From ancient times until now, we often use the word “heart” as a metaphor to talk about what goes on inside us. It includes our thoughts, self-talk, memories, feelings, desires, convictions, personality, motivation and will. It describes the inner reason behind our actions … and therefore what sort of persons we really are.
Jesus made it clear that our attitudes, words and actions come out of our hearts:
• For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. (Matthew 12:34 NIV)
• For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come… (Mark 7:20 NRSV)
Jesus also states that the dearest object of our affection takes pride of place in our hearts: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matt 6:21) The treasure of our hearts is what we consistently turn to for security, worth, or meaning. It is either the living God; or one of many substitutes or “idols”.
Our heart is either open or closed to God. One of Jesus’ beatitudes: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. (Matt 5:8) God not only looks into our hearts, but wants to take up residence in our hearts - so he can renew our hearts, transform our character, and bless the world through us.
The Old Testament Proverbs remind us that God looks not just at our outward actions, but also into our hearts. The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart. (Prov 17:3 NIV) That’s why we’re urged: Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (Prov 4:23 NIV)
Again in the Old Testament, there’s one described as a person after God’s heart. David was Israel’s second king, yet the first to receive the promise of a royal messiah through his family line (2 Samuel 7). He ruled from about 1005 to 965 BC. Despite making some great moral blunders, David was regarded as a great king of God's people. God’s opinion of David: I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do. (Acts 13:22 NIV)
In our upcoming worship series commencing 22nd August, we will look at some stories from the life of David. Hopefully, we will gain some insights about God’s place in our internal world. Yet more importantly, I pray the Holy Spirit will do “heart surgery” in each of us – so you and I will grow as persons after God’s heart.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. (Ps 51:10 NRSV)
Joy in Jesus!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Message Series: - This week we start a new series ‘A person after God’s heart (David)’. Podcast available now at This week’s bible reading is from: 1 Samuel 16:1-13.
The series ‘Questions that demand an answer’ can also be downloaded. It may also be ordered from the church office on 8263 5087 or via you welcome card by requesting the series together with your name and contact details.
Weekly Prayer Requests: Not included in this newsletter but if you have a prayer request or would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter.
Children’s and Family Ministry
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids will be held in both the 8.45am and 10.30am services. During the 10.30am service, there is:
• Baby Zone (0-3 year olds),
• Kindy Zone (3-5 year olds or Reception),
• Kids Zone (Years 1-3) and
• Kool Zone (Years 4-6).
Kingdom Kids Visitor
Last Sunday the Kingdom Kids had lots of fun singing and dancing to the songs of Chris Jaensch. We really appreciate him dropping in to play his guitar with us and look forward to seeing him again soon!
School Holiday Activity
We are hoping to set up a ‘Bible Story Trail’ in the hall on one morning during the September/October holidays. This would be an activity that parents could do together with their children (aged 2-11 years). The children would receive a prize for answering the trail questions and could also do some craft activities. If you are interested in helping to organise or supervise this holiday activity, please contact Tanya Harrison. More information will be available soon.
Children’s Concert
“Saviour of the World” by Sean W. Smith
Aussie Children’s Entertainer
Date: Sunday 24th October
Venue: the Marketplace Church
Address: Corner of South Terrace and Vinrace Street, Adelaide City, SA
Time: 4pm
Tickets only $4, children under 2 free!
For more information see
Do you know someone who would like to join in with Playgroup? We meet Wednesday mornings in the church hall.
Ignite Youth: Board game night was a hit! I had so much fun, thanks to all the youth who came along and made the night so enjoyable!
