We used to joke about our four-cylinder “jam-jars” reaching 100 miles per hour… if we drove to the top of the Willunga Hill bypass, and then came down in “angel gear”. “Angel gear” was putting the car in neutral and letting gravity do its work. It was called “angel gear” because if your brakes failed near the bottom, you’d need angels to save you!
In most circumstances if you want to drive somewhere, but don’t put the car into gear, what happens? It goes nowhere. There might be a lot of noise revving the engine, but no movement! It’s not able to do what it was made to do!
That’s what happens when we fail to recognise the gifts and abilities God has given us and engage them in service to others. We might be receiving good feeding, but if our faith is not active in love we can become self-indulged, lethargic and unhealthy followers of Jesus - thus making no “Jesus type difference” into the lives of others.
This Sunday we’re digging into Romans 12:1-8. Paul anchors us in the grace of God which brings us into a life of worship. It’s about renewing our minds in God’s truth and putting our bodies, hearts and minds into acts of serving others. It’s getting God’s gifts into gear. It’s what God made us for!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Bible Reading: Romans 12:1-8
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Step Up to Communion
Young people aged 10 and over, and their parents, are invited to take part in our Step Up program to prepare for Holy Communion. Taking the approach that parents are the primary faith developers in their children, Step Up is designed to support parents in preparing their child for Holy Communion.
Step 1 (Launch) Family Lunch – Sunday 20th October, 12:30-2:30pm in the church hall.
To register please contact Georgie Schuster, Young Families Coordinator at georgie.schuster@paravista.org.au More information is available on the Church website http://paravista.org.au/baptism-setup/
Are you a Parent/Grandparent?
Are you someone who shares a passion for sharing faith with young children?
Would you be interested in helping out with the Kid’s Space on Sunday mornings?
If so, I would love to hear from you! I am interested in finding people who would like to share their passion and a little time to invest in our younger generation. Even a little goes a long way! Please let me know if this is something that interests you. I’m happy to chat with you about what this might look like.
Please talk with me in person, phone 08 82647966 or email me on georgie.schuster@paravista.org.au I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
From the Office
Information Material
To assist staff, all information material for notice board and café are to be passed to the Church Office for approval.
This is to ensure notice boards and tables do not become over crowded, and that all items align with our community’s beliefs and values.
Staff Position
As many of you would know, a valued member of the Good Shepherd Congregational staff is being called to use her gifts elsewhere for a time. Belinda Konrad, along with Andreas, Matthew and Faith, will be moving to Vietnam where God will use them greatly. We wish them God’s greatest blessings as they set off on their new adventure.
As such, we are advertising for the position of Good Shepherd Reception and Administration. If you would like a Role Description and more information, please contact the Good Shepherd Congregational office. Applications and resumes will be received for three weeks with interviews following.
Air Conditioners

Mission Vision Support
Donation amounts have been updated again so look for the graphs around the complex.
This month’s support will go towards Chaplaincy. Donations will go towards supporting school Chaplin’s in their roles within our community. Look for the Mission Vision Support envelopes at the entry doors and consider how you can assist, or donations can be made to:
BSB: 704942
Account number: 100713424
Reference: Chaplaincy
Facilities Maintenance Front Garden
Our front garden is just about covered by mulch but there is still a small amount to be spread. If you have half an hour to spare to assist in spreading the mulch at any time the garden will be appreciative. If you do not have a wheelbarrow or shovel to move the mulch there is one available in the church store.
Christmas Trees Available
High quality live Christmas trees are available again this year. These are supplied by Holy Cross Lutheran Church Birdwood. All proceeds go towards School Pastoral Care Workers in the Torrens Valley area.
Trees will be delivered on Saturday 14th December to a yet unspecified site in the NE suburbs (last 2 years to Golden Grove Lutheran Church). Orders, with payment, need to be into John Dolling (83675296/jdolling@bigpond.net.au) by Sunday December 1st.
Cost of a tree is $45. You can nominate height of tree required – 5.6 or 7 foot and they will match your request as close as possible.
Friends of Lutheran Archives (FoLA) & AGM
The next meeting is on Monday 14th October. Keen cyclist and family researcher Janis Haynes explored by bike the home villages of the 1838 Zebra passengers, and then investigated the homes her great-grandfather Faehrmann built for them after settling in Hahndorf. Come along for the ride! The presentation begins at 7.30 pm but please note that the AGM begins at 6.45pm. Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place in the city. Gold coin donation and supper. All welcome.
In the New Community Centre at 22 Avenue Rd, Glynde
Saturday 12th October from 9.00am
Devonshire Morning Tea
Continuous Sausage Sizzle
Plenty of Stalls – cakes, biscuits, produce, plants, books, CDs, toys, craft etc
Money raised for Residential Care Home
This is a joint effort of LWSA/NT Glynde Auxiliary and ILU Residents Association.
For more information, please contact St Andrew’s Lutheran Church at Glynde on 08 8336 0130
Children’s Garden Activities at 11am
• Plant Sales
• Garden Tours
• Home-Made Jam, Chutney and Horseradish
• Tea, Coffee and Home-Made Cakes
• BBQ Sausage Sizzle
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10