Who does Jesus think he is? To make a statement like this - that somehow those who are dispirited will ‘own’ the kingdom – this makes privileged people uncomfortable.
In giving the sermon on top of a mountain, surrounded by hordes of people who were waiting with bated breath to hear how good they were, how well they were liked, how blessed they were to because they were too rich, healthy, prosperous and comfortable, Jesus turned everything upside down. The culture of egocentrism and greed - of seeking after what ‘God can do for me’ - needed to be destroyed.
In order to actually see, experience, and even inherit the kingdom of heaven, the temple-of-self had to be deconstructed so the temple of God in human hearts could be rebuilt.
This was only done in Jesus and through Jesus.
The people who followed Jesus caught a first-hand glimpse of this many times, but a great example of Jesus blessing the ‘poor in spirit’ was his encounter with a woman who had a bleeding disorder for twelve years.
This week, as we continue the series of radical, cultural transformation using the Beatitudes (blessings) as a template, we encounter a shift in thinking. From one who was considered unclean and shunned, to one who was blessed with saving faith, peace, healing and an inheritance.
We will see a recollection of the story, retold in dramatic form, and then take into our own hearts the struggles of communities and cultures as focus shifts from self to others.
Please read Mark 5:25-34 to be prepared for the discussion.
God’s peace as you wrestle with the upside down kingdom!
Pr Reid Matthias
Bible Readings: Matthew 5:1-3, Mark 5:24b-34
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.

Ladies’ Fellowship
The meeting for March will be held on Tuesday March 3rd at
1-00 pm in the hall. All ladies most welcome to attend.
Pastor Reid will be challenging us with his Bible study.
Entertainment: please bring along a souvenir from a holiday. Hostesses for the day: Judy R & Lyn.
Trading Table: looking for 2 ladies to volunteer.
Grow Ministries Faith at Home
If you can’t wait until then, check out this week’s Growing Faith at Home for some ideas to try out with your family.
God bless your week! Georgie

is a short course to help parents and families prepare for their first baptism at Good Shepherd.
Our next course commences Tuesday February 18th at 7:30pm at Good Shepherd, continuing for the next two Tuesday evenings (Feb 25, Mar 3).
For more info and how to register:
ALC 2020 Commencement Events
ALC invites you to attend 2020 academic year commencement events:
• Opening Service—Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Flinders St Adelaide, Sunday 23 February (in conjunction with the regular 11.00 am service). ALC Principal, Pastor James Winderlich will preach at this service.
• Opening Conversation—on campus in Hamann Hall, Monday 24 February at 2.00 pm. Topic: ALC exists in partnership to serve. Format: a Q&A session with a panel of leaders from various parts of the LCA contributing to the discussion. The conversation will be facilitated, live streamed and will include a Twitter feed. For more information visit: alc.edu.au.
“Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the Kingdom of God.”
Luke 6:20