Looking ahead to direct us now
When I did my rider training to get my motorcycle licence the instructor told us that the best way to ride smoothly around a corner was to look as far ahead as possible. The common mistake riders make is that they look at the road directly in front of them and it causes them to wobble all over the place when cornering. You tend to either lean in too far, or not enough and have to adjust line mid corner which at best looks a little clumsy and at worst could lead to an accident.
Living our life by faith is also a counter intuitive activity. Our natural tendency is to look at the here and now instead of looking down the road through the eyes of faith at what Jesus has accomplished for us. When we focus just on the here and now we are susceptible to losing sight of the big picture and choosing a direction through life that is not the best way to go.
Hebrews 12 says, ‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.’ (Hebrews 12:1, 2) We are to look through the corners of life and fix our eyes on Jesus. Jesus has already walked the journey of faith for us and marked out the route for us.
What helps you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? Whatever it is do it so that you can stay on track and not fall off!
Pastor Noel Kluge
Message Series: - This week in the series ‘A person after God’s heart (David)’ we are going to be challenged with “Fessing up” to our Failures. Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
This week’s bible readings are from: 2 Samuel 12:1-14; Psalm 51:1-12 and Luke 18:9-14.
Weekly Prayer Requests.
Weekly Prayer Requests: Not included in this newsletter but if you have a prayer request
or would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter.
Children’s and Family Ministry
At the 8:45am service, Kingdom Kids are altogether in one group, of 3-8 year olds.
Last Sunday, our lesson was about Josiah reading God’s Word (2 Chronicles 34 – 35:19.). We heard how the book of God’s Words was lost and the temple was empty and dirty. The temple leader called many workers to repair the temple.
Together the Kingdom Kids made their own church to repair. They set up chairs, made an altar, flowers to put in vases, communion utensils and even found a lost scroll! We discovered how important God’s Word is and to share it with others.
There was lots of working and helping each other, with the children having a choice to: make their own book full of Bible texts, read Bible stories, build a church with blocks or role-play in the ‘made church’.
Kingdom Kids is a great place to come together to praise, learn and support each other in our faith journey. (If you don’t want to miss out, adults are allowed as helpers!)
Rachel Liebelt
NEW Bible Activity Kits
Remember to borrow a Bible Activity Kit for your children. They will really enjoy taking these kits home. These kits can be a great tool for parents, as you have the privilege of introducing your children to God’s love for them. Your whole family can learn together to share a spiritual learning journey. If you don’t have a church library card, ask for one on your welcome card this week.
Kingdom Kids on Holidays Soon
This Sunday is the last Kingdom Kids for 3 weeks. There is no Kingdom Kids on the 26th September. We will recommence on Sunday 17th October. Happy holidays!
FREE School Holiday Activity

Ignite Youth
Thank God You’re Here!
Thank you to all those wonderful people who turned up to help cook on Friday night. The Food for Families fridge is now completely full. Good work team!

For the Term 3 timetable check out the youth notice board or head to the website:
Keep an eye out for the Term 4 timetable, which will be out within the next two weeks.
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader

Reminding all ladies of Good Shepherd
Friday night 22nd of October at the church hall at 7.00pm for a 7:30pm start. An opportunity for the ladies (of all ages) who call this congregation home to meet, mix, mingle and learn something fun along the way. For information please call Debbie Wesselingh on 8263 5518 or Andrea Brooks on 8289 4958
The weekly free bread distribution here at church on Monday evenings has become a better than Good News Story. It’s a GREAT, GRAND, HUGE NEWS STORY.
To encourage friendship and relationship building for those who come to collect the free bread on Monday evenings, (and quite a few are not attending church) a group of members have banded together to cook and serve delicious soups.
These members made up small flyers and did a letter box drop around the church area. The result is that about 20 people have attended over the last 2 Monday nights. As a result of that, one coupled came to church for the first time last Sunday.
Initiative and incentive + God = kingdom growth. Great News Story! You bet…and through the simplicity of social gospel.
Sausages and scones

