Every week, I have the golden opportunity to journey to a Foundation class at Good Shepherd Primary School and sit with a group of five-year-olds who are on a journey of investigation asking questions about faith, life and everything in between. The kids are encouraged to ask whatever question that comes to their mind and a variety of enigmatic thoughts rise to the surface like question mark-shaped bubbles. Now that I’ve been doing this for three years, I know which queries are foremost on the children’s minds...most of them are about creation. Always, there is, ‘How did God make the world?’ and, ‘How old is God?’
But sure as the sun shines on a Sunday, multiple children will ask, ‘What does God look like?’
From the beginning of time, people of all ages have been asking this question, and it’s not necessarily about the visual appearance of God, but once we see God, then we will believe. Seeing is believing, yes?
Amazingly, in the Beatitudes, Jesus says that it is actually possible for people to see God. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see…
Thus, if all of us wanted to catch a glimpse of God in action, it would require that our hearts be pure. But what does this really mean? How do we, in an impure society (just like societies thousands of years ago) go through a transformation to become pure in heart? What is the process?
This week, as we peer through the lenses of children, whom we almost always understand to be pure of heart, we can reconnect with Jesus’ words when he said, “If you want to see the Kingdom of God, you must turn and become like these children.”
Come and find your inner child and you might see God at the same time!
But sure as the sun shines on a Sunday, multiple children will ask, ‘What does God look like?’
From the beginning of time, people of all ages have been asking this question, and it’s not necessarily about the visual appearance of God, but once we see God, then we will believe. Seeing is believing, yes?
Amazingly, in the Beatitudes, Jesus says that it is actually possible for people to see God. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see…
Thus, if all of us wanted to catch a glimpse of God in action, it would require that our hearts be pure. But what does this really mean? How do we, in an impure society (just like societies thousands of years ago) go through a transformation to become pure in heart? What is the process?
This week, as we peer through the lenses of children, whom we almost always understand to be pure of heart, we can reconnect with Jesus’ words when he said, “If you want to see the Kingdom of God, you must turn and become like these children.”
Come and find your inner child and you might see God at the same time!
Bible Readings: Matthew 5:8, Matthew 18:1-5, Matthew 19:13-15.
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Dear Church Family,
Here is a question from the Growing Faith at Home resources to ponder…
The woman Jesus met at the well asked him some questions. What is a question you would like to ask Jesus?
See the email attachment for more ideas!
God bless your week!
Food Collection for the Family Hub
It is 4 months since our last food collection in October. Our first collection for 2020 will be at both services on Sunday March 29th.
The following is a list of items required:
Pasta sauce
Large cans of tuna
Ready meals – in a tin/packet
Cans of Baked beans and spaghetti
Muesli bars
Sliced cheese
The food will be sorted by the Transform group. We need assistance to get the food to the Family Hub on Monday March 30th. This year we will also put the food away in the storeroom so extra help is required. If you can assist please meet at the church on the 30th at 9:30am.
Reminder re Tags for Drakes. If you shop at a Drakes Supermarket and show their tag, your designated charity (the Family Hub) receives a donation. The Family Hub recently received their first payment and were delighted. Tags are available from the church office or on Sunday in a bowl in the café area as you get your coffee.
From the Office
Facilities Update
The Café dishwasher has been installed and commissioned for use. Please read the instructions prior to use when using the machine. PLEASE do not use for Sunday service morning teas as a wash cycle takes over an hour. Continue to use the commercial dishwasher in the main kitchen
If you find a discrepancy with the instructions please advise the Congregational Administrator on churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
Electrical upgrades have been progressing during the weeks since the end of November 2019.
The Library has been electrically completed and data cable has been installed to most points throughout the buildings along with lighting controllers. Most of the work is hidden behind walls and ceilings but the upgrade will take us well into the 22nd century. Thanks to Lindsay Freund and the boys from AVID for their professional work. You will notice lighting changes throughout the ablution areas as sensors have been installed. If you do not understand the lighting controls or new points please kindly request one of the staff to show you or a member who may already be familiar with the system. To assist with preserving electrical costs please only turn on lighting to the areas you are going to be using. Once finished in an area please turn lighting off.
Save the Date!
A day retreat for women to connect, refresh and explore our value to God and each other.
When: Saturday 20 June 9am-4pm
Where: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista.
As the end of the month draws near, the March issue of The Lutheran is on its way to letterboxes around Australia, New Zealand and the world. If you're not yet a subscriber, why not join us today?
Simply email lutheran.subs@lca.org.au or phone 8360 7270 to ensure you don't miss out on all the wonderful features, news and views we plan to share in 2020.
Simply email lutheran.subs@lca.org.au or phone 8360 7270 to ensure you don't miss out on all the wonderful features, news and views we plan to share in 2020.

Tired of scrambling for offering money on the way to church? Want to be more organised with your giving? REG is a convenient, safe and confidential way of giving a regular offering to your congregation. Your REG offering can come from your bank, credit union or LLL account. Contact the church office for further information.
“Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me,and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"
Matthew 19:14