Old Testament prophecy fulfilled in Jesus
Jesus: “It is written: 'And he was
numbered with the transgressors'; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in
me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment."
(Luke 22:37 NIV)
The setting for this passage is the
Passover meal where Jesus gives us the Lord’s Supper. Jesus points to himself as the ultimate
Passover Lamb. His body will be broken and his blood poured out to bring
humanity into a new covenant of grace and reconciliation with God.
Then in the words quoted above,
Jesus identifies himself with the suffering Servant of God described in Isaiah
53. Here are a few verses that are often read on Good Friday:
Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered
him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for
our iniquities;
the punishment that
brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds
we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has
turned to his own way;
and the LORD has
laid on him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:4-6 NIV)
It’s astounding that Isaiah
prophesied these words 700 odd years before it happened! Jesus points to this prophecy on the night
before he dies! Jesus, the suffering
servant of God takes our place of punishment from God for the things we have
done wrong; so we can have peace with God and find healing from all that
afflicts us.
No wonder that after his
resurrection, Jesus tells his disciples: Everything must be fulfilled that is written
about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms (Luke 24:44
NIV). The events of Good Friday and
Resurrection Sunday were NOT accidents - but the deliberate plan and actions of
a God who will go to extraordinary lengths to clean us up and make us his!
Peace in Jesus!
Pr Rolly Stahl
PS Isaiah 53 is also quoted in Acts 8:32 when
the Ethiopian eunuch is reading it, yet needs Philip to explain who Isaiah is
talking about.
1 Peter 2:22-25 also draws from Isaiah 53.
1 Peter 2:22-25 also draws from Isaiah 53.
Prayer Requests: Not
included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the
current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this
Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by
prayer please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request
This week we continue the series “Soul Encounters on the Way to the Cross”. This week’s message is “Where is your security?” “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Luke 18:24, 25)
Bible Reading: Luke
Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
Kingdom Kids
have some fabulous new resources which we are using this year – we are
beginning the first year of a three year program which extends across all the
zones and takes the children on a journey throughout the whole bible!
Zone is held in the school (in Bethany Kluge’s classroom)
Zone is held in the school library
Zone is held in the classroom next to the school library.
need at least 3 more volunteers (helpers) for Kindy Zone/Kids Zone/Kool Zone
(3-12yrs). You would be rostered on with a Team Leader on Sundays and all of
the planning will have been done by them. You would need to come at about 10am
on the Sunday you are rostered on and enjoy spending time with the kids on
their faith journeys.
Baby Zone
Zone will be available for children 0-2yrs in the Education Centre. We have an
exciting program this year and look forward to encouraging your kids in their
faith journey and having fun with them!
will be having fun with Easter this term, please feel free to pop in and visit.
We are also enjoying some fabulous new equipment from a government grant we
received last year!
is held Wednesday morning 9:30-11:30am in the Church hall, please come and say
you would like some more info about children’s ministry, please give me a call
or send me an email (I work Thursdays). We would love to see more Grandparents
and families (Mum and Dad) get involved where you can be rostered on together
and enjoy kids’ church as a family! If we work together and have a larger
number of volunteers, these ministries can run efficiently, the responsibility
can be shared and the kids get so much more out of them!
(Relief Children and Family Ministry)
Para Vista Women's Fellowship
Next Meeting:Tuesday, March 5th at 1.00pm in Para
Vista Lutheran Church Hall.
Guest Speaker:
Di Ollino
"A Palliative Nursing Profile" Think Pink -
Wear Pink
Alpha 2013
The Alpha course is
where participants can discover who Jesus is and what it means to follow
him. Following the presentations by
Nicky Gumbel, participants can ask questions and search for answers in a small
group with others.
God touched many hearts
and lives through last year’s Alpha course here at Good Shepherd. This year we are hoping to run Alpha on a
series of Sunday nights: April 14 to July 7; plus a day where we explore the
Holy Spirit (Saturday June 1st).
We would like to kick off each Sunday evening around 5:30pm with a meal.

- Helping with set up or pack up
- Catering or food preparation
- Creche
- Small group leaders
- Prayer team
- Music or sound
Please consider and pray
about being involved.
If you have any
questions or would like to join in this adventure, please contact any of the
Alpha Team: Debbie and Cees Wesselingh, Merv and Ros Thiele, Lindsay Freund.
