George Friedrich Handel believed his music was a gift from God and composing was his calling. Handel enjoyed an easy and luxurious life until he made some bad business decisions and became the target of jealous less-talented musicians. His health was failing; his creditors threatened him with imprisonment. He almost gave up, yet from this valley of despair came his greatest work, Messiah. His health continued to decline over the remaining decade of his life. He suffered a fainting spell during a performance of Messiah. He went home to bed and never got up.
The Lutheran saint expressed the wish that he might die on Good Friday "in the hope of rejoining the good God, my sweet Lord and Savior, on the day of his Resurrection." His wish was fulfilled in the early morning of Holy Saturday (April 14, 1759) when this man of calling met his Messiah face to face.
When I hear the "Hallelujah Chorus," I'm thankful this would-be barber followed his calling from God.
Eph. 4:1 – “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.”
Dean Eaton
Message Series: - This week is the third in the series ‘A person after God’s heart (David)’. We are going
to be challenged with “Trusting God’s Timing”. Podcast available now at www.paravista.org.au
This week’s bible readings are from: 1 Samuel 24:1-12, 1 Samuel 26:1-12.
As our Weekly News is posted on the web it has been decided that our Prayer List and Parish Register will be included in the email sent with the Weekly News rather than imbedded in the News itself. This protects the privacy of those whose names are included.
Children’s and Family Ministry
Kingdom Kids’ Visitor
Many thanks to Bruce Hulme for opening our 10.30am Kingdom Kids last week with fun and singing! It was great to rejoice in Jesus, our King, together.
Kool Zone kids are still bringing a coin to put into the “Wholly Cow’s” mouth! We have saved over $75 but need to raise $138 for a cow in Cambodia.
Kindy Zone is having a movie day this Sunday. We’re looking forward to watching “Jonah”, a Veggie Tales movie.
NEW Bible Activity Kits – Now Available for Borrowing
Remember to borrow a Bible Activity Kit for your children. They will really enjoy taking these kits home. These kits can be a great tool for you as parents giving you the privilege of introducing your children to God’s love for them. Your whole family can learn together and share your spiritual learning journey.
FREE School Holiday Activity
Yes Free! Looking for an interesting holiday activity for the kids? There will be a ‘Bible Story Trail’ in the church hall on Wednesday 29th September. Arrive any time after 9.00am until 11.30am. This will be an activity which parents can do together with their children. Trails are available for 3-6 year olds and 7-11 year olds. Younger children are also welcome. The children will receive a prize for answering the trail questions and will have a choice of crafts and other activities. RSVP to church office on 8263 5087 or churchenquiries@paravista.org.au by Tuesday 21st September.
Ignite Youth
The Youth Program: For a full Term 3 timetable, check out the youth notice board or go to the website http://www.paravista.org.au/index.php?section=ministry&subsection=youth&page=youth
Sophie Gerrie (Youth and Young Adults Team Leader)
Women's Fellowship
The September Women's Fellowship meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th September at 1.00pm in the church hall. Dean Eaton will be the bible study leader and guest speaker.
Calling all ladies of Good Shepherd
Please put Friday night 22nd October in your diaries. Come along to the church hall at 7.00pm for a 7:30pm start.

8263 5518 or Andrea Brooks on 8289 4958

Please check your pigeon hole for the latest spring edition. Media Matters relies on your support and prayers to continue. Visit them at www.lutheranmedia.org.au, www.facetoface.org.au, www.onmainstreet.org.au or FREECALL 1800 353 350.
Coming Events
Maranatha Health: Sunday 12th September
Michael and Kim Findlay from Maranatha Health will be sharing their vision in each of our services on Sunday 12th September. At the morning services they will share an overview (10 mins) however they will be taking the entire 6 pm service so come along and hear about this exciting vision.
Maranatha Health is an Australian not-for-profit organization that is committed to raising health outcomes, empowering the poor, and making positive, lasting change in Uganda, Africa. Learn more at http://www.maranathahealth.org/index.html

Safe Place Training for Para Vista
Please note the correction of date and time
It is hoped that churches provide an environment where all attending are safe - physically, emotionally and spiritually. Following Christ’s command to love one another we are to treat each other with respect and dignity. Unfortunately history demonstrates that the church is a place of grace but not perfect morality.

The LCA has developed a Safe Place Policy. This policy deals with the interactions between adults (over 18). This alerts members to dangers and consequences of inappropriate behavior towards other people in the church. It also provides mechanisms and procedures, based on the Word of God, by which we can work through painful and serious matters.
We, along with the LCA, encourage all involved in ministry with people over 18, especially Team Leaders, to complete the training. This will help make Para Vista a safe place for all.
There will be 2 opportunities for training at Para Vista
Sunday 12th September after 10.30 am service
Wednesday 15th September 7:15 to 9:30 pm.
Please assist us with the date you will be attending, by marking your welcome card, via email jdolling@paravista.org.au or by contacting the church office on 8263 5087. There is morning tea after the second service on Sunday the 12th and we will provide lunch for those attending.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting. For an interesting evening join Dr Richard Hauser on the topic of ‘The Patriarchs’ - the leaders in Lutheran education in the 19th century. Richard's recent book examines the role of eight leaders in the development of Lutheran schooling. Why did he select these individuals? Meeting at Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 20th September starting at 7.30pm. For a gold coin donation supper is included.
Ministry Opportunities
You can make a difference

For more information please call the Church Office on 8263 5087 or
visit http://www.paravista.org.au/index.php?section=home&page=home log in and go to the opportunities to serve area. Have you responded yet?
Our grounds!
40% covered 60% unkept
There are now 3 volunteers to assist with maintaining the gardens around the church. On areas allocated to these volunteers it means we will be able to maintain 40% of

Staff on leave – Dean Eaton will be taking some well earned rest from Sunday 5th -18th September. If you require assistance please contact the office on 8263 5087.
Financial report
Offerings $40199 (budget$40000)
Other $3625
Total $43824

Offerings $288767
Other $33838
Total $322605
July $44143
Jan – July $288577
As of 31/07/2010 income is as budgeted - both offerings and other income expenditure is at present substantially under budget.
53% of giving was through REG while Sunday offerings accounted for 47% of offerings.
We thank members and praise God for your generous continued support of the mission at Para Vista.
WANTED – Caring people to volunteer in the Blair Athol Lutheran Community Care OP Shop. We need your skills as a shop assistant or sorting clothing and donations, washing, ironing or cutting rags. If you can spare several hours on a regular basis we’d love you to join our friendly, dedicated team.
Please contact Natalie on 8269 9326. Thank you.
Have you missed a copy of the ‘Weekly News’ due to holidays or technology challenges? Check out the archive button below where copies of previous news have been stored to remind you of important dates and activities.
Daily Devotion Book for 2011
Want to give your adult children, family member or friend a gift of spiritual blessing?
Give your loved ones the gift of Time out- Listening to Jesus a book of Christian devotions for 2011 by Australian Lutheran writers and published by Australian Church Recourses. One devotion for each day of the calendar year based on the lectionary reading for the day. Each meditation is a ‘time-out’ of about three minutes and consists of a Bible reading, some thoughts on that passage, and a short prayer. The devotion writers’ thoughts are life-related and centred on the message of God’s love for his people shown in Jesus Christ. The devotions can be used for individuals, families and groups. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit they will be listening to Jesus.
ACR will gift wrap it, post it and sign it – from you. $25.00 inc postage anywhere in Australia.
Please contact the office on 8263 5087.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Birdwood, extend an invitation to all former members and friends to join them for a celebration service of the 150th anniversary of the dedication of the Church building on Sunday,
31st October, 2010 at 10.00am. A shared luncheon will follow. Inquiries to Fran Henschke (08) 8568 2306 or 0417 084 443 or email the Church office at birdwood@adam.com.au
Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Flinders St, Adelaide is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the formation of the congregation which took place on 3rd October 1860.
There will be a special Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 3rd October at 10am. This will be followed by a luncheon.
On Sunday 24th October a Hymnfest will take place. This will feature hymns and songs by Australian Lutherans, as well as a variety of musical items. Tickets are $10 at the door.
All those with connections to Bethlehem Church are most welcome to join in the celebrations.
Thanks to all who purchased tickets and attended the Music Night with the BordererS at the RSL Club at Prospect. It was a fantastic night of dancing, singing, lots of fun and great prizes! Many thanks to Jim and Alex who donated their time and talent for the night. Money raised on the night was a fantastic $2850!! All proceeds will be sent to the Cebu Missionary Foundation. Thanks to those who kindly donated gifts and products that were used in the raffles and door prizes. Thankyou from the Overseas Mission Fundraising Team.
Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love.
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au
Email: churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
388 Montague Road
Para Vista SA 5093
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA 5092
Phone: 8263 5087
Fax: 8395 2680
Fax: 8395 2680