Pushing the Boundaries
“You have heard it said, ‘Do not ________,’ but I say to you…”
Jesus, 30 A.D. in his sermon while speaking on a mountain
I’m trying something new in preparation for worship: instead of giving a synopsis of the sermon, I’d like you to come to the text for the week (this week is Matthew 5:27-32) by pondering a few questions.
Questions for the week: In your life, which of the 10 Commandments is most difficult to follow on the straight and narrow? Which one do you push the boundaries? How does this look?
(If it’s been a while since Confirmation and the list is fuzzy, look at Exodus 20 or google ‘Ten Commandments :))
Pr. Reid Matthias
Bible Readings: Matt. 5:27-32
From the Office
Mission Vision Report
Offerings 2019
Year to Date Variance
Sunday Offerings
REG Offerings
Offerings 2020
Sunday Offerings
REG Offerings
Mission Support
Please continue supporting our congregation's mission and ministry through regular offerings as our facility and staff continues to operate in a different way.
Electronic deposits can be made to the following bank account details
BSB: 704942
Account number: 100354939
Account Name: GSPV REG
LLL REG: Download the form here and use the same bank details as above in the account to be credited. Then email back to the address shown on the form. Alternatively contact the LLL on 83607200 or 1800 556457.
Facilities Maintenance
Boy!! How things have changed in the last month. With social distancing I was wondering how I could put on a working bee at the church and get members out and active. This could be achieved individually or by two to three volunteering for the following small maintenance tasks.
Please consider allocating some time to assist in the repairs/maintenance:
- A number of the step treads have also come loose and require fixing back into place. I have glue in the office that can be used to refix;
- A hand ball court is required to be painted in the courtyard area so it is a bit more permanent than chalk;
- One way arrows on drive pavement require repainting;
- Ceiling in the ladies’ toilet requires refixing to prevent ceiling from collapse;
- Pavement from around front of ministers’ and main office requires lifting and resetting (currently a trip hazard);
- Down pipe and drain to be fixed to the existing veranda at the manse;
- Roadway drains require clearing;
- Doors and light switches require cleaning where hands often use;
- Cobwebbing inside and out;
- Hall store room requires tidying and cleaning;
- Window cleaning;
- Hall floor sweep and mop;
- Flashing needs adding to columns on new manse pergola;
- Pressure cleaning of main entry paving bricks (need a pressure cleaner to complete this).
Office Distancing Update
To comply with social distancing the following has been implemented during office hours.
The exterior door is being kept locked for security and social distancing. A door bell will be available to call office staff. Helen is not attending the office on Tuesdays and Stephen will be answering the phone and taking door calls. Wednesday and Thursday Rachel will be working from home and Stephen will be answering the door. Friday Rachel will be in the office as normal.
Grocery Donations
Grocery items, including vouchers for supermarkets etc. can be dropped off at the church Tuesday through Friday 9.00am to 3.00pm. We have supported many families in need and we want this to continue. Any household consumables including cleaning items will be appreciated. Any items surplus will be passed on to LCC.
Postal Communication
If you become aware of anyone who does not have the means for receiving the weekly news via electronic media please get them to advise the office on 08 8263 5087 or assist them to contact the office with their postal details. We will post out a Weekly News pack that will include: a Sunday service order, message outline, and any other information relevant for the week.
Downloadable Sets of Daily Devotions
The LCA are now providing Daily Devotions in advance as a printable set. Some congregations have been asking for this, so they can print and deliver to their computer-less members: www.lca.org.au/daily-devotion-printables/ We will add this link to the resources section of our website as well.
Exercise Equipment Needed
A member of the congregation who has been in detention is looking for any old exercise equipment that people would like to give away during this time of isolation. It would need to be delivered to a Ridgehaven address. Please contact the office if you can help.
A paper binder and digital 50inch TV in good working order have been donated for anyone in need. Please contact Stephen through the office for more details.
Prayer Requests
As we adapt to our new way of living please forward all prayer requests to the church office at churchenquiries@paravista.org.au or phone 8263 5087. If you know or have spoken to anyone who does not have access to a computer, please assist them to submit their request and offer to pray with them. Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests please refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news.
Board Update
The church board has been meeting weekly over the past two months to ensure the viability and the mission of the Good Shepherd Congregation can and is being met. The topics of discussion have revolved around the following subjects: Communication, Worship services and Church Finance. The board have also being actively pursuing the care of all members through the means available and have beefed up the Pastoral Care component of our ministry work. This should become evident in coming weeks. Please continue to pray for our pastors and the board that they make wise decisions as the culture changes and we seek to reach into the community with the Gospel that all may know Jesus and worship Him.
COVID-19 News and Weekly Messages
During this period of COVID-19 restrictions, our Sunday worship has moved online, starting at 10:30 am. If you would like to participate please contact the church office for information about how to access this.
Please check the website www.paravista.org.au for podcasts and video archives of weekly messages or head to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/goodshepherdparavista for regular updates and encouragement from our pastors.
Grow Ministries Faith at Home
Dear Church Family,
To be wanted, to belong, to be safe. Our collective hearts long for these things. But if we take a step back, trust is key for these things to flourish.
This week’s Growing Faith at Home resource looks at our Good Shepherd, and asks the question, ‘Who can we trust?’ They also ask, ‘When and where do you hear Jesus’ voice?’ I would ask, ‘What do you think he is saying right now?’
A Children’s Chat has been included in the weekly email for you to share with your children at home, along with the Devotional Activity sheet.
Here is a link you might like to consider. Douglas talks about Jesus, our Good Shepherd.
God bless your day!
April support for the Family Hub
Thanks for your continued support!
Again there was fantastic support for the monthly food collection for the Family Hub. Thank you for making a special effort to deliver your donations to the church.
They are receiving many requests for assistance and our donations ensure they are able to give help to a large number of families in the local area.
The Family Hub Support Team
Hanelie is continuing to provide a professional counselling service to students, parents, staff and community. Hanelie is a member of PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia) and completed a Dip. Counselling & Bachelor of Counselling through ACAP (Australian College of Applied Psychology). Hanelie is passionate about mental health and providing support to clients with qualities such as empathy, congruence and positive regard.
Counselling sessions will be provided electronically or telephonically. These practices are successfully implemented worldwide. Skype or FaceTime will be used as electronic methods. Please note that FaceTime can only be used with Apple devices. Changes to service delivery will be revised in future as the pandemic passes.
The feedback regarding conducting of counselling session via electronic methods is that they have been well received.
Cost: A session will continue to be priced at $15.00 to assist with covering of professional expenses. This fee is well below market rates.
Please feel free to contact Hanelie at 0450 022 502 or email: hanelie.swart@gmail.com with questions or to book an appointment.

What unprecedented and challenging times we find ourselves in! Click on the link below to access the latest Maranatha Health newsletter, which includes much-needed GOOD news from MH, as well as details about how we are responding to the Ugandan communities that depends on us, at this challenging time:
“And God spoke all these words:
'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
'You shall have no other gods before me.'”
'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
'You shall have no other gods before me.'”
Exodus 20:1-3 (NIV)