We are continuing our sermon series for Lent: ‘Shaped by the cross’.
This Sunday we’re looking at how the cross shapes our response to evil.
We Aussies have a high regard for a fair go. Our young adults are big on social justice. Our schools keep upholding the value of respecting one another – and each other’s property. But what happens when people commit evil or do wrong against you? How do you react to that?
Jesus tells us:
“Love your enemies … do good to those who hate you …” (Luke 6:27)
“If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also.” (Luke 6:29).
Such a response is not natural. It’s supernatural!
Jesus’ cross shapes us so that we are not overcome by evil; but rather overcome evil with good!
Bible Readings: Matthew 5:38-45a, Romans 12:14–21
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
A change to our staff team
Unfortunately Mark Welke will not be continuing in the role of Worship Support Team Leader due to health reasons. For the sake of his wellbeing Mark felt it was best for him and the future of the worship ministry to step down from the role. Please keep Mark’s health in your prayers. Merv Thiele, a current worship team leader and member will be stepping up into this role.
Helping people of Vanuatu affected by cyclone Pam
Cyclone Pam has affected up to 200,000 people in Vanuatu. An estimated 42,000 houses are damaged, and 15,000 completely destroyed. Food is in short supply. Water is in many cases contaminated.
You can help the people of Vanuatu by donating to Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) who will channel your support to churches and agencies on the ground in Vanuatu. You can donate to ALWS by calling 1300 763 407 or online http://www.alws.org.au/
Easter Service Times
Maundy Thursday - 7.30pm - Service with Holy Communion
Good Friday - 8.45am & 10.30am - Good Friday Experience
Easter Sunday - 8.45am & 10.30am - Celebration service with Holy Communion
Hot cross buns needed for Good Friday
As part of our Easter celebrations we will be serving hot cross buns for morning tea on Good Friday. If you are able to bring a plate of hot cross buns, cut, buttered and ready to serve, that would be greatly appreciated. Please put the buns in the kitchen before service so those people rostered for morning tea can serve them. Thankyou
Kingdom Kids is happening again this Sunday! This will be our last Kingdom Kids session for Term 1. Some of our zones will be preparing their station for Palm Sunday.
Faith at Home
Pick up a copy of the March booklet at the Kingdom Kids sign-in desk, in the parenting room or from the children’s activity folders.
Lent calendars and Lent activity sheets are available in the parenting room, at the Kingdom Kids sign-in desk and in the children’s activity folders. There are also ideas for making pretzels and a clove candle at the sign-in desk and in the parenting room.
Little Lambs Playgroup
Playgroup is on again Wednesday. Come along straight after dropping of your children at school for a morning of pre-school fun, coffee and a chat!
Novo! 2015
17-20 April 2015 at Cornerstone College, Mt Barker for School Years 7-12
For more information and to register go to www.blueprintministries.org.au/camps/novo
Kathy L.
Children and Family Support Worker
Maranatha Health Update
Planning for a new project in Fort Portal, Uganda is well underway. An operating theatre in a shipping container is being sent from Adelaide. We have a new facility, 2 doctors and a host of local staff to run a new health care clinic for children, and become a training centre to make a positive lasting change in Uganda.
There is a Cocktail style evening coming up on Friday 24th April, where you will hear all about recent developments. Get a group together and save the date!
At a local level here at Para Vista, we are holding a home produce stall this Sunday 22nd March after both services to support Maranatha Health in Uganda. If you like to cook or bake we would love to receive your donations. We hope to have a wide variety of items for sale, so please support Maranatha Health in some way.
For more information please contact Julie Freund or Bronwyn Holliday.
Para Vista Women's Fellowship
On Tuesday, 7th April, we invite you to join our meeting in the Church Hall to hear about the Home Care Today services offered by COTA, Council Of The Aging, through the Commonwealth of Social Services. These services support and encourage people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible.
In July, 2015, changes will be made to these services and we have a guest speaker coming on that day to share her knowledge of the existing services and how they may be changed. Her talk will begin at approximately 1.45pm in the Good Shepherd Hall. You are; of course, welcome to join our whole meeting, which commences at 1.00pm on that day.
Notes from March Board meeting
- Issues discussed at the March Board meeting included:
- Initial results from the congregational survey conducted in February
- Sections of the Governance and Administration review conducted by the LCA. This will be voted on at Synod in September.
- 2016 will be the 50th Anniversary of the congregation. The Board is looking at setting up a team to plan our celebrations.
- The Board has had discussions on how our congregation can effectively respond to Natural Disasters such as the recent bushfires.
- Louisa Kemp was appointed as our second delegate to Synod
Free Bread and Goodies
Free bread, muffins and sweets are available in the church hall every Monday night at 6.30pm. Provided by the good people from Prices Bakery Hillcrest, Muffin Break and Ingle Bakehouse.
Stations of the Cross - An Easter Reflection
Good Friday 3 April 2015 from 1pm to 5pm
Dahlenburg Property - 10 Amberdale Road, Houghton.
Position Vacant - District Administrator
The District Administrator ensures the business affairs of the Lutheran Church of Australia, South Australia and Northern Territory District are conducted in accordance with sound financial and management practices. Job and Person Specifications are available at http://www.sa.lca.org.au.
Enquiries to Michelle Storie via E: districtadministrator@sa.lca.org.au or phone 8267 5211. Please apply by email including a resume and covering letter addressing the Essential Requirements.
Applications close Friday 10 April 2015
Position Vacant - Resourcing and Support Coordinator
Blueprint Ministries, the Department of Children, Youth and Family Ministry for the LCA SA/NT
Based at the LCA SA/NT District Office, North Adelaide, SA
Part-time (0.2FTE)
Applications close 10 April 2015
For more information contact fiona.weckert@sa.lca.org.au or phone 82675211
LYSA Reunion Weekend 13 and 14 June at Nuriootpa
Invitation for all previous attendees of LYSA events and conventions.
Saturday night - Cocktail fundraising with silent auction, live band, refreshments. Youth Event
Sunday - Breakfast, Celebration Worship Service, BBQ Lunch.
We'd love some memorabilia from 1966 onwards (especially photos).
Please email Karen kpkjsumm1@bigpond.com.
If you would like to donate an auction item, please contact Tim tleckert@bigpond.com
All the details for weekend can be found at www.lysareunion.org.
“Though he slay me, I will hope in him;
yet I will argue my ways to his face”
Job 13:15