Around a month ago, there was a tragic road accident in Sydney where an alleged drunk driver crashed into a bunch of children out walking. As a result, three siblings Anthony (13), Angelina (12), and Sienna (9) were killed - along with their 11 year old cousin. Three other children were taken to hospital, one in critical condition. In a media interview, the Catholic mother who’d lost three of her six children said that she forgives the driver and asked for prayer.1
“Lord, have mercy on Leila Geagea and her family!”
If your children or grandchildren died like this, how would you feel towards the driver? I’d be devastated, furious with rage, vengeful, and demanding justice!
I’d say that Leila wants justice – the crime has serious consequences for the one who committed it. That is in the hands of the authorities. Forgiveness is letting go of the personal hatred and bitterness – enabling healing to begin.
Jesus says: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy,” (Matthew 5:7, NIV). It’s always a relief to receive mercy when we’ve made a mistake, caused damage in an accident, or hurt someone. Yet it’s not always easy to extend mercy to a person who has deeply hurt us!
This Sunday we’ll explore the much loved story of Joseph: the teenager with the special coat who drew contempt from his brothers after sharing his dreams with them. The favourite son of Jacob who was sold as a slave by his brothers, spent several years in an Egyptian jail, and who, at the age of 30, became Prince of Egypt.
Yet in spite of his hardships, we do not see Joseph sitting around feeling sorry for himself. He gets on with life in the knowledge that God is with him. The Lord gives him wisdom and favour, and his work is a blessing to all he serves. Joseph ends up saving his extended family, along with the people of Egypt and the surrounding Middle East.
By seeing the hand of God turning messing into blessing in his life, Joseph finds the grace to let go of past hurts, forgive his brothers, and consistently treat them with kindness.
Who are you still angry with? What hurts are you still carrying that enrage you every time you recall what “that person” did to you? keeps poisoning your soul, polluting your life, stunting your spiritual growth, and blinding you to the unfailing love and good purposes God has for your life! If you don’t want to remain stuck there for the rest of your life, take a leaf out of Joseph and Jesus’ book: forgive them!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Dear Church Family,
‘Describe who or what gives you a sense of belonging.’
Please find in the attachment the Growing Faith at Home for this week.
God bless you all,
Food Collection for the Family Hub
The first food collection to support the work of the Family Hub will be on the last Sunday in March - Sunday March 29th. In next week's WN there will be a list of foods required. This will also be distributed via email.
Activities in 2020 to raise funds to support the work of the Family Hub include:
·2 plant stalls
·Karaoke Night
·film evening
·BBQ before Half Yearly meeting
More details closer to the events.
Reminder re Tags for Drakes
If you shop at a Drakes Supermarket and show their tag, your designated charity (the Family Hub) receives a donation. The Family Hub recently received their first payment and were delighted. Tags are available from the church office or on Sunday in a bowl in the cafe area as you get your coffee.
Spirited Thanks
Pastor Michael Dutschke and I sincerely thank all of you at Good Shepherd Para Vista for making your facilities available for us to host the Spirited Conference last weekend. We are overcome with gratitude to Heavenly Father for the way the weekend went, enabled by you all. Feel free to access the conference audios at
Thanks again, Peter and Julie Steicke.
Mulching Thanks
Sending a huge thank you to the volunteers who gave of their time last Sunday to help remove and reinstate all of the mulch at our new ELC. It was really great to see members of our Church, school and ELC families working together as a team!!
Matt Modra
From the Office
Facilities Update
The Café dishwasher has been installed and commissioned for use. Please read the instructions prior to use when using the machine. PLEASE do not use for Sunday service morning teas as a wash cycle takes over an hour. Continue to use the commercial dishwasher in the main kitchen
If you find a discrepancy with the instructions please advise the Congregational Administrator on

Electrical upgrades have been progressing during the weeks since the end of November 2019.
The Library has been electrically completed and data cable has been installed to most points throughout the buildings along with lighting controllers. Most of the work is hidden behind walls and ceilings but the upgrade will take us well into the 22nd century. Thanks to Lindsay Freund and the boys from AVID for their professional work. You will notice lighting changes throughout the ablution areas as sensors have been installed. If you do not understand the lighting controls or new points please kindly request one of the staff to show you or a member who may already be familiar with the system. To assist with preserving electrical costs please only turn on lighting to the areas you are going to be using. Once finished in an area please turn lighting off.
In the last few weeks, I have been able to visit with an extraordinary amount of people. Some of the true blessings we have encountered are groups of people actively engaged in peering into the future to see what God has for us as a culture at Good Shepherd.
Through some of those discussions, various needs have arisen with regards to the community and how we take care of each other. Here are some snippets of things I heard:
“Pastor, we need more visitation ministry.”
“Pastor, we need more prayer ministry.”
“Pastor, we need more communication on worship.”
“Pastor, we’d like the Good Shepherd website updated. We can’t find the service times very easily.”
“Pastor, we’d like to have more things for the youth to do.”
“Pastor, I’ve been on the roster for welcoming/ushering/communion/café for a while and we could probably use some help…”
These thoughts are an excellent light into how the congregation is noticing some of the areas of need for the future and cultural transformation, but they are also insights into the ways that we can discover the joy of serving together.
My hope is that as we progress through the year, you can each find a way to practice serving in this community: whether on a roster, or simply engaging in deeper conversations with people outside of your normal friendship group.
Thank you for using the gifts God has given you to serve in the community so that all may know Jesus and worship him!
Pastor Reid
As the end of the month draws near, the March issue of The Lutheran is on its way to letterboxes around Australia, New Zealand and the world. If you're not yet a subscriber, why not join us today? Simply email or phone 8360 7270 to ensure you don't miss out on all the wonderful features, news and views we plan to share in 2020.
Tired of scrambling for offering money on the way to church? Want to be more organised with your giving? REG is a convenient, safe and confidential way of giving a regular offering to your congregation. Your REG offering can come from your bank, credit union or LLL account. Contact the church office for further information.
“But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Matthew 9:13