Having Your Child Baptised
commence on Wednesday March 6th, 13th and 20th
7:30pm - 8:30pm.
Education Centre.
more information, parents can pick up a brochure from our information rack in
the front foyer or contact Rolly Stahl.
T (08) 8263 5087
Cebu Mission Fundraising
Exciting news! Announcing our major fundraiser for this year. Tickets are now available from the church office, or from Team members Joan McCarthy, Di Ollino or Karen McAleer, for a RIVER BOAT MUSIC CRUISE on the Port River Dolphin Explorer. Tickets are $45/head which includes music by The Adelaide Old Time String Band, dancing, 3 hours cruising and supper. There will be raffles, lucky squares, games and a coin slide. Optional ~ you can even dress up like the band for some added atmosphere! So gather your sea-legs and your friends and come along and enjoy a fantastic night!
Joan McCarthy
Exciting news! Announcing our major fundraiser for this year. Tickets are now available from the church office, or from Team members Joan McCarthy, Di Ollino or Karen McAleer, for a RIVER BOAT MUSIC CRUISE on the Port River Dolphin Explorer. Tickets are $45/head which includes music by The Adelaide Old Time String Band, dancing, 3 hours cruising and supper. There will be raffles, lucky squares, games and a coin slide. Optional ~ you can even dress up like the band for some added atmosphere! So gather your sea-legs and your friends and come along and enjoy a fantastic night!
Joan McCarthy
Team Leader
Office closure
The church office will
be closed from 11.30am til 1.30pm on Thursday 7th March for staff
meeting and lunch.
From the Board and Finance Team
Offerings in 2013
the half-yearly meeting of the congregation in November it was accepted to
increase the Offering budget to $512,500 for 2013. This is an increase of around $9,300
on that received in 2012 and represents an increase of $180 per Sunday. The board would like to commend this target
to all members who call Good Shepherd their spiritual home and prayerfully
consider how you could respond to this goal.
God has blessed us with many exciting and rewarding ministries at Good
Shepherd and the board would like to ensure that all these ministry areas are
suitably resourced.
can be done in 2 ways: Offerings can be
placed each week on the offering bowl. Money can simply be placed into the
offering bowl or offering envelopes can be used. These are available on the
shelf under the pigeon holes. These are
not numbered and therefore remain anonymous.
Offerings can be given electronically. The
Lutheran Laypeople's League (LLL) provides a service (Regular Electronic Giving
- REG) whereby regular payments can
be deducted from your own Bank account.
The account can be with any financial institution and is completed free
of any fee. Further to this your privacy
is ensured as the LLL does not provide details of where the offerings come
from. If you would like further information the link on the LLL website is
provided which also includes the application form (http://www.lll.org.au/giving/regular_electronic_giving). Forms
are also held in the brochure rack at the rear of the church.
Giving through REG has advantages:
- Your giving is regular even if you cannot attend service. This makes monitoring the budget much easier.
- You do not need to carry cash
- It is safer as less cash is held on the premises
- The work load of those volunteers counting offerings is lessened.
The Convention of the LCA will
be held at Immanuel College Novar Gardens Monday 22nd April thru
Wednesday 24th April. If you are interested in being one of Para
Vista’s delegates please contact John Dolling (jdolling@bigpond.net.au / 8367 5296)
or the church office.
For more details on the Convention go to the SA District web site www.lca.org.au
(We apologise that information
given in previous issues of Weekly news was incorrect)
‘Fat’ February has undoubtedly displayed our church in action with a
trilogy of diversely significant events.
The first event was the Back to School BBQ on 3rd February, where
we celebrated the beginning of the new school year with the installation of
five new teachers, an LSO (Lutheran School Officer) and canteen manager. (If
you missed the wrap up you can see the archived story on our web site: weekly
news 10th February edition).
Second Event
Disability 101 Workshop:
Based on Luke
14, and specifically Luke 14:7-23, the Disability 101 Workshop was held on
Saturday 9th February. This workshop highlighted the need for
churches to be Disability Inclusive Christian Communities.
Abled body
people tend to shun the disabled. Why? There are many reasons. For me it was
fear of being “politically incorrect”. I’ve learnt that Australia has an
abysmal record for not being disability inclusive and sadly this includes many
church communities.
The workshop
highlighted the fact that Jesus deliberately included those with disabilities.
