The importance of others
The problem with analogies is that they always have their limitations and while they fit some scenarios they are totally inappropriate for others. Last week, I used the analogy from motor bike riding of looking down the road through the corner, so you can corner smoothly. My point was that if we keep looking ahead to Jesus our lives will be well directed and we will avoid the wobbles that invariably happen when we just look directly in front.
Well last Saturday on our Men’s Ministry 4WD weekend my advice got me into lot’s of trouble. As I looked ahead to avoid colliding with the other vehicles I drove my 4WD straight into a deep wash out. As you can see by the photo I was in quite a bit of trouble. I should have been looking directly in front instead of further ahead. So much for my motor bike riding analogy!
The good news is that with the help of others I was able to get my car out of trouble. As a preacher I couldn’t help myself and quickly saw another analogy emerge and that is when you get into trouble it is good to have others to help you out. I seriously doubt that I would have been able to dig myself out of the hole. I needed a gentle pull from another vehicle to get me back to where I needed to be. I was actually seeing the application of my sermon from the previous Sunday ‘Doing life together’ work its way out right in front of me.
It is so easy for us to try and do life disconnected from others. It keeps things simple. It avoids the awkwardness and struggle that is often there when we relate to others on a deeper level. We also protect ourselves from being hurt when we keep our distance from others. However, what happens when our lives end up in a ditch and we do not have the inner resources to deal with it? Who do we have in our lives to help us out? We need each other to effectively walk this journey of life.
God made us to live in community. God’s Spirit gathers us to live our lives under Jesus’ leadership together. It is not something we are to attempt to do by ourselves. We need each other to keep us on track and to help us out of the odd ditch we may run into from time to time.

Children’s and Family Ministry
Kingdom Kids on Holidays
Kingdom Kids is holidays untill 17th October. Happy holidays!
The Term 4 timetable is now out!!! Check out the youth notice board or head to the website:
Paravista Women’s Fellowship
Men’s Ministry
Barry Klaer
Servant of Christ Award
Synod Report
Position vacant
Please note Good Shepherd office will be closed for staff meeting
Women’s fellowship will meet on Tuesday 5th October at 1.00pm in the church hall. Bible study will be lead by Pastor Rolly Stahl. Guest speaker is Valerie Volk. Afternoon tea is supplied and a trading table will be operating.
Men’s Ministry
The Big Shed Happens is a wonderful event that is planned for the men of Australia on October 30th 8:45am to 5.00pm by Ian Watson. Take a look at Ian's web page for details There are already over 120 men registered from all over Australia. The aim is to have 2500 men at the event. Register on the website for the event, (buses will be organized to pick up men at the Brisbane Airport and take them back again later in the evening.)
All men and boys all over Australia are invited!
Eleven New Members will be coming into membership this Sunday. At the 10:30 service we will be welcoming into membership Rex and Joan Pfitzner, Karen and Chris McAleer, Jefferson and Sarah David and Lynne Donnelly. At the 6pm service we will welcome Sarah Adler, Bill Becker, Ben McAleer and
Joey Pietsch, . Pray for them and thank God for their commitment to our family.
Why not hang around after service and get to know these great new members. Better still invite them out for a coffee at the local café.
If you would like to know how to join this church family, contact me by email, the church office by phone on 82635087 or tick the box on the back of the welcome card.
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care – Integration.
Ministry Opportunities
PART-TIME CHAPLAIN NEEDED for the City West campus of UniSA. This will involve one day a week for the 26 university weeks of the year, and an honorarium of $4000pa. For further details, see the noticeboard, of contact Pastor Mike Pietsch on 8370 3615, or 0409 725 573, or Applications due by Monday 11th October 2010.
Safe Place
Last week 15 members attended Safe Place training at Para Vista. It is an expectation of the LCA that all those involved in leadership in congregations participate in Safe Place training.
There will be another opportunity to receive training later in the year.
Secretary for the Board 2011
After 3 years of fantastic dedicated service Kathy Liebig has indicated that she will not continue as secretary of the Board in 2011.
The Board is seeking expressions of interest to fill this role. The role involves taking minutes at the monthly Board meetings. Board correspondence is dealt with separately and not usually actioned by the Secretary. Email access is important. To register an interest or for more details, please contact either Keren Sutton or John Dolling.
Nominations for the Servant of Christ Award are due in by the end of September 2010. Please forward nomination forms to the Principal’s Office at ALC, 104 Jeffcott St, North Adelaide SA 5006 or email forms to
A report on Synod is contained in the ‘Together’ magazine. One of our delegates Diane Kleinig, has written a summary of her impression of Synod. A copy of Diane’s report is attached.
Preparing for Marriage
Preparing for Marriage is designed for those planning to marry or who are recently married. This is an opportunity to attend here at Good Shepherd. This course helps couples build on their strengths and also develop skills for dealing with conflict. 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturday 9th and 1.00pm to 5.00pm Sunday 10th October 2010. Registrations are required by 1st October.
Four evening sessions will also be held at Lutheran Community Care, 309 Prospect Road, Bair Athol from 6.45pm-9.30pm on the following dates.
Wednesdays 3rd November, 10th November, 17th November and 24th November 2010. Registrations close on 27th October 2010. Please contact Kristy or Margaret on 8331 3111 for more information on the above courses,.
Endeavour College has a limited number of vacancies for Year 8 starting next year in 2011. Interested families are welcome to request a prospectus, come for a tour or an interview with the Principal. All enquiries to Carolyn Wachtel, Enrolments Officer on 8368 3311.
Please see the flyer on the noticeboard.
Office Administrator within Encounter Youth Team. Encounter Youth is a not-for-profit Christian organisation highly regarded for its work in the effective management of Schoolies Festival South Australia and the provision of Safe Partying education to high school students.
Information can be found at
On Tuesday 28th September from 9.00 to 10.00am.
You are not dressed for work until you wear a smile
Church Web site:
Our President, Pastor David Altus, emphasized the synod theme “Free: Forgiven and Forgiving” in his sermons and especially in his report while speaking about the YPOUT incident. He said that he had learnt from having to deal with this matter and he apologized on behalf of the District for any hurt and misunderstandings that occurred. Now we can move on. Although the Child Safe and Safe Place policies may be irksome at times it is imperative that we adhere to these for the safety of all. I appreciated hearing Ted Kober once again in his address after dinner which focused on reconciliation in line with our theme.
Snippets presented by Nevin Nitschke on mission initiatives gave insight into various programs and happenings in congregations who are seeking to reach out in their communities. These were inspiring. If only we could all have the enthusiasm of Hallett Cove pastor Kevin Wood! What is stopping us from being excited and bursting to tell others about Jesus and God’s great love for us? Have we become complacent while putting our trust in all the comfort and things around us? Would we really spend more time with God trusting him to provide for us if we lost it all? These questions came up in conversation with those around me.
Agency reports gave us pertinent insights into work within the District and Dr Mike Semmler presented the LCA report along with his departmental heads. My main interest is in Aboriginal Ministry SA which is now under the umbrella of the Department for Mission. This committee has worked doggedly to organize better ways to utilize the minimal budgetary allowances from the District. Apart from the workers in Ceduna, Koonibba,Yalata and Port Lincoln we now have an Aboriginal pastor responsible for the Greater Adelaide Area, a huge task.
I continue to be excited about our ‘church’ and the many avenues for outreach throughout the District. This is our BIG church family serving our Lord with the gifts and talents he has given us.
Diane Kleinig
Impressions of a Delegate
The venue at Immanuel College was very comfortable and spacious. In fact the display and food hall was a little too large. Our dinner on the Saturday night was served by boarding students who came from various places interstate. This, too, was a great time of fellowship giving opportunity for me to chat with Aboriginal delegates from Northern Territory. Our final service in the chapel praised and glorified our most gracious God.
Our President, Pastor David Altus, emphasized the synod theme “Free: Forgiven and Forgiving” in his sermons and especially in his report while speaking about the YPOUT incident. He said that he had learnt from having to deal with this matter and he apologized on behalf of the District for any hurt and misunderstandings that occurred. Now we can move on. Although the Child Safe and Safe Place policies may be irksome at times it is imperative that we adhere to these for the safety of all. I appreciated hearing Ted Kober once again in his address after dinner which focused on reconciliation in line with our theme.
Snippets presented by Nevin Nitschke on mission initiatives gave insight into various programs and happenings in congregations who are seeking to reach out in their communities. These were inspiring. If only we could all have the enthusiasm of Hallett Cove pastor Kevin Wood! What is stopping us from being excited and bursting to tell others about Jesus and God’s great love for us? Have we become complacent while putting our trust in all the comfort and things around us? Would we really spend more time with God trusting him to provide for us if we lost it all? These questions came up in conversation with those around me.
Agency reports gave us pertinent insights into work within the District and Dr Mike Semmler presented the LCA report along with his departmental heads. My main interest is in Aboriginal Ministry SA which is now under the umbrella of the Department for Mission. This committee has worked doggedly to organize better ways to utilize the minimal budgetary allowances from the District. Apart from the workers in Ceduna, Koonibba,Yalata and Port Lincoln we now have an Aboriginal pastor responsible for the Greater Adelaide Area, a huge task.
I continue to be excited about our ‘church’ and the many avenues for outreach throughout the District. This is our BIG church family serving our Lord with the gifts and talents he has given us.
Diane Kleinig
Delegate 2010-2012