We humans are constantly asking questions as we try to make sense out of our lives, relationships with other people, the world around us, and of course God. What we think about God pretty well impacts our views on everything else in life.
Over the last 7 weeks, we’ve explored some of the common questions raised:
1. Why is the gospel so important?
2. Who is Jesus?
3. Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
4. Can we trust the Bible?
5. What about suffering?
6. Why believe in a Creator?
7. Does God still do miracles?
Our hope and prayer has been that God would grow our confidence in Him – and in sharing Him with others. We’ve received some encouraging feedback about this series from a number of you. Thank you!
This coming Sunday, the question is: 8. Can Jesus change my life-story? It will be the last part of this series. I suspect most of us find that - in spite of our best efforts - making positive changes in our character, attitudes, habits and behaviour is really difficult. As followers of Jesus, we have the supernatural help of the Holy Spirit and the support of other followers of Jesus within his family… yet we still find it hard!
So when people wonder whether Jesus can help them with change, it’s an opportunity for you to share something of your story. What difference has Jesus made in your life? That’s a question that deserves an answer from every follower of Jesus. How would you answer it clearly, concisely, and graciously? Come along and we’ll explore this some more on Sunday!
Joy in Jesus!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Message Series - Questions that demand an answer.
Podcast available now at http://www.paravista.org.au/ww.paravista.org.au/
This week’s bible reading: John 9:1-38.
Weekly Prayer Requests: Not included in this newsletter but if you have a prayer request or would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter.
School Open Day, 30th Anniversary and Opening of the Gymnasium

Last Sunday we celebrated a special 10.30am service for the Good Shepherd School's Open Day, 30th Anniversary and Opening of the Gymnasium. It was a wonderful time of celebration. The children lead us in songs and prayers during the service. After the official opening of the new gymnasium, we saw some fantastic skipping and heard some great songs by the Junior Choir. A warm lunch of soup and sausages was served followed by tea, coffee and cake. There were activities for the children to do as people wandered or were taken for tours around the classrooms.
Thank You
Our school community at Good Shepherd would like to say a huge thank you to all members of our Good Shepherd congregation who helped to make the special celebrations on the weekend such a great success. We give thanks to God for the wonderful relationship that we enjoy with our congregation as together we seek to share the hope that we have in Jesus with the community around us. Michael Paech, Principal.
Children’s and Family Ministry
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is back on again this week in both the 8:45am and 10:30am services. During the 10:30am service, there is:
• Baby Zone (0-3 year olds),
• Kindy Zone (3-5 year olds or Reception),
• Kids Zone (Years 1-3) and
• Kool Zone (Years 4-6).
We will continue to learn about the “Mystery” of the week.
Kool Zone are saving up to buy a wholly cow (or a whole cow?) through the Australian Lutheran World Service. When you loan a Cambodian a cow through the cow bank scheme, you help them to become independent. The first calf is returned for another family. Meanwhile, the children have milk to help them grow strong. Kool Zone aims to raise $138 for a cow this term.
Do you know someone who would like to join in with Playgroup? We meet Wednesday mornings in the church hall.
Ignite Youth
Board game night was a hit! I had so much fun, thanks to all the youth who came along and made the night so enjoyable!
At Youth this Friday (13th August) we are going to be exploring what it looks like to be a Christian in different situations, ie at school, playing sport and out with friends. Come along for what should be a very interesting night. The night starts at 7pm in the church hall. For full timetable go to the website…
Forms for Spring Metro Christian Life Week are now out!! Get in quick as places are limited! Forms are available from the youth notice board and from http://www.lysa.com.au/metroclw/Downloads.html
On 27th August we will be travelling to Concordia College for the Out of the Valley Youth Rally. $10 for bus and tea. If you would like your young person to attend, you must sign a permission form and send it with them on the night. Forms can be found on the website…
Youth Alive is being held on Saturday 4th September at Paradise Community Church, 7pm start. We are absolutely blessed to have special guests Hillsong United playing for us. Tickets are $15 each, or $10 for 10+. We will not be taking a bus or running this as a youth event, but if anyone wants a ticket let me know. I will be ordering some tickets in the coming weeks so you can buy them through me for $10. You will need to make your own transport arrangements.
The Youth Program: For a full Term 3 timetable check out the youth notice board or go to the website http://www.paravista.org.au/index.php?section=ministry&subsection=youth&page=youth
Sophie Gerrie (Youth and Young Adults Team Leader)
Confirmation Program starting up soon for young people in years 9-12. Please email rstahl@paravista.org.au for more information.
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday 21st August 7.30-9am at the church. Guest speaker – Len Firth from Life FM. Bring a friend - $5 includes full English Breakfast.
Men’s 4WD and fishing trip
Do you own a 4WD and enjoy taking it off road? Do you enjoy having a go at some trout fishing? Do you like camping? On the 18th-19th September we have planned a camping trip on a property just out of Spalding. There will be opportunities to do some four-wheel-driving. A trained 4WD instructor will be on hand to give you some driving tips if needed. There is also a stream on the property which is good for trout fishing. A $25 per vehicle access fee applies.
We will be camping out and you will need to bring all your own camping gear and food. We encourage dads to bring their sons. The weekend is also suitable to invite men from outside of the church to attend so bring a mate. We will be leaving the church at 6.30am on Saturday 18th September, or you can make your own way and meet in Spalding at 9am. For more information talk to Pastor Noel after service, or contact him at the office on 8263 5087 or nkluge@paravista.org.au If you do not own a 4WD and would like to come please let Pastor Noel know as there will be some spare seats in vehicles.
Women's Fellowship
Bread bag tags are needed, undamaged, any colour with or without printing for charity fundraising for the Mental Illness Fellowship of SA Inc. (MFSA). 5,000kg of bread bag tags collected per year (13 million tags) will bring @ 1 cent each, $130,000.00. Tags can be left in the black box provided under the pigeon holes. Women's Fellowship will pick up and deliver them periodically to MFSA Sunflower Shop – 1267 North East Road, St Agnes.
The Metropolitan North Zone of Lutheran Women of South Australia Fellowship Day will be held at the Salisbury Lutheran Church, corner Waterloo Corner Road and Winzor Street on Wednesday 18th August 2010 beginning with a cuppa at 9.30am. The program is: 10.00am welcome. 10.15am bible study led by Pastor Wayne Boehm. 11.30am guest speaker Jenny Pfitzner on ALWS. 12.00pm lunch (shared) in hall with soup provided. 1.30pm guest speaker, Helen Lockwood on LCC. 2.00pm closing devotion. There will also be several entertainment items between the planned program. Offering will be donated for LWSA funds. RSVP phone 8281 6890.
Foodbank in recess. All food items will go to Lutheran Community Care. If anyone wishes to take up the offer of coordinating the Foodbank please contact John Dolling on 8363 5087.
Food For Families
Do you know of anyone who could be blessed by having a meal taken to them? Particularly those people not involved in a fellowship group, not just because they are ill, but for any reason where you know that person or family are labouring under life's load on their life at this time. Food For Families is still alive and well! Please contact Sue Renfrey Food For families coordinator on 8250 0576 or the church office for this loving support.
Coming Events
A Music night with The BordererS
The BordererS will be performing on Saturday 21st August 2010, at the Prospect RSL Club on Willcox Avenue starting at 7.00pm. Tickets can be purchased for $15.00 each from the church office
Phone 8263 5087 9.00am – 3.45pm. Credit card facilities are available. Book a table with friends for a night of fun, dancing, singing, a raffle, lucky squares and wine auction. BYO supper ~ purchase your drinks from the bar. Tea and coffee provided.
All proceeds aid the Cebu Missionary Foundation, Philippines.
Lutherans for Life will be holding their annual conference on 28th August 2010 at the Australian Lutheran College. The conference theme is ‘Man and Woman: Made in the image of God’. Please see the poster on the notice board for details.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting. The early missionary experience at Hermannsburg - what lessons are there for today's Australia? Speaker John Strehlow is the grandson of missionary Carl Strehlow, and has written a book about his grandparents. At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 30th August starting at 7.30pm. Entry for a gold coin donation with supper included.
Fishing and Boating Swap Meet and Fete
Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School at Sunnybrook Drive, Wynn Vale are holding a swap meet and fete on Sunday 29th August from 12.00noon. Contact 8282 6000 or visit www.fishingswapmeet.info for details.
Social club
Celebrate special days with the social club meeting every Thursday in the church hall from 1.00 to 4.00pm. Loads of activities to keep you young at heart and involved in a community activity. Enjoy a social chat or sip on a cuppa while watching or participating in the entertainment. All ages are welcome.
Ministry Opportunities
Communion Roster: Worship Hosts: Good Shepherd sign: For more Information please call the Church Office on 8263 5087 or visit http://www.paravista.org.au/index.php?section=home&page=home
Endeavour College
Twilight Tour, Thursday 26th August from 4.00 pm – 6.30 pm.
An opportunity to meet the Principal, tour the modern facilities with students and staff; hear of our K – 12 Educational pathway; view the newest building programme; and see students involved in extra-curricular opportunities. See the flyer on the notice board for more information.
A few vacancies still exist for Year 8 in 2011. Enquire now on 8368 3311.
Job Opportunities
Christian pastoral support worker (Previously known as “School Chaplain”) at Valley View Secondary School. Applications are invited for this 12 hour per week position, commencing Term 4, 2010. The position exists to offer support to students, staff and the school community. A Job and Person Specification is available from: the school front office. Ph: 8360 6111. Closing date: Monday 23rd August, 4pm. www.smg.asn.au
Do you know someone?
The Facilities Team are planning to grass a small area at the manse and install underground irrigation. If you know of someone who we could approach with experience in the job please contact John Dolling on 8263 5087. This would be a paid job.
Where to now, for our grounds?
One down 9 to go! Last week I requested volunteer help to enable us to maintain our gardens in their present excellent condition. So far there has been only 1 enquiry. The ideal scenario would be to have 10 volunteers. This would enable a small section of the garden to be allocated to each person/group. If we get sufficient help it would only entail 2 hours per month. Jobs include cutting lawns on Montague Road, spraying the courtyard twice a year or tending a small garden plot.
If we don’t get the volunteers, we will need to pay to get the job done. I would be very disappointed if we had to do this as this money would be best used in people ministry.
With offers to help or queries contact John Dolling 0409 819 864, jdolling@bigpond.net.au or at the office 8263 5087.
We often get very positive comments about how attractive and well kept our grounds are and it would be unfortunate if it could not continue.
Financial report
June $39,000
January - June $248,506
Interest $9,730
Other Income
June $1,727
January - June $27,457
Total Income
June $50,457
January - June $275,963
June $37,523
January - June $243,219
Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
Over half our weekly offerings are made through REG. For those who are altering their giving through REG or wanting to start giving via REG the appropriate forms are available from the LLL display rack on the wall leading to the corridor with the pigeon holes.
The 2011 Australian Christian Diary is now available.
Please contact the church office on 8263 5087 (by 30th August) if you would like to order a diary - $12.00
Time-Out, Listening to Jesus is a book of Christian devotions for 2011. Written by Australian writers, there is a devotion for every day of the calendar year.
Each meditation is a “time-out” of about 3 minutes and includes a Bible reading, some thoughts on that passage and a short prayer. The thoughts are life-related and centred on the message of God’s love for people shown in Jesus Christ.
Please contact the church office on 8263 5087 by 5th September if you would like to order a copy at the special pre-order price of $22.00, for delivery in early December.
Letter from Vanuatu
Hey everyone,
We know that a lot of you haven’t heard from us lately. You may have heard that we just had a 7.5 earthquake 40km away from Port Vila (which is really close!!) Very big, very scary!! We’re all a bit shaken up (haha) no seriously we are a bit on edge. But just wanted to let you all know that we are all okay.
Love Mal, Naomi, Heidi, Alisha, Zoe and Maddy xx
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:45pm
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au
Email: churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
388 Montague Road, Para Vista SA 5093
PO Box 306, Modbury North SA 5092
Phone: 8263 5087
Fax: 8395 2680