The tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks reminds us that all is not well in our world. The fight against terror continues to cost lives on both sides. While these battles can seem far away and distant from us, the sad news of Australians losing their lives in this fight brings the conflict back closer to home.
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of whether or not Australian troops should be involved in this, the question still remains, “Is there anything I can do to help make this world a more peaceful place?”
If we look at this issue on a global scale it will very quickly overwhelm us to the point where we will do nothing. However, if we break it down to where our area of responsibility for peace is our immediate day to day relationships, the challenge is more achievable. If each of us looks at the relationships in our lives and asks ourselves, “How can I work for peace in these relationships?” we will begin to play our part in bringing peace to our world.What would it look like for you to work for peace in your marriage, your family, the street you live on, or the place your work in? How can you become a peace maker?
Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) When we work for peace we are acting like a child of God. Jesus, God’s son, worked for peace by coming into this world to make peace between us and God. The Bible says, ‘We were God’s enemies, but he made us his friends through the death of his Son.’ (Romans 5:10)
Working for peace is far easier said than done. It is particularly difficult to do when you have been hurt deeply and everything within you wants to strike back with vengeance. What do we do in those situations? We look to Jesus and the peace he brings. Jesus gives us the gift of peace – ‘I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.’ (John 14:27)
Jesus’ offer of peace comes through his offer of forgiveness that he made possible by dying on the cross. As we receive this forgiveness and the peace that comes with it, we are empowered to extend this same forgiveness and peace to those who have hurt us.
While working for peace in your circle of relationships may not seem very significant on a global scale, if we all play our part, collectively we can bring Jesus’ gift of peace to our world.
Pastor Noel

This week. We take a break in our series PARABLES WITH PUNCH - STORIES THAT STIR to hear from the Cambodian Mission Team. Live reports from the team who have just returned with a visual banquet that will place you right in the middle of Cambodia’s mission field. The message on “The Kingdom Table” will be a banquet for your heart.
Bible Reading: Luke 22:1-38Podcasts available at
Cultural Celebration Sunday 25th September 2011

Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
I’m really excited! Sunday 25th September is shaping up to be one very big day to particularly praise God!

Then after the 10:30am service festivities begin. We celebrate with thanksgiving our God appointed cultural merge, bought together as one under the Lordship of Christ Jesus, by sharing a meal together.
I have now established that our church family has many who were born overseas; in fact the number of countries represented is nearly 30!! They include; South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, England, Ireland, Scotland, India, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Czechoslovakia, Poland, China, Philippnes, Malaysia, America, Papua New Guinea, Greece, Germany, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Malta, Liberia, Estonia, Japan, Uganda, and a few Australians (and I think some are from another planet!)
What a beautiful world mix of people as a church family we are!
“Hallelujah” is a universal word meaning Praise God so let’s do that by joining together and celebrating together over a meal.
Kingdom Kids are being encouraged to come in traditional dress from their country of choice. You too are invited, no strongly encouraged, to wear a national costume of the country in which you were born. I am bringing in dense jungle for the ladies born in Papua New Guinea! There are a number who have hinted that they are going to wear their national dress so be bold and be involved in the fun.
And we are going to praise God as we celebrate together with a variety of food from different countries.
Can I encourage you to help with this meal by bringing a plate to supplement the International dishes which will be presented? That will be greatly appreciated.
Barry Klaer P.C. & F. in conjunction with Laura Carson, Family & Children’s Ministry
For Ignite Youth activities please go to our website

Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader
Women @ PV
Ladies, in less than four weeks on Friday night 30th September our church will be transformed into a entertainment venue for a night of talent, inspiration and fantastic music. Grab yourself a flier from the church or jump onto the church website or our face book page for all the details. Please invite your friends and if you love to get a little dressed up, this is your night! If you would prefer not to get dressed up…THAT IS FINE!!! Please don’t let this stop you from coming. Gold coin donation at the door. See you ALL there!
Women's Fellowship
meet on Tuesday 4th October in the church hall at 1.00pm.
Pastor Noel Kluge will lead bible study.
Bring your bibles or use the ones provided for a bible quiz lead by Venie
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
Bring your bibles or use the ones provided for a bible quiz lead by Venie
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
Over the last month a number of people from our congregation have met on two Saturday mornings to prayerfully wait on God and ask ‘what is next for us as a congregation?” Displayed on the pin up board in the hall are the transcripts of everything that was shared at the first session. Last Saturday we met for our second session seeking to discern any key themes, values and strategies from the responses. This was done in six groups and each group reported back what they had discerned. These responses are now going to be collated and further summarised. Once this is finished we will have another session open to everyone to develop strategies that will enable us to walk into what God has given us. We are planning for this to happen some time in November.
I would also like to thank everyone who took part in the first two sessions. Your input was valued and the gift of your time appreciated. As your senior pastor it was exciting to see so many people passionate about our church and what God is doing among us.
Pastor Noel
Consider the visitor/late comers
To a person entering a venue that is 80% occupied it appears to be full as vacant seats are not readily visible. What an embarrassment to locate a seat especially for someone not familiar with the venue. We have the fortunate ‘problem” at the 10:30 service where at times we are over 80% full making it difficult for visitors/late comers to find seats.
To assist with this issue if you are at service early consider sitting toward the middle of the row so it becomes easier for others to identify empty seats and get to the seats without having to push past people on the end.
From the Board
Are you heading north next winter??
The Synod of the SA District will be held next year in Alice Springs from the 6th to 8th of July. If you are heading north at this time you may consider representing Good Shepherd as one of our delegates.
If travelling by car (+ caravan) the congregation will help meet your travelling costs and pay for your accommodation for the duration of the Synod.
You may not have plans to travel north but could be interested in being a delegate.
For more details contact John Dolling at the church.
From the office
For safety we have purchased 2 large Danger - Wet Floor bollards. One is kept in the hall kitchen and the other in the women’s toilet. If there is a liquid spill, or floors have been mopped and there are people using the facility please use these bollards as it may prevent a person having a fall.
Two good quality mops and a quality bucket have been purchased for use in the kitchen and hall. Please ensure these are only used in these areas as for health reasons they are not for general use around the facility.
October Hospitality Rosters were emailed this last week. If you did not receive yours, please contact the office. Thanks.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting
Topic: German missionary wives in Queensland Speaker: Dr Regina Ganter (Griffith University, Qld). What role did the wives play and what problems did unmarried missionaries face? At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 26th September at 7.30 pm. Supper. Gold coin donation.
On the notice board
A full time position is available as housekeeper/cleaner for one of the boarding houses at Australian Lutheran College. Starting mid October. Applications close Tuesday 27th September. For further details please contact:
Kristine Leonard 0400 592 816 or Marilyn Pickett 0432 934 705.
TIME for US!
A weekend for couples to relax and reflect on their relationship with each other. A gift of time to grow and learn together. A time to identify strengths as a couple and develop ways of making changes together which will have a positive impact on themselves and those around them.
28th, 29th, 30th October 2011 [Friday night, Saturday, Sunday am]
At Waverley Estate, located at Port Elliot []
Cost: $380 per couple. The course is limited to 6 couples. Facilitated by qualified educator Wendy Hampel.
To register or for more information:
Contact Alison Hunt at Lutheran Community Care, Centre for Learning, 19 Edward Street, Magill; Ph: 8331 3111;
Salisbury Community Organisation Against Poverty are holding their annual general meeting on Thursday 29th September at Housing SA Offices, 1 Ann Street, Salisbury 3.00-4.00 pm.
Celebrating 125 years of Lutheran Mission in PNG
100 years of Lutheran Mission on Siassi
75 years of Australian Lutheran Mission
PNG Reunion Saturday 15 October 2011
9am to end of evening meal
$30 Registration required – lunch and evening meal included
Mission Festival Sunday 16 October 2011
9am hymn singing and slide show
9.30am worship, PNG guests, Speakers,
Pot luck lunch, concludes 3pm NG Time
Venue: Trinity Lutheran Church, 2 Grandview Drive, Pasadena, SA 5042
Contact:Colin Hayter, (08) 8357 6423 mob 0429 060 642
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: