Building on a sure foundation
The first
house we owned was built in the early 1930’s. It had strip foundations and was
built on the clay soil of Adelaide
which expands and contracts with the seasons. This meant the house would often
move leaving unsightly cracking in our walls and cornices. The house we live in
now is built on a slab and is far more stable on our clay soils. We have next
to no cracking in our house. The reason for this is partly due to the
foundation but also the soil is much more stable where we currently live. The more
solid the soil we build on the better the house will stand.
uses this imagery of building on a solid foundation as a way of describing how
we can build our lives on something solid or something shaky. He says, ‘anyone
who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a
house on a rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and
the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on
bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and ignores it is foolish like a
person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and flood come and the winds
beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.’ (Matthew
When we
build our lives on the teaching of Jesus we are building on something very
solid that will sustain us through even the most difficult times in our lives.
When we build our lives on something else we are standing on something that
will crumble when the storms of life come our way.
It sounds
straight forward enough but it is much harder initially to build on rock than
it is on sand. Sand is easy to dig and form whereas rock takes a lot more work,
effort, and time. Yet in the long run it pays off. Following Jesus is not easy.
It requires sacrifice and effort and these are not popular in a world that is
seeking to make things easy and comfortable. Yet a life built on ease and
comfort has no ability to keep standing when life gets tough and requires some
sacrifice and effort from us. A life built on Jesus has a foundation that can
hold us up in the toughest situations. What are you building your life on?
Prayer Requests: Not included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email with your request
This week we start a new series “Getting a grip on
life” This
week’s message is “Gaining a heart of wisdom” Wisdom is more valuable than jewels; nothing you could want can compare
with it. Wisdom offers you long life, as
well as wealth and honor. Wisdom can
make your life pleasant and lead you safely through it. Those who become wise are happy; wisdom will
give them life. (Proverbs 3:15-18 GN)
Bible Reading: 1Kings
3:4-15 and Proverbs 1:1-7
Kingdom Kids:
term we are continuing to work our way through the bible and will be studying
the following this Sunday:
Baby Zone - Family Worship Workshop No. 4 with Matt
Huckel (tools & ideas for nurturing faith at home)
Kindy Zone - A baby boy, from Genesis 21:1-8
Kids Zone
Isaac and Rebekah, from Genesis 24; 25:19-26
Kool Zone - ‘Boy
Girl’ chat with members of the Ignite Youth Team (girls) and Nathan Carson
have a chat to your children, grandchildren, friends or those you see around
the church to find out more about the awesome work God is doing in the lives of
our Kingdom Kids.
Kindy Zone helpers: We are still looking for
3 more helpers in Kindy Zone (ages 3-5 + reception). Please consider getting involved as a helper
(no preparation involved) so that we are able to continue this important
ministry each week.
Boy Girl Chats: Kool Zone (for year levels 4+) will have their first ‘BOY GIRL’
session this Sunday. Nathan Carson will lead the boys’ chat, while the girls
enjoy good conversation and hot chocolate with Ignite Youth Leaders Sophie
Gerrie and Emma Kluge. We will explore topics such as respecting the opposite
gender, putting God before worldly desires, honouring God at home and school
and any other ‘girl boy’ topics the kids wish to discuss. Please speak to Laura
if you have questions or concerns or if you would like to access the new
‘parent aid’ resources in our church library.
Kids Film Series round 2

We need the church’s
support. Could you help with the following?- Set up and pack up
- Story
- Leadership:
Playgroup needs a new coordinator.
This term we are celebrating different places of work. Our theme
on Wednesday was ‘at School’. Our theme for next week will be ‘Cooking’. 9:30am
-11:30am in the Church Hall. $2 per child per each week or $3 for a family. We
hope to see you there.
Child Safe Team Member Training
To help everyone meet their Child Safe requirements, we will be
hosting a Child Safe Team Member training session here at Good Shepherd on the 10th
August from 12-6pm. Tea, coffee and afternoon tea will be provided! It will be
held in the Education Centre (up the stairs at the back of the church hall).
