This week we continue our sermon series for Lent called ‘Shaped by the cross’. Today we’re looking at how the cross completely reshapes our self-image, how we regard ourselves.
When we look at Jesus Christ on the cross, two things jump out at us at once:
- There’s something more seriously wrong with me than I ever thought, or else it wouldn’t take the death of the Son of God to deal with it.
- There’s something more valuable about me than I ever imagined. When I look up on the cross, I see what God was willing to pay to get you and me into his family. Amazing!
Bible Reading: Romans 8:1-17
We would love your input
Currently we are conducting a survey to help the church leadership better understand the results from the National Church Life Survey we conducted last year. You can complete the survey online any time by clicking on this link- https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GSPV0215. The survey can be accessed on iPads and smartphones. It may take a few seconds to load but is easily completed once loaded.
Your answers will provide invaluable information to help us better lead Good Shepherd into the mission God has given us. We appreciate the gift of your time to do this.
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Building Lasting Faith for Children and Teenagers
A few of us from Good Shepherd enjoyed this conference on Saturday. Here’s a thought for you:
“..We might be wise to consider how valued our children/youth are feeling in the congregation. Are they segregated out to their specialised programs, or are there concrete ways that they are invited into belonging and significance in the congregation? Inviting the congregation into intergenerational relationships provides places for the youth of the church to be recognised. We could provide roles in the regular congregation for children/youth to fill, seek to add their opinions when making wider church decisions, match them up with an adult in a ‘prayer partner’ relationship or ask the children/youth to pray with you about church issues.
Kingdom Kids
is happening again this Sunday! In Kool Zone one of our Junior Assistants, Nicole Pfeiffer, will be sharing her experience of Transform.
Reminder: Child Safe training - last chance to register for Child Safe!
I encourage all Kingdom Kids’ parents and adults to please attend over three consecutive Tuesday evenings: 17, 24, 31 March, 7:30-9:30pm here at Good Shepherd. This is a great opportunity to get trained up. All parents are encouraged to attend! Training is also available on Sunday 15th March at the LCA District Office North Adelaide from 12noon – 6.30pm. Please advise if you can attend and I will register you.
Faith at Home
Pick up a copy of the March booklet at the Kingdom Kids Sign In desk, in the parenting room or from the children’s activity folders.
Lent calendars and Lent activity sheets are available in the parenting room, at the Kingdom Kids sign-in-desk and in the children’s activity folders. There are also ideas for making pretzels and a clove candle at the sign in desk and in the parenting room.
Little Lambs Playgroup
Playgroup is on again Wednesday. Come along straight after dropping of your children at school for a morning of pre-school fun, coffee and a chat!
Novo! 2015
17-20 April 2015 at Cornerstone College, Mt Barker. For School Years 7-12
For more information and to register go to www.blueprintministries.org.au/camps/novo
Kathy L.
Children and Family Support Worker
Card Stall
Sue Schenscher will be selling cards after both morning services this Sunday. There are new designs available to choose from including Mothers Day Cards.
Bible Study Fellowship
Did you know that each Tuesday morning a group of about 60 women meet in our church? We come from all denominations and grow in our faith by studying God’s word together. This year we are exploring the life of Moses. We meet from 9.40 – 11.30am. Babies and pre-schoolers are also welcomed. Contact Sonia Hulme for more details on 7122 2903.
Maranatha Health
Planning for a new project in Fort Portal, Uganda is well underway. An operating theatre in a shipping container is being sent from Adelaide. We have a new facility, 2 doctors and a host of local staff to run a new health care clinic for children, and become a training centre to make a positive lasting change in Uganda.
There is a Cocktail style evening coming up on Friday 24th April, where you will hear all about recent developments. Get a group together and save the date!
At a local level here at Para Vista, we are holding a home produce stall on Sunday 22nd March after both services to support Maranatha Health in Uganda. If you like to cook or bake we would love to receive your donations. We hope to have a wide variety of items for sale, so please support Maranatha Health in some way.
