Follow your heart

Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?” (Emphasis mine)
If our hearts are deceitful then why would we think
it is a good idea to follow them? In choosing to follow our hearts we are
allowing a cultural saying rather than the Word of God to help us make
decisions. I have to wonder how much trouble it has gotten us into.
Our heart is the place we commonly associate as the
centre of our feelings and emotions. So to say “follow your heart” is
effectively saying “follow your emotions” or “do what you feel”. But as Jeremiah
17 says, we cannot always trust our hearts. Not wanting to be sexist here, but
this is a big one for women; we classically make decisions based on feelings,
but our feelings change a hundred times a day.
It seems so ironic to call ourselves Christians or
Christ followers when we often follow our hearts instead.
When did our emotions become god?
God is God. Our emotions are not. Let’s not confuse
the two.
I am not saying that God and our emotions are
mutually exclusive, or that God cannot speak to us through our emotions. What I
am saying is that placing our hopes in and trusting our emotions is not a good
idea, really it is idolatry (when we trust in anything other than God). We need
to be able to discern what is God and what is not. This is a learning process
that takes time. Don’t expect to be able to clearly distinguish the difference
If we can’t always trust our hearts where does that
leave us? Let’s back up to Jeremiah 17: 7-8
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that
sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves
are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to
bear fruit.”
If that is the result of trusting in God then count
me in. Rather than making decisions based on our emotions
that will constantly change why not trust in God who is constant; the same
yesterday, today and forever?
Prayer Requests: Not included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email with your request
This week we continue the series
“Soul Encounters on the Way to the Cross”.
This week’s message is “Transformation happens together” "Blessed … are those who hear the word of
God and obey it." (Luke 11:28 NIV)
Bible Reading: Luke
Podcasts available at
Kingdom Kids
have some fabulous new resources which we are using this year – we are
beginning the first year of a three year program which extends across all the
zones and takes the children on a journey throughout the whole bible!
Zone is held in the school (in Bethany Kluge’s classroom)
Zone is held in the school library
Zone is held in the classroom next to the school library.
need at least 3 more volunteers (helpers) for Kindy Zone/Kids Zone/Kool Zone
(3-12yrs). You would be rostered on with a Team Leader on Sundays and all of
the planning will have been done by them. You would need to come at about 10am
on the Sunday you are rostered on and enjoy spending time with the kids on
their faith journeys.
Baby Zone
Zone will be available for children 0-2yrs in the Education Centre. We have an
exciting program this year and look forward to encouraging your kids in their
faith journey and having fun with them!
We desperately
need at least one more volunteer for this ministry to run well and the
commitment is not a huge one. Please say a prayer for this ministry and
consider being involved. You would be rostered on about once every 4-6 weeks
from February to November. New resources are being used so there will be very
little planning involved for you! You would need to come at about 10am to set
up the room and activities on the day you are rostered.
will be having fun with Easter this term, please feel free to pop in and visit.
We are also enjoying some fabulous new equipment from a government grant we
received last year!
is held Wednesday morning 9:30-11:30am in the Church hall, please come and say
you would like some more info about children’s ministry, please give me a call
or send me an email (I work Thursdays). We would love to see more Grandparents
and families (Mum and Dad) get involved where you can be rostered on together
and enjoy kids’ church as a family! If we work together and have a larger
number of volunteers, these ministries can run efficiently, the responsibility
can be shared and the kids get so much more out of them!
Einthal (Relief
Children and Family Ministry)
next 'sit & stitch' afternoon, to finish patch work quilts for blessing at
the Lutheran Women of Australia Convention in April 2013 and then to be handed
on to Lutheran Community Care for distribution to those in need, will be on 12th
March 2013 from 1pm - 4pm in the church hall.
Your Child Baptised
Course commence on Wednesday
March 6th, 13th and 20th 7:30pm - 8:30pm.
Venue: Education Centre.
For more information, parents
can pick up a brochure from our information rack in the front foyer or contact
Rolly Stahl.
