The vicar gently squeezed the man's hand and promised to pray for him, though hardly expecting him to make it through the night. Yet miraculously, the man recovered back to full health. The pastor, together with the Parish Council waited eagerly for the man’s donation, but after 8 weeks nothing.
Eventually, the pastor could take it no longer, so he stormed around to the man’s house and asked: "What happened to the $200,000 you promised to the church?
The miser stared at him, utterly astonished. "When did I promise that?"
"When you were sick."
"I promised the church the sum of $200,000?"
"Well, that just shows how sick I was!"
We laugh at characters like the stingy Mr Bean, perhaps because we see a bit of ourselves. Truth is, our attitude to the things in our lives reflects what’s going on in our hearts.
Our heavenly Father is most interested in our hearts. First, because he loves us and yearns for us do life with him. Second, his restoration plans for his world can only happen through hearts surrendered to Jesus.
In our culture, advertising sows seeds of discontent, enticing us to buy, consume, and accumulate. The Fear Of Missing Out drives our choices and habits. We confuse our needs with wants, and our wants are never ending! As if this life is ALL there is… and whoever has the most toys wins!
Have we lost sight of our identity, security and destiny in Jesus?
Jesus urges us to lift up our eyes to heaven and focus on what will last forever. In Christ Jesus you're a loved child of the King, with an eternity to enjoy all the treasures of heaven! With certain hope of that inheritance, we can experience contentment in life and practice the joy of being generous!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Bible Readings: Matthew 6:19-24, 1 Timothy 6:6-10,17-19
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Food Collection for the Family Hub
Thank you for your continued generous support of the food collection for the Family Hub. Last week's collection was amazing. Thank you to those who donated, sorted the goods on Sunday and helped to transport the donations to the Hub. Amazing what team work can achieve.
Step Up to Communion
Young people aged 10 and over, and their parents, are invited to take part in our Step Up program to prepare for Holy Communion. Taking the approach that parents are the primary faith developers in their children, Step Up is designed to support parents in preparing their child for Holy Communion.
Step 1 (Launch) Family Lunch – Sunday 20th October, 12:30-2:30pm in the church hall.
To register please contact Georgie Schuster, Young Families Coordinator at More information is available on the Church website
Are you a Parent/Grandparent?
Are you someone who shares a passion for sharing faith with young children?
Would you be interested in helping out with the Kid’s Space on Sunday mornings?
If so, I would love to hear from you! I am interested in finding people who would like to share their passion and a little time to invest in our younger generation. Even a little goes a long way! Please let me know if this is something that interests you. I’m happy to chat with you about what this might look like.
Please talk with me in person, phone 08 82647966 or email me on I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
From the Office
Staff Position
As many of you would know, a valued member of the Good Shepherd Congregational staff is being called to use her gifts elsewhere for a time. Belinda Konrad, along with Andreas, Matthew and Faith, will be moving to Vietnam where God will use them greatly. We wish them God’s greatest blessings as they set off on their new adventure.
As such, we are advertising for the position of Good Shepherd Reception and Administration. If you would like a Role Description and more information, please contact the Good Shepherd Congregational office. Applications and resumes will be received for three weeks with interviews following.
Give Away
The church has upgraded the crockery and now has an abundant surplus of dinner, bread and butter and side plates along with cups and saucers. If you or you know anyone who would like to use the items please contact the church office.
Air conditioners

Mission Vision Support
Donation amounts have been updated again so look for the graphs around the complex.
This month’s support will go towards Chaplaincy. Donations will go towards supporting school Chaplin’s in their roles within our community. Look for the Mission Vision Support envelopes at the entry doors and consider how you can assist, or donations can be made to:
BSB: 704942
Account number: 100713424
Reference: Chaplaincy
Facilities Maintenance Front Garden
Our front garden is just about covered by mulch but there is still a small amount to be spread. If you have half an hour to spare to assist in spreading the mulch at any time the garden will be appreciative. If you do not have a wheelbarrow or shovel to move the mulch there is one available in the church store.
Friends of Lutheran Archives (FoLA) & AGM
The next meeting is on Monday 14th October. Keen cyclist and family researcher Janis Haynes explored by bike the home villages of the 1838 Zebra passengers, and then investigated the homes her great-grandfather Faehrmann built for them after settling in Hahndorf. Come along for the ride! The presentation begins at 7.30 pm but please note that the AGM begins at 6.45pm. Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place in the city. Gold coin donation and supper. All welcome.
In the New Community Centre at 22 Avenue Rd, Glynde
Saturday 12th October from 9.00am
Devonshire Morning Tea
Continuous Sausage Sizzle
Plenty of Stalls – cakes, biscuits, produce, plants, books, CDs, toys, craft etc
Money raised for Residential Care Home
This is a joint effort of LWSA/NT Glynde Auxiliary and ILU Residents Association.
For more information, please contact St Andrew’s Lutheran Church at Glynde on 08 8336 0130
Children’s Garden Activities at 11am
• Plant Sales• Garden Tours
• Home-Made Jam, Chutney and Horseradish
• Tea, Coffee and Home-Made Cakes
• BBQ Sausage Sizzle
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”
2 Corinthians 9:8-9