For more information please contact Julie Freund or Bronwyn Holliday.
From the Office
Budget 2015
January thru February 2015
Total Offering - Budget $83,000 Actual $79,900. DEFICIT $3,100
January thru December 2014 – Total Income & Expenses
Total Income - Budget $560,000 Actual $531,822. SHORTFALL $28,178
Total Expenses - Budget $562,480 Actual $544,485. SHORTFALL $17,995
Budget for 2014 was a deficit of $2,480. Actual was a deficit of $12,661
- Offerings in February were under budget by $2,000
- Plate offering have been in line with budget for both months while REG has been below budget. REG is nearly $3,000 below the same time last year, however is in line with 2013 REG for January and February
- Expenses in December were around $4,000 over budget. This was caused by wages, When the budget for 2015 was being formulated we calculated there would be 26 fortnights (or pay periods) for 2015. However as the first pay period was due 2/1/15, our pay provider requested that pays be paid on 31/12/14. This resulted in 27 pay periods in 2014
- This will also mean we have 26 pay periods in 2015 as the first pay period due 1/1/16 will be paid on 31/12/15
- The result of this extra pay period in 2014 is around $10,760. If this is removed from our deficit, it is then in line with the budgeted deficit of $2,480
- Other expense items are all generally below budget amounts for the year, a great result thanks to the staff
- The 2014 audit is due on 17th March.
Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
Thank you for returning your Impact 2014 slips. This assisted the finance team and board to ably formulate the budget for 2015.
For those who are altering their giving through REG or wish to start giving via REG the appropriate forms are available from the information rack at the rear of the auditorium or via this link http://www.lll.org.au/giving_through_the_lll/regular_electronic_giving_reg
Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details
If transferring from an LLL account, use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942.
If transferring from another banking institution, use account number 100354939, BSB 704942
Car parking attendants
We require traffic and parking help on Good Friday and Easter Sunday between the 8.45am and 10.30am services. Please mark your connect card, Easter parking, or contact Stephen or the office on 8263 5087.
Matiskies car park will be available for car parking for the Easter services. If you use this facility please do not park under the portico.
Internet/server failure
The server unit the church uses was off line due to a major failure for most of the past week. Please accept our apology if this has caused any issues or communication problems.
Free Bread and Goodies
Free bread, muffins and sweets are available in the church hall every Monday night at 6.30pm. Provided by the good people from Prices Bakery Hillcrest, Muffin Break and Ingle Bakehouse.
Lutheran Nurses
Monday 30th March 7.30pm at the District Office
137 Archer Street, North Adelaide with entry from the rear
Our guest speaker is Ann Pietsch, RN [ret] on “Coping with Dementia".
All are welcome not just nurses. If needed certificates for CPD are available.
LYSA Reunion Weekend 13 and 14 June at Nuriootpa
Saturday night - Cocktail fundraising with silent auction, live band, refreshments. Youth Event
Sunday - Breakfast, Celebration Worship Service, BBQ Lunch.
We'd love some memorabilia from 1966 onwards (especially photos).
Please email Karen kpkjsumm1@bigpond.com.
If you would like to donate an auction item, please contact Tim tleckert@bigpond.com
All the details for weekend can be found at http://lysareunion.weebly.com/
Position Vacant - District Administrator
The District Administrator ensures the business affairs of the Lutheran Church of Australia, South Australia and Northern Territory District are conducted in accordance with sound financial and management practices. Job and Person Specifications are available at http://www.sa.lca.org.au.
Enquiries to Michelle Storie via E: districtadministrator@sa.lca.org.au or phone 8267 5211. Please apply by email including a resume and covering letter addressing the Essential Requirements.
Applications close Friday 10 April 2015
“Know that wisdom is such to your soul;
if you find it,
there will be a future,
and your hope will not be cut off”
Proverbs 24:14
if you find it,
there will be a future,
and your hope will not be cut off”
Proverbs 24:14