21st Century Western culture keeps telling us that the most important person in the world is self. And that the purpose of life is to pursue one’s own happiness, strive for success, become financially secure, and cram as much pleasure into life as possible. As we hear in the lyric from an Aussie band: “Do what you wanna do, be what you wanna be, yeh!” (The Master’s Apprentices, 1988)
With individualism, each person ends up writing one’s own story. Frankly, many find it empty and unsatisfying: “There must be something or someone greater to live for than self!”
Those who seek to live in a larger story may seek community in a common interest or passion. It may centre in sport, hobby, or a creative pursuit. It may focus on a project, or service agency, or even connection with a local church.
A shared interest and goal is better than doing life alone. Yet our souls still sense that we have been created for much more. We still hunger and thirst for a deeper sense of meaning, purpose and destiny of God’s making – to be part of HIS story.
God created humans in his image so we could do life together with him - and participate in HIS story for HIS world. God has always given humans freedom to reject him – to do life in whatever way we choose. Yet it grieves the Father’s heart when we miss out on the better things he has in store for his children. God will indeed bring his restoration plans for his world to completion – and he wants ALL people to join him in this.
We find proof of God’s passion and plans for us in his Son, Jesus. In Jesus, we see what it looks like when God is King here on earth, and what it means to live as children of God’s kingdom.
Jesus was born and raised in a Jewish culture. His stories and teaching connected with the people of his culture. Jesus made it clear that he had come to fulfil God’s ancient promises, and to usher in a kingdom where former cultural values would be challenged and transformed.
In Jesus’ first sermon - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) - he starts with a series of one-liners that tip the world’s values upside down – and reveal the things that matter to God and his kingdom.
In the weeks ahead at Good Shepherd, we’ll be looking closely into Matthew’s account of Jesus – and what it means to do life together with Jesus in such a way that it permeates everything we do… until it’s part of our culture.
This Sunday we will be laying the foundation by looking at some of the cultural background and main themes of Matthew’s account of Jesus. Please come along… I’d love for you to be part of this adventure.
Pr Rolly Stahl
Bible Readings: Matthew 9:9-13 (See also Matthew 8:5-13, 15:21-28)
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
When: - 11th February
Where: - 6 Von Braun Crescent, Modbury North
Time: - 6.30 to 9.00 pm
Cost: - $10 donation is appreciated to offset costs (under 16 $5)
Contact: - Jim 0438 899 629
Transform 2020
The Team are excited to welcome you to Transform for 2020!
This Sunday (Feb 9th) we would love to invite families with youth (age 10 to 13) who are interested in joining/continuing their Transform journey this year. Families are invited to bring a plate to share (drinks provided) and hear this year’s plan for faith in action. We will be meeting in the Ark over at the school. Please follow the signs, or there will be people around to show you the way. Time 12:30pm to 2pm. See you there!
Mardi and Georgie

Dear Church Family,
This week, the resource explores ‘Jesus calls us to live as salt and as light for him.’
What is your favourite salty food? I still enjoy salt and vinegar chips myself!
Check out some conversation starters and other ideas with your family!
Bless you!, Georgie
Having Your Child Baptised
is a short course to help parents and families prepare for their first baptism at Good Shepherd.
Our next course commences Tuesday February 18th at 7:30pm at Good Shepherd, continuing the next two Tuesday evenings (Feb 25, Mar 3).
For more info and how to register:
ALC 2020 Commencement Events
ALC invites you to attend 2020 academic year commencement events:
• Opening Service—Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Flinders St Adelaide, Sunday 23 February (in conjunction with the regular 11.00 am service). ALC Principal, Pastor James Winderlich will preach at this service.
• Opening Conversation—on campus in Hamann Hall, Monday 24 February at 2.00 pm. Topic: ALC exists in partnership to serve. Format: a Q&A session with a panel of leaders from various parts of the LCA contributing to the discussion. The conversation will be facilitated, live streamed and will include a Twitter feed. For more information visit: alc.edu.au.
“For those who are led by the Spirit of God
are the children of God”
Romans 8:14