Cranky with God?
You know the
story of Jonah? Yes, the chap who spent
a long weekend in the belly of a huge fish.
Towards the end
of the story, Jonah gets white-hot angry at God for not obliterating the people
of Nineveh. Jonah is mad as hell that
God is gracious and compassionate to Israel’s most hated and feared enemies!
God didn’t do
what Jonah had hoped for: to nuke them Ninevites!
in his juices, Jonah says:
Now, LORD, take away my life, for it is
better for me to die than to live.”
But the
LORD replied, “Is it right for you
to be angry?” (Jonah
4:3-4 NIV2011)
When God
doesn’t come through for us in the ways we had hoped for - or expected - we can
find many strong emotions stirring within us: disappointment, frustration,
confusion, anger. Our Psalms of lament
show us that it’s OK to blow off steam to God (eg. Psalm 10, 88). When you’re cranky, keep telling God about
it. God welcomes our honesty. God wants to keep us in dialogue.
But to
completely reject God because he did not
give what I demanded amounts to saying, “Hey! I know BETTER than God! If I were running the universe, I could do it
better than Him! So from now on, I’m
going to do life my way, without him...”
Hmmm… and how
will that work out for you… in time…and in eternity?
God’s heart for
us is clearly seen in Jesus. Even in our trials, he is walking towards us to do
us good.
Pr Rolly Stahl
Prayer Requests: Not included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email with your request
This week we continue
the series “Getting a grip on life” This week’s
message is “Mastering
your mouth” ‘People can tame all
kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It
is restless and evil, full of deadly poison.’ (James 3:7-8)
Bible Reading: Matthew
12:33-37 and James 3:1-12
Podcasts available at
Kingdom Kids:
Sunday is our last Kingdom Kids session for term 2. We will be studying the
following:Baby Zone - Family Worship Workshop No. 5 with Matt Huckel (gaining tools and ideas for nurturing faith at home)
Kindy Zone - Isaac and Rebekah, Genesis 24
Kids Zone - Jacob’s Family, Genesis 37; 39
Kool Zone - Joseph hits rock bottom, Genesis 37; 39
Volunteers URGENTLY needed:
In order to keep Kingdom Kids Ministry running in term 3 and beyond, we need the following people:
2 Team Members in Baby Zone, ages 0-3(minimal prep required – Child Safe screening will need to be completed)
- 2-3 helpers in Kindy Zone, ages 3-5+ reception (no prep required – Child Safe screening will need to be completed)
- 1-2 helpers in Kids Zone, year levels 1-3 (no prep required – Child Safe screening will need to be completed)
- 1 Team Leader and 1 helper in Kool Zone, year levels 4+ (Child Safe screening will need to be completed)
Kids Film Series round 2
Emma Kluge and her team will be filming the kids’ responses this
Sunday, 30th June. We look forward to sharing their responses in worship soon.
We need the church’s
support. Could you help with the following?1. Set up and pack up
2. Story time
3. Leadership: Playgroup needs a new coordinator
You do not need to have
any previous involvement in playgroup, or children/grandchildren in playgroup
to get involved.
This term we are
celebrating different places of work. Our theme on Wednesday was ‘Cooking’. Our
theme for next week will be ‘Celebrating People at Work’. We will finish the
term on a high with a special visit from Bethany Kluge’s class and a shared
morning tea. Please bring a plate to share. 9:30am -11:30am in the Church Hall.
$2 per child per each week or $3 for a family. We hope to see you there.
Child Safe Team Member Training
To help everyone meet their Child Safe requirements, we will be
hosting a Child Safe Team Member training session here at Good Shepherd on the
10th August from 12-6pm. Tea, coffee and afternoon tea will be provided! It
will be held in the Education Centre (up the stairs at the back of the church
hall). Child supervision will be provided by Beth and Laura for those who need
to bring their children. If you have
completed Mandatory Notification Training in the last 3 years then you will
only need to complete the first 3 hour session of the training (you will need
to present your original certificate on the day). We need ALL volunteers in Children, Family
and Youth ministry to complete this training ASAP so that we can continue to run safe programs for our kids.
Please contact the church office on 8263 5087 to register. Payment will be
covered. Beth Einthal
Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
MANAGER 1FTE (negotiable) - We
are currently seeking an experienced Case Manager to join our team in
supporting disadvantaged families and individuals in the Outer Southern area of
Adelaide. Job Description: Visit:; Email:
close COB Friday 5 July 2013
Administration/Professional Standards
Job and Person Specifications available by email: or phone Jayne Wardrop on 8230 0904.
Applications close Friday 12th July, 2013.
Notice Board
The ALIVE 175 Sunday Worship and Afternoon Program (2-DVD set) is now available
$15 plus $2 postage Aus. OR $4.50 postage NZ. Order Forms available on LCA website or contact Lutheran Media Ministries directly on 1800 353 350 or
Retreat Day - The Australian Christian Meditation Community SA is holding a Retreat Day on Saturday 6th July from 11am-4pm at St Ignatius Church Hall, cnr Queen Street and William Street, Norwood. Our retreat leader will be Ruth Fowler, co-founder of the Australian Christian Meditation Community. The theme for the day will be “Becoming Free – The Path of Christian Meditation.” Please bring your own lunch (not for sharing). Donation $15. For more information contact Bev 0407 392 809.
Advance Notice: Reverend Volker Dally, Director of the Leipzig Mission will visit the Adelaide region, 14th-29th July - The Dresden/ Leipzig Mission trained six of our founding Missionaries and Pastors, Shurmann, Teichelmann, Meyer, Klose, and Appelt and Meischel. Together with Pastor Fritsche's former students and the two Pastors from the Langmeil/lLight Pass synod, and a large number of laity, these Pastors united in founding our Church's Mission and shaping the rapid expansion of congregations 150 years ago. Highlights of Rev Dally's visit will be Wednesday 17th, Victor Harbor - Unveiling of a commemorative stone to Pastor Meyer; Sunday 21st, Bethany - Preaching and Community lunch, Monday 22nd, Friends of the Lutheran Archives, Saturday 27th, Piltawodli on Torrens Lake - Celebration with the Kaurna community, Sunday 28th, Unley Congregation at Concordia Chapel at Unley - Preaching and Community lunch. More detail on individual events in future bulletins.
FAREWELL SERVICE for Dr Mike Semmler retiring as President of the Lutheran
Church of Australia.
3.30pm Sunday 30
June 2013 at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre, Faith Lutheran College,
Tanunda. Offering for post graduate
studies for pastors to provide the Church with capable theologians. All
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Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Montague Road Phone:
8263 5087 PO Box 306
Vista SA 5093 Modbury North SA 5092