Ministry Opportunities
PART-TIME CHAPLAIN NEEDED for the City West campus of UniSA. This will involve one day a week for the 26 university weeks of the year, and an honorarium of $4000pa. For further details, see the noticeboard, of contact Pastor Mike Pietsch on 8370 3615, or 0409 725 573, or mike.pietsch@lca.org.au Applications due by Monday 11th October 2010.
Secretary for the Board 2011
After 3 years of fantastic dedicated service Kathy Liebig has indicated that she will not continue as secretary of the Board in 2011.
The Board is seeking expressions of interest to fill this role. The role involves taking minutes at the monthly Board meetings. Board correspondence is dealt with separately and not usually actioned by the Secretary. Email access is important. To register an interest or for more details, please contact either Keren Sutton or John Dolling.
Synod Report
A report on Synod is contained in the ‘Together’ magazine. One of our delegates Jim Materne, has written a summary of his perspective of the Synod.
Volunteer Tutors Needed!
Lutheran Community Care Refugee Services are looking for volunteers to provide tutoring to adult learners from a refugee background. Volunteers will aid in comprehension of course material and assist adult students to access internet and computer programs relevant to their tertiary study (TAFE and Uni).
Volunteers DO NOT need a background in education or other specialised fields. This role is to assist the student in their comprehension of the English language used in coursework. Tutoring sessions will be between 1-2hrs on a weekly basis (Fridays) during TAFE term time, at our Blair Athol office.
For more information, please contact Rachel Friebel 8269 9300 or RFriebel@lccare.org.au
Notice for articles in News and on notice board
Please note: Articles for the weekly news will only be placed in the news for two weeks. The weekly news is archived and can be viewed at any time.
Please see the office before posting notices on the notice board. Notices will only be displayed for a maximum of four weeks.
If you require advertising for a longer period please send the office a PowerPoint produced poster and this will be screened during the pre-service advertising.
Rosters will be emailed out this weekend. Please check your area/s of ministry for dates of service.
Sunday 31st October 2pm
St Barnabas’ Anglican Church
Corner William & Elizabeth Streets
Craft Fair
Saturday 16th October 9:00am – 3:00pm
John XXIII Catholic Church
50 Reservoir Road Hope Valley
See the notice board for more information on these events.
You'll accomplish far more by focusing on your abilities instead of your limitations.

Church Website: http://www.paravista.org.au/
Email: churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
Report for Good Shepherd Board
The theme for SYNOD this year was Free, Forgiven & Forgiving
New pastors to the District were welcomed and presented to the SYNOD
Rolly was an apology.
Tertiary Institutions Committee on behalf of LSF presented a Proposal that:
“Every Pastor and congregation in the SA/NT District re-assess its pastoral care and education of young people with respect to relationships, and the role sex plays in these, as supported in God’s Word.”
DCC & GCC were asked to address this and provide resources to clearly teach young people about what sex means for relationships and to address the misconceptions given by secular society.
Many constitutional changes were made to the District constitution to bring it in line with the National constitution as directed by GCC.
It was moved that District SYNOD will now be held only every second year and the timing of SYNOD moved to the end of May.
The next SYNOD will now be in May 2012.
This will now have similar timing to our Church/School/Village AGM.
It was resolved that congregations and individuals welcome new arrivals from refugee backgrounds to their communities and that they speak out against racism wherever it occurs.
Much discussion was made over the wording needed to clearly express a change to the constitution for schools & aged care boards to have no more than 2 non Lutheran Christians on each board.
The wording approved:
There shall be no more than two (2) members of the governing body who are Christians other than from the Lutheran Church on each of the school and aged care boards resulting in no more than 20% of the number of the board.
Our own school council meets these requirements.
President David Altus gave his report and in the light of the theme for SYNOD (Free, Forgiven and Forgiving) asked for forgiveness for the way he and the District had dealt with those involved in the WYPOUT camp incident. He spoke in very general terms of the incident and that many involved were hurting and that he had meet with 6 of the 8 that were involved, following the dropping of the charges.
He asked that we all act with forgiveness to all those involved and that the district was still not able to speak more specifically about the incident.
The Finance report included the 2009 Income, current membership and the last 5 years worth of contributions made to the District by each and every congregation in the district. It was suggested that each congregation could aim to contribute 10% of their income.
The 2011 Budget was passed with total income of $1,790,000 resulting in a deficit of $35,750 to be covered by General Legacies.
Operating deficit for 2009 was $36,188.
In 2009 membership was down 2,000 to 29,356 with average weekly attendance of 14,511. Since 1997 the attendance has declined 19% and membership has declined 22%
The Aged Care Council presented the winning entry in its Aged Care Media Award that aims to strengthen the ties between the Lutheran Schools and the Lutheran Aged Care Organisations. This year the winning entry was a video from Endeavour College with its year 8 students Troy Hancock and Michael Pfeiffer receiving the award. Both were students at Good Shepherd Primary last year and Michael is a member at Good Shepherd.
A summary report will be received from the District within 2 weeks of Synod and will be on forwarded at that time.
Jim Materne
GSPV Synod Delegate for 2010-2012