(08) 8263 5087
The beginnings of Lutheran Mission in Australia
Almost 150 years ago, on 8th of March 1863, at Blumberg (now
Birdwood), the two Lutheran Synods in South Australia decided to unite in
mission. Coming 16 years after the split between pastors Kavel and Fritzsche at
the Bethany Synod of 1846, this decision continues to have a far-reaching
impact on the lives of many people and congregations.
This Mission Convention of the pastors and about 100 lay
delegates of the two Synods decided to work together and invite missionaries
from Hermannsburg in Germany to work with the Dieri people at Lake
Killalpaninna. In due course Hermannsburg NT, Hope Vale Qld, New Guinea and
other missions followed.
Cebu Mission Fundraising
Exciting news! At last we can advertise our major fundraiser for this year. Tickets are now available from the church office, or from Team members Joan McCarthy, Di Ollino or Karen McAleer, for a RIVER BOAT MUSIC CRUISE on the Port River Dolphin Explorer. Tickets are $45/head which includes music by The Adelaide Old Time String Band, dancing, 3 hours cruising and supper. There will be raffles, lucky squares, games and a coin slide. Optional ~ you can even dress up like the band for some added atmosphere! So gather your sea-legs and your friends and come along and enjoy a fantastic night!
Plant Stall: Advance notice for our Plant Stall to be held on Sunday 23rd June (and maybe 30th also). All you 'green thumbs', start potting up your plants soon, so they are established by those dates. Please label them and note colour of flower if they have one. Thank you in anticipation.
Thanks for your support.
Exciting news! At last we can advertise our major fundraiser for this year. Tickets are now available from the church office, or from Team members Joan McCarthy, Di Ollino or Karen McAleer, for a RIVER BOAT MUSIC CRUISE on the Port River Dolphin Explorer. Tickets are $45/head which includes music by The Adelaide Old Time String Band, dancing, 3 hours cruising and supper. There will be raffles, lucky squares, games and a coin slide. Optional ~ you can even dress up like the band for some added atmosphere! So gather your sea-legs and your friends and come along and enjoy a fantastic night!
Plant Stall: Advance notice for our Plant Stall to be held on Sunday 23rd June (and maybe 30th also). All you 'green thumbs', start potting up your plants soon, so they are established by those dates. Please label them and note colour of flower if they have one. Thank you in anticipation.
Thanks for your support.
Joan McCarthy
Team Leader
From the Board and Finance Team
Offerings in 2013
the half-yearly meeting of the congregation in November it was accepted to
increase the Offering budget to $512,500 for 2013. This is an increase of around $9,300
on that received in 2012 and represents an increase of $180 per Sunday. The board would like to commend this target
to all members who call Good Shepherd their spiritual home and prayerfully
consider how you could respond to this goal.
God has blessed us with many exciting and rewarding ministries at Good
Shepherd and the board would like to ensure that all these ministry areas are
suitably resourced.
can be done in 2 ways: Offerings can be
placed each week on the offering bowl. Money can simply be placed into the
offering bowl or offering envelopes can be used. These are available on the
shelf under the pigeon holes. These are
not numbered and therefore remain anonymous.
Offerings can be given electronically. The
Lutheran Laypeople's League (LLL) provides a service (Regular Electronic Giving
- REG) whereby regular payments can
be deducted from your own Bank account.
The account can be with any financial institution and is completed free
of any fee. Further to this your privacy
is ensured as the LLL does not provide details of where the offerings come
from. If you would like further information the link on the LLL website is
provided which also includes the application form ( Forms
are also held in the brochure rack at the rear of the church.
Giving through REG has advantages:
- Your giving is regular even if you cannot attend service. This makes monitoring the budget much easier.
- You do not need to carry cash
- It is safer as less cash is held on the premises
- The work load of those volunteers counting offerings is lessened
Volunteers make
it happen
you have a current first aid certificate?
With your skills would you be willing to assist in times required.
However we don’t know who you are. As a
community we would love to be able to ask for help when and if the need arose
rather than have to search for someone in a crowd. I am putting together a list of qualified
persons to ensure the safety of all members and guests. Please mark your welcome card, contact
Stephen or the office via email at or phone 08
8263 5087 during office hours.