Forms for Spring Metro Christian Life Week are now out!! Get in quick as places are limited! Forms are available from the youth notice board and from
On 27th August we will be travelling to Concordia College for the Out of the Valley Youth Rally. $10 for bus and tea. If you would like your young person to attend, you must sign a permission form and send it with them on the night. Forms can be found on the website…
Youth Alive is being held on Saturday 4th September at Paradise Community Church, 7pm start. We are absolutely blessed to have special guests Hillsong United playing for us. Tickets are $15 each, or $10 for 10+. We will not be taking a bus or running this as a youth event, but if anyone wants a ticket let me know. I will be ordering some tickets so you can buy them through me for $10. You will need to make your own transport arrangements.
The Youth Program: For a full Term 3 timetable, check out the youth notice board or go to the website
Sophie Gerrie (Youth and Young Adults Team Leader)
Confirmation Program for young people in years 9-12 will be starting up soon. Please email for more information.
Men’s 4WD and fishing trip

Have you booked your weekend yet? For more information talk to Pastor Noel after service, or contact him at the office on 8263 5087 or
Women's Fellowship
Bread bag tags are needed, undamaged, any colour with or without printing for charity fundraising for the Mental Illness Fellowship of SA Inc. (MFSA). 5,000kg of bread bag tags collected per year (13 million tags) will bring @ 1 cent each, $130,000.00. Tags can be left in the black box provided under the pigeon holes. Women's Fellowship will pick up and deliver them periodically to MFSA Sunflower Shop – 1267 North East Road, St Agnes.
The September Women's Fellowship meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th September at 1.00pm in the church hall. Dean Eaton will be the bible study leader and guest speaker.
From the Parish register
Dennis and Chris Trezise have transferred their membership to St Peter's Blackwood, SA
Baptism of Kobe Lenard Aldous.
Birth of Micah Karl Sutton son to Josh and Keren Sutton.
This is your
INVITATION to discovery
Dennis and Chris Trezise have transferred their membership to St Peter's Blackwood, SA
Baptism of Kobe Lenard Aldous.
Birth of Micah Karl Sutton son to Josh and Keren Sutton.
This is your
INVITATION to discovery
The next Discovery seminar is being held NEXT Tuesday 24th August 2010 6.30pm – 9.00pm, in conjunction with the following Tuesday evening 31st August 2010, 6.50pm – 9.00pm. The evenings are facilitated by Pastor Noel Kluge. The first evening begins with a free meal and a chance to meet up with others attending the course and be introduced to the church ministry team.
To assist with the preparation of manuals (supplied) and for catering purposes could you please advise the office by phone 8263 5087, email or by writing 'Discovery' with your name and address and contact number on your welcome card.
Pakistan Floods
The scale of the devastation, tragedy and human suffering caused by the flooding in Pakistan is almost beyond comprehension. It is in times like these that we have an opportunity as Christians to rise up and share the love of Jesus to our global neighbours who are in great need. You can support relief efforts by donating money to Australian Lutheran World Service. Donations can be made on line at or calling 1300 763 407.
Coming Events
To assist with the preparation of manuals (supplied) and for catering purposes could you please advise the office by phone 8263 5087, email or by writing 'Discovery' with your name and address and contact number on your welcome card.
Pakistan Floods
The scale of the devastation, tragedy and human suffering caused by the flooding in Pakistan is almost beyond comprehension. It is in times like these that we have an opportunity as Christians to rise up and share the love of Jesus to our global neighbours who are in great need. You can support relief efforts by donating money to Australian Lutheran World Service. Donations can be made on line at or calling 1300 763 407.
Coming Events
Lutherans for Life Conference
How do Christians speak out to a world in need? How can we bring the promise of life to a culture of death? On Saturday 28th August from 9 00am to 3.00pm at Australian Lutheran College, 104 Jeffcott Street North Adelaide, Lutherans for Life are holding their annual conference with speakers addressing these very issues. Mother of five and prominent campaigner against the sexualisation of young girls, Selena Ewing will be speaking on motherhood and the whole community. Family First politician Dennis Hood will address the fight for promoting life values in parliament. Madeleine Wiedemann will speak about her own journey through abortion and to baptism in Christ, and Pastor Fraser Pearce will speak on forgiveness is this realm of sexuality and ethics. Cost: $20 for adults and $10 for concession. To register go to - or call Tom and Chelsea on 7225 0369.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting. Topic: The early missionary experience at Hermannsburg - what lessons are there for today's Australia? Speaker John Strehlow is the grandson of missionary Carl Strehlow, and has written a book about his grandparents. At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 30th August starting at 7.30pm. Entry for a gold coin donation with supper included.