- We explored what the personal experiences and attitudes are about the disabled in church communities
- How Disability Inclusive church communities are – this includes the deaf, blind, the elderly
- How do church communities best meet access needs for the disabled
- Being able to enjoy the gifts and abilities of the disabled
- Life with disabled
- Discrimination
- Language, etiquette and practical tips
Leviticus 19:14;
“Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling
block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord”
(far left and left) Presenters Jill Summerlad and
Bev Corner gave scenarios of how we can be an inclusive church
(left) As small groups, participants worked
through scenarios faced by those with disabilities.
(Right) Ps. Rolly Stahl & Ps. Stephen
Trautwein working with Adrian Mathew who went blind as a young child
I acknowledge and appreciatively thank Aled Proeve for
assisting with the I.T. and swiftly sorting out the ‘glitches’. Your assistance
was valued by all.
Gathering Snapshots
It has often been said that an aeroplane trip to an overseas
destination does not make you a missionary. (left
– women in mission) Bron Klaer, Liz Zanker, Penny Werner, Fran Leske,
Anthea Courtney and Yolande Elliot. Behind the scenes, Ray Courtney and Andrew
Zeppel controlled the sound desk. Thank you ladies and men for your valued
assistance to our African brothers and sisters.
(above left) Ps. Matt Buse and
his wife Rachel (Trinity Tailem Bend) speaking with African friends over lunch.
(Above right) Ps. Steen Olsen (Director for Missions) enjoying lunch with Wayne
George, Wayne’s wife Samantha and son
Liam (Greenock).
Following a combined lunch generously managed by women members of the
congregation, we moved into the church proper for a brief time of worship, led
by Pastor Peter Deng.

Sounds of an angelic choir as a group of women led worship in song.

(left) Mal Thiel talked about an Aussie Rules Football initiative at Kilburn for African youth aged
8-17 years. Mal is currently working with the Port Power and Kilburn Football Club as coach in this program which will run for 10 weeks, starting on 26th March. Mal has coached young people in Vanuatu where he was able to bring a Christian perspective to the youth he coached there giving them a discipline and purpose in life.
Adam Ridley with Ps. Peter Deng.
Adam informed the gathering about the upcoming Novo Youth Camp
for years 7 – 12 at Cornerstone College, Mt Barker from 19th to 22nd April.
Adam informed the gathering about the upcoming Novo Youth Camp
for years 7 – 12 at Cornerstone College, Mt Barker from 19th to 22nd April.

The LCH Mission Statement includes all denominations.
The LCA Mission Statement is that all may come to know Jesus through
the provision of housing, but it is the Government which makes decisions
on who is allocated housing and how much rent is charged.
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care & Fellowship
Shepherding & Care/Integration/Hospitality
An opportunity exists to help plan and
administer support and care programs for families. The position is based at the
Hand in Hand Family Centre run in partnership between Lutheran Community Care
and St Petri Lutheran Church in Nuriootpa.
Job Description and enquiries for this
www.lccare.org.au, Email: aroennfeldt@lccare.org.au
Tel: 08 8562 2688 or St Petri Lutheran Church
Tel: 08 8562 1011
Applications to: Anne Roennfeldt, Lutheran
Community Care
26 Second Street Nuriootpa SA 5355 or via
above email
Applications close Monday 18th March
At St Stephen’s we value our young people. We want a person to work with
us and share our passion to support
and care for young people. If you want to find out more about this important ministry check our website: www.ststephensadelaide.org.au or call or email James on 08 8223 5491 E: jameswin@tpg.com.au
and care for young people. If you want to find out more about this important ministry check our website: www.ststephensadelaide.org.au or call or email James on 08 8223 5491 E: jameswin@tpg.com.au
Applications close on 22nd March 2013.
ADMINISTRATOR (0.8—1.0 FTE) St Petri Lutheran Church Nuriootpa
For Position Description contact: Parish Office 8562 1011 or email
Applications please to: The Chairperson, Parish Office, 21 Second
Street, Nuriootpa 5355, by 5pm on 22nd March.
Notice Board
St Luke’s Modbury Anglican Church Craft Fair
The St Luke’s
Craft Fair will be held on Saturday 2nd November from 9am to 3pm
You are
invited to hire a table. For more information and an application form, please
contact the office at St Luke’s: 25 Smart Road Modbury E: lukemod@adam.com.au ph.: 8396 1407 (Monday to Wednesday
10am – 12noon)
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The Bible that is falling apart, usually
belongs to someone who is not
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au