Child supervision will be provided for those who need to bring their
If you have completed Mandatory Notification Training in the last
3 years then you will only need to complete the first 3 hour session of the
training (you will need to present your original certificate on the day).
We need ALL volunteers in Children, Family and Youth ministry to
complete this training ASAP so that we can continue to run safe programs for
our kids. Please contact the church office on 8263 5087 to register. Payment will be covered. Beth Einthal
Discovery is the vehicle
by which membership is attained – it is the “Road to Relationship and Growth”.
If you have been
attending Good Shepherd for some time and have not attended Discovery or are
Discovery is for you!
Discovery runs over two Tuesday
evenings: 25th
June 2013 6:30pm
– 9:00pm
Come and meet the staff over a complimentary dinner with tea, coffee and
2nd July 2013 6:50pm
– 9:00pm Complimentary
coffee & tea
Enrolment is simple: Ring the church office (8263
5087); Email, or
write ‘Discovery’ on your welcome card in a worship service
write ‘Discovery’ on your welcome card in a worship service
Cebu Missionary Foundation Fundraising
Plant Stall this Sunday the 23rd and 30th June after both morning services. If you have potted up some plants for the stall, please note that you can bring your plants to the Hall on Sat 22nd June from 10.30am til 12noon. Otherwise bring them on Sunday prior to the service that you are attending, so they can be priced. Please have them labelled with the name of the plant and the colour of the flower, if they are flowering plants.
Plant Stall this Sunday the 23rd and 30th June after both morning services. If you have potted up some plants for the stall, please note that you can bring your plants to the Hall on Sat 22nd June from 10.30am til 12noon. Otherwise bring them on Sunday prior to the service that you are attending, so they can be priced. Please have them labelled with the name of the plant and the colour of the flower, if they are flowering plants.
Also, Kathy Zeppel will have a rack of her knitted scarves for sale this
Sunday, with part proceeds for Cebu Mission.
From the Office
Budget 2013
- Income is close to $4,750 below budget, primarily due to Offerings
being $3,180 below budget.
- Expenditure is $1,600 below budget.
- Overall we are $3,147 behind budget to end of April 2013.
- In comparison to same time last year – that is the end of April
2012, we were $5,000 above budget in income and $12,000 below budget in
Office Fax Machine
As technology improves
the fax machine in the church office is no longer utilised and therefore deemed
excess to requirements. After discussions
with the staff the machine is to be decommissioned. Staff now use email and
scan documents for transmission. The
removal of the machine will create cost efficiencies in the office.
Upcoming worship series at Good Shepherd:
Getting a Grip on Life
(based on Proverbs)
Proverbs is
intensely interested in the art of living well.
One of the keys
towards this goal is to pursue wisdom.
Trusting the
Lord and doing life HIS way is the beginning of wisdom.
Come and join
in this series as we get wisdom from God on living well
June 23 1. Gaining a
heart of wisdom
June 30 2. Mastering
my mouth!
July 7 3. Taming my
July 14 4. Surviving
my schedule
July 21 5. The fine
art of friendship
July 28 6.
Succeeding at work (8:45am service only)
Generosity will be our 4-week August series
Sept 1 (Father’s Day) Cultivating character
Notice Board
FAREWELL SERVICE for Dr Mike Semmler retiring as President of the Lutheran
Church of Australia.
3.30pm Sunday 30
June 2013 at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre, Faith Lutheran College,
Tanunda. Offering for post graduate
studies for pastors to provide the Church with capable theologians. All
“The Lutheran” Magazine
you know you can now receive the Lutheran from the iTunes App Store?
on the App Store icon on your iPad and search for “The Lutheran” Brochures
are available from the information rack in the foyer.
those people who already subscribe to the Lutheran (magazine form) – your
renewal is due this month. Please ensure you make your payment, either on-line,
or to the church office.
Nothing wastes more time than worry
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am –
388 Montague Road
Para Vista
SA 5093
8263 5087
PO Box
Modbury North SA 5092