Reckless words pierce like a sword (Proverbs 12:18a NIV)
Ain’t that the truth? Our words can be senseless acts of violence against people made in the image of God. Name calling, derogatory comments, sarcasm, put downs, insults, and harsh negative criticism carry a sting all of their own. Our words can pierce hearts and leave people wounded.
Reckless words make people shrivel up inside. Reckless words destroy trust and trash relationships. Ironically our reckless words tend to assault the people we claim to love the most: our spouses and families. In our church family, reckless words are to become an endangered species
(cf Eph 4:29, Col 3:8-10).
(cf Eph 4:29, Col 3:8-10).
Wise people use their words to build, heal, and bless. As Proverbs 16:24 puts it: Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. The precious gift of encouragement has the power to heal crushed spirits and mend broken hearts. It puts the wind back into our sails – and gets us moving again.
One sentence spoken at the right time from a significant other – such as a parent, grandparent, friend, teacher, or mentor – can echo in one’s mind and change the trajectory of one’s life.
Given that our words have power to bless or to mess, some questions to consider:
• Do my words tend to bless or mess other people? • What does the stuff coming out of my mouth reveal about the person I am? …and more importantly whose I am?
Hearts where Jesus lives will seek to bless people with their words.
Message Series: - We are in a series called, ‘A person after God’s heart.’ We have been looking at the life of King David. This Sunday we are look at “the world’s best failures”. Podcasts available at This week’s bible readings are written in: 1 Peter 5:5-7.
Weekly Prayer Requests: Not included in this newsletter but if you have a prayer request or would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter.
Children’s and Family Ministry
Kingdom Kids on Holidays
There is no Kingdom Kids this Sunday. We will recommence on 17th October. We hope you enjoy the special folder activities available for children during the services.
Our wonderful Baby Zone leader, Bec Heynen, has decided to retire from her leading position, but we do hope to have a new Baby Zone leader for next term. Thank you to Bec for all of your organisation and enthusiasm and we are very glad that we will still see you at Baby Zone sometimes.
School Holiday Activity
Thank you to everyone who attended our Bible Trail Holiday Activity in the church hall on Wednesday 29th September. We had a fabulous time! The hall was filled with many activities including painting hand prints, dress-ups and gluing stars, drawing sea creatures and planting seeds in cotton wool. There were 8 Bible Stories (from Noah to Moses) with questions about each one and children chose a prize when they completed the trail. We also had a great morning tea together. Thank you very much to everyone (including the Liebelt family, the Hulme family and Ron Rathjen) who helped to make this holiday activity such an enjoyable time together.
Tanya Harrison

The northern Christian churches have partnered together in a unique evangelism event called The UPSIDE DOWN Circus specifically designed to share the message of Jesus with children and families in the northern community.
The UPSIDE D0WN Circus will run in the second week of the school holidays from
Wednesday October 6th to Friday October 8th from 2-5pm on Ridley Reserve, Main North Road, Elizabeth (south of the Elizabeth Shopping Centre).
Children and families will wander through a FREE festival of fun exploring and experiencing values of the Kingdom of God. There will be a range of Activity Tents and Short Shows at The BIG Top creating an interactive environment with games, craft, dance, drama and stories. There will be an Op-Shop, Food Bank, Puppets, Face Painting, Hall of Fame, Clowns, Food, Jumping Castle and Street Performers all adding to the festival atmosphere. Every child will also receive a free Show Bag containing a ‘Top 10 Stories from Mark’ book.
A low cost BBQ on Thursday, 5–6pm is being held before a BIG TOP Show, 6–7 pm that uses an evangelistic drama to present the Gospel: a creatively told story of a young boy who runs away to the circus and discovers it is not all he had hoped it to be. An opportunity will be given for children and families to respond to the Gospel.
Parenting Seminars with Steve Biddulph
Uniting Church. Uniting People is pleased to present three parenting seminars with Steve Biddulph, in partnership with The Journey UC and Pedare Christian College, The Corner UC and Adelaide West UC on 2nd, 3rd and 4th November.
Contact Sarah Urmston,, 8236 4260 for flyers and more information. All details are available on Youth
Comment from a parent. “I attended youth on Friday night as a parent of one of the ‘youth’. It was very pleasing to see warm and encouraging friendships being fostered amongst the young people at our church. Sophie is to be commended for the vibrancy and enthusiasm she puts into her work with the youth. It is very encouraging as a parent to see this avenue of ministry ‘alive’ in our church.”
Women's Ministry
Para Vista Women’s Fellowship
Women’s fellowship meet on Tuesday 5th October at 1.00pm in the church hall. Pastor Rolly Stahl will lead the Bible Study. Guest speaker is Valerie Volk. Afternoon tea is supplied and a trading table will be operating.

Friday night 22nd October at the church hall at 7.00pm for a 7:30pm start. An opportunity for the ladies (of all ages) who call this congregation home to meet, mix, mingle and learn something fun along the way. For information please call Debbie Wesselingh on 8263 5518.
Men's Ministry

All men and boys all over Australia are invited!
Secretary for the Board 2011
After 3 years of fantastic dedicated service Kathy Liebig has indicated that she will not continue as secretary of the Board in 2011.
The Board is seeking expressions of interest to fill this role. The role involves taking minutes at the monthly Board meetings. Board correspondence is dealt with separately and not usually actioned by the Secretary. Email access is important. To register an interest or for more details, please contact either Keren Sutton or John Dolling.
Preparing for Marriage

Four evening sessions will also be held at Lutheran Community Care, 309 Prospect Road, Blair Athol from 6.45pm-9.30pm on the following dates.
Wednesdays 3rd November, 10th November, 17th November and 24th November 2010. Registrations close on 27th October 2010. Please contact Kristy or Margaret on 8331 3111 for more information on the above courses.
Office Administrator within Encounter Youth Team. Encounter Youth is a not-for-profit Christian organisation highly regarded for its work in the effective management of Schoolies Festival South Australia and the provision of Safe Partying education to high school students.
Information can be found at of Lutheran Archives meeting
Dr Erich Renner will speak on “Pietism and its influence on the early Australian Lutheran Church”. At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 18th October at 7.30 pm. (The AGM will be held beforehand at 7pm.) Supper. Gold coin donation.
LCC Christmas Event Coordinator – Blair Athol Office.
Position Description available by contacting Sharon Good ph: 8269 9300” Applications close on the 13th October, 2010.

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