When you’ve hurt another person, or said something stupid - how do you normally deal with that? Do you apologize and ask for forgiveness? Or do you just ignore it and hope it goes away? (And what does such “fruit” indicate about one’s character?)
When conflict is left to fester, we might avoid one another and play childish games - like at the dinner table: “Can you tell your sister to pass the salt?” Instead of sharing our hearts and enjoying one another, we hide behind veils of shame or suspicion; or we seek relief in some form of distraction. Pride stops us from acknowledging our wrongdoing to God ...and admitting it to the other person.
What happens to the relationship? It starts to die. Unless we deal with past baggage and seek reconciliation we cannot go forward together as friends. The evil one laughs with glee; but our heavenly Father grieves.
No wonder Jesus tells us not to bother worshipping God until we take steps towards reconciliation: “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift” (Matthew 5:23-24 NIV).
“If a brother or sister has something against you” – this implies that you or I have done that person wrong.
Jesus tells us, his followers, to “go be reconciled to them”. It means confessing our wrong doing, and taking responsibility for what we have done. It means admitting the hurt we have inflicted on the other person - without minimalizing what we’ve done or making excuses for our behaviour. It means asking that person’s forgiveness - and where possible, offering to make things right again.
Are there some relationships where you need to deal with past baggage? Perhaps you recently tore strips off a family member? Perhaps you have a parent or a child or a sibling that hasn’t spoken to you for years – or even decades? Maybe there’s a person at your work place or your recreation space that avoids you because you’ve belittled or bullied them in some way.
Whenever we are aware that things are “not right” between us, we are to take steps towards reconciliation. It’s what Jesus did when he died for us at the cross. He dealt with the baggage of sin, guilt, fear and shame that separated us from God, so we can be forgiven and reconciled with God. Those who have received his amazing grace are to show that same Spirit of reconciliation to one another.
John writes: “We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister” (1 John 4:19-21 NIV).
Pr. Rolly Stahl
Bible Readings: Matthew 5:21-26; Matthew 18:15-18
Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
COVID-19 News and Weekly Messages
During this period of COVID-19 restrictions, our Sunday worship has moved online, starting at 10:30 am. If you would like to participate please contact the church office for information about how to access this.
Please check the website www.paravista.org.au for podcasts and video archives of weekly messages or head to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/goodshepherdparavista for regular updates and encouragement from our pastors.
Dear Church Family,
How are you going right now?
What kinds of things do you find yourself thinking about?
I like the title of Growing Faith at Home this week. ‘The risen Lord Jesus comes alongside us in our journeys of faith’. How appropriate!
The bible reading for Sunday (Luke 24:13-35) describes the account of two friends meeting and talking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. They were wrestling with big feelings, trying to make sense of Jesus’ death and their sadness and dashed hopes and the confusing report that Jesus was now alive. They didn’t initially recognise that it was in fact Jesus with whom they were speaking. Through the course of their time together, Jesus turned their sadness into joy!
The second section of caring conversation questions include: ‘Have you experienced Jesus alongside you when times have been difficult? How has he supported you?’ How about tailoring them to our present situation?
I would also add, ‘If you took a walk with Jesus, right now, what would you ask him?’ Talk it over with your family!
I have also included GFH’s Children’s Chat as a resource for you to do at home. These are included in the attachments with the email that accompanies this newsletter.
This week Pastor Rolly is going to be talking about ‘What Jesus says about reconciliation.’
Here is child friendly clip that shows how Joseph (from the Old Testament) forgave and reconciled with his brothers:
I would also like to highlight again Good Shepherd Lutheran School’s playlist link containing Chapel songs from Term One.
2020 Chapel Songs link:
You might like to sing along with them! Check them out!
Please remember, if you feel like a talk, I am here. Either give me a call on 08 82647966 or email me: georgie.schuster@paravista.org.au and we can sort something out. Sharing life with brothers and sisters in Christ through challenging times can be a blessing. And we do have our faithful God walking with us through these days…
God bless you all with His love, peace and hope!
News from Maranatha Health
What unprecedented and challenging times we find ourselves in! Click on the link below to access the latest Maranatha Health newsletter, which includes much-needed GOOD news from MH, as well as details about how we are responding to the Ugandan communities that depends on us, at this challenging time:
https://mailchi.mp/3bebf4087245/mh-update-2701199?e=[UNIQID] "
April Support for the Family Hub
Last month the support for the food collection for the Family Hub was amazing! The last Sunday of each month has been designated as the collection Sunday in support of the Family Hub. As we don't assemble on Sundays, donations can be handed into the church office any time next week. Office hours are Tuesday thru Friday 9am-3pm. If the office is not open, please leave the goods at the door as staff will collect and store when they return. They will be in the complex so their absence will not be long. This month we are trialling all donations being handed in through the church office.