PLAS PRAI CAMBODIA MISSION - January or July 2011 Information Afternoon - Sunday 26th September 2.30pm at Bethlehem, Adelaide. An opportunity to join a grassroots trip to Northern Cambodia - travel off the beaten track and experience the real Cambodia. Contact for further details. The Plas Prai Foundation is an independent educational charity, registered as an NGO in Cambodia and incorporated in South Australia.
Social club
Celebrate special days with the social club meeting every Thursday in the church hall from 1.00 to 4.00pm. Loads of activities to keep you young at heart and involved in a community activity. Enjoy a social chat or sip on a cuppa while watching or participating in the entertainment. All ages are welcome.
Ministry Opportunities
How do Christians speak out to a world in need? How can we bring the promise of life to a culture of death? On Saturday 28th August from 9 00am to 3.00pm at Australian Lutheran College, 104 Jeffcott Street North Adelaide, Lutherans for Life are holding their annual conference with speakers addressing these very issues. Mother of five and prominent campaigner against the sexualisation of young girls, Selena Ewing will be speaking on motherhood and the whole community. Family First politician Dennis Hood will address the fight for promoting life values in parliament. Madeleine Wiedemann will speak about her own journey through abortion and to baptism in Christ, and Pastor Fraser Pearce will speak on forgiveness is this realm of sexuality and ethics. Cost: $20 for adults and $10 for concession. To register go to - or call Tom and Chelsea on 7225 0369.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting. Topic: The early missionary experience at Hermannsburg - what lessons are there for today's Australia? Speaker John Strehlow is the grandson of missionary Carl Strehlow, and has written a book about his grandparents. At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 30th August starting at 7.30pm. Entry for a gold coin donation with supper included.
PLAS PRAI CAMBODIA MISSION - January or July 2011 Information Afternoon - Sunday 26th September 2.30pm at Bethlehem, Adelaide. An opportunity to join a grassroots trip to Northern Cambodia - travel off the beaten track and experience the real Cambodia. Contact for further details. The Plas Prai Foundation is an independent educational charity, registered as an NGO in Cambodia and incorporated in South Australia.
Social club
Celebrate special days with the social club meeting every Thursday in the church hall from 1.00 to 4.00pm. Loads of activities to keep you young at heart and involved in a community activity. Enjoy a social chat or sip on a cuppa while watching or participating in the entertainment. All ages are welcome.
Ministry Opportunities
Communion Roster: Worship Hosts: Good Shepherd sign: For more Information please call the Church Office on 8263 5087 or visit
Monthly Hospitality Rosters will now be forwarded by email to lessen our impact on the environment. If you require a hard copy please call the office during office hours.
Endeavour College
Twilight Tour, Thursday 26th August from 4.00pm – 6.30pm.
An opportunity to meet the Principal, tour the modern facilities with students and staff; hear of our K – 12 Educational pathway; view the newest building programme; and see students involved in extra-curricular opportunities. See the flyer on the notice board for more information.
A few vacancies still exist for Year 8 in 2011. Enquire now on 8368 3311.
Job Opportunities:
Christian pastoral support worker (Previously known as “School Chaplain”) at Valley View Secondary School. Applications are invited for this 12 hour per week position, commencing Term 4, 2010. The position exists to offer support to students, staff and the school community. A Job and Person Specification is available from the school front office. Ph: 8360 6111. Closing date: Monday 23rd August, 4.00pm.
Our grounds!
Volunteers are still required.
