Message of God’s love. People experience the grace and truth of Jesus through you! You are the only Bible many people read! How accurate is the translation?
Joy in Jesus!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Prayer Requests - For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
This week. The series PARABLES WITH PUNCH - STORIES THAT STIR continues. Today’s parable of the talents is all about being productive for God’s kingdom as we await the second coming of Jesus. So let’s look at this under the question How can we be productive for God’s Kingdom?
Bible Reading: Matthew 25:14-30Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
Family Newsletters are out!! Check your pigeon hole this Sunday for the latest Kingdom Kids and Family update. . If you would prefer not to receive these updates, please let Laura know. Thanks.
Parenting room donations: Thank you to the people who have made donations towards our parenting room library. Please keep the books coming, and again, thank you so much in advance for your generosity.
Cultural Celebration Sunday 25th September 2011
We have had an amazing term in Kingdom Kids and will be finishing the term with a Cultural Celebration on Sunday 25th September. The Kids will be having a special lesson at both morning services and are encouraged to come dressed in traditional clothing from a country of their choice. We will also be enjoying a church lunch in the hall after the Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leaderlcarson@paravista.org.au
I will be away till the end of September. If you have any questions please contact the office, 8263 5087.
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leadersgerrie@paravista.org.au
Women @ PV
Ladies, in less than four weeks on Friday night 30th September our church will be transformed into a entertainment venue for a night of talent, inspiration and fantastic music. Grab yourself a flier from the church or jump onto the church website or our face book page for all the details. Please invite your friends and if you love to get a little dressed up, this is your night! If you would prefer not to get dressed up…THAT IS FINE!!! Please don’t let this stop you from coming. Gold coin donation at the door. See you ALL there! women@paravista.org.au
Please note there will be no fitness class this Saturday morning due to the ‘what’s Next Lord’ Conference. I hope you can join us at the conference instead. Final classes for term 2 will be held on the 24th September and the 1st October. See you there.
Consider the visitor/late comers
To a person entering a venue that is 80% occupied it appears to be full as vacant seats are not readily visible. What an embarrassment to locate a seat especially for someone not familiar with the venue. We have the fortunate ‘problem” at the 10:30 service where at times we are over 80% full making it difficult for visitors/late comers to find seats.
To assist with this issue if you are at service early consider sitting toward the middle or the row so it becomes easier for others to identify empty seats and get to the seats without having to push past people on the end.
An end of an era
Michael Paech who has faithfully served as the principal of our school for fourteen years, announced this week that he will be leaving at the end of this year. He will be taking up a new position as principal of St John’s Lutheran Primary School, Highgate in 2012. Michael has very capably led our school over the last 14 years and will be greatly missed.
Please keep Michael and his family in your prayers as he finishes up his time with us. Please also pray for the school council as they begin the search for a new principal. The school is a vital part of our church’s mission and it is imperative that we find a principal who can join us and continue the good work established under Michael’s leadership.
From the office
Parenting Room
To overcome the poor light in parts of the family room an extra light has been installed. This has possibly created the opposite effect of the room being too bright. If this proves to be the case we will experiment with adjusting brightness of the lighting.
Damage to hall walls
The painted walls in the hall have been damaged and marked by the table trolley. All the marks on the walls have been cleaned off. When shifting the trolley, or loading/unloading tables, please be careful not to contact the walls. A good rule is to keep the trolley at least a metre from all walls. In this position it will not obstruct movement in and out of the hall.
Thank you to the many loyal supporters for your generosity towards LCC Winter Appeal.
Just a reminder to those who have not yet made their donations… We still need your help to keep up the demand for assistance during this very cold winter. Your donation will buy warm clothes, blankets and food for the people sleeping rough or doing it tough.
LCA Mission Unit Available for Long Term Rental
The LCA Missions Board have a unit at their Flierl Court, Henley Beach (Adelaide) complex available for immediate long term rental.. All enquiries to Mrs Mary Roberts, work phone 08 8267 7300 or e-mail: Mary.Roberts@lca.org.au
Lutheran Community Care Christmas Hamper
To help families on low income celebrate Christmas, each year Lutheran Community Care give out nearly 1,000 Christmas hampers in the metropolitan and Barossa area. To meet the anticipated demand this year we are asking congregations around South Australia to begin collecting food, books and toys for disadvantaged families. A list of required foods can be found on the notice board. Books may be small colouring-in books, a reading book for older children, or a cloth book for a young child. A book with a Christian theme would be great. We ask that toys be purchased new and could include Lego, balls, musical toys, etc. We prefer them not to be a soft toy. This is a great opportunity for Bible study groups and playgroups to have some fun and make it a group project around the Church. It is time to prepare for Christmas already and again thank you for your generosity and support.
Donations can be dropped off at: 309 Prospect Rd, Blair Athol SA 5084. Tel: 08 8269 9300
Our Christmas Hamper distribution dates are 5-6 December. We encourage you to submit your donation well ahead of this time.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting.
Topic: German missionary wives in Queensland Speaker: Dr Regina Ganter (Griffith University, Qld). What role did the wives play and what problems did unmarried missionaries face? At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 26 September at 7.30 pm. Supper. Gold coin donation.
Golden Grove Lutheran Church has a ministry called GGAF – Golden Grove Amateur Fishing club
The annual ‘Fishing and Boating swap Meet and Fete’ is on Sunday 25th September from 12noon – 4pm. www.fishingswapmeet.info
Calling all Bikers!
Financial Report
January –July 2011
Income | | Expenditure |
July | | July |
Offerings | $ 44520( budget $43500) | |
Other | $ 7900 | |
Total | $ 53420 | $ 42689 |
January-July | | January-July |
Offerings | $ 293920(budget $290500) | |
Other | $ 34616 | |
Total | $ 328536 | $ 311538 |
Other income for July includes a generous donation of $6500.With estimated expenditure, it is estimated there will be a small deficit at the end of the year.
On the notice board
ILLUMINA is one of Adelaide’s most vibrant women’s choirs, with 40 members who share a love of singing, music and harmony with an interest in performing a wide range of music.
Join ILLUMINA at Brougham Place Uniting Church, Sunday 25th September at 2pm Tickets $15 available at the door or phone Gill on 8368 1639. For further information phone Rosemary on 0419 832 187.
Kreate at Kylie’s
For those with a creative mind looking for somewhere to be creative!
Housekeeping notice
The church kitchen has become a storage place for apparently unwanted “things”. When using the kitchen please replace items where you found them. If you have personal items in the kitchen please remove them as the kitchen will be getting a spring clean during the week beginning 12th September.
You know how I'm smart? I got people around me who know more than I do!
Louis B. Mayer
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm