Asking God
Golfer Arnold Palmer once played a series of exhibition matches in Saudi Arabia. The king was so impressed that he proposed to give Palmer a gift. Palmer demurred; "It really isn't necessary, your Highness. I'm honoured to have been invited."
"I would be deeply upset," replied the king, "if you would not allow me to give you a gift."
Palmer thought for a moment and said, "All right. How about a golf club? That would be a beautiful momento of my visit to your country."
The next day, delivered to Palmer's hotel, was the title to a golf club. Thousands of acres, trees, lakes, clubhouse, and so forth.
The moral of this story is: In the presence of a King, don't ask for small gifts!
Over thirty years ago our church was asking God for big things and God answered. He gave us the school, our church, past missions. I wonder what He is asking us to ask for right now as a fellowship? May the Spirit deliver us from small mindedness and a lack of faith, and enable us to ask God for those things He wills to give to us in these significant days.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
Dean Eaton
Message Series: - This week is the second in the series ‘A person after God’s heart (David)’ asking for God’s strength to slay giants. Podcast available now at This week’s bible readings are from: 1 Samuel 17:1-11, 32-50; Mark 4:35-41.
The previous series ‘Questions that demand an answer’ can also be downloaded. The series may be ordered from the church office on 8263 5087 or via your welcome card by requesting the series together with your name and contact details.
Weekly Prayer Requests.
Not included in this newsletter but if you have a prayer request or would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter.
Golfer Arnold Palmer once played a series of exhibition matches in Saudi Arabia. The king was so impressed that he proposed to give Palmer a gift. Palmer demurred; "It really isn't necessary, your Highness. I'm honoured to have been invited."
"I would be deeply upset," replied the king, "if you would not allow me to give you a gift."
Palmer thought for a moment and said, "All right. How about a golf club? That would be a beautiful momento of my visit to your country."
The next day, delivered to Palmer's hotel, was the title to a golf club. Thousands of acres, trees, lakes, clubhouse, and so forth.
The moral of this story is: In the presence of a King, don't ask for small gifts!
Over thirty years ago our church was asking God for big things and God answered. He gave us the school, our church, past missions. I wonder what He is asking us to ask for right now as a fellowship? May the Spirit deliver us from small mindedness and a lack of faith, and enable us to ask God for those things He wills to give to us in these significant days.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
Dean Eaton
Message Series: - This week is the second in the series ‘A person after God’s heart (David)’ asking for God’s strength to slay giants. Podcast available now at This week’s bible readings are from: 1 Samuel 17:1-11, 32-50; Mark 4:35-41.
The previous series ‘Questions that demand an answer’ can also be downloaded. The series may be ordered from the church office on 8263 5087 or via your welcome card by requesting the series together with your name and contact details.
Weekly Prayer Requests.
Not included in this newsletter but if you have a prayer request or would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter.
Children’s and Family Ministry
Kingdom Kids Visitor
This Sunday Bruce Hulme will be visiting the 10:30am Kingdom Kids and singing some songs with us. We are looking forward to seeing all of the kids there!
*Kool Zone kids – don’t forget to bring a coin to put into the “Wholly Cow’s” mouth! We have saved over $65 but need to raise $138 for a cow in Cambodia.
*Kindy Zone (3-5 year olds) is seeking a supervising adult to help us on Sunday 5th September for the 8:45am or 10:30am service. If you think you could help, please call the church office, see Tanya Harrison or email
NEW Bible Activity Kits – Now Available for Borrowing
This Sunday morning is the launch of our new Bible Activity Kits. They contain a children’s Bible story book and a game or some toys or a DVD that support the story and “Faith 5” bookmarks. They also have laminated instructions containing questions about the story, prayer points and suggested activities to do at home.
We hope that your children will really enjoy taking these kits home. We also hope that these kits can be a great tool for parents as you have the privilege of introducing your children to God’s love for them. Your whole family can learn together and share your spiritual learning journey.
School Holiday Activity
We are hoping to set up a ‘Bible Story Trail’ in the hall on one morning during the September/October holidays. This would be an activity that parents could do together with their children (aged 2-11 years). The children would receive a prize for answering the trail questions and could also do some craft activities. If you are interested in helping to organise or supervise this holiday activity, please contact Tanya Harrison. More information will be available soon.
Ignite Youth
Forms for Spring Metro Christian Life Week are now out!! Get in quick as places are limited! Forms are available from the youth notice board and from
Youth Alive is being held on Saturday 4th September at Paradise Community Church, 7pm start. We are absolutely blessed to have special guests Hillsong United playing for us. Tickets are $15 each, or $10 for 10+. We will not be taking a bus or running this as a youth event, but if anyone wants a ticket let me know. I will be ordering some tickets in the coming weeks so you can buy them through me for $10. You will need to make your own transport arrangements.
The Youth Program: For a full Term 3 timetable, check out the youth notice board or go to the website
Sophie Gerrie (Youth and Young Adults Team Leader)
Women's Fellowship
The September Women's Fellowship meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th September at 1.00pm in the church hall. Dean Eaton will be the bible study leader and guest speaker.
Calling all ladies of Good Shepherd:

Please put Friday night 22nd October in your diaries. Come along to the church hall at 7.00pm for a 7:30 pm start. It is an opportunity for the ladies (of all ages) who call this congregation home to meet, mix, mingle and learn something fun along the way. Bring a friend and double your fun. For information please call Debbie Wesselingh on
8263 5518 or Andrea Brooks on 8289 4958
Kingdom Kids Visitor
This Sunday Bruce Hulme will be visiting the 10:30am Kingdom Kids and singing some songs with us. We are looking forward to seeing all of the kids there!
*Kool Zone kids – don’t forget to bring a coin to put into the “Wholly Cow’s” mouth! We have saved over $65 but need to raise $138 for a cow in Cambodia.
*Kindy Zone (3-5 year olds) is seeking a supervising adult to help us on Sunday 5th September for the 8:45am or 10:30am service. If you think you could help, please call the church office, see Tanya Harrison or email
NEW Bible Activity Kits – Now Available for Borrowing
This Sunday morning is the launch of our new Bible Activity Kits. They contain a children’s Bible story book and a game or some toys or a DVD that support the story and “Faith 5” bookmarks. They also have laminated instructions containing questions about the story, prayer points and suggested activities to do at home.
We hope that your children will really enjoy taking these kits home. We also hope that these kits can be a great tool for parents as you have the privilege of introducing your children to God’s love for them. Your whole family can learn together and share your spiritual learning journey.
School Holiday Activity
We are hoping to set up a ‘Bible Story Trail’ in the hall on one morning during the September/October holidays. This would be an activity that parents could do together with their children (aged 2-11 years). The children would receive a prize for answering the trail questions and could also do some craft activities. If you are interested in helping to organise or supervise this holiday activity, please contact Tanya Harrison. More information will be available soon.
Ignite Youth
Forms for Spring Metro Christian Life Week are now out!! Get in quick as places are limited! Forms are available from the youth notice board and from
Youth Alive is being held on Saturday 4th September at Paradise Community Church, 7pm start. We are absolutely blessed to have special guests Hillsong United playing for us. Tickets are $15 each, or $10 for 10+. We will not be taking a bus or running this as a youth event, but if anyone wants a ticket let me know. I will be ordering some tickets in the coming weeks so you can buy them through me for $10. You will need to make your own transport arrangements.
The Youth Program: For a full Term 3 timetable, check out the youth notice board or go to the website
Sophie Gerrie (Youth and Young Adults Team Leader)
Women's Fellowship
The September Women's Fellowship meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th September at 1.00pm in the church hall. Dean Eaton will be the bible study leader and guest speaker.
Calling all ladies of Good Shepherd:

Please put Friday night 22nd October in your diaries. Come along to the church hall at 7.00pm for a 7:30 pm start. It is an opportunity for the ladies (of all ages) who call this congregation home to meet, mix, mingle and learn something fun along the way. Bring a friend and double your fun. For information please call Debbie Wesselingh on
8263 5518 or Andrea Brooks on 8289 4958
Pakistan Floods
The scale of the devastation, tragedy and human suffering caused by the flooding in Pakistan is almost beyond comprehension. It is in times like these that we have an opportunity as Christians to rise up and share the love of Jesus to our global neighbours who are in great need. You can support relief efforts by donating money to Australian Lutheran World Service. Donations can be made on line at or calling 1300 763 407.
Coming Events
PLAS PRAI CAMBODIA MISSION - January or July 2011 Information Afternoon - Sunday 26th September 2.30pm at Bethlehem, Adelaide. An opportunity to join a grassroots trip to Northern Cambodia - travel off the beaten track and experience the real Cambodia. Contact for further details. The Plas Prai Foundation is an independent educational charity, registered as an NGO in Cambodia and incorporated in South Australia.
Safe Place Training for Para Vista
It is hoped that churches provide an environment where all attending are safe - physically, emotionally and
spiritually. Following Christ’s command to love one another we are to treat each other with respect and dignity. Unfortunately history demonstrates that the church is a place of grace but not perfect morality.
The LCA has developed a Safe Place Policy. This policy deals with the interactions between adults (over 18). This alerts members to dangers and consequences of inappropriate behavior towards other people in the church. It also provides mechanisms and procedures, based on the Word of God, by which we can work through painful and serious matters.
We, along with the LCA, encourage all involved in ministry with people over 18, especially Team Leaders, to complete the training. This will help make Para Vista a safe place for all.
There will be 2 opportunities for training at Para Vista
Wednesday 8th September 7:15 to 9:30 pm Wednesday 15th September 7:15 to 9:30 pm
Pakistan Floods
The scale of the devastation, tragedy and human suffering caused by the flooding in Pakistan is almost beyond comprehension. It is in times like these that we have an opportunity as Christians to rise up and share the love of Jesus to our global neighbours who are in great need. You can support relief efforts by donating money to Australian Lutheran World Service. Donations can be made on line at or calling 1300 763 407.
Coming Events
PLAS PRAI CAMBODIA MISSION - January or July 2011 Information Afternoon - Sunday 26th September 2.30pm at Bethlehem, Adelaide. An opportunity to join a grassroots trip to Northern Cambodia - travel off the beaten track and experience the real Cambodia. Contact for further details. The Plas Prai Foundation is an independent educational charity, registered as an NGO in Cambodia and incorporated in South Australia.
Safe Place Training for Para Vista
It is hoped that churches provide an environment where all attending are safe - physically, emotionally and

The LCA has developed a Safe Place Policy. This policy deals with the interactions between adults (over 18). This alerts members to dangers and consequences of inappropriate behavior towards other people in the church. It also provides mechanisms and procedures, based on the Word of God, by which we can work through painful and serious matters.
We, along with the LCA, encourage all involved in ministry with people over 18, especially Team Leaders, to complete the training. This will help make Para Vista a safe place for all.
There will be 2 opportunities for training at Para Vista
Wednesday 8th September 7:15 to 9:30 pm Wednesday 15th September 7:15 to 9:30 pm
Ministry Opportunities

For more Information please call the Church Office on 8263 5087 or
Monthly rosters will now be forwarded by email to lessen our impact on the environment. If you require a hard copy please call the office during office hours.
Saturday 9 October: 9am-5pm and
Sunday 10 October 2010: 1-5pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran School
388 Montague Road, Para Vista
Four Wednesday evenings from
6.45-9.30pm 3 November to 24 November 2010
Lutheran Community Care
309 Prospect Road, Blair Athol
Cost: $160 per couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if neither employed/students [GST incl]
To register or for more information contact Margaret or Kristy on 8331 3111, Email: or website:
Our grounds!
40% covered 60% unkept
There are now 3 volunteers to assist with maintaining the gardens around the church. On areas allocated to these volunteers it means we will be able to maintain 40% of our grounds. If you can spare 2 hours per month to help maintain the other 60% please contact John Dolling or 0409 819 864. Our grounds are the first contact for visitors and are what the general community see. What message would un-kept grounds give about our congregation?
Please note office closed for staff meeting
On Tuesday 31st August from 9.00 to 10.00am
See the notice board
Jim Kraft has entered, to run in the City-Bay Fun run on 19th September to support the Multiple Sclerosis Society. For further details contact Jim by phone: 8165 7470 (Bus) Mobile: 0411 402 564 or you can visit his fundraising page at
Rental accommodation wanted
24 year old christian male moving from Canberra to Adelaide on the 11th September looking for rental/boarding accommodation within 30 minutes drive from Glynde. Please contact Simon at or on 0408504365.
WANTED – Caring people to volunteer in the Blair Athol Lutheran Community Care OP Shop. We need your skills as a shop assistant or sorting clothing and donations, washing, ironing or cutting rags. If you can spare several hours on a regular basis we’d love you to join our friendly, dedicated team.
Please contact Natalie on 82699326. Thank you.
It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it. Joseph Joubert
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site:
388 Montague Road
Para Vista SA 5093
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA 5092
Phone: 8263 5087
Fax: 8395 2680
Saturday 9 October: 9am-5pm and
Sunday 10 October 2010: 1-5pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran School
388 Montague Road, Para Vista
Four Wednesday evenings from
6.45-9.30pm 3 November to 24 November 2010
Lutheran Community Care
309 Prospect Road, Blair Athol
Cost: $160 per couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if neither employed/students [GST incl]
To register or for more information contact Margaret or Kristy on 8331 3111, Email: or website:

40% covered 60% unkept
There are now 3 volunteers to assist with maintaining the gardens around the church. On areas allocated to these volunteers it means we will be able to maintain 40% of our grounds. If you can spare 2 hours per month to help maintain the other 60% please contact John Dolling or 0409 819 864. Our grounds are the first contact for visitors and are what the general community see. What message would un-kept grounds give about our congregation?
Please note office closed for staff meeting
On Tuesday 31st August from 9.00 to 10.00am
See the notice board
Jim Kraft has entered, to run in the City-Bay Fun run on 19th September to support the Multiple Sclerosis Society. For further details contact Jim by phone: 8165 7470 (Bus) Mobile: 0411 402 564 or you can visit his fundraising page at
Rental accommodation wanted
24 year old christian male moving from Canberra to Adelaide on the 11th September looking for rental/boarding accommodation within 30 minutes drive from Glynde. Please contact Simon at or on 0408504365.
WANTED – Caring people to volunteer in the Blair Athol Lutheran Community Care OP Shop. We need your skills as a shop assistant or sorting clothing and donations, washing, ironing or cutting rags. If you can spare several hours on a regular basis we’d love you to join our friendly, dedicated team.
Please contact Natalie on 82699326. Thank you.
It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it. Joseph Joubert
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site:
388 Montague Road
Para Vista SA 5093
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA 5092
Phone: 8263 5087
Fax: 8395 2680