2 down 8 to go. In the last 2 Weekly News, I have asked for people to assist in ensuring our grounds are maintained in their present good condition. This would entail approximately 2 hours per month.
We now have 2 volunteers. Interestingly the second person to volunteer is not a member and worships elsewhere but is keen to ensure our grounds remain in their present good condition. 10 volunteers @ 2 hours a month would get the job done.
If you have 2 hours per month and can assist please contact John Dolling - or 0409 819 864
Facilities Maintenance
Manse air conditioner
$1850 of repairs were identified to bring the 20 year old manse air conditioner up to good working order. In the foreseeable future there could have been another $600 of upgrade required. The ducting was also faulty. The Board, on recommendation from both the Facilities Management Team and Finance Team, decided to replace the current air conditioner. This was completed this week.
This will not affect this year's budget as the money will be taken from the Asset Replacement Fund. This account was established in 2008 and is funded through any surplus from the previous year. In both 2008 and 2009 money was deposited into this account. It is used to replace damaged, obsolete and non functioning plant and equipment.
Electrical Testing
For the safety of users, all electrical equipment is tested. Electrical items that are regularly plugged and unplugged (vacuum cleaners) are tested annually whereas static items such as computers are tested every 5 years. Every item tested is the tagged with the testing details. If you find an electrical item not tagged could you please inform the church office.
If you know where you want to go, you'll have a much better chance of getting there.
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site:
388 Montague Road
Monthly Hospitality Rosters will now be forwarded by email to lessen our impact on the environment. If you require a hard copy please call the office during office hours.
Endeavour College
Twilight Tour, Thursday 26th August from 4.00pm – 6.30pm.
An opportunity to meet the Principal, tour the modern facilities with students and staff; hear of our K – 12 Educational pathway; view the newest building programme; and see students involved in extra-curricular opportunities. See the flyer on the notice board for more information.
A few vacancies still exist for Year 8 in 2011. Enquire now on 8368 3311.
Job Opportunities:
Christian pastoral support worker (Previously known as “School Chaplain”) at Valley View Secondary School. Applications are invited for this 12 hour per week position, commencing Term 4, 2010. The position exists to offer support to students, staff and the school community. A Job and Person Specification is available from the school front office. Ph: 8360 6111. Closing date: Monday 23rd August, 4.00pm.
Our grounds!
Volunteers are still required.

2 down 8 to go. In the last 2 Weekly News, I have asked for people to assist in ensuring our grounds are maintained in their present good condition. This would entail approximately 2 hours per month.
We now have 2 volunteers. Interestingly the second person to volunteer is not a member and worships elsewhere but is keen to ensure our grounds remain in their present good condition. 10 volunteers @ 2 hours a month would get the job done.
If you have 2 hours per month and can assist please contact John Dolling - or 0409 819 864
Facilities Maintenance
Manse air conditioner
$1850 of repairs were identified to bring the 20 year old manse air conditioner up to good working order. In the foreseeable future there could have been another $600 of upgrade required. The ducting was also faulty. The Board, on recommendation from both the Facilities Management Team and Finance Team, decided to replace the current air conditioner. This was completed this week.
This will not affect this year's budget as the money will be taken from the Asset Replacement Fund. This account was established in 2008 and is funded through any surplus from the previous year. In both 2008 and 2009 money was deposited into this account. It is used to replace damaged, obsolete and non functioning plant and equipment.
Electrical Testing
For the safety of users, all electrical equipment is tested. Electrical items that are regularly plugged and unplugged (vacuum cleaners) are tested annually whereas static items such as computers are tested every 5 years. Every item tested is the tagged with the testing details. If you find an electrical item not tagged could you please inform the church office.
If you know where you want to go, you'll have a much better chance of getting there.
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site:
388 Montague Road
Para Vista SA 5093
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA 5092
Modbury North SA 5092
Phone: 8263 5087
Fax: 8395 2680