Our wish list at this time includes:
Muesli bars
Cans of soup
Cans of vegetables
Cans of prepared meals
Pancake mix
Biscuits – sweet or savoury
Message from Kathlene
Please pass on our thanks once more, to all who have contributed & supported us.
We have this week moved from wondering what we will do with our time to being quite overwhelmed with requests for support, especially food parcels.
Knowing we have so many lovely people supporting us is what keeps us buoyed up!
If you know of anyone who needs food support please direct them to The Family Hub. As Kathlene mentioned, they are very happy for people to be referred to them, to receive food parcels. The Hub address is 2 Belalie Road, Ingle Farm; phone 8349 6099.
The Family Hub Support Team
From the Office
Prayer Requests
As we adapt to our new way of living please forward all prayer requests to the church office via churchenquiries@paravista.org.au or phone 08 8263 5087. If you know or have spoken to anyone who does not have access to a computer, please assist them to submit their request and offer to pray with them.
Board Update
The church board has been meeting weekly over the past two months to ensure the viability and the mission of the Good Shepherd Congregation can and is being met. The topics of discussion have revolved around the following subjects: Communication, Worship services and Church Finance. The board have also being actively pursuing the care of all members through the means available and have beefed up the Pastoral Care component of our ministry work. This should become evident in coming weeks. Please continue to pray for our pastors and the board that they make wise decisions as the culture changes and we seek to reach into the community with the Gospel that all may know Jesus and worship Him.
Mission Support
At times of uncertainty we as the Body of Christ are called be a bright light of shining hope to our community. We can become like Joseph and share our barns of hope with those who are hurting. This can be done in a number of ways:
• Monetary Giving
Electronic deposits can be made to the following bank account details:
BSB 704942
Account number 100354939
Account Name GSPV REG
REG is a way to regularly support the mission of our church. Details of transactions are kept confidential. Please visit www.lll.org.au/REG and use BSB 704942 and Account number 100354939.
Cash may be dropped off at the office during office hours. This will be treated in the same way as Sunday offerings.
• Baskets of Hope
Grocery items, including vouchers for supermarkets etc. can be dropped off at the church Tuesday through Friday 9.00am to 3.00pm. We have supported many families in need and we want this to continue. Any household consumables including cleaning items will be appreciated. Any items surplus will be passed on to LCC.
• Acts of Hope
Assist your neighbour who may be isolated by offering to do some shopping for them and drop it home when you do or be creative in finding a way to be supportive.
Postal Communication
If you become aware of anyone who does not have the means for receiving the weekly news via electronic media please get them to advise the office on 08 8263 5087 or assist them to contact the office with their postal details. We will post out a Weekly News pack that will include: a Sunday service order, message outline, and any other information relevant for the week.
Downloadable Sets of Daily Devotions
The LCA are now providing Daily Devotions in advance as a printable set. Some congregations have been asking for this, so they can print and deliver to their computer-less members. We have the set for Holy Week ready to go: www.lca.org.au/daily-devotion-printables/
Office Update
To comply with social distancing the following has been implemented during office hours.
The exterior door is being kept locked for security and social distancing. A door bell will be available to call office staff. Helen is not attending the office on Tuesdays and Stephen will be answering the phone and taking door calls. Wednesday and Thursday Rachel will be working from home and Stephen will be answering the door. Friday Rachel will be in the office as normal.
Exercise Equipment Needed
A member of the congregation who has been in detention is looking for any old exercise equipment that people would like to give away during this time of isolation. It would need to be delivered to a Ridgehaven address. Please contact the office if you can help.
A paper binder and digital 50inch TV in good working order have been donated for anyone in need. Please contact Stephen through the office for more details.
Hanelie is continuing to provide a professional counselling service to students, parents, staff and community. Hanelie is a member of PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia) and completed a Dip. Counselling & Bachelor of Counselling through ACAP (Australian College of Applied Psychology). Hanelie is passionate about mental health and providing support to clients with qualities such as empathy, congruence and positive regard.
Counselling sessions will be provided electronically or telephonically. These practices are successfully implemented worldwide. Skype or FaceTime will be used as electronic methods. Please note that FaceTime can only be used with Apple devices. Changes to service delivery will be revised in future as the pandemic passes.
The feedback regarding conducting of counselling session via electronic methods is that they have been well received.
Cost: A session will continue to be priced at $15.00 to assist with covering of professional expenses. This fee is well below market rates.
Please feel free to contact Hanelie at 0450 022 502 or email: hanelie.swart@gmail.com with questions or to book an appointment.
“For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!”
Romans 5:10 (NIV)