Village Board is seeking an interested person to participate in the
organisational activities of the Lutheran Village at Para Vista. Meetings are held once a quarter and your
valuable input is required. Please mark your welcome card, contact Stephen or
the office via email at or phone 08 8263 5087
during office hours.
For Sale
church currently has three professional table tennis tables for sale. The tables do require a small amount of
maintenance to make them safe to use.
Please contact Stephen or the front office on 8263 5087or via email for further information.
Administration Positions Vacant
Lutheran Disability
Services is seeking applications for the following positions:
Administration (Property) Officer- SCHDSC Level 4. Permanent 3 days/week.
Administration Assistant-
SCHDSC Level 3 Permanent Full time.
If you are interested
in working in one of these rewarding positions please contact the office for a
copy of the position description relevant to your interest.
Phone: 8212 7766 or email:
Applications close by Friday 1st March 2013
Lutheran Community Care currently has several vacancies available and
is also in need of volunteers for a specific role. A vacancy exists for Manager
of our Barossa Valley office located in Nuriootpa. This position will oversee
all community programs provided in the area.
We have three vacancies within Lutheran Community Care Alternative Care
Services (foster care) – one of which is a full-time Administration and
Customer Service Worker. We are also looking for a Support Worker
who will work with existing foster carers and an Alternative Care Worker
who will assess and train those wanting to become foster carers.
Finally, we are looking for volunteers who are knowledgeable in car
mechanics (how to check oil and water levels, checking the tread on
tyres, etc) and willing to speak to and show those from refugee backgrounds.
The session will be held in March/April depending on the schedules of
ADMINISTRATOR (0.8—1.0 FTE) St Petri Lutheran Church Nuriootpa
For Position Description contact: Parish Office 8562 1011 or email
Applications please to: The Chairperson, Parish Office, 21 Second
Street, Nuriootpa 5355, by 5pm on 22nd March.
Personal Assistant /
Administration Assistant (0.6FTE) Lutheran Super - Based in North
Adelaide, flexible Working Arrangement. No Closing Date. For further
information please see:
Notice Board
Friends of
Lutheran Archives meeting Topic: Hermannsburg Mission: setting the record
straight. Speaker: John Strehlow
(grandson of missionary Carl Strehlow). John examines the widespread
criticism of the Mission over the taking of land, conversion to Christianity,
and the loss of Aboriginal culture. His momentous biography of his grandparents
will be on sale ($100). At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday
25th February at 7.30pm. Supper. Gold coin donation.
Important Update on
17th General Convention of Synod – 21st April 2013
Centre 98 Port Road, Hindmarsh
Opening Worship
Service of Convention: begins at 10am
Meal on Sunday: We are expecting
lunch to be around $5.00 - $10.00 per person. This will be confirmed next week
by email. The Adelaide Entertainment Centre will not allow food to be
brought into the centre.
ALIVE! 175: begins at 2pm and will conclude at 4.30pm.
Congregations must register on line for numbers attending Worship, Lunch and Alive! 175, to
the nearest 10.
Buses Please register online how many private
buses will be coming from your congregation. When numbers are known, bus parks
will be allocated and you will be advised.
Please refer to the
Dialogue 6th March
Thank you
for responding to the invitation to attend an Interfaith Dialogue – forum with
the Hon Kevin Rudd on 20th February 2013. With the Prime Minister’s
Community Cabinet visit this week, the forum has been postponed and is now
being planned for 6th March, 10-11.30am at Ingle Farm Recreation
Centre, Cnr Roopena Street and Beovich Road, Ingle Farm. RSVP Monday 4th
March to Pamela Lockyer 8265 3100 or
I apologise
for any inconvenience caused and hope that you will be able to attend on the 6th
of March.
Tony Zappia MP
Tony Zappia MP
Federal Member
for Makin
I don't believe we learn by our triumphs.
I think we learn by our mistakes.
Church Web site: