Giving His Wealth
Christian development is largely a matter of refining our character, and stewardship plays a large role in that development. To become the kind of people who honour and reflect Christ, we must embrace some basic perspectives. For instance, we must realize we are stewards, entrusted with His goods, for His purposes, but with the freedom to squander His wealth. We are charged with giving His wealth generously to those who need it and those who, through their spiritual position and faithfulness, have earned it. We should distribute His resources joyously, even when we give sacrificially—this should be a habit!
Part of our determination to give relentlessly, selflessly and generously is to set an example for all who have been blessed by Him. We should do this so that they, too, may enter into the joy, the privilege and the responsibility of sharing His resources with those in need and with those who have earned a share by serving as vocational ministers of the gospel.
“To be clever enough to get a great deal of money, one must be stupid enough to want it.” G. K. Chesterton
We Are Stewards
The Australian way of thinking is that we are self-sufficient and that we are responsible for all that we possess. The Bible provides a different perspective, of course: that we are merely the overseers of God’s earthly domain, responsible for taking care of His resources until Jesus returns. Getting people to understand and accept our role as managers rather than creators of wealth and resources is a crucial element toward encouraging good stewardship.
Scriptural Perspective
• Genesis 14:17-24 (Abraham acknowledged that his victory spoils were a gift from God).
• 1 Chron. 29:14-18 (everything is God’s; we watch over it on earth).
• Psalm 24:1-2 (everything belongs to God).
• Psalm 50:10-12 (God created, knows and owns everything that exists).
• 1 Cor. 4:2 (Paul exhorted those being trusted to prove themselves faithful).
Dean Eaton
This Week’s Message: Silver Boxes: The precious gift of encouragement! Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29 NIV) Podcasts available at
Weekly Prayer Requests: Not included in this newsletter but if you have a prayer request or would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter.
!!Reminder!! IMPACT 2010
Have you returned your RSVP yet? Please assist the office staff by returning it or emailing the office at
Children’s and Family Ministry
Kingdom Kids on Holidays
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Enjoying the school holiday activity |
There is no Kingdom Kids this Sunday. We will recommence on 17th October. We hope you enjoy the special folder activities available for children during the services.
Our wonderful Baby Zone leader, Bec Heynen, has decided to retire from her leading position, but we do hope to have a new Baby Zone leader for next term. Thank you to Bec for all of your organisation and enthusiasm and we are very glad that we will still see you at Baby Zone sometimes.
Women’s Ministry
Children’s Concert
“Saviour of the World” by Sean W. Smith
We recommend to you this Aussie Children’s Entertainer
Date: Sunday 24th October
Venue: the Marketplace Church
Address: Corner of South Terrace & Vinrace Street, Adelaide City, SA
Time: 4.00pm
Tickets only $4, children under 2 free!
For more information see
Ignite Youth
The Term 4 timetable is now out!!! Check out the youth notice board or head to the website:
Women’s Ministry
Last year the Overseas Mission Fundraising Team requested Christmas toys for the children in Cebu. I know that everyone enjoyed buying toys to give to the underprivileged children and many parents told us of the valuable lesson learnt by their children about sharing and giving willingly.
This year we want to 'give' again. We realised last year that it was very costly to send the 4 shipping boxes, full of toys that you donated, to Cebu. This year we have decided to send money for Lucy to buy locally.
WIGS from Good Shepherd have arranged a 'Ladies Night' on Friday 22nd October with all the money raised from this night being donated to Toys 4 Cebu. Please purchase your tickets from the church office or call 8263 5087. Bring your friends and enjoy an interesting night full of fun!
The Overseas Team will have a stall on the night with Bible Covers, Cebu bracelets, Christmas cards and Ugandan jewellery for sale. All donations will be gratefully received.
LCC Christmas Event Coordinator – Blair Athol Office.
Organise registration and distribution of Christmas Hampers and organise Christmas Day Community Lunch. Short term position to start 25 October 2010, 225 hours (flexible)
Positions vacant
Interserve urgently require people to fill positions at the Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC) Nepal. Positions required to be filled by January 2011 include Head of English Faculty –Secondary, IT Systems Manager and Administrator -Office Manager. Visit or check out the notice board for other positions available.
LCC Christmas Event Coordinator – Blair Athol Office.

Position Description available by contacting Sharon Good ph: 8269 9300. Applications close on the 13th October, 2010.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting
Dr Erich Renner will speak on “Pietism and its influence on the early Australian Lutheran Church”. At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 18th October at 7.30 pm. (The AGM will be held beforehand at 7pm.) Supper. Gold coin donation.
Civic Prayer Breakfast Friday 15 October 2010
This prayer breakfast will acknowledge those who provide emergency services and who volunteer their time in our community. The breakfast will start at 6.45am at Sferas, Modbury with Chief Inspector Gary Raymond APM, OAM as guest speaker. Contact Peter on 8336 7890 or email
Steve Grace
Join the Golden Grove Lutheran Fellowship on Saturday 6th November at 7.30pm for a night with Steve Grace singing classic hymns and songs of hope for the journey. See the notice board or visit for further information.
Why not wake up and decide to have a good day!!
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